Friday, September 03, 2021


Inadequate protection for students and UFTers but read it all yourselves in the UFT's FAQ.


  1. Israel’s version of Dr. Fauci said the hospitals there are filled with double vaxxed people!! Israel has a 90%+ vax rate & has one of the highest Covid numbers.

    Sounds safe. Mulgrew will be at home.

    Pay dues everybody.

  2. Going forward, when more than half of your students are required to quarantine, teachers and related service providers will be paid four hours at the per-session rate to prepare for digital learning.

    is that new, or did I miss that?

  3. I guess everyone knows why I wasn't excited about the Chancellor.
    Why I will not be her photo op... Everyone was so excited about her being the 1st Black Woman Chancellor. Tell me are you still excited?Is she not willing to cause harm to Black children for her BOSS

  4. 12:49 i thought it wad for even one student.

  5. Great point!since she is race-obsessed, maybe she would listen if you emailed her...

  6. I like to read comments here, but I skip any comments that are ALL CAPS or grammatical gibberish. Who's the guy who put periods everywhere, even in the middle of words? I just skip over you.

  7. AP Moises Morales from Bryant is a must s@ck being him.

  8. The comments about Spring break pay are especially moronic. Mulgrew said from day 1 that we would file the grievance, and the grievance has been filed. There's nothing to say. Grievance hearings don't get play by play announcers. We'll find out the result when the process is over. I predict a win, though the CAR gift may complicate the payout amount.

  9. Can they force vaccinated and unvaccinated co-teachers to work together?

  10. One of my friends has a bitter antivaxxer in his department. Everyone is afraid. They have to share department bathroom, lockers, classrooms, department office, bookroom, the copy machine, workroom. And then there's the lunchroom with all departments. He wants to know how his family comes out of this not sick, when the shots they took in March are already worthless??? Staff will all be home sick in bed for more than a week before BOE tests this guy, if ever. (Not counting the kids who curse, spit, and threaten teachers over a mask...)

    1. Aren't you vaccinated? Then what the heck are you afraid of? You are a pathetic coward

    2. Don't think for a minute that the vaccine Nazis will stop once there is 100% vaccination in the population. There will be something else they are afraid of and then make their demands again. This is called rule by psychos

  11. Students would identify as dems. So would their parents.
    The mayor is dem. So is the governor. Most of the uft members are dem. The uft just about always endorses dems. The CSA is the same.

    But there is a lot of GOP bashing on this blog.

    How is it not the fault of dems that the students of NYC are way below level in almost every school?

    And the answer by the chancellor is to reinforce a policy of "Students are not required to attend school"...Because that makes them career ready?

    1. This is true, but very few will admit. Democrat Mayors and governors have been terrible on education in the city and the state..I'm a Democrat and actually wouldn't mind trying a republican mayor to see what they can do... Cause whatever we are doing... It's not working.

  12. March vaccine is still very effective. Moderna may have better staying power than Pfizer. Shouldn't use extreme language like "worthless." We need to start living again.

  13. I teach my children that the masks are just performance theater, that the masks are just a joke, so that the psychos in society can relax a little bit. Too many are absolutely petrified and so therefore you must do your duty to calm these nitwits down. As soon as I get into my classroom and meet my new students I'll be teaching them the same

  14. 656 I doubt anyone can be so stupid, so maybe you're just trying to spread negativity on this blog, but it's because of people like you that mandates are here and why people don't care what the DOE does. Still I feel sorry for any children who are unfortunate enough to cross your path.

  15. 550 ha! You scaredy cats are deathly afraid of the vaccine ("waaah, we're going to turn to mutant ninja turtles, waaah"). Deathly afraid of trans people. Afraid of blacks. Afraid of immigrants. Afraid of the poor. Afraid of strong women. Afraid of going to Target without carrying a fully loaded Bazooka. You've been harassing children in front of school because "gasp* they're wearing a mask, oh no. Afraid of fair elections. Hahahaha. There is not one thing you're afraid of. You're so afraid you had to vote in an authoritarian bully so that he could throw his weight around for you and give you all permission to say Merry Christmas. "Thank you for letting us say Merry Christmas again". Good grief.

  16. I'm not afraid of anyone who is unvaccinated, but I still don't want to work with someone who is so ignorant and reckless. Anyone so afraid to take a vaccine should not be around children. I'll bet all the big mouths will take the jab rather than find another line of work. They're afraid of change.

  17. I have a message for you fascists on the left. You keep trying to take our freedoms, and trying to turn this country into Nazi Germany. Just keep it up. You will experience a backlash like you've never dreamed.
    When the silent majority has had enough they will unleash hell on you and your ilk.

    1. Oh no. Not a backlash. When the heck have you loudmouths ever been silent? You cry about everything. The last group that tried that is now facing charges. You can join them.

    2. 743 is this supposed to be ironic?

  18. "Three schools in Vancouver, Washington went on lockdown when a group of Proud Boys tried to enter the school grounds.

    Members of the far-right group were at the school campus protesting mask requirements for students and teachers.

    The group tried to escort a student seeking a medical exemption to wearing a mask into the building."

    Psychotics protesting school mask requirements

  19. Yes, some people have a right to be afraid. You lose.

    "A federal judge struck down Gov. Bill Lee's executive order allowing students to opt-out of mask mandates in schools.

    Two students with medical conditions sued over the order, claiming they were unfairly excluded from activities because of the risk of COVID-19.

    The judge ruled their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act were violated."
    The judge ruled in favor of two students who brought the case against Lee's executive order. The students argued they were more vulnerable to COVID-19 due to medical conditions and were being excluded from school activities as a result of the order."

  20. 4:41 you nevet go yo a store, restaurant, public restroom, etc?jyst staff solit...

  21. And now this: at least you dues payers have a strong union...NOT.


    The United Federation of Teachers today charged that New York City’s recent unilateral imposition of a “no exceptions” COVID vaccine mandate for all educators violates federal and state law and the teachers’ contract.

    The union formally requested the intervention of the state’s Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to help resolve the dispute by mediation.

    In its filing, the UFT cited the city’s new “sudden and rigid policy” announced on August 24, 2021, which contradicted the policy of vaccination-or-test announced earlier this summer. In a subsequent bargaining session the city maintained that teachers with a legitimate medical exception would not be accommodated with COVID testing or a remote assignment.

    This Mayor and Chancellor need to go! They do not care about the health and well being of the people who keep this city’s children learning. We need to stand strong. If any Mayor, this one, the next one, or any Mayor after can unilaterally dictate who stays on payroll or not; then we all lose. We need to stick together and fight for everyone’s rights. Today it is our brothers and sisters with medical and religious accommodations; tomorrow it’s can be you. Stand with your union and make city hall hear our voices.


  22. @7:25 rights are being stripped away with these mandates and it is scary what they will continue doing for our children and future generations, this is all about government control. It is amazing monkeys became humans and humans became sheep!
    Everyone is afraid 🤮🤮🤮. Past generations look at you with disgust.

    THe majority in this country are REpublicans, the pathetic bullying from these insane liberal people is absolutely mindblowing. The same people who never wanted to take TRumps vaccine, the same people who called TRump who has jewish grandids a nazi, want to force a vaccine on people. WE have Ivermectin, zonc, HCQ , azithromycin for cures dummies!!!!!!

    The same people who voted for pathetic Biden, the same people who do not say a word how this country is crashing between with border crisis 1 in 3 kids being abandoned probably sex trafficked, the same people who said we would have WW3 with Trump (no wars) Biden just gave Afghanistan 85 billion of equipment to taliban , Iran, and china) world is less safe now. Just like Obama gave 100 million.

    1. Anon2323 past generations look at cultist crazies like you with disgust. Stop your bellyaching about a vaccine. Dont want to take it, dont. Don't expect to be allowed into places, including the workplace. Simple.

    2. Anon2323 The majority in the country are Republicans you say. Even if true, you lost. Says a lot about your candidate. Lol. Get over it.

    3. Boo hoo at Anon2323. So much crying so early in the morning.

    4. Anon2323, You continue in your alternate universe.

      Earlier you said, "THe majority in this country are REpublicans..."

      The facts on where people lean:

      Pew Research Center:

      Around a third of registered voters in the U.S. (34%) identify as independents, while 33% identify as Democrats and 29% identify as Republicans, according to a Center analysis of Americans’ partisan identification based on surveys of more than 12,000 registered voters in 2018 and 2019.

      Most independents in the U.S. lean toward one of the two major parties. When taking independents’ partisan leanings into account, 49% of all registered voters either identify as Democrats or lean to the party, while 44% identify as Republicans or lean to the GOP.


      A plurality consider themselves independent with Democrats having a small edge today.

      Actual numbers from WaPo from 2020:

      New data from Ballot Access News, which tracks registrations in the 31 states that require voters to register by party, shows that independents account for 29.09 percent of voters in them, compared with 28.87 percent for Republicans. As recently as 2004, Republicans outpaced independents by nearly 10 percentage points.

      There are still way more registered Democrats; 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party.

      Anon 2323, Are you getting your numbers from your alt right sources?

    5. No James, I think he pulls his numbers out of somewhere else.

    6. @anon2323
      Spews his fear every chance he gets. He must go crazy during work hours with not being able to spew his opinions. Doom and phucking gloom is spewed from his fingers daily on this blog but he earns a living on the liberal teat of the nyc school system.

  23. 9:11 even though I'm vaccinated I was more than willing to stand with and advocate for my UFT brothers and sisters but why would anyone in their right mind support a position held by 7:43. She's blaming regular working people for those decisions that we have nothing to do with, let her fight her own battles. Good luck to you tho.

  24. I still dont think it's about medical exemptions, they want to be able to remove those who are unvaccinated and dont have exemptions. This leaves them room for negotiation and exemptions get a pass and the rest dont. I'd bet money that's where they're going with this.

  25. @547pm. I like that. let’s run with that fitting term. Mandaters = pathetic cowards. Get your boosters and leave the rest of us alone.



    India’s DNA COVID vaccine is a world first – more are coming
    The ZyCoV-D vaccine heralds a wave of DNA vaccines for various diseases that are undergoing clinical trials around the world.

    Great news but what’s with the name? They need to hire a better marketing department. I’m probably not the only one who thinks the name sounds way too similar to Zyklon B.

  28. You should be obedient to everything the UFT asks of you. There has never ever been any groupthink propaganda imposed by he UFT. Remember, the UFT is negotiating for your safety. You should be thankful you even have a job. You should loyally continue to pay UFT dues.

    Just in case, the UFT recommends that you have your have your Last Will prepared before returning to the building. Contact Feldman , Kramer, and Monaco PLC.

    Its all good!

    Happy Labor Day from America's best ever Labor Union, the UFT

  29. Has Deblasio been studying history?
    “The respected status of German physicians helped spread the lie that Jews were responsible for spreading typhus. Concerned only with preserving the health of German personnel, German public health officials in occupied Poland repeatedly urged occupation authorities to isolate Jews further from the rest of the population.4 Their professional medical advice was used to rationalize the creation of Jewish ghettos throughout occupied Poland.5 German occupation authorities used propaganda posters like this one to spread these unfounded justifications for the isolation of Jews from Polish society”.

  30. Medical experts have warned since at least April *2020* that obesity is a massive risk factor for Covid cases. How many are still ignorant of this facts cause media has given it limited coverage?

    1. 11:46 limited coverage? Not really lol. Even more people are obese after working from home for over a year.

  31. Msybe yhey hope that older, higher paid rmployees will leave and that will save money.dirty bastards.

    1. James why do you allow crazy Anon2323 to post his propaganda lies about COVID19 cures?

    2. I apologize 11:01. You are right. I read the more Republicans remark and went to refute it so I did not even look through the rest of it properly.

  32. Geez 743, it wasn't solely people on the left who upheld the right to mandate vaccines. You have to be some special kind of stupid to compare vaccine requirements in this country to Nazi Germany. Little snowflakes always threatening violence over elections, school lunches, bathrooms, curriculum and now vaccines. You sound so angry. An unhappy, miserable little wench.

    1. @10:07 am...Lmho. Not a little wench. I just want to know when 7:43 is going to unleash the dragon. I mean here we are over 17 months into this pandemic and 7:43 is still chomping and foaming silently. Who's the Ilk? Man 743 sounds like a character from GOT. Someone needs to go check on 743. They are tossing out threats but probably jumps and trembles whenever admin enters their classroom.

  33. Theres a backlash going on right now against people who think they have a right to mingle in society while giving no thought to community spread. They care nothing about anyone else and people are tired of it.

  34. People are really losing it. A crazy person in Canada was so upset about being asked to wear a mask he unzipped his pants and urinated on the counter. Was he trying to show that he was the sane and rational one?

  35. 9:39 those vomiting emojis fit you perfectly. You vomit all over this blog regularly. You're the one afraid of a little vaccine. Grow the hell up and stop bytching about it.

  36. Funny how you attack anon2323 and Republicans while just about the whole uft is dem as is the whole nyc leadership who you all complain about. So, the gop is horrible. What are you all complaining about? You all live and work in nyc with the far left.

    1. 1133 not an original bone in your entire body. Are you Erica? If not stop copying what she said and pretending it's your post. That's just lame.

    2. How do you know where people live and work @11:33? Anon2323 is called out on his lies. When have you ever called our a Republican for anything?

    3. @1133 am... you live and work in the US right? What's your point man?

  37. From Erica, well said...

    Wouldn't all the problems we have in NYC be because of democrats?

    Students would identify as dems. So would their parents.
    The mayor is dem. So is the governor. Most of the uft members are dem. The uft just about always endorses dems. The CSA is the same.

    But there is a lot of GOP bashing on this blog.

    How is it not the fault of dems that the students of NYC are way below level in almost every school?

    And the answer by the chancellor is to reinforce a policy of "Students are not required to attend school"...Because that makes them career ready?

    1. @1139 am...
      And what say you about those educators who fold and tow the company line? Are they part of the problem?

  38. De Blasio is a corporate Democrat beholden to his donors, a pay to play politician. I tried to speak against the UFT endorsement in 2017 at the DA but was shut down by Leroy Barr. T

    This is from Politico:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio preached the gospel of campaign finance reform during his brief and ill-fated presidential run, but he practiced under a different code.

    Despite disavowing the role of big money in politics, de Blasio relied primarily on donors who have business dealings with the city, are often wealthy and are rarely motivated by ideology — something reinforced by the campaign’s most recent federal filings from this month.

    Relatives of Brooklyn developer Rubin Schron, a financial backer of a Sunset Park facility seeking a rezoning from city government, gave a combined $5,600, for example. Schron is listed in the “doing business” database — a list of people and companies with active financial dealings before the city whose donations would represent a conflict of interest. However, in this case the donations came from Schron’s son and daughter-in-law, who are not on the list.

    The Industry City rezoning proposal has been in the works for years and has backers within the administration, but is subject to the whims of a mercurial City Council member who has rendered the initiative’s fate uncertain. Schron did not respond to a request for comment.

    An official with Bike Rent NYC, which calls itself the “official bike rental company” of the city’s parks department, gave $2,000 in September, three days before de Blasio dropped out of the race. The donor, Mergen Saryyev, did not respond to calls for comment.

    And a real estate firm tied to the New York Mets gave $5,400 as the campaign was winding down. The company is pursuing a lucrative development project next to Citi Field in Queens that will ultimately be decided by the mayor’s office. While the principals of the company who appear in the database did not give, the money was funneled through others at the firm. The donors declined to comment.

  39. james you say
    De Blasio is a corporate Democrat beholden to his donors, a pay to play politician

    Translation: Deblasio is an incompetent crook and so is his wife..

    Also 1133 and 1139 have great points about NYC and NY State. This State and city are basically being trashed to the ground by the Democratic party but there is constant bashing of the GOP on this blog. When these points are brought up I dont see much of a response from all those who are on here . Our school system is a joke, no cash bailis a joke, MTA always broke thats another disaster. TAXES TAXES and more TAXES people are running away from NYS...I wonder why?? republicans are not in charge little sheep

    How long have Democrats been running this place ?? Yet here we are with Deblasio demanding mandates or you will be taken off the payroll. These are the same Bozos who a few month ago said we are throwing the biggest parade for our heroes the nurses doctors healthcare workers and even the teachers. And the same people who were dumb enough to go to his stupid parade are now being told : hope you enjoyed your parade now get the jab or get the Fux out..
    wake up people you will be next are supposed to fight for each other together but instead we are just attacking each other ..and if that continues..THEY WIN YOU LOSE

  40. "But there is a lot of GOP bashing on this blog.

    How is it not the fault of dems that the students of NYC are way below level in almost every school?"

    I guess if the GOP was being blamed for student performance or grading policy, that would be a good point, but recent arguments have had to do with vaccine mandates, masks, and whether they should be in person or not. On school policy, on the State and local level people blame the Chancellor, Mulgrew and DeBlasio and they're still blaming Cuomo. How is that blaming the GOP?

    1. Well, certainly nobody is blaming dems about the issues mentioned above. Covid wise, have you counted the deaths in hop vs dem states? How about looking at why the unemployment rate is much lower in FL vs NY.
      States with the most strict mask rates have done no better than the "open" states, see the recent surge in Portland.
      As teachers, are we to ignore all the failures of the doe and who is in charge in this state? Exclusively in charge. Isn't nyc a hugely dem city? Of course. So why isn't everyone vaccinated? Who is to blame?

    2. Lol. I guess the city that always votes dem listened to Trump. Don't worry, James will alternate postings telling us to pay dues with blame DeSantis.

  41. Anon2323 the others dont even listen to the doctors.mostly, i agree with you.they suppressed treatments because Eua can only be if there are no treatments.the shots would not have been allowed.looks like ur watching yhe docuseries.maybe thebignorant ones are better off.i cannot sleep at night after what i watch.ignorance is are not crazy.dont pay others any mind.

    1. Well there you have it...
      Mumble jumble cosigns Anon2323

  42. Hospitalizations in Washington continue to rise, weeks after the state reinstated masks for all.

    In fact the latest mandate has failed so spectacularly, Seattle is hilariously bringing back outdoor masks.

    The more masks fail, the more we need them!

    Says the dem reps of the deeply troubled city...

  43. 8:39 you have a hodge podge of stuff in your post. Not even sure what your point is. It's all over the place.

    1. @930 pm...
      8:39 is always all over the place. Hodge podge and/or mumble jumble it's always HAM

  44. 931, except Trump said to take the vaccine.

    958, read what was written by Erica and 839 PM. It seems nobody wants to change it. It seems they are happy with the leaders we have in place, all of whom are dems, including a left wing union. I'm unsure of why they keep complaining on ere then keep electing the same people. That is probably why some just pick up their check and laugh.

    When people say the black unemployment rate was lower under Trump people shit on that statement.

    Ok, so we got lefties Randi, Mulgrew, janella, biden, de blasio, cuomo, etc...Why complain?

  45. Lol @931. Listened to Trump about the vaccine? stop fooling yourself it makes you sound as nutty as anon2323. People listened to Fauci and scientists who declared the vaccine safe. You idiots are still pretending Trump is a scientist who discovered a cure. James is not posting about paying dues. He's said many times the debate on that is over.

  46. @9:58 He probably does spew his opinions to the students poisoning their young minds. And yeah, they all make a pretty decent living off the DEM teat. Good point. They hate NY so much they should pack their raggedy duffel bags and go live the rest of their miserable lives unmasked, and unvaccinated amongst each other.

    1. @4;05am...
      A raggedy duffel bag. There it is!!!
      Sad part is that folks are waving dem flags and rep flags. Working class folks have taken up the fight for the wealthy. Each "side" has labeled the other as a Crazy lib or Radical right. They won't or can't recognize the real problem. The two major parties in this country have their respective blind fighters ravaging one another. Why? To keep the status quo. Pitiful. They are basic tools for the people who won't give 2 cents for them. Kool aid drinkers on both sides. Some folks are overdosing on the 839 pm. Fighting someone else's fight. Wake the *uck up.

  47. Right wingers want the freedom to go into liberal towns and start shit just as they did in Charlottesville. They were so angry that the liberal community fought back and chased their sorry asses out of the town, but unfortunately not before they ran over a girl and killed her. They want the freedom to spread their virus into communities and classrooms.

    They acknowledge that NYC is a majority liberal town with liberal parents, students, political leadership, even the UFT, yet they still feel a sense of entitlement that they should dictate over the Democrat majority how it should go down. And they insult liberals because we're not taking up their cause, offering to strike, of supporting their efforts to infect others. Entitled little brats will be chased out of this town too.

  48. Before anyone starts whining about the fact that the unvaccinated can also spread the virus, we know, we know. It's one thing to do the right thing and still fall victim to this virus, it's another to willfully not give a damn about anyone else, and that is why we will see more and more of this "A Florida doctor said she's refusing to treat unvaccinated patients in person, Newsweek reported. She will still treat unvaccinated patients through virtual meetings instead."

    I'm sure entitled little right wingers, rather than find a doctor that is more aligned with their beliefs, will just harass and threaten her for hers and try and bully her into submission or hiding.

  49. Anon2323 is right more often than the rest of you.

    1. @732 am...
      Are you his wife? Blink twice if you need help. Or just agree with him again so we can send help.

  50. Giuliani was Republican and wanted to blow up the DOE (pre 9/11) and businessman Bloomberg, Republican from 2001-2007, Independent from 2007-2018, gave us ATRs, fair student funding that effectively targeted higher paid (generally older) teachers, and no contract at the end of his third term. Apparently he didn't just target teachers, his City Time program was designed to make sure city workers couldn't cheat the clock. City Time cost taxpayers 600 million dollars all while his personal fortune grew by the billions. And his targeting of school bus drivers and matrons, some of the lowest paid workers associated with the city is truly atrocious. Quite honestly, the UFTs weak support for that union is also shameful, but I digress. Anyway, if you pine for a Republican mayor, vote for one.

  51. so funny @8:34 because I just posted on another thread that the silver lining to Republicans getting back in power is that they too will feel the effects of our rights being eroded while they wail and whine about the freedom to not take a vaccine during a pandemic.

  52. 7:32 oh sure, there's a COVID cure.

  53. Anon 2323, We are trying not to post anything here about the anti-parasite drug that YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, etc. flag. When the FDA, the NIH, the WHO, the EMA, and UKMHRA change their recommendations, we will be happy to print it.

    This is what Forbes, no left wing publication, stated on September 2:

    "Early studies suggested it could be a promising treatment for Covid-19 but these have not borne out. Multiple, rigorous studies undertaken since have repeatedly found the drug to be of no benefit in treating people with Covid-19 and one of the most promising papers supporting the drug’s use was withdrawn over concerns of data manipulation. Neither its manufacturer nor leading medicines regulators endorse its use for Covid-19."

    We'll see where it goes but until then, have that debate elsewhere, please. Thanks.

    1. @ All...
      Don't take meds meant for animals. You are not a cow or horse.

  54. James, are you on Anon3223's payroll. The amount of care and feeding you provide her is mystifying.

  55. Just trying to be fair but I get it from all sides.

  56. That's very true at 10:12. The rest of us post and go back and forth, post links, but James only ever responds to Anon2323. On second thought maybe it's because Anon2323 is the only one posting junk that needs serious debunking.

    1. I read them all and check sources but Anon2323 has a specific monicker so I can address who I believe is a him but I really don't know.

  57. @waitingforsupport, that 7:43 character is very uptight and could use some fiber in their diet. Foaming at the mouth is right. So angry that NYC is pressing forth with a mandate and too cowardly to take a stand, as they're threatening all over this blog, so their plan is to blame Democrat teachers as if we set the mandate policy. Mad that we won't illegally strike on her behalf. Lol.

    I'll bet it's the same person who was trying to shame liberals by accusing black and brown people of wanting other black and brown people to be attacked by the police for not showing their vaccination cards. No, seriously. That person is in desperation mode and having a legit meltdown a few days before school starts.

    1. Then how come nothing improves?

    2. The comment is about mandates so your response makes no sense @ 11:58.

  58. @11:26, it's not supposed to be, but she's stupid that way.

  59. LMAO @ 2:28. Some are definitely a horse's ass.


    Vaccine is not efficient, needs boosters and you can see clearly with Israel too you re guinea pigs.

  61. Who in here took Pfizer??? If so, you took for one of the most egregious companies in US history. Is this how you are all going to live life here on out, very very neurotic. If someone had covid and is unvaccinated and has antibodies and tests once a week and you have the vaccine how is this a problem? Keep boostering every 6 months?

  62. We're not the Mayor making those decisions so why blame anyone here for the mandate?

  63. Wow this blog just deleted my posting that was up there and my newest one today. Real nice. No place to speak out to colleagues against injustices.


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