Thursday, October 28, 2021




  1. Some essential info has been cut off in the bottom

  2. Thank you for the info.
    But a question—where has the City Council been for the past 9 months. Why have they decided to all of a sudden hear the voices of the people that are directly affected by the Medicare change Thousands can send in testimony via email, regular mail, texts, telegram, etc—but will they actually do anything?
    PS: The City Council can’t even do anything along with useless DeBlasio in getting the Department Of Sanitation to end their slowdown of garbage pickups that are related to vaccine mandates—as mountains of garbage are starting pile up around Staten Island and most of South Brooklyn over the past week.

  3. The City Council (Mulgrew too) simply suck with these last minute hearings. This Medicare retiree change (and probably future in service healthcare cost revisions) were made and will continue to be made in back room deals involving the union heads, city council members, and healthcare insurance reps—with little input from the actual union members. Everything was shoved down people’s throats—with repetitive Murphy/Mulgrew webinars, deadlines, inconsistent responses from phone calls with doctors and healthcare reps. And there are probably more retirees than they thought that are opting up and willing to pay more in order to keep what they currently have—due to lack of trust-but Mulgrew calls this false information.This whole process has been flawed from the start.
    And once again, keep one thing in mind—Mulgrew already is aware of upcoming changes/costs for in service members that will be connected to the next UFT contract. Good luck with that.

  4. Why worry about retirement?

    Student brings gun into school...again.

  5. Sorry for off topic James but we have thousands of union brothers and sisters in the streets protesting the vaccine mandate. Why aren't you talking about this? It is a huge Union issue.
    Also Florida now has the lowest covid infection rate in the country. All without a vaccine mandate and mask mandate. How do you explain this?

  6. COVID cases go up during surges and come down and then rise again. Florida today has a 7 day average of 113 deaths while NYS has a seven day average of 9. NY was so bad at first but the Wall Street Journal reported that NYC might be at the endemic stage.

    I support the mandate but feel there should be wider exemptions on religious or medical grounds and also prior infection should be taken into account.

  7. Link to Wall Street Journal piece on COVID.

  8. Haven't all our retirees already paid for their benefits over an entire lifetime working career? Why doesn't anyone just say that the scale is now about to be tipped into a situation where working people who in essence have payed for those who do not work into an unsustainable cost for our society to handle. Those who pay via medicare deductions in every single pay check for their whole life should now have to adjust coverage benefits for the enormous populations of those who receive benefits without ever having to contribute anything. This is not fair. Everyone should be demanding a reason why this change is needed when you have paid your whole life and who will receive a benefit in exchange? Where has the scale now tipped into an unsustainable balance? These are the questions retirees and members should be asking.... WHY?

  9. Dear Anonymous, that was question that I posed at the end of the testimony
    I submitted yesterday at the city council hearings. " Thank you for finally having this public hearing. But I wonder what took you so long?

  10. This medicare vs. medicare advantage was very confusing to me. I saw an article in my local paper from that helped me understand it. Go to and put "medicare" into the search engine. This stuff is so important and overwhelming.

  11. Everyone currently in service should be paying close attention - this our future! Retirement may seem light years away but if you don’t pay attention now- later it will be too late


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