Sunday, August 22, 2021


Sue Edelman has a piece in the NY Post that shows that nothing is changing when it comes to sexual harassment complaints at the Department of Education. The DOE defends principals, not teachers.

After a Lower East Side high school principal was accused of sexually pressing his groin against a teacher’s leg at a staff holiday party, a Department of Education lawyer asked witnesses for help “to prepare a defense,” records show.

John Colin, a special-ed teacher at the Lower Manhattan Arts Academy, filed a sex-discrimination complaint with the state Division of Human Rights against his boss, Principal Derek Premo.

Premo approached Colin and two female teachers at Pianos, a Lower East Side tavern where the Dec. 19., 2019, gathering took place. 

Premo pressed his groin against Colin’s leg, under the bar-height table — and kept it there during the entire 20-minute conversation, the complaint states.

“It was very uncomfortable because I could feel his penis on my leg, and he was leaning his face very close to mine. . . VERY uncomfortable, ” Colin stated.

“Then he started telling me about how he and his husband liked to have parties,” Colin wrote, adding that Premo emphasized the word “parties” and was “looking directly into my eyes when he said it.”

Colin named the two fellow teachers as witnesses, saying he discussed the incident with them the next day.

He put off filing a complaint during the pandemic, when he worked remotely, but did so this year after uneasy feelings resurfaced during a sex-harassment seminar.

Weeks later, DOE lawyer Sari Goldmeer Rella  wrote a letter to both witnesses citing the complaint, and saying she needed assistance “to prepare a defense.” She asked them to call her.

In the letter, reviewed by The Post, Rella also told them not to discuss the matter with Colin, and added, “If you are contacted by anyone from the (State Division of  Human Rights) do not discuss the case and refer that individual to me.”

That raised the eyebrows of Brooklyn College and CUNY Grad School education professor David Bloomfield.

“It appears they’re inappropriately using their supervisory authority over the witnesses to suppress evidence in the state investigation,” he said. “They can’t keep an employee from speaking to an investigating authority. They’re apparently using their leverage over the teachers to protect themselves.”

You can read the DOE spin if you like. To me it's same old DOE. Teachers last, always.


  1. This story is nonsense on the face of it. He had his penis pressed on the guys leg for 20 minutes? That's almost anatomically impossible. Anyway, just tell him to give you some room. No need for a federal case every time someone gets frisky. The world is filled with cowards and babies, crying for Mommy instead of standing on their own feet.

  2. There are plenty of posts to do COVID-19 comments but not this one. Hijacking this blog has been done but I try to prevent it.

  3. This happened off of school grounds and not on school time. The DOE should not be involved in this case.

  4. "Premo pressed his groin against Colin’s leg, under the bar-height table — and kept it there during the entire 20-minute conversation, the complaint states."

    Why didn't Colin move his leg?

  5. Why blame Colin? Colin’s supervisor is the guy with the hard on and he’s getting off supremely because he’s doing it covertly in front of Colin’s co-workers. Premo knows this and knows that he is testing Colin to see what he will do and then determine how to base his future actions. I know many women that won’t ride the MTA because someone is always pressing up against them with a hard on. Do they make a scene screaming, leave the immediate area (if possible)? Yes, but what happens when that person holds the keys to your livelihood and career. Premo is the one who should be vilified and held accountable, not Colin, who is most likely replaying what he should and should’ve done in his mind over and over again.

  6. 12:56 it was a staff holiday party, but even if it wasn't, the Principal is his boss.

  7. Here is some publicly available info.

    (If the disgraced gov had taken even one of the sexual harassment trainings given by the state, he would know that everything reported about him was against these laws.)

  8. On a side note, does anyone know what happened to the retro per session? I thought we were getting it on Aug. 17th. I've seen nothing so far. Did the date change?

  9. You should have it by now unless your mail is slow if not on per session direct deposit or if you are a retiree.

  10. @4:13 this thread is not about Cuomo. If you're so pressed about sexual harassment charges how about posting some of the charges against Trump. There are dozens.

  11. I too have yet to receive the retro per session.

  12. 4:13, 4:55 is more concerned with the political party of individual sexual harassers than of sexual harassment or the survivors. Ridiculous.

  13. 4:55,
    You're right-although both the principal and the gov are under the jurisdiction of NYS employment law.

    Some of the former pres' charges may not be related to work, in NYS or even predate current laws-as horrible as the charges are.

  14. @7:44, oh dim one, and you are more concerned with constantly bashing liberals than staying on topic. You don't fool anyone.

  15. @7:58, point taken, but this thread wasn't about "NYS employment law". Bringing up Cuomo was just smoke.

  16. It was a staff party that was after school at a bar. The teacher should have told his principal to back to fuck off and that would have been the end of it.

  17. 8:25, I am a liberal or am most of the time, except when present with folks like you.. Improve your argument and you won’t have to resort to insults or pathetic political stances that put politics in front of people. Best of luck with your psychosis and Trump withdrawal.

  18. about the retro per session. IF you are doing summer school, the retro per session was added into our August 17th payroll check.

  19. @9:18 Oh, "boo hoo". Seems like you insulted me first you moron so don't cry about it now. As for Trump withdrawal, it's not like he's retired or anything, is looked on as the leader of the party as well as a potential candidate next go-round. So how about you take your head out of your azz and don't dish it out if you can't take it. Ha! "I am a liberal or most of the time", and you're a moron ALL of the time.

  20. 9:18 no real Liberal would so highly triggered by a dig at Trump. Not happening. Your cultist colors shine through Trumptard.

  21. The DOE is anti-teacher, antiwhite, heterophobic and gynocentric. But mostly, it is an unaccountable government organization with a dysfunctional culture. The DOE is plagued by cronyism, corruption, bigotry and self righteousness. The DOE has a great number of serious functional issues. You must be aware of this if you work for the DOE.

    Are you prepared for the shit show of a reopening of schools next month?
    The re-opening will be all Bill De Blasio. It will be part of his legacy as a laughing imposter.

    If you said no, that you are not prepared, then you are in the same sinking boat as De Blasio and Meisha Porter. The DOE had 18 months to renovate school buildings, to make them safe and well ventilated.

    But what did they do? zero, zippo, zilch, nada .. They rested on their laurels!

  22. The DOE is covering up for tis principal. This is the DOE's MO. The DOE has a collection of legal apparatchiks who cover up for the criminality of their school administrators. "Legal says...or legal told me..." are the loser laments of unethical administrators and their ilk. The schools are filled to the brim with incompetent, unethical administrators. Many of them are also perverts.

  23. @8:25, Cuomo was a proven serial sexual harasser and is being removed. I’ve been celebrating since the initial announcement. Saying that the Governor should have taken his own devised training is ironic and Isn’t attacking liberals, unless you’re stupid enough to believe Cuomo is a liberal. (I could understand if he brought up the king of sleaze Bill Clinton, maybe.) Cuomo is more conservative than most republicans I know. I’m Ecstatic he’s out.

  24. Was this the same school where Kevin Spacey did some per diem subbing when he couldn’t get back to his acting profession?

  25. I’m a woman. All I know is if I’m not alone in the room with the pervert targeting me, if I’m not in fear of force being used in that moment, I would have had a death grip on my principal’s nutsack and my colleagues would have to pry my fingers loose. Then at a later date, my husband would have kicked his sorry ass. Of course the DOE is going to protect this creep. Too many betas in this system to make the DOE’s reaction irrelevant to how the target should handle this type of situation. The DOE doesn’t play by civilized rules. Neither will I if some administrative pervert targets me.

  26. @7:12 what the hell are you talking about? My first response to the person who posted about Cuomo said nothing about him attacking liberals. That response was to the idiot who chimed in to say I cared nothing about people who were sexually abused. Was that you? Were you replying to yourself? I don't give a rat's azz that you're "ecstatic he's out". If you're ecstatic he's out, while being so highly triggered at the mention of Trump then you're a flaming hypocrite. Just because he's gotten away with everything under the sun doesn't mean people have to accept that's he's skirted the law while others are held responsible. Trump was also "being removed" but he had shameless Republicans who provided cover, you moron. Go celebrate, have another drink you fake liberal.

  27. 7:12 "Cuomo is more conservative than most Republicans I know". What an incredibly moronic statement.

  28. Donated to Obama and Bernie and voted for Trump twice because Obama fucked teachers and Bernie became the dem party cuck. Lose your shit all you want liberals but people like 9:18 and me exist. Trumptard 2024 if the other options are Senile Beijing Biden and the cackling fool top cop Kamala.

  29. The HR departments of many organizations are designed to protect their "human capital" and the company's image at all costs. They don't give a rat's azz about complaints. I learned that the hard way when I worked for a major organization. They protected a pervert sleazeball for years. Someone finally filed suit and the media got wind of it. Turns out the perv had been stealing from the company and when they did an investigation they found thousands of dollars of equipment in his garage and he was fired. When the media questioned the company about the sexual harassment they claimed that when they found out he had been let go. What the media did not know and apparently didn't find out was that the firing was not for sexual harassment, but theft. It let the company off the hook but they did settle with the woman.

    Another time two women went to HR on gender, and sexual harassment allegations. The women became the target. The only thing that saved one of the women was that her boss was stupid enough to transfer her to a far away location and told her that he was doing it because she had alleged 'hostile work environment". HUGE NO-NO. Retaliation is always easier to prove and can cost a company millions. She was moved back, received a bonus, and he lost his.

    If you remember the Anucha Sanders case against Isaiah Thomas and the Madison Square Garden organization. The harassment seemed minor and the case did not seem to be going her way. The defense didn't even question several witnesses at the end. When they interviewed her after the case went to the jury she said she was happy that she got her story out. Then the jury asked the Judge a question about awards and media went into overdrive realizing she might win. His main witness who was the head of MSG was on a recorded interview saying he fired her because all of her complaining about a hostile work environment was bringing the place down. Ha! $11 Million Dollar Award.

    So if ever you are faced with any form of discrimination keep track of retaliation because it is strictly illegal and much easier to prove.

  30. @10:02 "Trumptard 2024" as if that's any surprise at all. Thanks for confirming! You just proved that you're a fake liberal AND support authoritarians. You're the ones who lose your shit and get triggered comments about your cult leader. Trump assigned an imbecile incompetent as head of education and you are shamelessly talking about voting for Trump because Obama screwed teachers, because boo hoo, testing standards, as if Obama was on the ballot. ROFLMAO. What a dumb fuck.

  31. 3:42, Hope your breakfast with Trump is going well. Hope lunch and dinner goes well too. You’ll be going to work with him in September and he’ll be sitting in your classroom watching you. He just winked. He’ll be between you and your partner in bed. Does he watch you go to the toilet also? I’m positive of it. Call an exorcist or try, and here’s a novel approach for you- try thinking for yourself. I don’t care about Trump in the least. Newsflash!! He’s out of office!! And has been for eight months!!! But he’s certainly not out of your head though. Again best of luck with your psychosis.

  32. 10:02 support clown act Trump because he acts a fool on stage and tells his trailer trash crowd "I'm just like you", while praising nutjob Marjorie Taylor Greene. Get out of teaching before you do any more damage to our children.

  33. 1002 says "people like me and 9:18 exist". Is that supposed to be some sort of a newsflash? Yes, yes, we know, plenty of brainwashed nutjobs out there. Same ones who are posting propaganda garbage on this blog and wailing when it's censored. "waah, why can't we post our lies, waaah".

  34. I'm sure James will be posting about this soon, if he hasn't already "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted full approval Monday to the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, whose shots are now the first to move beyond emergency status since the pandemic began."

    Let's call city hall and make sure they mandate vaccines. Not because we're afraid of getting sick, but we're sick of these anti-vaxx morons who are teaching our children. But alas, they have no other skills so I'm sure they'll be running to get vaccinated even though it's against their fake convictions.

  35. 10:15 - take your meds. You've still got Obama on the brain and here you are wailing about a reference to Trump in response to a post about sexual harassment charges. You're the one with the psychosis, you cultist. You nutjobs psychotically went after the Clintons for years and years, and years and you've the gall to say "he's been out of the office for 8 months". Get a grip loser.

  36. Teacher retired out of fear of retaliation. So this guy who sexually harrassed, knee capped by a lawyer (whose job description can't even be found in public searches) AND he had to retire early because it's dangerous to be a victim under supe Orlen in the DOE.

    Is it any wonder why people are talking about not paying dues anymore and are looking for any reason to not go into work next month?

  37. Woohooo - breaking news - vaccine mandates coming. The air should be a little fresher in the schools

  38. Somewhat of you are suffering mightily from Trump withdrawal syndrome.

    Others are suffering from Biden cognitive decline syndrome. You claimed that at least Biden would be surrounded by competent people whom he would consult with before making major decisions. Well, Biden's legacy is shot. He has nowhere to go other than an old age home. And he is certainly ready for some rest and recovery. Biden is ready to deliver the Joe Biden Gettysburg Address (plagiarized). After all, he has served magnificently for more than forty years as serial plagiarizer. You were completely wrong, of course, about Biden consulting with competent folks before making bad decisions of national importance.

    Whatever side you are on politically, y'all will be suffering when you have to show up live
    and in person to De Blasio's Potemkin village school system.

    Mask up, buy face shields and gets booster shots. Teaching is not what it used to be
    when kids actually knew how to read and count to ten.

  39. 10:47 retiring out of fear of retaliation may be a problem because of course they will claim that if only he had brought it to their attention they would have handled it expeditiously with the utmost discretion, blah, blah. The woman referenced above who was transferred to a far away location actually had to report to the spot. It's really a battle. Not to say he can't still win on the merits. The Principal will deny it, people will say they didn't see it. Usually when one person steps up, others will start coming out of the woodwork and that will help.

  40. 10:56 thank you for such an objective, unbiased opinion. NOT.

  41. What a load of regurgitated blather @10:56.

  42. What a piece of crock @ 10:56

  43. 10:47, I loved Clinton, not so much Obama and I voted for Trump, even though he’s a buffoon and only because he’s the better candidate. I wasn’t going crazy about Trump, I was saying why is somebody bringing up Trump when someone ironically brought up Cuomo not getting his mandated sexual-harassment classes. I’m having a huge party the last day of Cuomo’s governorship. I have to question if you guys know how to really read. Maybe some of you should start signing your names or at least a tag name, i.e. Trump Possessed, so I know which hot head I’m talking to so we don’t get everybody mixed up! Biden will destroy this country. Biden is a Zombie and Trump is a ghost. The country is a horror show. I take my meds everyday and suggest you do the same, now that King Andy made it legal. - Jim M.

  44. 1:11 Trump's a ghost my azz. I don't your permission to ask about Trump and nobody gives a fuck about your party. Maybe you should sign your poste Trump Cultist so we know which idiot Trumptard we're talking to. How 'bout that? Dont want insults hurled at you, then don't hurl insults. Pretty simple, you dumb fuck pothead.

  45. 1:11 "Trump is the better candidate". Do you know the difference between an opinion and a fact? He was a HORRIBLE President and an even worse human being. Keep smoking that pot, clearly it has fried your brain.

  46. As an ATR on rotation at a school he was assistant principal at, Derek Premo was condescending and not so nice.

    Eventhough the alleged incident occurred off school property, it is still sexual harassment.

    If the alleged victim reads this, should check if the establishment has video footage of the incident.

  47. this principal is a creep and retaliates. just look up the lawsuits filed against him over the years.

  48. A retired school counselor who has a private practice as a licensed mental health counselor tells me from time to time that educators have a really bad reputation with therapist because there are so many clients that are in therapy and inform of the harassment that goes on and that educators are not so nice. It is a disgrace.

  49. Retired teacher here from the school Derek Premo was assistant principal at.

    Was a nightmare to deal with.

    Bullied experienced teachers with unfounded low ratings and forced many into retirement.

    Influenced students to make up allegations against teachers and picked up several civil rights and age discriminations lawsuits which him and the DOE did not win.

    Everyone at the school was terrified and the environment was very toxic.

    He would say inappropriate things on school grounds often so the accusations are not surprising.

  50. 1:43, 1:46, I Seriously can’t believe how unintelligent some people are. Intelligence is not really something that people are born with it’s something that’s taught and learned. It’s obvious that you miss those lessons. Do you think Biden is better than Trump? Have you seen what he’s doing to Afghanistan? Have you seen the border? Have you seen inflation? I guess you still think Cuomo was a better leader than Trump when he killed those 5000+ people purposely. I don't lower myself to cursing; it’s something that people with an education should try not to do. Marijuana will certainly help you with some of your anger and aggression. Try the CBD and see if that works first, it may. Again best of luck with your psychosis. The Catholic, Orthodox and even some of the Anglican churches have exorcists. I suggest you contact them and have them exorcise Trump from your psyche. Best of luck. - Jim M.

  51. principal is friends with sup orlen. he will never be terminated.

  52. 3:22, 1:43, 1:46, Can you please take your political conversation elsewhere? Trump/Biden/Cuomo has nothing to do with this article which is about SEXUAL HARASSMENT from a DOE principal.

  53. Fuck 3:22. He wants to get the last word in because he's a Trump cultist who was so triggered over ONE comment made about Trump's sexual harassment. The pothead has his head so far up Trump's colon he can't see straight. Who said people are born smart (although it is debatable whether intelligence is also inherited dummy). Are you seeing things? I never said Biden was smarter, not smarter, less or more intelligent you DOPE. You are the one who continues to rage and rant and be triggered about Trump. I said it was your OPINION that he was the better candidate and IT IS your opinion. But since you must know I thought Trump's utterly despicable, unhinged tweets were enough to put him out of office. He's still fighting against the election and tried to get Governors and Secretaries of State to lie about numbers and tried to coerce his VP to sabotage the certification. Or you going to deny that TOO?

    Big fucking deal you don't curse. Don't kid yourself, you're highly insulting, offensive, and full of yourself. YOU so confused and in a weed haze you don't realize that it is YOU who continues to bring up Trump. And your passive/aggressive "best of luck to you" fools no one little cultist. How about YOU get an exorcism?

  54. 3:22 writes:

    "voted for Trump twice. Trumptard 2024 if the other options are Senile Beijing Biden and the cackling fool top cop Kamala."

    "Best of luck with your psychosis and Trump withdrawal."

    "Hope your breakfast with Trump is going well. Hope lunch and dinner goes well too. You’ll be going to work with him in September and he’ll be sitting in your classroom watching you. He just winked. He’ll be between you and your partner in bed. Does he watch you go to the toilet also? I’m positive of it. Call an exorcist or try, and here’s a novel approach for you- try thinking for yourself. I don’t care about Trump in the least. Newsflash!! He’s out of office!! And has been for eight months!!! But he’s certainly not out of your head though. Again best of luck with your psychosis."

    "I have to question if you guys know how to really read. Maybe some of you should start signing your names or at least a tag name, i.e. Trump Possessed"

    Yes 3:22 - your posts are VILE, and VULGAR and DISGUSTING but you've convinced yourself, like every other self-important WACKO that you've taken the high road because you didn't use the "f" word. NUTJOB.

  55. Jim M - M is for MORON

  56. It's official Jim M is obsessed with his Dear Leader and has become unhinged at the suggestion that someone hold him accountable for his transgressions and crimes. See a doctor, preferably of the psychiatric kind.

  57. That's it with the insults here. All of you got to tell anonymous people you don't know off. Back to the topic please. Thank you.

  58. @James, 4:18 here. Well, as the kids say "he started it". LOL.

  59. Derek Premo was AP at Life Science Secondary School under Principal Kim Swanson. The UFT representative at the school is 'in bed' with administration. It's a shitty school - dirty as hell - insects, mice. There were a lot of fights there. Referring to about two years ago when last there - not sure if it has improved. Doubt it! Premo was a you know what then and surely he's a you know what now.

  60. @3:45, let's see, if you must know, I also posted at 2:48, 10:08, responded at 11:04 and tried to bring it back to the topic several times but the triggered troll just kept at the insults. That's what happens when people get high. They project and deflect and come off as lunatics. And now I'm done, because this is James' blog and he has asked nicely and frankly he'll just censor the rest when he tires of it. In fact he started off the thread by asking people to stay on topic so frankly I was within the parameters to tell someone they were off-topic by bringing up Cuomo. They replied that they thought it was, I replied again and it was fairly respectful until this highly triggered foaming at the mouth troll jumped in.

  61. Not sure if the same type of employment laws applies to public service, but before you can bring an EEO complaint you have to give your employer a chance to fix it. It's not something people are willing to do because then you become a target. HR protects the organization's interests. But they'll talk to you very nice at first to see what information you have that can be used against them.

  62. I brought up the disgraced gov. I also brought up 2 links explaining some of the facts about sexual harassment form NYC and NYS websites because previous posters had said incorrect info. The links explain that harassment can occur offsite.
    It's true that I do not care for the disgraced gov. Here is another story that makes me glad he has resigned.

  63. @5:11 The school changed its name to run away from the shitty reputation that both Swanson and Premo brought to the school. It still has the same shitty actors. They are all friends with each other and will bury anyone that challenges them....... which is easy to do when you are good friends with the Sup and Executive Sup. They are condescending to black and brown people though will hire a token or two to look "diverse".

  64. oddly enough life sciences secondary school changed its name this summer and the principal kimberly swanson changed her last name at the same time. nice timing and career move don't you think? both swanson and premo are lowlives

    one ousted math teacher at his former school sued the both of them and won a half million dollars for age discrimination. premo was always an unprofessional bully & overly open with his sexuality on purpose...... to intimidate teachers so he could label them as homophobic.

  65. 6:01 Now if only the disgraced Trump would do the same.

  66. "Donald Trump has been accused of another 26 incidents of “unwanted sexual contact” and 43 instances of inappropriate behaviour, including a claim he hid behind a tapestry to grope a woman at his Mar-a-Lago property."

    The explosive allegations are featured in a new book, All the President’s Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator, by Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy, the first excerpt of which has been published by Esquire magazine

    "Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York is the latest in a long series of political figures who have been accused of sexual harassment or assault. Nearly all have faced calls for their resignation, and some have heeded them while others have steadfastly refused to step down.

    What’s the difference between those who stay in power and those who don’t? Party affiliation, for one thing: In recent years, Democratic leaders have generally abandoned those in the party who have been accused of assault or harassment, usually (but not always) leading them to step down and be replaced by another Democrat. Republicans, who have not always faced the same pressure from party leaders, have more typically dug in their heels and stayed put."

    "But despite Trump's denials, 50% of voters — 59% of women and 41% of men — surveyed in a December 2017 Quinnipiac poll think the president should resign as a result of the sexual misconduct allegations against him. Several Democratic lawmakers have previously called on Trump to resign over the accusations."

  67. Hopefully the witnesses know, or knew, that they should not speak to ANYONE, either the DOE or the Division of Human Rights without consulting with an attorney. How about, if contacted by anyone, they refer the individual to their attorney, rather than to this "Rella".

    First thing they should have done is reach out to UFT Legal, and if they could afford it they should retain a private attorney.

  68. Ny Dems are the authoritarians. Cuomo, DeBlasio. Even the doe. When your principal pervert or rubs his penis on you, just take it. We’re democrats who control this city and you peasants better take it all. Keep believing cnn and make sure you get your 15 shots and triple mask. And don’t forget to welcome the 30% of vaccine refusing illegals being bussed and flown to your town.

  69. I would use a private attorney every time. Why? Because IMO the uft reps may have a Bat channel to the Dungeon of Evil. I would 1. Record all convos 2. Use my ears and a little of my mouth to do a lot of "hmms" and "oh ok" and "oh boys",etc. They'd leave more confused than when they came in.

  70. 12:16 What a disgusting post. Hopefully you're not in the classroom because you don't sound mentally stable. If you don't want to vaccinate, test, or mask during a pandemic, do the kids a favor and just resign.

  71. 12:16 Were you one of those throwing a party after Cuomo resigned? If so, why is he still living in your head, and why are you still obsessing over him? He's gone, and no longer making decisions that affect NY in any way.

  72. “More than 400,000 Americans died from COVID under Trump. Also, he got it, and his rallies and White House parties were superspreaders. Trump personally helped spread more disease to more people than a community swimming pool filled with water from the East River.”

    "Trump’s time in office was a nonstop crisis event.

    “To say Trump didn’t cycle through crises after crisis is to ignore that much of his inner circle got indicted, his Cabinet had like half a dozen corruption scandals, he praised Nazis, kidnapped migrant children, fired or tried to fire the people investigating him, got caught paying hush money to a porn star, incited a violent insurrection to overthrow an election, helped Saudi Arabia cover up a murder, single-handedly caused the longest government shutdown in American history, tried to coerce a Secretary of State to find enough votes to hand him the States, embarrassed himself before the world by claiming that he believed Putin over our own intelligence agencies"

  73. @3:34 I'll bet it's the same wild-eye dinosaur from the posts above who worships at Trump's altar.

  74. Premo is breathing a little easier since this thread has been hijacked by the pro and anti Trump/Cuomo brigade. At least the spotlight here is not on him.

  75. 9:40 - the guy made the NY Post, and now this blog picked it up. I doubt he's relieved at anything.

  76. looks like he touched students too and when he was an assistant principal at his old school life sciences his buddy principal kimberly swanson didn't do anything


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