Thursday, September 02, 2021


The meeting began with President Michael Mulgrew saying we would use the disaster relief fund to help anyone who suffered damage from the storm yesterday. Hopes everyone is safe. Nobody was reporting that we were going to get hit that hard. Hope everyone is okay.

3 major pieces on agenda


2-instructional plan- digital work agreement and 

3-vaccine order from the Department of Health and where we are at with that

Take a deep breath as this will be a rough school year ahead. We did not think we would be here in May and June. Mayor didn't make policy decisions in time. We will handle this in spite of incompetence coming from above, it is our school system.


Building Response Teams. We are ahead of where we were last year. 1,380 buildings. We trained 1,100 BRT leaders. Ahead of where we were last year. Offering the training to the other schools. Building Response Teams were the key last year. 3-feet social distancing. City has adopted CDC guidelines. A number of severely overcrowded schools. Last week, city hall and DOE woke up and DOE has plans for extremely overcrowded schools. Schools getting additional rental space for a whole grade. BRT needs to meet with the principal. If there is a problem, you need to let us know. Majority of schools 3-feet social distancing. Mask mandate with zero tolerance. Ventilation. Going from 300,000 to 900,000 to a million students. Maximizing air exchanges in the cafeteria which are also 3-feet. Larger air purifiers going into cafeterias. 100 staff members trained with CO2 monitors that are commercial grade. Let us know and we will measure with CO2 monitor and if there is a problem, we will say it is not good and we have to do something. CO2 at a low level means the air is being exchanged at a proper rate. Higher number means it isn't. 

Testing: Department of Health as of September 27 no testing of staff. Every other week a school will have 10% will be tested. In middle schools and high schools, about 50% of students are vaccinated. Every other week for elementary schools where kids can't be vaccinated there should be weekly testing. Under age 12, a positive test means class goes into quarantine. Teacher can work from home like last year, Principal can ask you to come in. Two did last year and we challenged it and they backed down. It gets more complicated where kids are vaccinated. A positive test, no symptoms, kids will continue to go to school. Showing symptoms, ten-day quarantine. Unvaccinated, 10-day quarantine unless they do a test after 3 days and it comes back negative. Thank BRT people next week. During August, Mulgrew traveled around the country for AFT. In some of those states, they don't care about the children or staff. Happy to be back in NYC. We should be setting the standards in how these things are done. Safety people will be running all over the place. They have not had time off since last July. It's going to be a challenging year. We want to make sure we're on top of it.

Instructional Plan-

We wanted academic and emotional diagnostics. DOE will say screening. Starting on September 27, K-10 there will be a literacy and numerous diagnostic. Ongoing training. Thanks Teacher Center. All sorts of teams in schools. Core group to make sure this is going on right. Support AIS team. K-2 will do it on paper. Working on how to put it in a database. If it works the way DOE says, it should be good for all of us. 3-10 is computer based. It is preloaded so it is up to AIS, school, to decide how to get diagnostic done. Database will triage children into levels 1, 2, or 3 or on grade level. Menu to pick what is appropriate. Level 3 will require intense intervention

Social-Emotional well being has to be at the forefront of what we are looking at this year. Public is on our side here. It depends on relationship between children and adults in buildings. Some will show real crisis right away. Remember, only 300,000 were in buildings last year. Wait until November but before that we have something in place we never had before. No more filling out paperwork and waiting for approval. Access to get services right away for students who are displaying crisis in terms of their social and emotional well being. Largest school system in the United States, we can't go through with paperwork. If a child is in crisis and not getting support, those days are over. Call the UFT immediately. Social-emotional screening: we will put out a quick guide on how to do the diagnostic. Must have the right adult who has the relationship with the child. Five-minute screen. Some will be fine and then a level 1, level 2 and level 3. Most who were in school last year should be fine. We will check that children are getting guidance or social worker services and those with intense crisis are getting outside clinical intervention. Parents helped make this real. We can't just go back to school as normal. Screening will start in November. Professional Learning Team will be involved in that. K-2 should be a twenty minute diagnostic for academics. ENL students and special education will get their services. Working on special education agreement. 

Review, some might go remote and some might stay in classroom if there is a positive case in a classroom. Digital classroom will be a major piece in next contract. We needed an agreement for this year. Everyone will get 4 hours to set up a remote classroom. It is a stipend. Four hours is the stipend. Teaching kids remote, do what you did last year. For those with students at home and in classroom, if there are two or three kids on Monday Quarantined, you make yourself available for one hour to be available to kids, one to upload work and one hour to be available to kids. Access as long as quarantine is in effect. We sent that out last night.

Vaccine mandate: Take a deep breath. Treat each other as members of this union with respect. We had a mayor who tried to break this union. We dealt with Janus issue. A lot of money out there and they are trying to break this union. When Mulgrew sees members fighting with each other over the vaccine question, realizes it is toxic. Mulgrew knows people in the call say my body, my choice and others say you don't have a right to make me sick. Doctors calling so Mulgrew hopes everyone will be vaccinated. Union movement never faced with mandate like this. Same problem with polio vaccine but we didn't have social media. We are part of a group that fought for public education and we take care of each other. We believe the mayor has the legal authority to mandate it. Our great lawyers who stopped Michael Bloomberg from closing 26 school one year. We waited for the Department of Health issued the order and once they did that, not the mayor, we went into impact bargaining. Mulgrew could jump up and down and make people happy and go into court screaming that this is my body as people have done since 1905 and lose. We all want people to be vaccinated. We went into impact bargaining. We started looking at legal things. We went with MLC. Are we going to give away authority? UFT is up front about belief in vaccines from doctors. We are the most vaccinated workforce in the city and probably the entire state. This is about precedent. Thank God we went into impact bargaining. This becomes personal. Bargaining session on Monday. Religious exemptions, medical exemptions and accomodations important to recognize exemptions. City put forth proposal (position), a person with a medical exemption would use CAR days and be removed from payroll. Same for teacher with a religious exemption. A person with a medical accommodation who is vaccinated and shouldn't be in a school building, city said use your CAR days and be removed from payroll. They wouldn't be fired as that would circumvent 3020a law. Mulgrew asked if these are official positions. We responded by saying there is an impasse and filing for mediation and arbitration. What city did was unacceptable and quite disguisting. Spoke to MLC leadership and now they are overstepping what they can do. We cannot negotiate with people who should be removed from payroll because of their medical condition. We need to challenge order in court. That must be challenged. If we allow someone to say someone's medical condition can be removed from payroll, then everyone in this union can be placed in jeopardy.

Last year we opened up in chaos because mayor didn't make decisions. We kept schools safe and open. We are in the same position again. Decisions weren't being made. We are doing everything at the last minute again. Mulgrew knows that we will get the schools open again. We cannot allow someone to say to us that it doesn't matter, you have no control your medical situation so you will be off of payroll. We have been granted impasse and mediation. We will get a fair process for people who have not taken a vaccine. Full MLC vote next week. You are all in a union together so stop with the social media fighting. Some folks politically this is what they want to do. Support the right to speak but people splitting from the union, you aren't going to get what you want all the time. Enemies try to split us. New political strategy is to divide people in a union. We will challenge all of this. Mandate is probably  going to be put on the entire workforce. This challenge will all be public. We sent it out to the press. We gotta respect each other. It should go to arbitration fast. If we just screamed, everyone would have been removed from payroll. 

Remember, this is a challenging school year. If only 600,000 to 700,000 come back, the system is in jeopardy. DOE will only say digital instruction, not remote. It's our school system with the children, parents, and communities of NYC. You will meet this challenge. You will be kept updated on what is going on with the city and DOE.


Question: 3-feet where possible. If 26 students and 2 teachers, how is that going to work?

Mulgrew Answer- DOE expecting everyone to adhere to 3-feet and there will be issues here. Tell the BRT team. They will do square footage analysis and bring in CO2 monitor. Some schools have been designated as overcrowded. Get us the information.

Question: thanks Mulgrew- teacher deaths in Texas and Florida. How is the union going to deal with the real possibility that people can get very sick and die from this?

Answer: Our doctors say that if you are vaccinated you have a much lower chance of catching the virus even if you are around unvaccinated. A small number get really ill even if vaccinated and they have highly compromised immune system. We need an accommodation process. Mulgrew spent time in Florida and Georgia. Hoping members with compromised immune systems go through the process to get accommodations. If we do what we did last year, we should be able to be in a good place. This is what keeps Mulgrew up at night. He is biased toward UFT members.

Question: Thanks Mulgrew-As someone who has had COVID and natural immunity has shown to be a better protector than the vaccine, why should I be forced to get a vaccine?

Answer: Department of Health has legal right to get a vaccine. Doctors guiding us say you have a natural immunity and vaccine is better. Can't argue with what's out there on social media. We go by what doctors say. Doctors don't want us telling them. Man helping us today head of infectious disease for major hospital chain. This is an uphill battle as the established law is settled on this but mayor has overstepped what he can do. Please be respectful. You have a right to your body while others have a right to say you can't make them ill. Swayed by doctors who are working with us. We will challenge with the MLC but impact bargaining will probably go faster. If you want, we can get doctors on the phone. They are at the top of their field and they will tell you what they know.

Question: Thank you for what you are doing and the UFT is the greatest union ever. Will we get PPE like last year?

Answer: All of the PPE continues including electrostatic cleaning masks, etc. Time will not come out of CAR if you get COVID at school. Thanks for bringing this up.

Question: Governor not mandating vaccine for state. 

Answer: NYC Department of Health has much more authority to order vaccine mandates than state Department of Health. Different local outbreaks in history. State Legislature and state DOH are the only ones who can order vaccine mandates for children.

Question: 10% tested every other week, what happens if nobody signs consent form? What about it kids refuse to wear masks? Last year we sent them home. No remote this year.

Answer: City does not have the right to demand it. Hoping to get city along with parents to increase testing. Consent form cannot be required. Have to go to state at that point. Mayor says zero tolerance, we are waiting for response. It is not insubordination, it is safety. We are working on remote suspension. We can't have a kid running around without a mask putting those at risk. This has to be fixed immediately. We have to get the kid out of the building if he refuses to wear a mask.

Question: Isolation rooms in schools, who is consulted with as there is highly contagious Delta variant?

Answer: No official isolation room, but there should be a room near the nurse. It is like an isolation room. 

Question: Partial quarantine in a classroom, make yourself available, are we required to work overtime or during duty-free lunch?

Answer: You can do it at any point during the school day that you are not teaching, you can do that. Some will do the work and won't put in for the two hours. Mulgrew gives an example: upload work on Wednesday have time on Thursday or Friday to meet with kids in quarantine. 

Question: Why aren't all students mandated to test?

Answer: Mayor cannot mandate it. What will mayor do if we are short 200,000 kids? If they don't show up, is mayor going to charge educational neglect or have a remote option? We know remote isn't as good but if there is a remote option, then we can compel a consent form for those in the buildings.

Question: D75-Medically fragile student who does not want home instruction person coming into house, what do they do? What about medically fragile staff?

Answer: Medically fragile students with teachers going to five or six students is not safe. Chancellor says it is okay for those at home to be taught remotely. D75 needs to tell Mulgrew what they want. Medically fragile staff, we can't let them be put in jeopardy. Shame on city for trying.

Question: I read last night's email and am still confused on how we are doing it.

Answer: You set up a digital platform and get 4 per session hours. If there are students who go into quarantine in your class, you then use your remote classroom. You load lessons and then you have to make yourself available for at least one hour at your discretion. Student has to be in quarantine for at least one day. Snow days are now gone as we are literally 180 school days. Whole class goes into quarantine, teach whole class remotely.

Question: Students have to remain 3-feet apart, adults 6-feet. Spring break pay from 2020?

Answer: We are in a fight over the first part of the question. On July 1, we filed for arbitration on spring break pay, that is our first arbitration. We should find out the result in a couple of months.

Question: We have poor ventilation and no proper ventilation. Classrooms are small and we can't do 3-feet. You came to the building.

Answer: DOH of NYS never met with us at that site. New governor who is extremely competent and bright and one of the hardest working people he has known in years, we will work with DOH and we will do what needs to be done to get this resolved. Shame on the state for not letting us put PPE at the site and then not trying to resolve this.

We will keep you updated. going into official mediation today at 5:00. We want for people to get accommodations and exemptions. We are challenging DOH order that we all know came from the mayor. We got through the issues from last year like remote and in-person teachers. We don't always get what we want. We're workers who come together. We will fight on behalf of our school system. God bless you and have a great Labor Day weekend.


  1. Same garbage. He is mad. Mayor didn't do the job. BUT we can all go in on September 9. Like magic, or an amazing coincidence, or we are getting fducked by our own union.

  2. LOL. He is saying other states just want to say the schools are open. That is exactly what happened here last year.

  3. Wait, did he really say that covid-positive students can come to school as long as they are vaccinated and showing no symptoms? Doesn't all the science say that asymptomatic people still spread the virus??

  4. Blah, blah, blah. Who suffers from 9/9-6/28? What school will Mulgrew be in for 7 hours daily with students 1 foot away spitting and sneezing and ripping masks off and cursing us?

  5. How come he says everthing is a fight with the doe and we are the ones who always lose, yet we suffer and mike m, sill, janella, never suffer.

  6. Los Angeles Unified has vaccine mandates, mask mandates and requires a negative covid test weekly from all staff and students. NY is no where close to the gold standard Mulgrew and DiBlaz claim

  7. Don't worry. Mulgrew negotiated on your behalf.

    He he is at tweedle dee and tweedle dum courthouse (Tweed)

  8. @2:55 where did he say that? I doubt very seriously that a COVID positive student can come to school.

  9. I have certainly done my share of fighting on this board but this is serious stuff:

    "City put forth proposal (position), a person with a medical exemption would use CAR days and be removed from payroll. Same for teacher with a religious exemption. A person with a medical accommodation who is vaccinated and shouldn't be in a school building, city said use your CAR days and be removed from payroll. They wouldn't be fired as that would circumvent 3020a law. Mulgrew asked if these are official positions. We responded by saying there is an impasse and filing for mediation and arbitration."

    Seems like they are starting from the most extreme position so that eventually it will seem like a nice little gesture to just focus on the unvaccinated who don't have medical and religious exemptions. That was sure a good way for them to turn me off totally. I've been pro-mandate but it's obvious that they are just foul and mean-spirited.

    I no longer support the mandate, not there's anything I can do about about DOE decisions but I am going back to the person's post from 2 days ago, which is what Mulgrew is trying to tell us to do, which is CLOSE RANKS. If they see that the majority vaccinated teachers don't give a damn about those who are not vaccinated they think they can strike and we shouldn't allow it. If you don't want to to do it for them do it for yourself, because it will be very easy for them to use this anytime. If anyone recalls at the end of the year they were already talking about making it easier to take people who are sick off the payroll, rather than allowing them to be on a leave. This is an extension of that.

  10. "It gets more complicated where kids are vaccinated. A positive test, no symptoms, kids will continue to go to school"

    Am I reading that correctly? Positive test, no symptoms, come to school. What happened to asymptomatic spread?

  11. What an offensive comment"you cant always get what you want:

    All i want is not to be forced to put my life in grave danger!
    If i leabe, i cant pay my bills.this is a disgusting post and a worse city.ny should be a good leader.imho. i would actively campaign against this awful gov si she doesnt get elected when this gifted gig of hers is done.if all unions turn against her, maybe she wont get thei hate politics, butbi will date these people distegard the law?nys allows for can they disregard that?what about the americans with disabilities act?
    If i use the names in my head, this wint be printed.out of respect for james'kids, you guys can fill in the blanks.and meisha can go sell crack in the hood for all i care!she barely has any experience in the classroom and now this??i guess my anger should go to whomever gave her the job.what a loser state ny is.if i didnt have a very specific personal situation, i would leave awful misguided being trapped in an abusive marriage in the old days, i imagine, whete women had no skills.
    If i am forced into this, i need time to write my will.ehat would they day at my funeral?at least i die with principles, unlike some of the crazies here. I think i would rather drink the real koolaid then face a life of misery from being maimed by the vaccine. But do they allow mercy killing?

  12. Or i can go maskless and die of covid f ast and easy with my health issues

  13. Aren't you tired of reading the comments of the "crazies"? You should just stop reading them. Maybe there is a blog better suited for you and your principles.

  14. As of today, only the following 5 states are showing a decrease in COVID hospitalization rate:
    1. Florida
    2. Arkansas
    3. Missouri
    4. Nevada
    5. Louisiana

  15. @Thursday, September 02, 2021 2:55:00 PM - It's scary isn't it. That asymptomatic student can infect others and possibly kill. There's no talk about if NYC reaches 3% infection rate either.

  16. 6:06 the comment is not offensive and you just assume that he's only talking to people who are unvaccinated. The point is that there has to be compromise. It can't all be your way. You're the one who sounds crazy here.

  17. "Another Great Success by the UFT."


  18. Mulgrew forgot about this...

    WHO adds new strain 'mu' to its variants of concern list, first detected in Colombia in January

  19. Why don't they threaten to put the unvaxers in the ATR pool? It still exists.

  20. 2020-teachers cannot be expected to teach in person and remote.

    2021-"Mulgrew-you need to make yourself available to teach remote SOMETIME DURING THE DAY"

    when reminded that we get a 'duty free lunch, Mulgrew says that's why there isn't a specific time just sometime during the day"

    SO an elementary teacher who works on Mondays/Tuesdays until 3:35/3:40pm needs to find another 2 hours in the day to do this remote work, "just upload lessons and make youself available"

    Where are these lessons to upload coming from? Takes hours to make lessons that make current lessons. Can't put generic work up because it has to match what is being done in the classroom.

    The true confirmation of Mulgrew's acknowledgement of why he continues to not recognize and value our education and rights to fair pay comes when Mulgrew acts like he is doing us a favor getting us per session for work that he knows "many teachers would do this work anyway for no pay"






    QUESTION-I HAVE OVER 14 YEARS CAN I TAKE A sabbatical FOR THE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR? This info should have been shared last school year so that we could make informed decisions for this school year.

    I honestly can't take it anymore. It isn't just DeBozo it is the constant feeling that the UFT and Mulgrew does not protect us or see a problem with us "making ourselves available"



    I AM SO CLOSE TO RESIGNING. I FEEEL LIKE THIS JOB IS A BLACK HOLE THAT I CAN NEVER GET OUT OF and it is the UFT my own union that makes me feel this way.

  21. You can't even get into a doctor's office if you've tested positive for COVID, how is it possible that students who test positive are allowed in school? Did Mulgrew get that right. IF that is true then we need the Dept. of Health, the CDC, or whoever else, to clarify whether this is acceptable.

  22. If they are so bold as to suggest taking off payroll those with medical exemptions, what do you think they would like to do with to the unvaccinated without exemptions?

    Reminds me of a shady used car dealer. They know the car is not worth $15K but they throw that in so when you get the price down to $12K, if it's even worth that much, you think you got a bargain.

    In other words, can they really be so stupid as to think they'll get away with taking people with medical exemptions for the vaccine, off payroll. Maybe they are. OR by the time you get DiBlasio to back down on medical and religious exemptions you'll be so glad at getting two out of three that you'll be happy that it only applies to the unvaccinated without exemptions

    I don't usually, if ever, buy into the conspiracy theories that Mulgrew is in cahoots with DiBlasio, but on this I think they may very well have come up with this to have Mulgrew save face, while DiBlasio gets to implement the mandate.

  23. Will vaccinated teachers that take booster shots in the fall--be given personal days off—and not deducted from their CAR—in order to rest with the usual 24-48 timeframe with side effects?


    CNN taught you how to fear monger James, the most corrupt network that is an embarrassment your go-to site!

    How does anyone feel safe with Biden nazi mandates and now the Taliban has 85 million of military equipment! Worried about 99.6%. survival, boy you guys would be biggest babies in a different time period.

    1. That's 85 Billion our dumbass government left to the Taliban

  25. Anon2323, This isn't about Afghanistan. This isn't the place for that discussion. This post is about yesterday's Town Hall. Let's try to stay there.

  26. DiBlasio wants to find a job in the Biden administration. He said it would be a good fit.
    It is the first time that he said something truthful in last eight years.

  27. Why let the post go through at all, only to say "it doesn't belong here". Yet, here it is.

  28. 9:08, We go out of our way to be fair here and much of that comment was on topic. We can give some of the posters, even if we disagree with most of what they say, some leeway from time to time so they get their main point across.

    I prefer people email me like Bronx ATR does so we can discuss matters off topic off the blog but Anon2323 doesn't have the minimal trust to do that.

  29. Aha! That's how he usually posts, some on-topic so he can get the off-topic tangent to go through. His posts are oftentimes muddled, and now I see that it might be on purpose.

  30. I'm fully vaccinated but I've been trying to find information on whether it's legal to disallow medical exemptions and I found this in a Forbes article. It doesn't say whether it's legal to disallow, but it might explain it a little:

    "Whether you agree with them or not, vaccine requirements have arrived and one opinion which seems to be fairly universally held, is that people with genuine medical conditions preventing them from getting vaccinated against Covid-19 should not be subject to these mandates or passports and doing so would be discriminatory. But what are these medical conditions and how many people do they affect? Well, the answer might surprise you":

    "There is a big difference between possible safety risks from Covid-19 vaccines and them simply not working as intended. For people with cancer, there have been no indications that the vaccines are unsafe or that they are more likely to get side effects but plenty of evidence that people with cancer are at more risk of severe outcomes including death should they get Covid-19.

    “We strongly recommend that all of our cancer patients get the vaccine, although some patients, particularly those with blood cancers, might not develop a strong immune response to two doses of the vaccine and could benefit from a third dose,” added Neel."

  31. Risk of hospital admission with covid-19 among teachers compared with healthcare workers and other adults of working age in Scotland, March 2020 to July 2021: population based case-control study

    “Results Most teachers were young (mean age 42), were women (80%), and had no comorbidities (84%). The risk (cumulative incidence) of hospital admission with covid-19 was <1% for all adults of working age in the general population.”

    “Conclusion Compared with adults of working age who are otherwise similar, teachers and their household members were not found to be at increased risk of hospital admission with covid-19 and were found to be at lower risk of severe covid-19. These findings should reassure those who are engaged in face-to-face teaching.”

    So why do we need a mandate again? If the risk of hospitalization is so ridiculously low for teachers, one can ascertain that students are at an even lower risk. Can people finally admit that mandates are much more about control than health?

  32. Maybe we can learn from Germany. Their government seems to have learned at least a little from their country’s sordid past.

    German Labor Chief Says Employers Can’t Ask About Employees’ Vaccine Status

    “ Many countries are making vaccination mandatory for some sectors – such as healthcare staff or public sector workers – and some companies – particularly in the United States – have started demanding that employees are inoculated. But Germany has strict data privacy laws because of its history of Nazi and Communist state surveillance of citizens, meaning that companies have no right to find out about health issues relating to their staff.”


    THINK ABOUT HIS SO CALLED LEADERSHIP,,HE Picked Carranza..that says it all but there is more...everything he touches turns to shtttttt...Kids will be allowed into school even if they test positive...WTF????

    Now he tells MIldew he will kick people off the payroll.

    ..Isnt it funny how not that long ago the teachers and healthcare workers were heroes...lets throw a parade for them...that was not that long ago...that is why I am old enough to not take their usual pat in the backs when we should all know it really is a knife to the back of the city workers....DEBLASIO CANT LEAVE SOON ENOUGH AND HE CAN JOIN the Biden Administration...another bunch of woke losers who cant manage a dunkin donuts

    It is a shame that most uft members dont see the need to push back against this big bird commie who will come after you next as soon as the next variant shows up....
    HOW DO YOU TEACHERS KNOW THAT BOOSTER SHOTS WILL NOT BE MANDATED EVERY SEPTEMBER IN ORDER TO WORK for this institution...go along little sheep keep eating what they throw at you....WHERES OUR UFT???..

    .At least the other city unions pushed back immediately when big bird came out with his mandates..Now the UFT wants to join the other unions and fight back...they should have stood firm from day one...Best wishes everyone... I am trying to weigh out all my options in case the UFT drops the ball again

  34. BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The intensive care rooms at St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center are full, each a blinking jungle of tubes, wires and mechanical breathing machines. The patients nestled inside are a lot alike: All unvaccinated, mostly middle-aged, paralyzed and sedated, reliant on life support and locked in a silent struggle against COVID-19.

    Mandate the vaccine.

  35. The right is in denial.

    St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center invited The Associated Press into its restricted ICUs this week in hopes that sharing the dire reality would prompt people to change their behavior.

    “There is so much loss here, and so much of it is preventable. I’m not just talking about loss of life. Ultimately, it’s like loss of hope,” said Dr. Jim Souza, chief medical officer. “When the vaccines came out in December, those of us in health care were like, ’Oh, my God, it’s like the cavalry coming over the hill. ... To see now what’s playing out? It’s all so needless.”

    Inside the ICUs, Kristen Connelly and fellow nurses frequently gather to turn over each patient, careful to avoid disconnecting the tangle of tubes and wires keeping them alive. With breathing tubes, feeding tubes and half a dozen hanging bags of medications intended to halt a cascade of organ damage, turning a patient is a dangerous but necessary endeavor that happens twice a day.

    When Idaho’s hospitals were nearly overwhelmed with coronavirus patients last winter, Connelly wasn’t fazed, believing she could make a difference. Now, instead of focusing on one patient at a time, she cares for multiple. Many colleagues have quit, burned out by the relentless demands of the pandemic.

    “At this point, I’m overwhelmed. I don’t have much left,” the 26-year ICU nursing veteran said Tuesday.

  36. How about blaming the creators of the virus instead of blaming the victims?namely:fauci and his cronies like bill gates and others who profit from this.our government who against orders, collaborated with china in the lab. Now we should take their antidote?

    1. @10:11 am...
      And Elvis is playing 3 nights at the Garden on labor day. You can Email Donnie for free tickets.

  37. A three-foot disaster in the making. I wonder how many people will simply head for the exits well before the school year is over. Might be a lot of sabbatical applications this spring.


    Fear mongering my ass.

  39. I am 6:06.
    1. When do nyc teachers get their way(see complaints on this blog)
    2. This is a big issue of irreparable harm/death from a sham.this isnt just another talking point in the contract. I agree with another is to get mulgrew to save face. Diblockhead wants a post in biden's cabinet? He has fewer morals than ever, dame as randi.sell out your people for your own expedience.
    There is no moral compass that anyone follows anymore.i am going back to work depressed and anyone else feeling it?

  40. I’m melting, I’m melting. Someone posted off topic and someone else has an opinion I disagree with. And you call yourselves adults. Ha!

  41. @1016am. I guess you are easily frightened.

    Idaho population (2020): 1,839,106
    Idaho’s 7 day average number of COVID deaths (9/2/21): 9

    Please stop with the weak anecdotals and look for the raw data. You are completely misrepresenting the situation much like our Mayor. The COVID emergency powers were declared over for the governor back in June yet the Mayor doesn’t want to lose his weak grip on emergency powers.

  42. @11:00 "Now we should take their antidote?" Only if you want to minimize your risk. If not, go for it, only at your own risk.

  43. The Wicked Witch of the West chimes in again to whine about nothing @ 10:47 and thinks she's the only adult in the room. Lol.

  44. So students who are vaccinated and test positive can continue to come to school. However, the parents aren't mandated to prove if their child IS or IS NOT vaccinated. So my unvaxxed child is positive but I want to continue to go to work, all I have to do is SAY "Sure... he/she was vaccinated so you have to let him/her continue to come to school." And if they refuse to wear a mask... no consequences. I predict a lot of sick/dead school staff this year. I am shocked that we are all content to bitch on social media but will just show up on the first day like the good little sacrificial drones they want us to be all so the parents can go to work. The position they are putting us in is despicable and we should not tolerate it. Putting staff lives in danger is exactly the reason we have a union.

  45. "but will just show up on the first day"

    What do you suggest? Quit?

    1. The beauty of a UNION is that we ALl act so they can't punish us individually. If there was ever the time for a strike it is now.

  46. In Israeli High Schools kids will learn remotely if 70% of their class have not been vaccinated AND if their school is within a RED zone (areas of high community transmission). If not they will be able to study in person.

  47. More on Idaho, fear mongering my ass

    Hospitals around Idaho are stretched nearly to their breaking points, and hospital administrators fear the worst is yet to come, health care officials said in a joint press conference Thursday afternoon.

    As the highly contagious delta variant continues to surge throughout the state, hospital staffs are facing extraordinary circumstances, having to make room for additional patients beyond their capacity limits as large numbers of COVID-19-positive cases and other critically ill patients crowd their wards. Gov. Brad Little earlier this week re-activated the National Guard and secured additional contract workers to help understaffed hospitals — but warned it may not be enough.

    The crisis has prompted hospital leaders to warn the public that patients who arrive at emergency rooms will experience longer wait times than normal.

    Dr. Steven Nemerson, chief clinical officer at Saint Alphonsus Health System, said health care providers are facing the “most extreme” conditions the state has ever experienced.

    “I must tell you that we are losing the COVID battle, and patients are dying unnecessarily,” he said.

    And based on modeling conducted by the hospital, the surge is likely to continue through the month of September.

  48. New York's vaccination rate is higher than Idaho's so it won't spread as quickly or as easily.

  49. I’m 10:47. I think you’re smart enough, 10:54, to figure out I was mocking the snowflake fascists among us who are so desperate for James and Big Brother to censor.

    1. 2:15 usually when mocking someone else it's put in quotes. Looks like you were melting and whining. Yep.

  50. Any word on what happened during mediation at 5pm yesterday? Weren't they continuing the discussions?

  51. Maybe Dr. Steven Nemerson is an activist. If the doe taught me anything titles mean nothing.

  52. I left a message for pension dept to call me.i doubt we can get a sabbatical at this time.eant to know how a leave affects pur fas?that would factor in as a zero?or wpuld they just take the four other previous years?do we have to return from a leave?can we borrow car days for this if we are not sick?i have only about 40. I cant even get to feb 1 so i can get a check next summer..
    Anyone know?what i am open to is getting a safer shot.they are up for approval later this year.i never took a flu shot either...but this shot novavax is not mrna nor does it inject cancer viruses. I wpuld be open to this more traditional shot without the harmful shot is risk free, but it seems like a safer bet...not that i want any shot.i think that is a reasonable compromise, even though the whole thing is a sham anyway.i cant just move away like that.again, how did si called savvy nyers end uo with these loser leaders time and time again?
    I cant just leave.thete is age discrimination.

  53. My colleage just got an ict job in a great school.she is considering taking a leave.she can live woth her mom.i cant because my mom along with many hete think its a civic duty to inject these caner causing(and worse) poisons because someone ELSE is immunicompromised!we can protect the vulnerable witjour sickilening everyone else.
    Also, they try yo outlaw early treatments with a good record si they can raise the death toll and claim its deadly.they kill people on vents.
    My friend's hubby died(precovid) when the hospital suggested they rest his body by shoving a tube down him.he agreed to it.well they cut an artery in the process and he bled out and elmhurst, they had untrained folks operating vents.they killed many patients.IF EVERYONE IS CAREFUL WITH MASKS. DISTANCE, WASHING, ETC, I FEEL LIKE WE DONT NEED A VAX.UNFORTUNATELY, MANY AMONG US REFUSE TO MASK!if everyone wouls cooperate, we would not need a shot.but then, this is a wealth transfer and a control issue, so it is irrelevant.walenskt is a dope as well. Fauci is a criminal who should never be free to walk this earth.gates and others too...but ny is the stupidest.even hillbillie leaders elsewhere are better ny fools.

  54. Check this out from City MD:

    What Precautions Do I Take Based On My Results?
    Rapid Test

    - Asymptomatic
    Continue to exercise universal precautions such as social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations.

    - Symptomatic
    A confirmatory PCR test will be sent to an outside lab to ensure result accuracy. You should quarantine at home until
    your PCR result is available.

    - Asymptomatic
    You are recommended to isolate for 10 days from the day of the test. You may end your isolation period after 10 days
    assuming you either remain symptom free or any symptoms you develop are significantly improved AND you have not
    had a fever for 24 hours (without using fever reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

    - Symptomatic
    You are recommended to self quarantine for 10 days from onset of symptoms. After 10 days, you may return to work
    provided your respirator symptoms (ie. cough, runny nose) are improving AND you are fever-free for 24 hours (without
    using fever reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

    Serum Antibody IgG and Spike Protein Antibody (Blood Tests)
    Regardless of your results, you should continue to exercise universal precautions such as social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations. Remember, COVID-19 is a new infection, and it is unclear if a positive antibody definitively offers immunity.

    PCR Test
    Continue to exercise universal precautions such as social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations.

    You are recommended to self-quarantine for 10 days from onset of symptoms. After 10 days, you may return to work provided your respiratory symptoms (ie cough, runny nose) are improving AND you are fever-free for 24 hours (without using fever reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

  55. The decision to re-open NYC schools by De Blasio will be another De Blasio disaster.

    De Blasio was unprepared for the flooding on Wednesday. It was a disaster.

    De Blasio kept the public schools open until March 13, 2020. It was a disaster and a deadly one at that.

    De Blasio has proven track record of poor judgment.

    Without Cuomo around to kick his ass, De Blasio is a disaster!

  56. The re-opening of the schools is likely to be risky and deadly for many DOE employees, period.


  58. Lol 518 pm, under Donnie, black unemployent was much lower. But you don't care about that, you just want to stir people up, shows how much you care about your own people being unemployed. Shame on you.


    Could There Be a Daily COVID Pill? What We Know About Pfizer Drug Trial

    Does this get mandated next after boosters?

  60. Perhaps schools shouldn't open. The vaccines are so good there is a 50% increase in deaths per day and a 350% increase in infections per day.

    October 2020,
    Joe Biden : "This is a national emergency. The President should take responsibility."

    Cases per day: 50,000
    Deaths per day: 1,000
    Total deaths: 200,000
    Today per NY Times:

    Cases per day: 164,326
    Deaths per day: 1,521
    Total deaths: 645,383

  61. The white house is for peoole whose brain is in a whiteout.

  62. They are only sending us back for a month because the DOE has no clue how many students are really going to attend school this year. I have read anywhere from 30k to 80k fewer students, so be ready for an ERI or layoffs at the end of this year. People please stop with the back and forth its always about one thing and one thing only and that is $$$$$$. Follow that and you will know the truth why they need in-person to start the school year.

  63. When Trump left office it was already at 400,000 and he was doing everything he could to undermine science, encouraging people to pack his rallies, and not wear masks. BIG DIFFERENCE. Biden's problem is that there is a segment who has fallen for the propaganda spewed by those in right wing media who are already vaccinated. They could care less if their supporters die, as long as they make Biden look bad.

    1. I was referring to the infections per day. 50k to 165k per day. Biden was going to shut down the virus, not the economy. Um, he did the opposite. Nice try. See the economic and job reports.

  64. Exhausting. How can anyone in their right mind follow this? I guess that explains half of the commenters here

  65. Oscar De La Hoya
    Wanted you to hear directly from me that despite being fully vaccinated, I have contracted Covid and am not going to be able to fight next weekend. Preparing for this comeback has been everything to me over the last months, & I want to thank everyone for their tremendous support. I am in the hospital.

  66. Based on those infection numbers, and deaths...The 1st two jabs didn’t work like they told us they would but you believe the 3rd one will work because they said so?

  67. 10:09 where find those crazy numbers come from?i dont see any parents protesting anything related to reopening.

    We are human cargo.meisha is quoted in the post that she can replace those who dont vax with subs.perhaps.afterall, they had a huge sub budget/wasted money because bozo insisted on staying open, thus making remote teachers plus in person plus subs.with 1 or 2 in persons in a class, it was wasteful to say the least.683 teachets who didnt even have a teaching degree worked.they dont care ad long as there is a babysittet.the joke that to get hired in doe, you breathe on a mirror and if it fogs, you are hired still isnt a is real.they were hiring college students, remember?Meisha sucks the big one she is on the pipe and dibozo is on the joint.reefer madness,lol infects the doe.sleepy joe is nodding out from heroin.ah, that explains a lot from the white house.he asks permission about which reporters
    he talks to.who cleans his butt and makes his bed and fixes his cheerios?tony tiger is his model.aha everything is GREAT!(some of us may remember the cimmercial).he is delusional.well mulgrew liked the we see she truly regards us as cargo...she should go back into the classroom and get real.
    Sold out by one of our own...doe gets worse and worse by the day.i cant believe that nys hasnt taken over the entirevsystem.that would serve them right, hah!
    Wish cuomo would have fired bozo like he would be a positive when compared to the nursing home scandal.wonder if he would grope meisha and drive her out? She might like it because who else would want her?tx for letting me rant! It was a tad cathartic.

  68. No word on spring break pay on the town hall? Weird.guess the question was screenef.i wad not at the meeting, so idk

    1. It's in the questions. Re read them. He said we should have an answer from arbitration within a couple months

  69. We could all die of a terror attackthanks to the geezer.vax status will be an obsolete concern.
    Then they will write COVID on the death certificate.

  70. 11:56 no, they said we will get repeated boosters.if u dont get boosters, it is like being unvaxxed in their eyes.more mandates.that is part of the protest.once u comply, they demand more and many boosters will u get till your body cant handle it?how many boosters till retirement?
    Israel's passport expures if u dont get u all see the game yet??


  72. Meisha came from us as did carmen farina.they thought that hiring educators would make things better, but look.power corrupts.just like admins.people forget their roots.


  74. 11:23 he said he could shut down the virus if we worked "together", with "together" being the operative word. He did come up with a very workable plan for the distribution of the vaccine. He fully underestimated the amount of people who were so brainwashed that they would absolutely refuse. Some people may have legitimate fears, and others are just spewing right-wing nonsense. Unfortunately for the economy, unlike Trump who was handed a very healthy economy that we then saw go straight into the gutter, with 80 highs for unemployment, Biden received a boatload of crisis' on many fronts.

    1. The economy went into the gutter due to the pandemic which you keep obsessing over. Was there/is there a pandemic or not? The economy was better than fine until Feb 15, 2020. There also wasn't 6% inflation. Inflation, you know, hurts people who get little to no raises like us.

      United States government official
      I'm not going to shut down the country.

      I'm not going to shut down the economy.

      I'm going to shut down the virus.
      3:10 PM · Oct 30, 2020·

  75. You have to quote someone to mock them. Um. No. You actually don’t. Facts matter.

    1. 6:37 "I'm" does not mean "you're". The fact is you posted you were melting. And you're still whining two (or three) days later. But you're the adult. Lol.

  76. "A Texas “freedom defender” who led campaigns against COVID-19 measures has died after trying to treat his own infection — just weeks before the birth of his fourth child."

    "Caleb Wallace, 30, started “The San Angelo Freedom Defenders” and organized “end the COVID tyranny” rallies opposing mask and vaccine rules and to “secure God-given and constitutionally protected rights.”

    How many is this now, I've lost count.

  77. “You can’t call yourself a pro-life party if your policy goals are to allow the maximum number of people to die of COVID, including children, by banning mask mandates in businesses and schools and raising doubts about vaccines,” she said.

    “You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape,” Reid added.

    “The Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism. What they are not is pro-life, she concluded, saying it’s now “loudly and proudly the pro-death party.”

    Joy Reid

  78. 6:37 you're really in no position to mock anyone about melting over censorship when you're highly triggered over nothing.

  79. A couple of months? Don't people have to provide proof by September 27? Is there a pause on being taken off payroll until then?

  80. Sorry 9:08 I think you're responding to the question on spring break money. Yeah, that's coming in a couple of months. He has to know by now teachers aren't going to forget about it. I also asked for an update on mediation.

  81. The "my body, my choice" anti-vaxx folks are trying to rat on people who want to have an abortion.

  82. "Around 7:30 a.m. on Friday morning, about 30 anti-mask protesters came onto the grounds of Bennie L. Cole Elementary School. The protesters were demonstrating against the Northside Independent School District's (NISD) mandatory mask policy for students. The district resides within central Texas, just northwest of San Antonio."

    "While on school grounds, the protesters yelled at a student, telling him that he needed to take his mask off, NISD executive director of communications Barry Perez told the San Antonio news website

    "He went to the counselors because he was upset," Perez added."

    More harassment by anti-vaxxers. Your children are not safe in their presence.

  83. Don't worry, mulgrew is ready for war. Didn't he same the same thing 1 year ago? He was ready to strike, then just ran away.

  84. Why don't you you think the mandates mean anything. We have no idea what Adams thinks of mandates and Deblasio wants the first jab completed by the 27th, well before anyone else would come into office.

    Also regarding Afghanistan, since you brought it up and it was posted "Jon Soltz, an Iraq veteran and the chair of the Democrat-aligned advocacy group VoteVets, thinks Biden doesn't deserve the brunt of the criticism about the U.S. departure. "Let's investigate," he told Politico. "Right, let's talk about the Trump deal with the Taliban that was only a deal between the United States and not a deal with the Afghan government. If we want to do investigations on Afghanistan, there's 19 years of administrations to look at, and there's about three months of [the Biden] administration. So let's open this thing up and let's talk about it, because the person who is least culpable is this administration."

  85. 4:55 nope. The economy did not go into the toilet solely because of the pandemic. It had a lot to do with the mismanagement of the pandemic. I'm not obsessing over the economy, frankly I don't care how much I have to pay for gas and supplies as long as the bloviating authoritarian is out of office, but you were the one who brought up the economy when you said "look at economic and job reports". Can you not follow your own conversation?

    Again, noone can shut down the virus while you have a bunch of psychotics who'd rather see death than see him beat it. He was not counting on that so you can parrot that line all you'd like. What he's not doing is going in denial mode, and encouraging people to not listen to the experts.

  86. Besides @4:55 you were posting about the rise in daily numbers when the reason for the increase is the Delta surge which should not be happening except that a lot of people, especially in red states don't want to take the vaccine. Biden at least is trying to take responsibility and has thrown everything he can at the problem, when you know damn well that Trump did anything but. You were trying to be cute and it is nothing but invalid reasoning because the increase in deaths per day are primarily in red states. So no, NY is not closing especially with DeBlasio calling the shots.

  87. Mulgrew didn't run away, he won a lot of concessions. They pushed back the start date twice if I remember, which is what we really wanted, and there were accommodations for teachers, and some other crap that I don't remember. It's a whole 'nother ballgame now because jobs are on the line and I really think they're using medical and religious exemptions as the bait to go all in on teachers without exemptions. Some people will fold and get vaccinated, and some people won't. What should he do?

  88. the economy was fine until Trump ruined it. if he hadn't lied so much we wouldn't be in this situation today.

  89. This is true

    "You can’t call yourself a pro-life party if your policy goals are to allow the maximum number of people to die of COVID, including children, by banning mask mandates in businesses and schools and raising doubts about vaccines,” she said.

  90. THe most vaccinated place, Israel. What's happening James??? ASk cnn!!!!

  91. The pro life crowd is pro life because a fetus can’t make the choice. I’m fine with them labeling themselves pro life. They consider abortions the murder of the pre-born. I’m pro choice on abortions and COVID vaccines. I’ll vote Republican even if it means an end to abortions because I still think the left is insane and all the authoritarianism they’re pushing will stick and when the right wing religious zealots take over, the left can remember they got that ball going. That’s the backlash that the previous commenter was referring to I think. Trump an authoritarian? No he wasn’t. Name authoritarian policies he pushed. Beijing Biden pushing for private companies to mandate COVID vaccines, Wilhelm DeBlasio and his passports. The authoritarians are on the left. But it will change and the stranglehold on freedoms started by the left will be commandeered by the right. I don’t want any American rights fucked with whether it’s coming from the left or the right. Democrats started this and in 2022 and 2024 republicans will have the power. Be careful what you wish for now. It’s going to bite you freedom haters in the ass along with the rest of us.

    1:44. Dumb dumb. Accept it. I mocked you. Move on.

  92. @8:20 Do you mean "dum dum"? Lol. You're just an ignoramus I see. Can't spell, bad grammar, and dont know how to use quotation marks.

    But you did post that you were melting. Dont lie about it now, it's still there in the comments. Lol. Don't keep melting down about it. You seem to do that a lot so it fits.

  93. Dumb dumb. Again it was mocking melting snowflakes. I can keep explaining it all day if you need.

  94. 8:20 so you're ok with labeling yourself whatever it takes to suit your argument even if it means contradicting yourself from one minute to the next. I agree that you can't be pro-life if you think it's ok for the elderly to die quicker than they might have, or if you go around, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying that it's too bad because we're all going to die anyway. Not sure who you're replying to but your comment on why you'll vote Republican is just asinine. What authoritarian policies did Trump try to push? You sound like an idiot so I'll just give you the latest which is trying to overturn an entire frigging election to stay in power. And awwww, just look at you all the big talk about "commandeering". Just commandeer yourself to another job and stop whining about a vaccine.

    The silver lining about Republicans possibly getting back in power in 2022 or 2024 is that you right wingers will be fucked with too. That will be hilarious to see. You all thinking you're winning as they do away with more labor laws, social security, medicare, consumer and environmental protections, the free speech you claim you care about. So go right ahead and vote Republicans to your hearts content and let them enrich themselves further. As if they give two shits about you.

  95. 727 you're not exactly explaining anything, you are backstepping. You posted: I'm melting, I'm melting. That means you are melting. What's to explain. Not anyone's problem that you meant to mock someone and wound up mocking yourself. Lol. But looking at your "dumb dumb" comment again just shows that you're the type who wears your stupidity proudly. lol.

  96. The Wicked Witch of the West @7:27 is still melting. LOL!!

  97. No 9:32. Again, slower this time. M-o-c-k-i-n-g snowflakes. I’ll be back for your daily lesson tomorrow. Rest up.

    1. 5:15 Melting Wicked Witch of the West snowflake thinks that slower makes her right and desperately trying to convince me. I'm starting to think it's not a puddle from melting but you peeing yourself because you can't handle the humiliation. Lol at you posting yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the next claiming that you were mocking liberals but instead punched yourself in the face as is to be expected with ignoramuses. Go ahead dummy post later or tomorrow that you mocked liberals. Except you didnt. You mocked yourself. If it was so obvious it wouldnt need a hundred explanations to your imaginary audience. LOL!!

  98. Hahaha 5:15am is here bright and early trying to convince people she didn't say what she said. Maybe if you click your heels three times maybe you'll be back in Trumpland where you belong. No, that was Dorothy. You just melted. Nevermind.

  99. I want to just fail you but my liberal AP wants me to give you another chance. Snowflakes like 4:46 and 1:30 were being mocked for being snowflakes. Snowflakes easily melt. Do you get it now? I can get this lib AP off my back after a dozen more lessons. Several more to go I think...

  100. 5:58 what other posts have you made on this blog recently? I bet You have nothing of substance to add to any discussion. Embarrassing. You're only proving that you are having a meltdown so even if you were trying to mock liberals it's clear that was only projection, so big fail on your part.

    Looks like this started on September 3, so you've spent five days melting down over a post you disagree with after posting that liberals who disagree are the ones melting down. And you'll repeat it twelve more times at 5:30 in the morning. Are you on anti-anxiety medication? If not, maybe you should be.

    Wow. Unreal. LMAO. This is too funny.

  101. Wicked Witch of the West @5:58, better still, make sure the AP schools you on how to use quotes. You won't look so dumb next time when you're pretending to quote someone, but wind up just mocking yourself. If you only had a brain! LOL.

  102. 6:48. Good job 6:48. You’ve finally figured out that it was the lack of quotation marks that interfered with your comprehension. Next time, put the ideas in context and the lack of quotation marks won’t limit your comprehension. You’ve finally passed. My lib AP will surely give me highly effective solely based on all the chances I gave you to pass.

  103. 11:16 nice try Wicked Witch. You you want others to do your correction for you? You wrote you were melting but you think we should bail you out and say that it applied to is? Why should I dispute that, when you've done nothing but have a psychotic meltdown the past few days. You wrote what you wrote dimwit You were melting and still are. The context is that you're a moron and mocked yourself while trying to "own the libs". And how lame and pathetic that the only effective lesson you can get is the one you made up in that empty skull of yours. LOL!!

  104. 6:48 you do realize the comment about quoting was first brought uo on Sept 4. Heehee. Why do you keep lying about posts that are still on this thread? Get a life and stop kissing up to your AP.

  105. Does anyone have a recording or transcript of the Town Hall session held on Sept 2. Mulgrew explains the beginnings of his encounters with DOE. I need to hear DOEs position on the matter. I need quotes from this TownnHall session to file my appeal within the next two days. I am the Lead Teacher Grievant fir 100 teachers, we filed and was denied going to step 2 of the grieve process. Please a recording or transcript is needed. UFT has blocked access to it. Please send it to BJDF204 at g mail. I had to write it like this do it would post. Thanks.


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