Saturday, September 25, 2021


This was in Bloomberg:

The presidents of New York City’s teachers and principals unions urged Mayor Bill de Blasio to push back his Tuesday deadline for staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19, warning it will result in employee shortages that will imperil the safety of children.

Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, and Mark Cannizzaro, president of the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators, said they are urging the delay because the district has no plan to redeploy substitutes and central office employees to hundreds of schools with high absentee rates of educators and maintenance staff. 

Does the DOE lack a plan for Tuesday?

This came our way earlier:

To: ChiefOperatingOfficer 
Subject: Planning for 9/28
Dear Principals, 


Good morning everyone. As you are aware, to ensure the safety of our school communities, the City and DOE issued a vaccine mandate for all staff. This mandate requires all personnel to be vaccinated (first dose) by end of day Monday, September 27, with proof submitted in the DOE COVID-19 Vaccination Portal. As previously shared in Principals Digest, you can access information in the Vaccination Portal on the compliance status of your staff.  


You may have also seen that yesterday, a judge recognized the City’s legal authority to implement this mandate and removed a Temporary Restraining Order that had been issued on September 14th.   

In preparation for September 27th, I know we are all closely monitoring staff vaccination rates at schools to ensure our students’ needs are met first and foremost – the most critical job we have as a school system. Below you will find some of the ways we’re planning to support your school if there are any potential staffing gaps: 

  •  New Allocation to Prepare for Tuesday, September 28th: On Monday, schools that need staffing support will receive a new funding allocation for staffing coverage. This allocation will be based on the number of staff in your school who have not complied with the vaccination mandate. It will provide funding for up to two weeks of coverage needs.  Additional funding will be allocated as needed in the coming weeks as we get a clearer picture of your schools longer-term staffing needs. 

    • Details about how the funding can be used, including which titles can be scheduled with these funds, will be provided in the School Allocation Memorandum (SAM) when it is released on Monday, 9/27. Your BCO budget director can assist you with any questions that you may have about this allocation.  Right now you can plan to use the funding to support: 

    • Substitute teachers and education paras 

    • F-status staff 

    • Supervisor per session

    • Coverage/6th period shortage

Schools may also continue to nominate new candidates as substitutes.  As a reminder, subs also need to upload proof of first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the DOE COVID-19 Vaccination Portal, and their eligibility to work will be visible in SubCentral.

  • Existing funds - Schools can also use existing allocations which allow for the type of services needed, including funds already scheduled to support staff coverage needs such as per diem. This includes SAM 57 funding and COVID-19 Planning SAM funding 

  • Certified teacher pool  Similar to last year, schools can consider hiring certified teachers as unappointed (regular substitute) teachers for the balance of the semester or school year. Schools anticipating year-long vacancies due to employees choosing a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) should consider this option to secure semester or year-long coverage. Candidates in the New Teacher Finder have recently indicated their continued interest and availability.   

  • Central redeployments  UFT employees staffed at central locations were notified yesterday that they may be redeployed to schools, starting September 28. This includes UFT pedagogical staff who are licensed to teach to classrooms for the 2021-22 school year and non-pedagogical employees who can fill other important roles within our schools. Any initial assignments will be temporary (e.g., up to 2 weeks) to provide schools with time to assess if continued support is needed before any assignments are extended. If you anticipate that your school will need redeployed staff to help cover for staff placed on LWOP starting on September 28th, please notify your Superintendent and BCO Director of Finance and HR as soon as possible and no later than Friday.  


Note that after the September 27th deadline, schools will see staff transactions happening on their TOs in Galaxy to reflect the fact that staff who have not uploaded proof of vaccination are not being paid.  Please do not try to adjust any of the actions being taken centrally. Your BCO Director of Finance and HR can explain to you the reasons for the actions being taken and the steps that will be taken to return staff from leave if they choose to become vaccinated 

Please note, employees represented by unions with an arbitration decision with the DOE and who were denied a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Related Accommodation or Exemption could appeal the denial. Some employees will be afforded appeal hearings.  The Scheinman Arbitration and Mediation Services (SAMS) oversees the appeals process and will be scheduling remote hearings. The hearings will last up to 20 minutes. If a represented employee shares documentation of a hearing, you should release them for the remote hearing for up to 20 minutes.  

Thank you for all you do for your school communities and your continued leadership!


Office of the Chief Operating Officer 

The DOE clearly has a plan. Whether it is adequate enough to meet the challenge, I leave that up to you.

Meanwhile, what is the UFT and CSA doing to address this?

Back to Bloomberg:

Across all city public schools, 789 classrooms were fully closed and 663 were partially closed since school opened on Sept. 13, according to the Department of Education. Between September 13 and 24, there were 1,899 total cases of COVID-19: 1,299 students and 600 staff. 


  1. Do you think the DOE will lift the mandate?

  2. My last day is Monday and I am very sad about this!

    I am so disappointed in the DOE and government about the harsh stance.

  3. The doe also has a plan for school safety agents. Over 60 percent of school safety agents are not vaccinated. So the plan? Put one safety agent in every school in Tuesday. Nothing could go wrong here.... Right?

    Next week will be straight chaos!

    Good luck everyone.

  4. What will the doe do? Declare an emergency of staff shortage and put 60 kids in a room.

  5. The bluff and game of chicken are unfolding. The DOE is trying to pay subs 50 more an hour and every other trick in the book even though the scare tactics are working some are cracking there are still 15,000 plus employees including a ton of school safety agents.

    That is why they paused because they know Tuesday would be an ultimate clusterfuck and schools will be closing to go remote.

    @7:07 they paused the mandate so we are good for now at least.

    How many vaccinated teachers have had "breakthrough" seems like the vaccine is so effective lol, look at the vaxed morons on the view.

    1. Where do you see they paused mandate?

    2. SI Live:

      UPDATE: Early Friday evening, a federal appeals court granted a temporary injunction staying the enforcement of the mandate requiring all city public-school employees to be vaccinated against the coronavirus (COVID-19) by Monday.

      The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said the injunction is in place only until a three-member panel of the court can review an appeal of a Brooklyn federal court judge’s ruling on Thursday, which upheld the mandate.

      A group of teachers had filed a suit two weeks ago seeking to block the vaccine requirement. The teachers are appealing the ruling by Judge Brian M. Cogan.

      The review, which is on an expedited basis, could possibly occur over the weekend.

      “We’re confident our vaccine mandate will continue to be upheld once all the facts have been presented, because that is the level of protection our students and staff deserve,” said a Department of Education (DOE) spokeswoman. “Our current vax-or-test mandate remains in effect and we’re seeking speedy resolution by the Circuit Court next week. Over 82 percent of DOE employees have been vaccinated and we continue to urge all employees to get their shot by September 27.”

  6. The system will not be in chaos, but certain schools might have some issues- most teachers i know -across many schools are vacinated. this is going to a be aschool by school issue- not a system wide one

  7. I am totally bringing popcorn to school next week to watch this glorious shit show!

  8. Need a number. How many people will be gone starting Tuesday?

  9. We are nothing more than babysitters to the City and DOE. That is why the push for vaccines (less staff getting seriously ill) and that is why no remote option. Someone has to watch the kids, while the parents exchange their labor for a low wage, and keep the business community happy. The City/DOE never cared about the so called "learning loss," they only cared about profit and earnings loss. That is why there is no better plan, and that is why we shouldn't ever expect a plan that puts the educational needs of our city's kids first. An overwhelmed teacher, and overwhelmed paras, cannot teach at the top of their game when working in these conditions, but that is no biggie to the City/DOE because hey, at least the kids are in a building and being supervised. That's it. That is all this is.

  10. I don't "watch" the kids, I teach. Whether they actually process what I am teaching them is another story. Some do, some don't but I try every day, some days better than others. My evaluations are not based on my babysitting services. But yeah, overwhelmed teachers cannot teach at the top of their game and the DOE, nor local admin cares.

    1. 9:47 The argument is the City/DOE sees us as babysitters, and treats us as such. It is not to say we don't teach, and give it our all, but the City/DOE doesn't care about that part. They care about the child care service, the babysitting, which is an inseparable piece of the profession in our society.

  11. 9:13

    Very few will be "gone." This is a membership that never votes down even the most horrendous contracts.... Now, you expect large numbers of them to give up their paychecks over having to get a vaccine that hundreds of millions of people have taken with no widespread side-effects???..."PLEASE"... Most of the people who say they wont get vaccinated...will get vaccinated!...I expect a handful... a few hundred system-wide at most who will actually let themselves be removed from payroll.

  12. @10:42 wronggggggg, there are more than 2,000 safety agents not vaccinated, schools will be lucky to have 2 agents in an entire building. There are thousands of people dealing side effects from the vaccine. More kids shot in Chicago than kids who died from covid around the country. Gunshots are more lethal

    AWWWWWW 90% vaccinated and we get tested once a week yet they worried about us? Cops are a real union we cater to liberal babies who have destroyed new york.

    Good luck replacing 8,000-10,000 teachers lol. Some schools may be fine, 70% schools will be screwed, no discipline, subs with little control, so many coverages teachers will be tired beyond belief. Schools going remote (parents will have a major fit)

  13. @ Anoiberals have destroyed ny?Longstanding policies have destroyed this country. It's time to pay the piper.

  14. 2:50 if you've been on this blog for any length of time you would know that PLENTY of teachers say, and brag, that they don't teach. So if they're not going to teach, they may as well babysit. They say they don't teach and they don't care, as long as they get theirs. My point was whether or not the "City" sees us purely as "babysitting services" the local Admin does not because that is not what we are evaluated on. However, I agreed that they don't care. Also, the argument about seeing us as babysitters really applies to the lower grades. Not really at the higher levels.

  15. Anon2323, you need to stop. Vaccinated teachers are chillin'. You're the ones crying and whining about vaccines and mandates, and elections, and everything else. STOP WHINING. You'll be off payroll soon so don't you worry your pretty little head about replacing teachers. It's not your concern. They pay you to teach, and they're sure not getting their money's worth, not to worry about subs, and coverages, and replacing teachers. You're a much bigger crybaby than anyone. Well, maybe 2nd to the nutjob who sits on the Admin's comfy chair ratting out her colleagues, for her thirty pieces of silver.

  16. Kathy hochel will bury her career:bringinging in the national guard for unvaxxed health care workers.(ehat about special Skills?chemo, icU, strokes, nuclear, etc.this is more than bullet woundd.BUT THEN :POSSIBLE RIOTS!DO THEY HAVE STAFFING FOR THE VIOLENCE WHEN THEY ARE WORKING IN HEALTH CARE?
    Then yhey ssy they will replace thousands of teachers?picture that!meanehile there is a labor shortage!
    As for the rest if her plan, there is already a nursing shortage.surely, some may come...but perhaps the common bonding of nurses treating covid patients may result in nurses wanting to support their colleagues.would a ny teacher cross a picket line in nj??i fear for those who need medical care. This nutjob will further destroy is a god forsaken state.can local gov really be as bad in other states?SO SHE THINKS THE UNVAXXED WILL INFECT PATIENTS?SHE IS AN UNGRATEFUL WITCH.I WISH I HAD A WORSE NAME THAT WASNT AN OBSCENITY...yhe nurses put everything on the line to save covid patients despute missing ppe and this is their thanks?did they work despitevthe dangers imposed by the covid patients?yes!and they worked despi te exhaustion.from hero to villain for hoochie's expediency. That is worse than cuomo copping a feel.maybe we will need martial law here very soon thanks to her.

  17. 8:07. Nope. It was you and the other progressives bragging about trying to get a teacher fired for a mask slip. Trump voting teachers don’t rat. But you Biden voting AOC lovers called for the firing of a teacher over a mask slip. It was you. You can lie here everyday and I’ll stop by and set the record straight. Progressive UFT members are the only people here calling for UFT members to rat on each other. Progressives are the only ones who posted the picture of the teacher and called for her firing. Progressives did. I’m not progressive. I don’t rat. I lie to my administration about agreeing with their woke agenda. That’s all it takes to fool them. Even a Trumptard, psycho, racist, off her meds, depends wearer knows that. Progressives rely on snitching to get by. Fact. You all confessed to it right here on this blog and when exposed you, in true Marxist fashion, accuse others of what you are guilty of. UFT progressives ARE the doe snitch culture.

    1. 607 in true Marxist fashion? hahaha like that brand new all-American conservative Texas anti abortion law that encourages people to snitch on doctors? The problems we face are products of our own system.

  18. 8:07. Another progressive UFT member squealing with glee at the thought of getting another UFT member fired. Mulgrew is going to win in another landslide.

  19. Anon2323 says "there are more than 2,000 safety agents not vaccinated, schools will be lucky to have 2 agents in an entire building". How many safety agents does a school need anyway? It's a school, not a prison.

    "More kids shot in Chicago than kids who died from covid around the country. Gunshots are more lethal". Let me guess, you are against background checks?

    "AWWWWWW 90% vaccinated and we get tested once a week yet they worried about us?" You guys were complaining about having to test, you wanted time off, wanted to get paid, and they got sick of hearing it so they said just get vaccinated, and that will take care of that. We're not really worried about you, we're just sick of all your bitching.

    "Cops are a real union we cater to liberal babies who have destroyed new york". Why are you still in the UFT? How about you take control of your life, make some changes, and stop complaining? What's stopping you?

    "70% schools will be screwed, no discipline, subs with little control, so many coverages teachers will be tired beyond belief". More complaining, not your problem. You're as right about that as you were about Maricopa. LOL.

  20. 8:11 he's made his decision, not my problem to worry about. I'm pointing out that he will be off payroll, once the mandate goes through, so why is he sooooo concerned about teacher coverages and whatnot while saying that liberals are crybabies?

  21. @6:07 more lies. That was no "you and other progressives". There was one comment from weeks ago. You sound really deranged and you've lied and lied so much, according to your own posts, that you no longer are able to tell the truth.

  22. "Progressives are the only ones who posted the picture of the teacher and called for her firing. Progressives did"

    You're a very stupid person. We can't post pictures on this site. James posted an article and then took the picture down, and you blasted it all over the blog repeatedly reminding anyone who was reading that it happened. ONE person said they should be put on blast. Big fucking whoop. You sit all day ratting out your co-workers and here you are still crying about one comment. Maybe it was you in the pic because no normal person would be so hysterical and deranged, lying, and peeing their pants over it, after all of this time.

  23. 6:07 is the rat who admits that she sits in her Admin's chair, lying and kissing their ass, while her co-workers are getting abused but she thinks that as long as she's protected (supposedly) she's pro-union. What a fucking loon.

  24. Background checks are for lawful gun owners. Chicago gangs are not lawfully buying guns. There are probably 29 gun owners living on my country road. Some with many guns. No one ever shot. Democrat cities breed violent criminals.

  25. 3:30 what you're writing sounds interesting but you really need to acquaint yourself with a paragraph. C'mon.

  26. 9:44 you didn't answer the question all you did was rattle off right-wing talking points.

  27. 9:33 one person said it and other sheep baahed in agreement. Calling for a teacher to be fired came from the leftists on here. Remember that.

  28. 10:14 That's a lie, I went through the posts and there was only one post and that poster said they would need more information to see if it was intentional. Another post mentioned that perhaps it was intention, with no mention of firing the teacher. You're the only sheep as you admit that you sit in your Admin's chair nodding and grinning and lying to everything she says. There's no bigger sheep that that you idiot!

  29. I think we all pretty much agree that it isn't a good idea to rat out colleagues. Please don't give me some unusual example where someone does something so outrageous that you feel the need to expose it.

    Let's end the debate on ratting people out.

  30. 10:06 Thanks for the reminder. Conservatives have added snitching into their laws, yet here this lunatic is crying about one post. Imagine that.

  31. James - the rat is trying to deflect about her own snitching. I don't think it's a good idea to sit in your Admin's office ratting out your colleagues and compromising your own principals just to curry favor.

  32. 10:29. I’ll move on when the marxists stop lying. The comfy chair goes to the woke, not the snitches. Every time someone lies, the record should be set straight, James. It was progressive commenters who wanted the teacher fired for a mask slip. I made it perfectly clear who gets the comfy chair but the marxists insist on saying the comfy chair goes to snitches. The marxists don’t get to lie and go unchecked. James, you read all the comments. You know they are lying. The comments are the proof. Not one Trumptard said they snitched. Progressive commenters sided with snitching on a fellow UFT member. Those are the facts.

    1. 9:02 the comfy chair rat is at it again. She's damn near crying now and pathetically whining to James "waah, I'm woke I got the chair, waaah". WTF. She's a dummy who snitched on a blog that the NY Post reads that teachers dont teach. I hope they realize its only her and the rest of the racist cultist.

    2. @902 am... you either do not comprehend what you read or you are a master of gas lighting. You are re-writing an event. You stay on your little hill and defend it. In the meantime, the REAL educators will fight for the profession. Byeeee

  33. 9:02 are you seriously having a whole meltdown over this? This is too funny. This must be some kind of comedy skit.

  34. @waitingforsupport - can you believe that shit? Literally crying over who gets the comfy chair? Uh, she does. The lying fraud who smiles, nods, and winks at Admin while she rats out her colleagues.

    1. @848pm...
      Hypocrite is what I call the pretend teacher. Let them keep battling with themselves. They NEED to have the final word. They let out their gas by coming on a blog. They spend their day is spent on their knees and their evenings scouring blogs. Meh, i guess even a**kissers--my bad-- pretenders need an outlet. Lmao...deeply upset about a colleague but spends their day in a smelly comfy chair making life difficult for their actual colleagues. This is some crazy tv sitcom.

  35. I’m not crying over the chair. I get the comfy chair by fooling my progressive administrator into believing I’m woke. I’m crying because it deeply upsets me that the progressive wing of the UFT posted a picture of an unmasked teacher and wants her fired. I’m crying because you guys are encouraging snitching and getting members fired. My tears are for that poor teacher attacked by you. Daily reminder. It was YOU that wanted a teacher fired over a mask slip. James knows it was you. That’s why I’m not being censored. I’ll stop telling the truth when you stop lying.

  36. 12:46 "waah, waaah, waaah". James hasnt exactly censored anyone, so by your logic all the other posts are truthful too. LOL. Nobody cares that you're fake crying over the mask. No different than your daily fake convos with Admin. YOU have put the mask woman on blast for weeks. So whether you wanted her fired or not you've brought attention to her. Crybaby whiner and delusional dope.

  37. Hahahah. I mention comfy chair and she comes running like a trained dog to a whistle. She's says she's not really woke. The opposite of woke is asleep. LOL.

    "Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation."

    Of course she's none of those, she's an ignoramus and thinks she's fooling her Admin while they make a fool out of her while they get her to snitch.

  38. You can insist I snitch all you want. It’s a deflection. Everyone regularly reading this blog reads your snitch comments and my anti snitch comments. It was a progressive who outed the unmasked teacher. It is progressives who want the mask slip teacher fired. You keep saying I’m the snitch but it was the progressives who confessed to snitching in their comment and progressives who still to this day want the maskless slip teacher fired. Daily reminder. Progressive UFT members perpetuate the doe snitch culture. It’s all over the comments. Sane people call that evidence. Your own words hang you. Trying to turn the narrative isn’t working because you confessed. You didn’t realize it was a confession. You thought you were bragging. But then you were called out on being the doe snitches and now you are in panic mode jumping up and down, waving your hands around hoping no one remembers your progressive snitch comments. It’s not working. Progressive snitches in the doe we see you.

    1. Lol. It was a progressive. It was a progressive. It was a progressive. Somebody please help 6:26 am into their comfy chair.

  39. ROFLMAO. You sound real dumb @6:26. You're like my little puppet on this blog. "OH anonymous poster is in panic mode because..." Well, nothing at all. Nice try at projection but we all know you're a fraud and a snitch and it doesnt have many thousands of times you cry and whine and stomp your grubby big feet and try and make it about a mask. SNITCH. ROFLMAO

  40. 6:26 says "progressive snitches we see you". "We", as in her imaginary friends and voices in her thick empty skull.

    1. Im glad 6:26 is in the comfy admin chair. Safer for the students. Admin can smell a headline a mile away: "Yes dear. Take my comfy admin chair. Stay in here until you hear 3 bells and a door slam. That's the signal for you to go back to your home".

  41. The woke admin have been fooled. Someone got a ticket to the woke show by faking being woke. Woke administrators only care about sounding woke. They never cared about the kids. It’s all about making things look good. That’s what really pisses some of you off.

  42. "woke, fake, woke, woke, fake, woke, woke". Nutjob.

  43. Even a nutjob can fool the woke doe. It’s that easy.

  44. 2:46 you sound dumb and not making any sense. Whoever or whatever you think you fooled you admitted that you're a fraud, a liar, a cheat, you don't teach while collecting a paycheck, and you don't care. So whoever you think you fooled into believing you're a teacher is neither here, nor there. Still makes you a whole lot worse than one person saying anything about a maskless teacher, so what the hell is your point you big snitch?


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