Saturday, September 25, 2021


This came from Sue Edelman on Twitter today. I don't know why it is not yet in the headlines everywhere.

The story is at

UPDATE: Early Friday evening, a federal appeals court granted a temporary injunction staying the enforcement of the mandate requiring all city public-school employees to be vaccinated against the coronavirus (COVID-19) by Monday.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said the injunction is in place only until a three-member panel of the court can review an appeal of a Brooklyn federal court judge’s ruling on Thursday, which upheld the mandate.

A group of teachers had filed a suit two weeks ago seeking to block the vaccine requirement. The teachers are appealing the ruling by Judge Brian M. Cogan.

The review, which is on an expedited basis, could possibly occur over the weekend.

“We’re confident our vaccine mandate will continue to be upheld once all the facts have been presented, because that is the level of protection our students and staff deserve,” said a Department of Education (DOE) spokeswoman. “Our current vax-or-test mandate remains in effect and we’re seeking speedy resolution by the Circuit Court next week. Over 82 percent of DOE employees have been vaccinated and we continue to urge all employees to get their shot by September 27."

UPDATE: Sue Edelman on Twitter with a response from Leonie Haimson:

Sound advice, Leonie.


Why doesn't the UFT, like Leonie, advise its members to get vaccinated in their official statement?


  1. They're not going to be able to satisfy everyone. The case was recently made that some students are vulnerable and are not able to get the vaccine. Obviously everyone is arguing from their own standpoint, for their own interests, so all that remains is which side holds up from a legal basis.

  2. It's not being reported because the appeal will be denied. The law is clearly on the side of the employer...It has been for 116 years. Don't be stupid people, get your shot by Monday.

    1. Sorry, dummy, you will be proven wrong.

  3. I agree that the appeal will probably be denied based on the history going back to 1905's Jacobson v Massachusetts Supreme Court decision but had this been the appeal of the case filed by the unions, it would be all over the media. This was just a group of teachers so it's like it didn't happen. I disagree with them but I still think this is important news.

  4. Of course James you disagree . You’re the ultimate liberal . I hope you’re satisfied with the border , the drone strikes and everything Biden is doing to our country . I bet you love CRT too

  5. Since you brought it up, especially in a pandemic I would have very tight border controls. I am for academic freedom for teachers so I am no fan of forcing CRT on anyone. Drone strikes, what makes you possibly think I support them?

    I would like to get this pandemic under control. I should post on how much lower the death rates are in high vaxed states compared to low vaxed states.

  6. MY PREDICTION: This will be denied over the weekend. Vaccine mandate will go into effect as scheduled. Gonna be a hot mess for sure.

  7. James,no mention of Sweden:very few deaths, no lockdowns, no forced vax, low vax rate.hmm


    Cumulative number of coronavirus deaths in the Nordics 2021
    Published by Conor Stewart
    , Sep 23, 2021
    The highest number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the Nordic countries as of September 22, 2021, had occurred in Sweden at 14,767. Denmark followed with 2,634 deaths, Finland with 1,062, and Norway with 850.

    Sweden was also the Nordic country with the highest number of people confirmed infected with the coronavirus, reaching a total of 1,147,879 cases as of September 22, 2021.

  9. My daughter will be leaving her profession as an teacher on Monday. Nurses are getting ready to leave health care. I even know of a pharmacist leaving Pfyser, who refuses to get the vaccination (even though he's remote), because he says it's not ready to be used yet.

    All this, while the stats for hospitalizations and deaths on SI have been tanking since last May, according to the NYC Dept. of Health's own charts!

    A similar pattern holds for the other Boroughs.

    DOH charts show that Staten Island deaths (confirmed and probable for the 7 day average on 9/18 was 1.

    DOH charts show that Staten Island hospitalizations for the 7 day average on 9/20 was 4.

    This mandate is nothing short of an abuse of power!!

    BTW, positive cases do NOT seem to be adding to the hospitalization/death count. As I see it, these people are just getting natural antibodies from exposure. The media describes it otherwise...

    NYC DOH stats are here:


  10. Is it not possible that the death and hospitalization rates are staying relatively low in the Northeast as compared to the South because we have a much higher rate of vaccination here?

  11. A recent study of more than 44,000 people in Los Angeles found unvaccinated people were 29 times more likely than vaccinated people to end up hospitalised from Covid-19.

    The rate of hospitalisation among vaccinated people was 1 per 100,000 people.

  12. Same article:

    What is clear, however, is that unvaccinated people are still the major drivers of transmission.

    In the US, infection rates in the least vaccinated states are roughly four times as high as in the most vaccinated states.

    Professor Esterman said the benefits of vaccination went well beyond the individual.

    "If you're fully vaccinated, you're less likely to pass Covid-19 onto others, including your own family and the general population."

  13. People hate real data... Put that away James

  14. James,

    You continue to disregard those who have natural immunity and next time don't pick and choose what you publish and cut. Truth hurts but CNN is waiting.

    1. I think prior infection should be considered for exemptions, especially if your doctor recommends against being vaccinated because of health reasons.

      However, I am no doctor and I defer to the data.

      This is from the CDC:

      In today’s MMWR, a study of COVID-19 infections in Kentucky among people who were previously infected with SAR-CoV-2 shows that unvaccinated individuals are more than twice as likely to be reinfected with COVID-19 than those who were fully vaccinated after initially contracting the virus. These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

      “If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.”

  15. Hopefully part of the lawsuit mentioned those that already have immunity from covid antibodies currently in blood from prior infection should not need vaccine. Certainly not two dose.

    I doubt any doctor will still say on record that natural immunity isn't a thing.

    Level of antibodies, yes who knows but same with some that were vaccinated

  16. It seems to me that we all knew the doe plan of 3 feet and no remote was destined to fail.(plus overcrowding and many more in person)It is not right to now blame us and use it to push the mandate or blame the unvaxxed.If you cram people together, often unmasked(lunch plys non mask compliance), it is a recipe for disaster.Do we say"we told you so? The cdc made this unsound recommendation, which dibozo and the despicable chancellor readily agreed to, despite not being able to properly implement it AND that it was ill conceived for nyc crowded conditions.yes we did told them so!They refused to offer remote, which would have alleviated overcrowding-all to satisfy their political aspirations.dont blame the unvaxxed.they should look in the mirror.hopefully, nobody dies or gets very sick.unfortunately though, that might be the only accountability they have if the families sue the hell out of them.(but wait!munors dont spread can i forget)what a shit show.

  17. Here is the email sent by Chancellor Porter earlier today:

    Dear Colleagues,

    Thank you for the work you’ve done to successfully reopen our schools this year of homecoming.

    I am writing with an important update on the vaccine mandate for DOE staff. Yesterday evening, a federal judge placed a temporary injunction on the vaccine mandate for DOE staff. The City and DOE are urging a speedy resolution by the Circuit Court this week.

    We are confident our vaccine mandate will continue to be upheld; our students, school communities and colleagues deserve no less. While this means that the current vaccine or weekly testing mandate remains in place for the week of September 27 for all staff, we should continue to prepare for the possibility that the vaccine mandate will go into effect later in the week.

    Staff have who have not yet received a vaccine should continue to work towards compliance in anticipation of the mandate being reinstated as early as the end of the week. In the meantime, staff who are not vaccinated must submit the results of a COVID-19 test this week in the DOE Vaccination Portal.

    We will continue to share information as it becomes available. Thank you again for all you do for our students and school communities.


    1. “Staff have who have not yet received a vaccine should continue to work towards compliance in anticipation of the mandate being reinstated as early as the end of the week.”

      Who drafted the Chancellor’s message?

  18. Oh, maybe it was sent to all, not only admin.i am thinking of another communication...i did not check my doe mail to see if i too received this.

  19. Even if the appeal is not won, i believe it will go to Supreme Court.


  21. James you and your wife are airbags!

  22. Advocates for Justice Retainer Agreement
    Advocates for Justice, a non-profit public interest legal foundation, invites you to join as PLAINTIFF a potential lawsuit against any or all of the following: New York City, the Mayor, Department of Education, School Chancellor, Department of Health, and potentially others, to seek an exception to in-school attendance (i.e., a remote option) for your children. No damages will be sought. This lawsuit seeks a remote option for students


  24. I’d assume all NYC teachers (vaccinated or otherwise) will catch Covid at school this year given what I’ve already seen at my school. The only ones who will not (FWIW) have natural immunity. Some may not know they have natural immunity. The good news for fellow teachers is that it is not a serious health threat IF you have been vaccinated. The kids, as we have learned, are not at serious risk of hospitalization and/or death.

    So…….get vaccinated if you are not and prepare for a wacky year.

  25. BS, kids aren't at serious risk.

  26. Three children are dying in the US EVERY DAY! And those who get milder Covid suffer Long Covid in a high percentage.

    1. What planet are you living on? You need to up your meds

  27. The mandate case will be heard in appellate court on wednesday everyone can go in at least through wednesday.
    It was shared as a msg/screenshot

    It is Laura Dawn Barbieri, special is a multi-page them for complete info.this is group advocating for remote.i think it is parents.seems like a lawsuit cuz i saw something about a retainer.did not see today's 12:30 rally on google.maybe tomorrow or later

  29. Case will be heard on wed in appellate court.also mlc filing their appeal tomorrow.

  30. Case will be heard on wed in appellate court.
    also mlc filing their appeal tomorrow.
    I saw the Numicipal Labor Cimmittee lawsuit.yes it does mention natural immunity.u can read it on their website i believe.james will censor the link.
    James will censir

  31. Do you even read what I write 6:09?

    I'll repeat it:

    I think prior infection should be considered for exemptions, especially if your doctor recommends against being vaccinated because of health reasons.

    However, I am no doctor and I defer to the data.

    This is from the CDC:

    In today’s MMWR, a study of COVID-19 infections in Kentucky among people who were previously infected with SAR-CoV-2 shows that unvaccinated individuals are more than twice as likely to be reinfected with COVID-19 than those who were fully vaccinated after initially contracting the virus. These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

    “If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious Delta variant spreads around the country.”

    1. Thanks James for letting me post and you sharing this CDC link. I'm pro vax got moderna myself and I've not had covid yet.

      I still doubt how this CDC study can be replicated based on what I hear on TWIV and other places over this whole thing.

      I just don't get how our bodies could react more to only spike not the full complex virus that also has spike.

      That said.

      I've convinced some non COVID ever colleagues to get it. No idea how they lasted this long without exposure. I worked hard at it and the. Went remote after Thanksgiving break (Cancer)

      I'm D75 so this fall EVERY para and teacher got COVID already past spring or fall.

      No idea why didn't get vax but it wasn't really easy to get for the young. All under 35 so really others needed it first. They went in no HEPA, kids in useless cloths masks all day. Hero's reward... forced to vax.

      Many places around the world find prior infected should be considered same as vaccinated. Wish we did

      Those waiting for a legal save...please just get 1 shot and not damage your health from this stress.

      Vaccine is safer then the stress you are under. Then give yourself time to think before disrupting your careers. Give yourself another month for medical opinions to match WHO and other countries. Might happen.

      The vaccine will bump up your antibodies for a while. That seems good even if we have only guess how high/low # even matters. This can help you not get covid again right away.

      Of course if you are emotionally shot, perhaps this is the final straw. Make them take you off payroll if you al ready had documented covid.

  32. I'm going to retire in December. I am now on terminal leave which started Sept 9th with ends in December. Can they mandate me to get the vaccine because I'm still considered to be on the payroll?

    1. Yes and they are requiring you to be vaccinated.

    2. People on leave do not have to report their Vax status

  33. Ummm 3:49, No one forces you to read James' blog. Why not, leave his family out of it, you animal. Even better, Why don't you start some Red State wannabe, Freedom Fighting, I love to suck off NYC residents while hating them??? Again, you come to this blog and spread your stupid, toxic beliefs. James, do not drag you. ..It is the same way you and your type insist on taking a job from NYC, taking a pension, taking Health care...hating NYC kids and parents... shame on us for allowing it. I would rather feed every person on the border, every day and give them healthcare than pay for you, for rest of your life! Just remember, you will receive welfare from NYC residents... NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE... GO AWAY! The MANDATE WILL STAND and hopefully some of you will be gone.

  34. What's going to happen is the teachers who will terminated will sue for unlawful termination and will eventually be reinstated.

    1. And the city has an army of lawyers who are well aware of that and that's why they will create an exemption for religious as well as medical

  35. What's going to happen is the teachers who will terminated will sue for unlawful termination and will eventually be reinstated. They should open up a new ATR pool for them.

  36. Prior infection should be considered but only if the person is tested for antibodies. I know people who had COVID but don't have antibodies because of the treatment they endured.

  37. @759pm...
    Precisely. POS is the lowest of the low. I hate when hurt people take out their insecurities on others.

  38. This is about getting to the kids They are getting ready to mandate this vaccine for kids and they’re using us to get there I know several families including my own where COVID ran through each member of the household. Not one child got more than a scratchy throat, headache or a little extra tired. Some didn’t have symptoms at all Not a single hospitalization, some not even a trip to the doctor’s office In addition natural immunity is real and should not be ignored If you’re ok with being told you need another jab every couple of months - great - because that’s where we’ve headed. Why would I take vaccine that requires mask wearing and social distancing? What’s the point? Also -are parents aware that they will not be allowed in their child’s school if they are unvaccinated? This is insane

  39. These character attacks has to stop from both sides . Attacking James and his wife is disgusting and cowardly . Put your name and stop acting like a teenager.

    Brazil had a study where people with antibodies , a very small population were reinfected. Israel recently came with a study but it needs to be reviewed. Either way , natural immunity should be a conversation among the science community. To completely knock it off the table is dangerous . If the mandate stands , the city will save money and schools will suffer . The vaccinated will still get sick , complain and ultimately fight for remote . This mandate will open the precedent of city telling us to get the third and fourth booster . Once your freedom is taken away you never get it backs

    If the mandate doesn’t stand , there might be a civil war within schools . No more social hour , parties and people will set them up as outcasts . Some will blame that is the pandemic of the unvaccinated.

    In the end , we are a union . If you read this whole thing , set your political �� aside .

    - Frank from Brooklyn .

  40. Woman with four children online bragging about being unmasked and unvaccinated and now she's dead and her children are left without a mother. ' A California mother of four who was “proudly” anti-vax, particularly anti-COVID-19 vaccine, died of complications due to the coronavirus.

    "Kristen Lowery, 40, was a figurehead on social media, proclaiming her anti-mask and vaccine views that garnered high praise"

    If you don't get vaccinated for yourself, do it for your children. They need you in the here and now.

  41. 8:19 they won't be able to sue for unlawful termination if it's been upheld by the courts. So let it play itself through the courts.

  42. Cannot make it up: New York’s new governor - I believe her name is Governor Whodat? - is about to declare a state of emergency and basically allow anyone on two legs to work in a hospital because the vaccine mandate is making so many nurses quit.

  43. @5:56 thank you for the scoop!

  44. Lol. All that over "airbag." What is an airbag? James says a lot and causes no change. I hardly find that offensive. All talk, no change. Relax.

  45. James must have a blood clot in his brain from the jab because he keeps repeating the same shit. Go get help, you fear mongering Pharma shill !

  46. This is a loss for the extreme left. No you don't get to control what is put into my body. This isn't China. Not yet,at least. And for the extremists who have hijacked the democrat party,be ready at some point for a severe backlash to all of your censorship, canceling,social control,etc. You've moved too far too fast and the pendulum will swing hard and fast at some point in the future

    1. 11:34 The central government of China has come out against local governments attempting to require vaccines to access restaurants, gyms, etc. So, in a sense, you are right... This isn't China. They also have a much lower rate of transmission, severe illness, and death. If you're gonna scapegoat, and try to blame our problems on something that isn't homegrown, at least do it better.

  47. You know how schools hired woefully unprepared fellows with 6 weeks training and rubber stamped teaching certification? Same type of thing happening in hospitals. I’ll take experienced unvaccinated health professionals over the warm body, woefully unprepared, vaccinated new hires.

  48. Everything CoVid seems to me to be all about power and control; not the welfare of people. To address anything CoVid without addressing the co-morbidities is negligent and suspect. Mocking, hiding, and cancelling physicians around the world, successfully treating CoVid, is hugely suspect.

    It is not unheard of, past or present, for governments around the world to purposely hurt, vilify and kill its own people.

    Will we ever know the definitive truth about everything CoVid? I think not.

    At this point, if you want to or need to work, you will have to show your papers. Work sets you free!

  49. Teachers need obedience training. No other reason needed.

    The emperor has misplaced his clothes and his mind.

    On Tuesday, welcome to the new normal NY city public schools.

  50. I guess 10:03 must be a stupid Fox News watching Trump supporter. James has only informed us for many years with his great blog. I suggest 10:03 that maybe you should stick with Fox News and shut the fuck up.

  51. I received the Pfizer booster shot at 11 P.M. last night. I still feel fine at around 8:00 A.M. this morning.

    1. I still feel fine at around 1:50 P.M. this afternoon. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  52. @10:03 James posted about the federal court appeal decision, and some idiot starting babbling about drones, CRT, and borders and now is trolling about blood clots on the brain. Sounds like you're the one with the blood clot on the brain.

  53. 7:51–Congratulations and good luck on your upcoming December retirement with your terminal leave. Don’t see why you would have be mandated to be vaccinated unless you should decide to enter your school building for any reason.
    However, the concept of terminal leave can have a real literal meaning —for those who are not vaccinated as they face a more potential chance of getting quite ill, being hospitalized.and adding to the nearly 700,000 senseless death count by early October. which is now being fueled by non-vaccinated people.

  54. "You know how schools hired woefully unprepared fellows with 6 weeks training and rubber stamped teaching certification?"

    @5:52. That's not an accurate assessment. First, fellows had to go through a rigorous hiring process which included high GPAs, demo lessons, recommendations, and lengthy application. The six weeks of training include Fellows training along with the beginning of the Masters program, and summer school with mentors and frequent observations and feedback. People who made it through all of that still didn't make the cut to get into a school and some people left soon after entering the DOE.

    Fellows received the latest information in technology, professionalism and classroom management. Is it perfect? NO. But to say that they were "woefully" unprepared is just not true. A lot of veterans didn't care for them because they came in like the new kids on the block with the new toys and "know-it-alls" which can be annoying. It takes the same amount of years to get certified and it doesn't happen before they receive their Masters in Education. Noone can be fully prepared for a NYC teaching job, but Fellows are not anymore unprepared than anyone else.

  55. 11:34, it's not a loss, but a pause, and frankly it's better for it to be paused so that we don't have a constant debacle with teachers coming in and out as it winds through the courts.

  56. It looks like the NYC Rally for Remote Option was a big bust. It doesn't look like many people showed up at all.

  57. Remember 4+ years of Russia Russia Russia collusion?
    The people here who believe whatever the federal government/msm shovel now believed them then too.
    You can fix gullible, but not stupid.

  58. On the website that james would censor, it was stated that uft is already favoring forever boosters every few months and more required non covid shots ie mmr, diptheria, etc regardless of having had them in the past.if this is true, im thinking of leaving.ill be 61 in november with more than 30 the job but the uft has seriously turned against us and lied, so it seems.very sad day for many of us.sadder and scarier whi will be endlessly plied with shots ti benifit uft and pharma.what happened to our great union??

    1. @1024 am. What happened to our great union? Well Bloomberg happened. Sleeping bystander educators happened. Weak mully happened. Perfect hot mess storm happened. James started a blog. He's no bystander. So i ask you: what have you done or will do in your school community to change things? You just can't sit on your posterior judging what others are doing to effect change. Bystanders have a job too, right?

  59. Mulgrew and Weingarten have in fact proven themselves to be untrustworthy liars. For example 7 months ago Michael Mulgrew publicly stated vaccination was a "personal decision" for educators to make. Today he is actively negotiating away the jobs of his members who are unvaccianted. In addition Randi Weingarten has fired all unvaccianted staff in AFT buildings. So if you decide to not get the barely-one-year-old covid vaccine and you are a custodian in an AFT building you are now unemployed.

    And for educators it will not be just the covid vaccine

  60. Soon enough MMR, DTaP, Flu and many more vaccines will be requirements to be employed as an educator in NYC and in all AFT schools across America. You may think you already got those shots as a child, but CDC has an adult recommended schedule as well. Its coming, I've been warning of this since 6 months BEFORE anyone even heard the term covid-19. (most of the 50,000 people who have signed our petition against vaccine mandates for educators don't even realize it never mentions covid and was first published in July of 2019)

    You are being lied to.

    Vaccine mandates are not about covid or public health or any "emergency." They are about Big Pharma profits; and your union is on Big Pharma's side, not your side.

    It's important to note that the CDC has recently rejected approving covid booster shots for people under the age of 65 unless you are an educator

    1. Soon vaccines such as...will be required family regularly takes all of these and if I forget my primary Dr. reminds me. I collapsed in front of a class with a virulent flu attack second year of teaching and was sick for weeks. Never again. It is worth paying a few bucks each fall to stay well and come out on top of the daily sturm und drang in my building each winter. There are booster shots every so often and other best practices, too. If it's required for the kids, we should provide ourselves the same level of care. (When we had a TB outbreak at work everyone showed up and did what was needed.) It's all part of being a grownup who cares for self, family, school, and the larger community.

  61. The CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky quietly (and somewhat secretly) amended the CDC decision slightly after midnight with the stroke of her pen approving booster shots for all educators in America. That's fine if it is your choice to get it, but that's not what this is. Dr. Walensky knows there is a budding market of forced vaccinated teachers and what she is doing is a favor to her Big Pharma buddies. I am sure one day in the future she will be handsomely rewarded by Big Pharma through the revolving door politics many past CDC Directors have enjoyed (i.e. they get high paying jobs in major pharmaceutical companies). Mark my word on this, AFT teachers across America will all be required to get covid boosters every 6 months and eventually every 3 months (explanation on 3 months below).

    I know many teachers who are fully vaccinated today that won't be considered "fully" vaccinated in weeks or months. Many of them had bad reactions to their first or second round of COVID vaccination. Many don't want to get vaccinated again.

    Too bad!

  62. Shots Every 3 Months, Quarterly Injections to Teach

    When Pfizer first entered their application to the FDA they were honest - they stated they could only guarantee 3 months of immunity from their covid vaccine. That means Pfizer will eventually recommend boosters every 3 months, so,

    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter,,,

    Shot, shot, shot, shot...

    If you are a brand new teacher planning to teacher for the next 25 years that would be 100 covid shots you will have to inject during your career. Obviously, there is zero science on what impact such massive vaccination will have on anyone's health and well being, but never mind that; it never stopped the Biosecurity State before!

    I know many people who have gotten vaccinated and now say they will never do it again due to severe adverse reactions they experienced. A relative of mine said they will not get the booster because whatever the first two shots did was certainly "not good" for their body, and they refuse to go through that again.

  63. 10:29 do you have a link to that?

  64. 10:31 is typical of hysteria on this site. He/she has gone from likelihood of one booster to get us through this to ONE HUNDRED shots over 25 years in just a single comment. Can we keep our feet on the ground? I'm vaxxed and open to a booster. Let's leave it there for now, shall we?

  65. 9:20. I don't think any type of mentoring or student teacher truly prepares you for the classroom. Being on your own is totally different from having a mentor or cooperating teacher in the classroom. So yes the fellows are woefully prepared just as student teachers are woefully prepared.

  66. Don't forget also to be a substitute teacher in the doe, all you need is a Bachelor's degree and a sub certificate. You don't even need student teaching or a background in education. At least that was what it was like when I started teaching.

  67. @9:32--right? constantly lied to by the government "deep state" and the msm, daily, for 4 YEARS. no wonder some people still believe the lie; there are others like wfs who, as you say, just cant help it...

  68. @12:48 "it's all part of being a grownup". Some people clearly haven't grown up.


  70. Kyrie Irving could skip Nets home games because of ‘oppressing’ vaccine mandate

  71. I do what I do, which is collect my check to do nothing, just as students collect credits while doing nothing. The chancellor said there is no attendance requirement and we have the highest graduation rate ever.

  72. Although, I don’t have the link or links—There have been reports about Moderna developing and testing an all-in-one vaccine that will give strong protection against Covid, the flu, pneumonia and some other viruses out there. It could be approved for emergency use— perhaps by the end of the year. A vaccine like that would be a game changer—assuming if it would available on an annual basis.

  73. 2:14 did you mean to type "unprepared"? I posted that noone can be fully prepared, but they are not any less prepared than anyone else, in my opinion. All teachers have to have a day 1 on their own. Still, I think having a "toolkit" of strategies, and not just winging it, does help.

  74. The First Ammendment Shredded. Reprehensible that teachers. Nurses. Cops didn't march and demand fair treatment. No due process. We are all guilty because we they weaponized our breath. God help us ALL.

  75. So I can go to a show @ the Cap with a pcr test, but I can't teach. OK. We are doomed.

  76. 10:37: We didn't march for fair treatment because we think being required to get the vaccine is fair.

  77. Well appeals court just decided rather than wait til wednesday that mandate is in effect.immediately, as soon as tonight. Will deblasio start right away or wait. Can you say s*+#show coming up

  78. 7:12 I don't see the story anywhere, do you have a source?

  79. When things are made illegal the black market for it soars. There is now a vaccine card black market. Don’t be so sure the guy sitting next to you is really vaccinated. Disreputable doctors are unfortunately not that hard to find in major cities.

  80. A friend on maternity leave, who just gave birth 2 weeks ago - was told she must be vaccinated by the deadline! She’s not returning for weeks All if you terminal leave people watch out because you are next! This has got to stop Every teacher in the city should be out there screaming in the street

  81. @10:38 - if she's not opposed to the vaccine, why can't she vaccinate before the deadline? I wouldnt leave it to chance that I would not fall through the cracks - unless its a specific covid related approved leave I would vaccinate and upload. Nothing to go screaming in the streets about.

  82. Seriously @10:54 ? First of all whether she’s opposed or not is irrelevant She had a C - Section ( I misspoke; 10 days ago not 2weeks) She has just come home from the hospital - still recovering from surgery, caring for and nursing a newborn. I see nothing unreasonable about not wanting to risk an adverse reaction to the vaccine at this point in time not to mention concerns about her nursing infant. Second she will be on maternity leave for 8-12 weeks what possible reason is there to force her to get vaccinated right now? NONE! This is purely punitive coercion, there is no other explanation

    1. 8:34 I didnt say it wasnt coercion, or that it wasnt fucked up. If she wants her job she should get her shot unless she can speak to someone in HR who will guarantee she wont be taken off payroll. NOBODY is going to go screaming in the atteets so if that's your plan, its not a very good one. What are you so hysterical about? If it were me. I'd find a way to get the shot because I would not risk being taken off payroll. It's Thursday.. kinda late for running into the streets. What will screaming online accomplish. Take the day off and drive your friend.

  83. I think I would go with CDC advice over anonymous comments:

    What You Need to Know
    COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.
    Evidence about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy has been growing. These data suggest that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy.
    There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men.
    Pregnant and recently pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill with COVID-19 compared with non-pregnant people.
    Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can protect you from severe illness from COVID-19.

  84. Forcing nursing mothers to vaccinate is disgusting. I don’t trust the CDC anymore. They are lying monsters. I’d trust the homeless guy who defecates in front of my school every day over the cdc.

  85. 11:43 what action have you taken about the homeless guy who defecates in front of your school? Anything? Called anyone? Or are you waiting for others to fix that too? Like you want people to go screaming in the streets rather than lifting a finger to help your friend.

  86. @214pm...I'm not trying to be funny but do we even know whether 11:43 am isn't the homeless guy? A few years ago superintendent in NJ was arrested for defecating in the athletic field of a school. These are strange times that we're living in. Just thinking out loud.

  87. ROFLMAO @ 6:51. Hahahahah. Anything's possible.


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