Sunday, September 26, 2021


United Teachers of Los Angeles once had leadership like Unity here in NYC that according to dissidents I met in 2013 were more concerned with looking out for themselves than their members. The LA teachers voted out their Unity style leaders and elected a coalition of dissidents in 2014. Led by Alex Caputo Pearl, LA educators went on strike in 2019 where they actually achieved lower class sizes among other gains. 

Alex stepped aside to be a vice president in 2020. (He doesn't believe he is president for life or until he can get the AFT presidency or some other well-paid gig.) Cecily Myart-Cruz is now the UTLA President. Under her leadership, UTLA has just negotiated a COVID-19 Contract for the 2021-2022 school year that will be voted on this week by the entire membership. What did Cecily and her team get for her members in what they called reopening bargaining? A pretty good deal if you ask me.

From the summary page on UTLA's site:

Compensation: UTLA members will receive a 5% ongoing raise along with a one-time $2,000 stipend for this school year and a one-time $500 technology stipend for last school year.

Nurses will also be entitled to a retention bonus for each year they stay.

Evaluations: There will be no evaluation for permanent educators who have not received a below standard evaluation in the last five years.

Remote learning: To address severe shortages in the City of Angels online programs, all UTLA members (including members seeking reasonable accommodations) have the option to volunteer for temporary assignment to City of Angels. If additional teachers are needed, the district may temporarily assign some teachers who have been protected from displacement at overstaffed schools. All teachers assigned to City of Angels have return rights to their current school.

Safety: -Continued regular testing of all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, through at least December 17, 2021.

The actual wording on COVID-19 testing from the UTLA LAUSD Memorandum of Understanding:

The District shall make every effort to conduct weekly COVID-19 testing of all students
and staff through December 17, 2021. During this time, the District shall continue to
make free COVID-19 testing available to students and staff during normal work hours,
with every effort made to ensure a result turnaround time of no more than 48 hours.
Thereafter, the District shall make every effort to conduct weekly COVID-19 testing of
all unvaccinated individuals. The parties agree to meet and bargain over potential
changes to this requirement at the request of either party after December 1, 2021.

Back to the summary:

-Continued mandatory masking, indoors and outdoors, for all people on campus and continued use of MERV filters or equivalent air filtration systems for all classrooms until at least December 1, 2021.
-New LAUSD Quarantine Checklist of required actions by site administrators and the district when a student or employee tests positive for COVID-19 and/or students are quarantined.
-Students who must quarantine will have access to Zoom livestreaming for at least 50% of the instructional day, the timing of which will be determined by the teacher.

For those who believe the live streaming will be a burden on teachers, there are real safeguards built in:
Again, from the agreement:

The District and UTLA recognize that the classroom teacher will provide live access
to their classrooms for quarantined students, but the degree of live interaction with
quarantined students shall be determined by the teacher in order to ensure high quality instruction for and the supervision of in-person students.

D. Classroom teachers providing livestream access for quarantined students or live
virtual instruction if an entire class is quarantined shall not be held responsible for
technology problems that hinder or prevent livestream access for quarantined
students or live virtual instruction if an entire class is quarantined, including, but not
limited to, students being unable to get access to the classroom. Classroom teachers 
will notify the site administrator/designee as soon as practically possible when
classroom technology issues prevent student access.

E. The District shall not record classroom teachers providing instruction under any
circumstances without prior approval of the classroom teacher, including, but not
limited to, when they are providing access to live virtual instruction for quarantined

F. The District shall inform students, and the parents/guardians of students that they are
not allowed to record classroom teachers providing instruction under any
circumstances without prior approval of the classroom teacher. Students, and the
parents/guardians of students, shall be required to honor all provisions of the LAUSD
Responsible Use Policy for District Computer Systems.

The language is very teacher-friendly.

In NYC, Michael Mulgrew is our leader. It seems like every time he talks about bargaining with the Department of Education he says the name Mike Sill. What did Sill and Mulgrew get UFTers for this year?

  • You will receive $225 on Oct. 31 for setting up your digital classroom.
  • Two hours of per-session pay per week for each partial closure of two or more days
  • One hour of additional per-session pay per additional course taught in middle and high school (not each section)

Turning on a Zoom for COVID-19 quarantined students this year for a 5% permanent raise in addition to a $2,500 tech bonus in LA and a real remote option or $225 to set up a Google Classroom and a few forced overtime hours at a lower per session pay rate in NYC. Also, most veteran teachers won't be subject to evaluation this year in LA while power hungry administrators are already starting their ridiculous walk-throughs in NYC. I think UTLA has a better deal than the UFT by about a thousand miles.

What did the members of UTLA do to get to this point? The first step was they voted in new, rank and file centered leadership in 2014 and reelected them in 2017. Then, they mobilized and went on strike in 2019. Now they are respected even as they switched leaders. 

More proof that the answer in NYC is not to ditch the UFT but to get a coalition together to oust Mulgrew-Unity from power in 2022 and start listening to teachers. The regular LA contract is up in 2022 just like the UFT's. We can follow the LA model. It's up to all of you.


  1. Is there some kind of Taylor Law in California?

  2. I don't see how the UFT didn't fight against teacher evaluations last year or this year, when they know the year is occurring during a pandemic. Everyone knows the instruction is subordinate to safety protocols either in-person or remote. There is no agreed upon framework to determine what proper "pandemic pedagogy" is supposed to look like, nor can they when everything is so fluid. Not only did they not stop observations, every teacher is slated to be observed "formally" as well is "informally." The UFT has to be the weakest municipal union in the United States.

  3. How can we steal Ms. Cecily Myart-Cruz for our union?


    Lets hear it for ATR Supervisor Justin to admit, he keeps swinging.

    After ephemeral guest appearances as an administrator in multiple Queens / Staten Island schools, and even a Yeshiva in Far Rock (post ATR Supervisor), he was forced upon the Administration at one of the lowest performing schools in Queens....that being Carver HS in the Springfield Gardens Campus.

    OK Mr. Stark, everyone's watching to see how you get that school to a higher level of performance. Ready....GO!


  5. The Taylor Law is a human rights violation according to the UN.

    We do not have a union that stands up for our working conditions.
    We need a 5% increase right now to adjust for higher inflation.

    Here is our chief negotiator at work:

  6. Carver AP Justin Stark is a disaster; contributes nothing but hardship anywhere he goes; adds no value at all.

    He wont be able to move Carver's stats forward a single point.....

  7. de Blasio and NY city are Human Rights Violators.

    Here it is.

    The PRC and Xi Jinping can bring this up with the US government since they are not the only government violating human rights.

  8. Hey Justin Stark...

    Damn, how many times were you excessed in the last few years?

  9. The interesting thing about AP Justin Stark teaching at that Yeshiva in Far Rock during the pandemic, a quick google search of NYC payroll notes he was also collecting a NYCDOE salary.

    Very bad...

  10. The UFT leadership is weak and garbage.
    All other teachers unions ensured that their due paying members were either paid or ended a week early in 2020. The UFT will make us wait until 2022 to get us less than pay scale pay for the week with no interest and then shit raises after that. Millions in covid funds forced vax and we still can't get smaller class size.

    We need a huge push to get unity out.

  11. I love how Mulgrew had no knowledge of the full period observation for all teachers. Where was CSA on that? It’s more work for them too.

  12. Must be nice in LA having a real teachers union.

  13. This is where James blasts the uft and tells us to keep paying dues.

  14. LOL. Sounds like every school.

    Abdul-Mutakabbir pressured staffers to offer sham courses to “low priority” students to quickly get them out of the school and graduate them early. A source in the report said that “troubled students” were enrolled in the classes to receive credits, but never had to attend or submit any assignments.

  15. uft this is completely embarrassing for you, making teachers do paperwork is not the solution Woozy face

    start doing your job and secure safe and sustainable working conditions for your members

    If you encounter issues in your classroom related to the mayor's new quarantine guidelines for students, including cases where students are not able to maintain 3 feet of distance, please use this form to document them:

  16. 7:00 what do you care? If you want to stop paying dues, do it. Why do you have to keep bringing it up on his blog after he's asked you not to.

    1. I would be willing to bet there is not a huge group of teachers in LA looking to stop paying dues these days.

      A couple of the commenters here are just anti-union. They sneak in the same comment in New ways by saying it is me.

  17. A few of my classes are quarantined for 10 days and I will have to do remote from my office during the times I would normally see them if they were in person. Being a PE teacher, I have a total of around 300 students. I asked about compensation for preparation of digital content and it turns out that you only get compensated if more than half of all of your students are in quarantine. How is that just? If one teacher has a total of 100 students and 51 of them are on quarantine they will get paid the extra money but I won't get it unless 151 of my students are on quarantine. We definitely need leadership like they do in LA.

    1. That is not true and not what the contract says.

      "In the event of a partial classroom closure where a subset of students is quarantined, school- based teachers and other mandated related service providers who are not directed to quarantine will engage quarantined students via remote asynchronous instruction"

      If they do not give you hours, you can file a grievance on the uft website.

  18. But our pay is still higher.

    1. With a 5% increase, LA should come close to pulling even.

      According to, the LA median is around $4,000 behind NYC. 5% will put a big dent in that.

  19. Kyrie Irving is reportedly leading a coalition of NBA players refusing the covid vaccine. Since New York and LA have mandated the vaccine for athletes, this would mean some players would be ineligible to play in those cities.

  20. It isn't that one wants to stop paying dues, it is that some don't seem to see how bad this union is.

  21. But our pay is still higher, so is this a good example of how bad the uft is? This blog is just so predictable. James criticizes the uft, a bunch of sheep bleat some invective, and some moron calls for pulling union dues. It's boring. Meanwhile Mulgrew will pull 85% in upcoming election.

  22. Compare cost of living to make it apples to apples:

    Typically NYC is more expensive than LA. As of November 2020, the median rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in LA is $1969 while in NYC, this price stands at $2425, meaning that LA generally has cheaper rent.

    The area you choose to live in affects the affordability of expenses like rent and groceries. In New York, Manhattan and Brooklyn are typically more expensive boroughs than Queens or The Bronx. In Los Angeles, the Westside of LA (Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood area) is more expensive than the Eastside of LA (and other parts of the city).

    In both LA and NYC many people rent for their entire lives and never buy property! Becoming a homeowner versus a renter depends on your budget and current market trends. Home prices average at around $697,000 in LA and $995,000 in NYC (according to a 2019 Streeteasy analysis) although pricing can vary according to area.

    In terms of general real estate pricing, the average price per square foot in NYC ($673) is more expensive than LA ($528), which means that you can get more space in LA. However, in both cities the sale price per square foot averages out at $500+, as these two cities are generally very expensive. In Manhattan, the average price per square foot is even more expensive at $1000+.

    In short, the cost of living index analyzes that life in Los Angeles is cheaper. According to Numbeo’s cost of living calculator, New York has a higher cost of living in almost every category: groceries, utilities, restaurants and rent. Moreover, the household income in NYC is higher as well, with the average monthly salary being $6000 in NYC compared to LA’s $4640, which means that you have to earn more in NYC (than LA) to attain a comparable quality of life.

  23. This is my last week working in
    NYC Schools for the foreseeable future. It’s an unbelievably difficult decision that I wish I didn’t have to make, but (at the advice of many, including my doctors) it’s a step I need to take for my health and well-being.

  24. James wrote "We can follow the LA model. It's up to all of you."

    Not sure what you're suggesting we do.

  25. 1. Form a coalition to actually have a chance to beat Unity at the ballot box among teachers.

    2. Vote them out.

    3. Organize, organize and organize some more so that members are ready to advocate for themselves and each other.

  26. Forget the cost of living, NYC teachers will need a 10 % raise every year just to keep up with inflation. And you know that's never going to happen. So,factoring for a 3% annual raise,we will in effect be taking a 7% annual PAY CUT over the next ten years. Do you have to be genius to know that printing money out of thin air and shoveling out the door is a stupid idea?

    1. educat. and paras will need a solid 50% raise. we are still ridiculously underpaid. we don't even make enough to cover the average monthly rent for a 1 bedroom in this city.

  27. Please dont bring starke up. I had that asshole nine years as a field supervisor. Was given u like it was candy. He is the example of the kind of jerk offrs the doe hires. Thank god no more field supervisors.

  28. What do you suggest educat? Higher inflation makes it even more necessary that we organize for more than the 0-3% raises Unity has gotten teachers for the Mulgrew years.

    1. I suggest that the political left and right unite and recognize that we are not each others enemies The real villains are the political ruling class in Washington. And if hyper inflation ever kicks in in this country we will see every American take to the streets

  29. We forgot about spring break 2020 again.

  30. Lol. We've averaged about 1.5% per year since 2011.

  31. BLM NY leadership says vaccine mandates and passports are racist, like freedom papers. Curious, wfs, as most vocal BLM supporter here, what say you?

    1. 525. at least clarify that their stance is in regards to how the law will be enforced, and by whom. they also tie it to what is being referred to as vaccine apartheid and the class issue.

    2. @525 am...what are you talking about? I'm the most vocal BLM supporter here? Please explain how you came to your conclusion.

  32. NYC has so many terrible progressive politicians that are damaging the fabric of the city with class warfare. Instead of voting them into citywide office to destroy the city, we need a strong progressive firebrand voice doing real work for real working class teachers to lead the union and get us those raises. This would be a much better use of their time than taxing the rich.

    1. Joey class warfare is the problem that the working poor face in our city, and nationwide.

  33. 7:38. The problem for the left is they didn’t focus on opportunities for the working class. They divided working class people by gender, race and lgbtq status. Their entire ideology is warped and even those of us who would have sided with them on health care (M4A) want nothing to do with them or any of their causes now.

    1. 824. that is a liberal and conservative problem. they are not the left. the Left seeks to organize along class lines and recognizes the intersectionality of all the issues that working class people face. this is something that we need to be doing as rank and file UFT members. organizing along class lines.

  34. @8:24 you said it! I'm a recovering leftist who knows where this devisive wokeness narrative is taking us and it's terrifying. I'll likely be dead before the full effects are felt. Makes me glad I don't have kids. Even a cursory reading of history should make clear how no society can survive these intersectional divisions the woke narrative demands.

    1. 9:22 it's terrifying? How dramatic. Go hide under your bed, you should feel safe there.

    2. @922am... is terrified!? Lmao. We know it's fear that has been causing all of the pushback. Some people prefer that we all remain asleep so that they can continue to coast and keep everything for themselves. The woke Narrative is the American Narrative. The Narrative we've been taught is a fairytale. Don't worry, you'll be alright. There's enough for everyone.

    3. @922 am...
      Unfortunately US History is incomplete. It's one sided. Let's hope all events are included in k-12 curriculum so that all people can have an accurate, fuller version of America's history. Im sure you don't have a problem with that,right. Just tell how events transpired.

    4. Wouldn't use the word terrifying, I find it to be disgusting. The radical left are disgusting people.

  35. First day of testing in my school-surprise, multiple positives.

  36. 10:45. You advise the terrified to hide. I advise them to buy guns and Ammo and learn how to throw a punch. To each his own.

    1. 11:18 oh really? And go after who? With weapons. Leftists? Because theyre terrified of what? Vaccine mandates? You sound like a Jan 6 nutjob. Thats exactly why a mental health eval is needed. For nutjobs like you.

  37. I think the poster wasn't terrified for zherself, but for our civilization and the people who will come after zher. That is why zhe's glad not to have children. Zhe said as much anyway.
    Wfs meanwhile confirms that she is a loving and tolerant wokist. Sadly, being so ignorant about how this will develop, since she is so ignorant about human history, wfs doesn't see how she will suffer when our civilization collapses. But like Maya Angelou once said: "when someone tells you who they are, believe them."

  38. @11:18 am.... encourages violence. You may be talking to the wrong audience. Some of these folks won't even stand up to those who stole their degree, demanded that they go into a test tube in March 2020 and now want them to shoot up--among many other things. 1045 got it right. They should remain under their bed.

  39. "waitingforsupport" (lmao--what a handle, just cant make it up) needs a hobby. her blm/antifa meetings, twitter and tiktok accounts just arent keeping her occupied enough. and if she posted less here (including all her anonymous stuff) just imagine how the quality of discourse would increase. being a sjw aint easy though...
    get a hobby gurl! (oh, and take ur meds lmao...)
    we care about YOU!

  40. Accommodation denied, no where to appeal on solas. All numbers for uft are not working. Looks like they shut them off in anticipation of this. Got to love it

  41. The same radical leftists who, if they had there way, would tie you down and forceably inject you against your will, are the same frauds that are ok with anyone walking across the border. And even if some who cross may be terrorists who end up killing them and their family. Now that's what I call SICK IN THE HEAD.

  42. de Blasio is a Social Democrat with leanings towards communist ideology.

    de Blasio's imperious approach with the Covid vaccine mandate is reckless
    and it will backfire on him.

    de Blasio has harmed NY city in a multitude of ways during the pandemic.
    He has demonstrated time and again that he is completely unfit to serve as mayor.

    I hope NY city can survive three more months with this inept communist mayor.
    And I hope NY City can recover from de Blasio. It will take a long time.

  43. 4:12 are you vaccinated?

  44. @4:12 - have you seen *your* handle? Anonymous? Oh yeah, that's creative. And what neo-nazi meetings do you occupy yourself with? You don't teach so you have plenty of time to sit on the planning committee for the next insurrection. Can you hear what they're saying from under the bed?

  45. Backatcha @6:09. I found your kind to be disgusting too. Clinton hit the nail squarely on the head with the deplorable tag.

  46. waitingforsupport - you really need them to explain how they came to the conclusion? They pulled it out of their ass where they get all of their conclusions.

    1. @639pm...
      Sometimes I will entertain these people by going back and forth. It's something to do. I just chuckle at their absurdity. These people won't even stand up for themselves. They live with a false sense of greatness and are terrified that the Times Up. Ces't la vie.

  47. 12:39 - what the hell is "a wokist". Stop trying to act like you know what the hell you're talking about, you sound ridiculous!

    11:18 why in God's name would you encourage someone who is terrified of their own shadow to buy weapons? What are they so terrified that you would encourage them to buy weapons and ammo? The FBI will be looking at this site soon.

  48. The corrupt judges dissolved the TRO, how unreal is this. M\

    Meanwhile, serious spike at Harvard in covid outbreaks with 95% CAMPUS VAccinated!

    Your Narrative sucks James, now let's see how schools operate with 1/2 school safety agents and 10,000 teachers.

  49. Lol NYC loves evaluating teachers. It’s what they live for. They will NEVER give us a break when it comes to observations.

  50. Justin Starks wife said he was "undeveloped".

  51. Judge just blocked the temporary restraining order. Teachers must show proof of vaccine by end of day Friday or be taken off payroll.

  52. 6:16 you might want to see a doctor for anti-psychotic medication. You think it's sick in the head to hold someone down and forcibly vaccinate them?? Except nobody but YOU came up with that scenario along with your deranged thinking that people are ok with immigrants killing their families. You're the only one sick in the head. Confirmed.

  53. 6:16 demented posts like yours are exactly why many people support the mandate. It will be GREAT to see you leave, far, far away from children.

  54. James someone posted on another thread that the Appeals court has ruled on the mandate. Have you heard anything?

  55. waitingforsupport. I know you know, and it was really a rhetorical question because they can't answer in any case because it's a damn LIE.

  56. How is it even possible that a Judge blocked the order when it's supposed to be heard by a three-Judge panel?

  57. Chancellor just sent the email regarding the mandate.

  58. I teach in LAUSD. I love Cecily Myart-Cruz. I am thankful for the protections we have had during Covid compared with everywhere else. But our union historically has failed us on pay. Do you guys realize that teachers in LA are way behind all other LA area school districts? We would need more than a 20% increase to meet our neighbor Long Beach. Teachers at the top of the salary scale from years 15 to 40 make almost the same amount: $88,000 with max units at year 15 and going up only to $93,000 at year 30+. Non LAUSD Teachers near me with my credentials make $30,000 more per year. I am at year 20 on the pay scale. We make 25% less than neighboring teachers upon retirement because of this horrible gap.

  59. PS--It looks like teachers at the top of the payscale where you are in NYC make about $40,000 more than us in LAUSD. LA median home cost is now $883,400, while NYC is $654,300 (see source below). According to the cost of living index I looked at, it says "A salary of $100,000 in Los Angeles, California should increase to $107,278 in New York, New York."

    Either way, please don't be envious of our 5% increase. It is laughable given how much more other districts in our vicinity pay. It certainly is nowhere near what you are paid. We don't even reach $100,000 no matter how many years we teach.

    We also don't ever negotiate for future increases in advance like you clearly have (I see the amounts going up each year over several years). We never do that. We continuously negotiate for increases below inflation, so we are consistently losing ground. It takes years just for us to negotiate small amounts. We went on strike, losing about 3% of our pay during the strike after agreeing to a paltry 6% a few years ago (yes, we went on strike to get librarians and nurses, and cost ourselves money and didn't even demand pay back for the strike days), and have had nothing since then until now. NO REASON TO ENVY US on account of our compensation. ;)

    1. In NYC we make 20-50 thousand less than some of our neighboring districts on Long Island. Also your union now fights for you. Ours makes back door deals and rolls over.

  60. LA teacher,

    I'm not familiar with the LA metro area, but if the other districts you are referring to are LA suburbs, then that would mirror the situation here in the NY metro area. NYC salaries are about 15-25% lower than the teachers in the suburbs, especially the Long Island school districts.

  61. This is from

    The cost of living in New York, NY is 27.9% higher than in Los Angeles, CA. You would have to earn a salary of $76,741 to maintain your current standard of living if you were earning $60,000 in Los Angeles. We are talking median teacher salaries in our comparison.

    We used this source also on the cost of living comparison:

    Send us the pay scale for LAUSD please at

    We used median salaries for our comparison.

    How in the heck did you find us, LA teacher?

  62. I just looked at an LAUSD salary table for 2020-2021:

    14 years:

    20 years MA:

    Am I reading the longevity scale wrong? Please help me out.

    1. Sooooo. La makes more than NYC with 14 years in and 20 years in. This LA guy or gal is clueless about their own pay scale.

  63. Hi James,

    I always follow UFT and NYC teachers on Twitter out of camaraderie and solidarity, and one of those somehow led me to this. :)

    I think you will see that experienced teachers in LAUSD are very poorly paid compared with New York Teachers and other LA area teachers
    Here is our payscale:

    FYI: First CI is years 15-19, Second CI is years 20-24, et cetera. Fourth CI is 30 years or more, and that is as far as the payscale goes-$92,973 for a teacher with a master's and maximum units, or $93,557 for someone with a doctorate. So from years 15-40 there is almost no movement (about $5,000 difference in pay).

    Most teachers I know teach summer school and after school to make more money in LAUSD. They may also in New York. But I would not trust to differentiate what teachers at different experience levels actual salaries are. By teaching summer school, mentoring, and after school, some teachers make quite a bit more, but that is not their salary. That is their compensation for multiple jobs.

    Anyway, I think we all agree that teachers are important, educated, and have challenging jobs and should be fairly compensated for those jobs. It is also important that we start professionalizing this job more. In other developed countries teachers work with kids half the day and spend the other half doing what many of us do in our own personal time for free. That is not okay. We don't expect doctors or nurses to work for free in their off time. Why should we? They are taking advantage of people who care about kids! I think New York Teachers deserve more and better, and so do we in LA. ;)

  64. Hi James,

    I see how that is confusing. But that is NOT THE PAY for classroom teachers. This is the complete teacher salary table:

    What you are seeing may be for special positions. But nearly all of the teachers in LAUSD are "C" basis. We are paid for 204 days of work. "A" basis is for 260 days of work. That would mean absolutely no breaks (if you take 365 days and delete the weekends, that leaves 261 weekdays in a year), including no winter or spring break, et cetera. I do not know anyone currently on "A" basis. It would be some time of off campus position. As I said, for classroom teachers, Fourth CI is 30 years or more, and that is as far as the payscale goes-$92,973 for a teacher with a master's and maximum units, or $93,557 for someone with a doctorate.

  65. I don’t think LA teachers get social security.

    1. But then they wouldn't pay into it. Huge savings while working.

    2. Social Security rules penalize California public employees:

  66. 3:45 for self protection. If you’re terrified of violence, arm yourself. That’s my advice. You sound like the nut job assuming a shooting spree is what lawful gun owners want guns for.

  67. That 128k is fast losing its buying power with high inflation. Nothing to brag about, UFT.

  68. Nope @8:59. You know absolutely nothing about the state of mind other than what they wrote which is that they're terrified of "leftists", and happy they dont have children amd frankly didnt sound stable. What else would they need a gun for? Did they say "leftists" are breaking into their home and they need protection from violence? NO! That was YOUR kneejerk reaction because you too are unstable. You're the nutjob. Nice try at backpedaling.

  69. No backpedaling. He is terrified of leftists. Anyone terrified of anyone should own a gun, you name calling dick, asshole, fuckface. You started it, beta bitch.

  70. 12:23 THANK YOU for confirming that you're an unhinged nutjob prone to violence. Resorting to weapons because you disagree with POLICY which was the discussion is PSYCHOTIC. So yeah, you're deranged, as if I didnt already know. But thanks for the chuckle - your namecalling is on the 3rd grade level, except dumber. LOL BITCH.

  71. 12:23 has her head up her own ass and needs a bazooka to go to the corner store. ROFLMAO. Get a psych eval - you'll have the the time when you get thrown off payroll and into the trash where you belong.

  72. @12:23 "Sshiiiiver..we're tttterrified of liberals sssssoooo we need guns".

    Yo, that sounds very pathetic and embarrassing. Grow a spine and a pair of balls.

  73. My GOD. These comments are disturbing. What a sad state of affairs…..

  74. Take your meds, libs. Patriots like their guns. Psychos want us defenseless.

  75. 2:51 You're no Patriot. You're just a loudmouth idiot. How is it possible that Conservataves believe liberals commit all of the crime yet own none of the guns?

    Decent, Law abiding liberals dont encourage every nutjob in town to arm themselves. Only cowardly psychopaths do that. Therein lies the difference.

  76. Patriots love their guns. Psycho nut jobs think every gun is a bazooka.

  77. Who said all guns are bazookas? Its a metaphor dimwit. You're no Patriot. You're a fraud, wannabe cowboy, pretend tough guy who hates this country and all demographics in it. Get lost. Hopefully you're unvaccinated so we dont have to see your sorry face around these parts.

  78. Vaccinated and going nowhere, beta @ 2:01.

  79. So cute 8:20 learned a new word. Of course you're vaccinated because you will do exactly as you're told. So backatcha, dimwit Beta Bitch, and your mama too. Lol.

  80. "Other GOP-controlled states have already changed their laws to make it easier to void election results. As part of its sweeping voter suppression law, Georgia’s heavily gerrymandered legislature removed Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger as the chair and a voting member of the state election board after he rebuffed Trump’s attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s victory. The legislature will now appoint a majority of board members, and the board, in turn, can take over up to four county election boards it deems “underperforming”—raising the prospect that Republicans could assume control of election operations in heavily Democratic areas like Atlanta’s Fulton County. In concert with a provision allowing right-wing groups to mount an unlimited number of challenges to voter eligibility, these changes will make it easier for Republicans to contest close elections and possibly overturn the results."

    "G.O.P. lawmakers have also stripped secretaries of state of their power, asserted more control over state election boards, made it easier to overturn election results, and pursued several partisan audits and inspections of 2020 results."

    This is not to say they will be successful when it's challenged in the courts, but these are FASCIST moves. So either put up, or shut, in refuting it. Stop crying about the vaccine mandate in NY. You have the right to find a job that doesn't require the mandate, or move to a red state where you can move around freely without a mask, and where people are still getting infected in large numbers.

  81. So when you lose a game, just change the rules. This maneuver has been used too often in this country.

  82. Yep @9:55. It the only way Republicans know how to win, Lie, Cheat, and Steal.


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