Monday, August 23, 2021



The Food and Drug Administration on Monday granted full approval to Pfizer and BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine – becoming the first in the U.S. to win the coveted designation and giving even more businesses, schools and universities greater confidence to adopt vaccine mandates.

Up until now, the mRNA vaccine, which will be marketed as Comirnaty, was on the U.S. market under an Emergency Use Authorization that was granted by the FDA in December. Since then, more than 204 million of the Pfizer shots have been administered, according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Federal health officials had been under mounting pressure from the scientific community and advocacy groups to fully approve Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine ever since the drugmakers submitted their application to the agency in early May. The companies submitted a Biologics License Application, which secures full approval, to the FDA on May 7 for patients age 16 and up.

FDA scientists evaluated “hundreds of thousands of pages” of vaccine data, according to the U.S. agency.

Pfizer’s vaccine met the agency’s “high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality,” acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated.”


  1. Great, about time. And how about a mass psychosis vaccine for the Trump obsessed - haters and lovers - so life could go back to some semblance of normalcy.

    1. I know because Biden is doing such a wonder job 👏

  2. I love it! Some of the anti-mandates claim they're vaccinated but they're seething anyway because that's what they do best.

  3. Good news all around.

  4. 10:42 yet here you are bringing him up. LOL

  5. Yes. About time. I wonder about teachers who have allergies to vaccines. No remote option for teachers this year.

  6. You can't reason with the anti-vaxxers. It's best to just take them on head-on. de Blasio's vax mandate couldn't have happened without Mulgrew's approval. Mulgrew is being very quiet.

  7. You can't reason with anti-vaxxers because they are propagandists. They flounder on this board against James' fact-check but those in the media have become very good at convincing people of whatever the hell it is they're selling at the time. My rule of thumb is to believe NOTHING they say unless, and until I have a chance to check it out. Perhaps Mulgrew agrees, and there is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps he could have surveyed the members to see how they felt about it? But they said they were going to strike, so there's always that. I doubt it tho.

  8. Wait how is this allowed and children under 12 can still come to school. There was a concert to open NY with over 60,000 people in the park if anyone saw the video most if not all were unmasked. Yeah they all had their proof of vaccine - I can buy a COVID Card online!!!!! But wait why only the teachers what about the rest of the city employees like the cops and the firemen - oh wait their union actually will fight the mayor on anything unlike our GREAT UFT. How ironic that the morning that the vaccine gets full FDA approval the great mayo jumps on the bandwagon and is all ready for his press conference. Don't we live in America and don't we see that people who are vaccinated are getting sick, what ever happened to freedom of choice oh wait we have the great Dr. Fauci leading us. Just like the Gov. of NJ calling people knuckle heads at a press conference a few weeks ago but yet another politician who fails to follow his own rules jets of to Italy. What ever happened to "Land of the Free" I guess that means nothing anymore. I understand people have died from this but no one dies from anything but Covid now a days. I guess we got rid of AIDS/Cancer or the FLU (34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season) but now no one has died of the Flu.
    Now the CDC is implementing a 3rd shot or a booster as they are calling it yet a few weeks ago the head of the CDC stated that a booster would not be needed and no data proving this yes a few weeks later this change How can anyone be trusted about this when they keep changing their mind. Maybe they are just upset that overall the government has fallen short of their claim to herd immunity - How many people are vaccinated against COVID-19 in the US?

    Overall, about 189.9 million people — or 57 percent of the total U.S. population — have received at least one dose of vaccine, according to latest figures from the CDC. About 163.9 million people, or 49 percent of the total U.S. population, have now been fully vaccinated.Aug 2, 2021

    Well i can go on and on but we will wait and see what our great big UFT $65 a check will do for us now.... Oh wait the The Chancellor has already sent out a letter so much for waiting to hear it from the Mayor... Probably had that letter all ready to go once full approval was given...

  9. I'm a bit confused. After this mandate, I would like a few things cleared up.

    1. Since 100% of the staff will now be vaccinated with this safe and oh so effective vaccine, what will be the student attendance standard? Can students still no-show and pass? 10% attendance? 20%? 50%?

    2. If the vaccine is so important, what is your opinion about Mexican illegal immigrants coming across the border with covid and unvaccinated? Why haven't any of you spoken out against this?

    I would appreciate it if this clear double standard was cleared up. Thank you for your overwhelming leadership. Perhaps this coming year we can actually have students learn to read and write before graduating.

  10. So glad the powerful uft is "bargaining" this mandate after waiting 12 years for retro with no interest and still waiting for spring break 2020. Interesting. "Bargaining."

  11. There are still medical exemptions. Probably not for masks, I asked about that just in case. I wasn't sure if I would use the exemption, even if I got it, because it's going to be hard enough getting the kids to keep their masks on, and it will be even harder if we're not wearing ours.

    It's going to be a whole mess, I can see it already. I wonder if we'll be held responsible for students not wearing masks, just as they throw a fit if someone is wearing a hat.

  12. Let's see how many "I'll resign before I get vaxxed" follow up on their word.

  13. If teachers, adults are mandated to be vaccinated—no remote options. However, students under 12–where there are no vaccines yet—
    give them an option to go remote to keep them safe.

  14. So NYC teachers must be vaccinatded, but nothing about White House employees? WHO? CDC? Why? Nobody thinks to question this?

  15. LOL. The mayor just said if the uft disagrees we will go to arbitration in a very tight time frame. But 2 years waiting for spring break pay. No tight time frame for that. Any of you feel screwed and abused yet by your union?

  16. It is a mandatory vaccine or weekly testing and masking for all federal employees. That is pre-Pfizer approval by the FDA.

  17. You guys will be fine. Bill Gates isn't going to put a chip in you. You aren't going to die right after you get the shot. The mRNA isn't going to make your immune system go wild. Relax and get the vaccine.

  18. We're a union. We don't want to see any of you lose your jobs. Get the jab.

  19. James, that is testing or vaccine. Teachers MUST be vaccinated. Not the same.

    For the record, I have been vaccinated, but what Erica says is correct. The double standard is clear.

  20. The colleges are going to be next. Students who were not vaccinated were not assigned a room on campus. Commuter students were allowed to test until the full approval and now that that's done the requirements will change.

  21. 11:21 this approval just came through not even 24 hrs ago. What are you complaining about?

  22. I know Boris. That is why I noted it is pre-Pfizer approval. Governor Inslee started the ball rolling for mandatory vaccination. Pfizer full FDA approval is going to get that ball rolling much faster.

  23. Again why only the teachers I was in school last year every single day unless I got that call from my AP stating that I would have to quarantine due to exposure to a student - yes most of the positive cases that came from my school last year were from students - YET the great mayor of the city has said nothing about testing the kids this year - oh wait are they exempt - I do not understand why there is no option for testing if not vaccinated - Mr Mayor look at DATA and Data is what is supposed to drive instruction most of the positive cases were from children last year well at least that was the case at my school.

    We shall wait and see what the MIGHTY UFT does because I am sure the cops and firemen and women will not go for this.

    Our Union Spoke about arbitration yeah right we know where that will end up look at the mess just to get our Retro and even on the day we were supposed to get paid it still was a mess. An old AP of mine said "If u fail to plan - plan to fail" well the DOE has failed again all for what to get the vaccination numbers up.

  24. Next step, get under 13 out of school buildings, now! Parents, step up and push for the safety of your children and their grand parents!

  25. 11:36 that's exactly what James said. He's responding to a question about Federal employees. This thing was just approved. What double standards is Erica right about? Student attendance has nothing to do with this. As for immigrants crossing the border unvaccinated, what does NYC have to do with that? If it makes you all feel better, I'm for mandates and I don't support unvaccinated immigrants being allowed in. Nothing I can do about that.

  26. @11:41 there is no vaccine available for children under 12. There should be a mandate for High School students, just as they made it mandatory to have the measles vaccine.

  27. @nerd. Some of us will fight fascism and medical segregation through lawsuits, various exemptions, and civil disobedience. Some of us will leave NYC as it becomes more like Beijing or Gaza. The sadists and bootlickers here can enjoy their cages and open air prison. Many of our ancestors came to NYC to escape fascism and socialism. Now their descendants might have to do the same and escape elsewhere. For those leaving NYC , many states are still free. New Hampshire, Tennessee, Montana, etc. Most rural parts of America do not consent or comply with COVID totalitarianism. Many other states accept NY teaching licenses.

  28. Under 13 need in-person school more than anyone. Parents have to work. No more remote. We're in Ivan Drago territory- "if he dies, he dies."

  29. Oh, so now people were waiting for approval. The vaccine has been available for 9 months and the smartest people, people at the white house, the cdc, the fda chose not to get it.

  30. Hope all Trump supporters get vaccinated for stupidity. Trump supporters are more dangerous and do more harm to this great country of ours than COVID. Just get vaccinated you Fox News watches idiots.

  31. Tryanny for having to take an FDA approved vaccine in order to work? Don't you think you are overreacting a bit?

  32. Student attendance has been completely ignored, not just since 2020. Now there is no excuse, right? Can we grade honestly now and require, say, 90% attendance? Certainly studnets can't no show and pass, right? If they can, certainly you can't be teaching, right?

  33. 12:54 a complete lie.

  34. @12:50 you really need to calm down. Maybe take a sedative.


  36. @12:53 that's actually Marjorie Taylor Greene territory

  37. From the Times:

    " The city is still negotiating with the United Federation of Teachers and other unions representing education staff on what will happen to employees who do not comply with the mandate."


    "“While the city is asserting its legal authority to establish this mandate, there are many implementation details, including provisions for medical exceptions, that by law must be negotiated with the U.F.T. and other unions, and if necessary, resolved by arbitration,” Mr. Mulgrew said in a statement."

    This is a Union blog and this is the real issue. Despite all the indignities, capitulation and indirectly contributing to causes I don't believe in over the years, I stayed in the UFT and encouraged people here to do so especially when all the opt out comments proliferated.

    When the Union conspires with management to force an employee to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of employment, what is the point anymore of being in the Union? What's even the point of collective bargaining? There's at-will non-Union employment out there (that pays better) where management can impose mandates by fiat.

  38. 1:21 another one who needs a sedative. What is wrong with you people? You've never had a vaccine before?

  39. What is a lie?
    White hosue staff not mandated to get vaccine.

    Fauci quote.
    Speaking about employees of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci responded saying, "You know I’m not 100% sure, senator. But I think it’s probably a little bit more than half, probably around 60%."

    Burr posed the same question to Marks, who said he couldn't give "the exact number" of vaccinated FDA employees but that it was "probably in the same range" of 60%.

  40. You sent a July 23 story when Biden announced the vaccine or test mandate on July 29. I still posted your response but you folks need to get things right to have a credible argument.

  41. So what happened to the test option??so much for stupid liberal ny and calif.

  42. The test option is gone with the full FDA approval of Pfizer.

  43. Let it litigate for years.ill be long retired before 12 years
    AND, if we are mandated, so should kids with no remote.the wonderful vaxeans no need gor social distance.if parents push it for us, they also should vax their kids.when kids suffer enough, they will sue diblockhead and doe.i hope so.i can say told ya so! To be clear, i dont wish oll except on the people pushing the mandate withour a care for their if i dont leave, i do not care about any uft membets anymore dog eat dog is already on steroids.

  44. We care about you 2:25. We don't want our coworkers getting severe COVID.Now take the jab. It will be alright.

  45. Cant wait to cough on y'all mandaters!id get covid and spread it just for you all to be gone. Fuck off!

  46. Of i didnt have an elderlt mom and a sick friend i support, i would leave, no all have blood on your hands for not caring if others die or get very ill from this shot.fuck you.i bet montanana are much for progressive ny.everyone has rights except the ones who choose not to vax.fuckin phony.lord knows i hate this retarded city.

  47. What is wrong with vax or test?we are willing to test.why the nobody in ny is dying.very rare.not about covid...

  48. You are not going to die from the vaccine. Get off the dark net and join the reality based world again. We will be there for you.

  49. Does this only apply to doe or to private schools?
    Any idea about nj public or private schools?or PA?
    If i take a leave, will it reduce my pension?i lose my ghi?

  50. 2:25 "AND, if we are mandated"

    It's already happened.

  51. @1:59 - you didn't say anything about the White House mandating or not. You said none of the smartest people got it. You don't even know who they are, so shut up.

  52. Great! When do we take away the welfare benefits for the unvaccinated? That’s the only way to convince them? No more carrots. Only sticks! Come on DeBlasio! We need EVERYONE vaccinated. Not just stupid teachers.


  53. So glad the FDA could join us six months late. I mean, what was going to happen here? Were they going to reject full authorization and suck the vax out of our arms?

  54. 2:35 if you read, they freely admit that the infected have equal levels of virus, equal ability to transmit whether you are vaxxed or not.the vax doesnt stop tbe spread.the truth about its failure is already obvious.
    If i do not vax, willing to test, why be mandated.i applaud the brave nurses who quit/fired rather than vax.they work on the front lines, so what does that tell you?
    They crap on the front line who risked their lives to cate for the sick...jab or appreciation in this country.sounds like the way they treated the vets from viet teaching. Lol! A thankless job.i heard that diblovkhead claimed that a majority of parents pushed.i dont believe him.remember when he said 75%parents wanted in petson?it was the opposite!when he opened a window, most still stayed home.even for summer.he lies or is delusional.if parents want us to vax they can sacrifice theor kids and vax them.we shouldnt be mandated till all kids pick it up from peets. Not the teacher.

  55. 3:06 you are not a scientist and that is not what they've said. The whole idea is that if everyone vaccinates, or at least those who are eligible, that is what would stop the spread. Real scientists have not deviated from that. As it continues to mutate it's become a little more complicated and unknown, but the reason it has continued to transmit, even amongst the vaccinated, is because of those who are are refusing to vaccinate. Parents shouldn't have to sacrifice their kids for a vaccine that is not available to their age group. Shows exactly how twisted, and grossly immature, your thinking is.

  56. With rising numbers, I would not send my kids back to school unless good fitting masks were required indoors for all, they could prove the ventilation was good (CO2) with everyone present, and they had HEPA filtration. Delta is highly contagious and kids are the biggest target.

  57. @2:58 you're advocating that they take it away from people receiving welfare. They might very well be next, but I thought you were all for liberty and freedom to make choices about your body. So I guess if you can't win your battle, fuck everybody else? No surprise there at all. Hypocrite.

  58. I wonder how they can work kids are wearing masks into the Danielson Rubric.

  59. 4:04. I’ve been force vaccinate the whole time. The more people forced to vaccinate, the better. How else do we get the uncooperative to vaccinate if we don’t threaten firing and withholding benefits? We have to get parents and kids and the rest of the population. We have to inoculate them at the border too and in Afghanistan before they get here. What’s your plan? Only force UFT members? That won’t do much with a class full of unvaccinated students going back and forth between us and their unvaccinated family. We tried the carrot. Now we need to make these people suffer until they consent. I see no other way to convince them. Do you?

  60. 4:02 kids will get it from each other, not from saying why should we vax when u have a whole group unvaxxed?just like indoor mask breaks defeat the purpose of masks.when everyone is eligible, then talk about mandating.not before.makes no far outnumber teachers.parents want us to risk, but they dont want to risk?wrong imho.

  61. @4:25 Kids can get it from anyone, what makes you think they can only get it from each other. If you google herd immunity charts you will see that there are always people who are still susceptible, whether they can't get vaccinated because they're too old, too young, too sick. If enough of the eligible become vaccinated it forms a protection around those who are vulnerable.

    Are you suggesting that they've never mandating vaccinations for students? Are you from this country? Vaccinations have been mandated in this country since forever and they just haven't gotten around to mandating it for high schoolers yet. It is now being mandated for college students, and it is not available to those under 12. Adults who are eligible should not be exempt. Before COVID My friend tried to get around the vaccination issue because her daughter is highly allergic and the doctor would not exempt her because he said the vaccine was not risky. She didn't like it but she has been homeschooling ever since. My God you guys sound like big babies.

  62. @4:21 - "Only force UFT members?" Nope. I agree with you. But they're leaving it to private businesses and schools to decide for themselves. Maybe that will change too if this gets a lot worse as we get closer to the Fall and Winter. As for welfare recipients, I agree. I just though you were an anti-vaxxer, and then in that case it would be hypocritical.

  63. If you mandaters don't understand the opposition to mandates, read the sick, dystopian 4:21 response. Is Mengele able to access the Internet from hell?

    Encourage and incentivize all you'd like. No mandates.

    Remember our Union used to be able to mandate dues. Now thanks to Janus we have the "nuclear option". If Mulgrew doesn't stand up for us it's time to send the Enola Gay over 52 Broadway.

    Mandate = no dues.

  64. TJL, I put it through out of respect but the opt out issue has been put to bed as unresolvable here.

    A question for you: Vaccine has regular FDA approval now. Legally, it can be mandated for employment, so just what do you think Mulgrew should do?

  65. This is probably why people bring up double standards.

    CNN promotes ‘dangerous super spreader’ concert in NYC weeks after slamming Sturgis Bike Week

  66. Why are the medications for CoVid rarely mentioned? It is a crime to let so many people die or get seriously sick from CoVid because big pharma, the tech industry and the politicians want to line their pockets! I pray for these people for they are they guilty.

    I hope there is also a mandate to improve our general health! A large portion of people who get seriously ill or die from CoVid have diabetes, are obese, or have some self-imposed illness. I am vaccinated and I was in school 5 days a week last year and have no problem going in this year. I will not live my life scared or uniformed. In March of 2020,I made a decision to change my lifestyle and take responsibility for my health. We have had 17 months to do something about our poor general health and unhealthy behaviors. Everything I hear is about the vaccine...the jab...the unvaccinated, etc. What are you doing to help yourself?

    We should include the lack of access to medications and our own general health and lack of it, as part of the CoVid conversation.

  67. 5:20 What does your opposition to the vaccine, or mandates, have to do with that one person's response. You're in the minority when it comes to vaccines, and opting out of paying dues.

  68. @5:38 - A mandate to improve our general health? Remember when Michelle Obama rolled out the Obesity Program as her First Lady pet project and she was literally skewered for introducing healthy lunches. My God right wingers had a complete meltdown over it. There is no rational conversation as long as right-wingers are a part of it.

  69. 5:20 - p.s. you're in the minority when it comes to mandates too.

  70. Healthy lunches? Healthy Breakfasts? Their idea of a healthy breakfast is a package of high fat, high sugar, high fructose corn syrup blueberry waffles that need to be microwaved, but students had to eat them cold. The students were smart and didn't take the free breakfast. What a joke.

  71. @6:19 Do you guys ever know how to tell the truth? It's a disorder.

    "Since improved nutrition standards for school meals were put into action across the United States in 2012, children – especially those from low-income households – have been eating healthier school lunches with better overall nutritional quality, a new study published July 28 in JAMA found."

    "The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act changed nutrition standards for the National School Lunch Program by requiring that schools serve more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free and/or low-fat milk more frequently and less starchy vegetables or foods high in sodium and trans fat. The Obama-era policy has since seen a series of rollback measures.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) altered the nutritional standards in 2018 to allow for fewer whole grains and more sodium and flavored milk. Then in January 2020, shortly before schools closed in response to COVID-19, the department proposed yet another set of changes to the policy to reduce the servings of vegetables students had to eat every week."

    Lying sack.

  72. Councilman Antonio Reynoso, the likely next Brooklyn borough president, declared that it’s time to lay down the law to get New Yorkers inoculated after months of attempting to lure unvaccinated residents with incentives.

    “I think it’s time we start to be a little bit tougher,” he said at the mayor’s Monday press briefing, “showing some New York tough love.”

  73. 4:56 bravo to your least she has her daughter, who might not have had a good vax outcome.maybe doe can haveban offshhot of homeschoolets.not home instruction: onebof the pods.shame on that doctor!

    1. @9:45... r u texting on a moving train? I'm getting vertigo reading your comment.

  74. Also, if you mention d, you get deplatformed.they dont want people healthy.they want us all to be lifetime consumets of harmful, expensive drugs, which cause more drugs needed sue to side effects.

  75. School lunches have never looked healthy to me. Watery tasteless frozen or canned veggies tossed in garbage by kids all the time. Nothing on their trays looks appealing or healthy. Like academics, schools fail at health, nutrition and physical ed too. I wish I had been forced to run and lift weights rather than learn chemistry or a foreign language I never mastered in high school. Would have had a better payoff in the end. Healthier people less susceptible to this virus.

  76. @12:06 You missed the point so just be quiet.

  77. 1:37. Everyone sees the point. It’s right on top of your head, dunce.

  78. Teachers are suckers. DeBlasio will never force the parents or kids. You’re all going to contract it with the 30 unvaccinated kids in your class, not the adult across the hall. He won’t enforce kids masking either. But congratulations. You’ve force vaxed only UFT members in nyc. That’s it. No one else. We’re all getting this eventually. Vaxed or not.

  79. 9:08 They have to go after all public assistance recipients. No vaccine. No benefits. It’s the only way to get the city vaccine numbers up to cdc standard. If the city isn’t willing to do that thenthe rest is political theater and we’re no better off.

  80. @2:35, we may all get it eventually, but vaxed usually means you'll have milder symptoms. I'm sure you're disappointed to hear that.

  81. @2:24, how can you see anything with your head so far up your own arse?

  82. 723. Easy. I have one of those new wave transparent arses. Plus some dunce points are so big, they can be seen from space.

  83. Hey 447. I’m sure you’d enjoy hearing about a bag of puppies thrown in a river. I’ve joined your club of just making shit up about people. I’m vaccinated which is why I’m not all consumed with forcing vaccines on anyone else. You whiners got UFT members across the hall from you force vaccinated but not the 30 kids sitting in front of you or all the people in the neighborhood. 30% to 40% of nyc residents including children when available will not get this vaccine. They will be in your classroom but for some reason you’ll rest easy because the adults in the school that you can actually distance from are force vaccinated. You will be among many unvaccinated every day. They just won’t be UFT members. They’ll be your students and their parents as well as the 30% unvaccinated illegals in sanctuary nyc. Illegals can refuse vaccine and enroll their kids in our schools but UFT members are forced. NY liberal policies in action.

  84. I'm sorry @4:33, did I hurt your widdle feelings. Well damn, it's a good think you didn't make up shit about people, except YOU DID say all this "Teachers are suckers. DeBlasio will never force the parents or kids. You’re all going to contract it with the 30 unvaccinated kids in your class, not the adult across the hall. He won’t enforce kids masking either. But congratulations. You’ve force vaxed only UFT members in nyc."

    It's a good thing you don't stereotype, EH? Except unlike YOU, I didn't stereotype and entire group of people and you're STILL doing it. Crybaby hypocrite.

    Rant and rage all you like. I doubt very seriously you're THIS angry over a mandate that doesn't affect you in any way. If you *are* then maybe you should just take your Xanax, because you're having a complete meltdown with your wild imaginings, and frankly, your last sentence says it's all. You're DERANGED over liberals. Has nothing to do with concern, students, the neighborhood. Liberal derangement. That's all it is.

  85. I agree about the masks. Mask enforcement will be a joke. As usual nothing will happen if the kids don't comply.

  86. Mulgrew should make it so teachers are not responsible for mask enforcement. Students will try and wear us down. I'm going in knowing they'll not comply and just stay at it. Once you stop trying to enforce there will be making taking their masks off. Still we shouldn't be held responsible if students don't have them on. It's going to be a shit show for sure.


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