Wednesday, October 06, 2021



academic recovery

Dear UFT Member,

During yet another challenging school year, our members who work with students with IEPs are again being called upon to perform additional responsibilities. 

I am writing to share new information about an agreement between the DOE and the UFT regarding the implementation of the DOE’s academic recovery plan as it relates to students with IEPs. This agreement was developed to compensate you for your time preparing and developing Special Education Recovery Services Notices in SESIS and to prevent unreasonable workloads. I will also address a common question regarding the availability of testing accommodations during administration of the fall screeners.


Special Education Recovery Services Notices


The case manager for the student’s IEP is responsible for preparing the Special Education Recovery Services Notice, unless the case manager’s caseload is more than 30 students.


·     If a case manager has more than 30 cases, the balance of the caseload will be assigned to other members of each student’s IEP team with the exception of general education teachers. Typically, the task will be completed by a related service provider. When the Special Education Recovery Services Notice for a particular child is developed at an IEP team meeting that requires the participation of the school psychologist, the case manager would be the school psychologist. 

·     Employees cannot be required to duplicate the notice or provide information contained in the notice in any other format or in any system other than SESIS.

·     Those who prepare the Special Education Recovery Service Notices within the timelines will be paid up to two hours of per session (or applicable hourly rate) for each student.


See the Memorandum of Agreement »

The DOE has developed a webinar and step-by-step guide to assist you in completing the Special Education Recovery Services Notice in SESIS. Live webinars will be offered this Wednesday, Oct. 6 through Friday, Oct. 8, during school hours. The webinar will be available online for viewing afterwards, too. Information regarding the times for these webinars and the link for future viewing will be available on the DOE InfoHub on Oct. 12 and posted in the Students with Disabilities section of the UFT website shortly thereafter. 


Use of accommodations during screeners


   As with state exams, testing accommodations on students' IEPs or 504 plans should be implemented when the accommodation is permitted by the particular screener. Stated another way, the accommodation is available if the accommodation is BOTH stated on the student's IEP or 504 plan AND permitted by the particular screener. Providing an accommodation that is not permitted by either the student’s IEP or the screener invalidates the results. 

Please remember to register for our special education town hall scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 7. 

Thank you for your dedication to your students. 




  1. Check your tread marks.
    You have been thrown under the bus by Mulgrew again.

    Mulgrew wants to help his benefactors at the DOE by making you work harder for less.

  2. This is more paperwork for D 75 teachers. All of the paperwork is already a fraud, invalid garbage. It starts with useless SANDI evaluations and finished with dozens of events in Sesis. All smoke and mirrors to look like education matters. These students need to ties their shoes, prepare meals, take care of their bodies, follow directions, etc... Instead, we're adapting the gen Ed curriculum and they sit all day - learning. Right.

    Teaching academic material to students who need toilet training at 18+. Teaching academic material to kids that scratch, scream and stim in very distracting manners.

    It's a joke.

    This latest paperwork won't be more than a mirage for parents who need to speak up and demand appropriate material for instruction.

  3. Do the doe and UFT not realize that all of these deals mean nothing?

    Kids in Jhs are miserable about being back in person. We spend our days asking them to put phones away and take the ear buds out of their ears and to take the hood off of their head.

    Participation in class is at an all time low.

    We can act like these agreements will help, but all they are doing is trying to hoodwink the general public and mainstream media.

    Honestly, I’m 45 and cooked.

    If hey they told me I could retire at 50 with 25 years and collect a pension I would sign up now.

  4. Education within the nyc doe has been a joke and waste of money for decades. The only thing to do is cash in. Get a piece of the corrupt pie.

  5. My school is telling students that they are victims of a systemically oppressive civilization and that they must smash the system for justice...
    Sadly many of our scholars aren't impressed...too focused on TikTok and Snapchat I guess?

  6. We lost 3 SSAs and 2 kitchen staff at my little school.
    ~50% of each staff.
    All POCs.
    What's wrong with these people...?
    Don't they follow the science and data? Don't they know the government loves them and wants to keep them safe?
    They all graduated from NYC public schools so I just don't get it.
    Ah well...smarter people are in charge happily.

  7. And spring break 2020 has been forgotten about. Nice work, uft.

    1. Arb hearing is scheduled for December.

  8. Blaz spent $319K in city funds during failed bid for prez: probe
    Mayor Bill de Blasio’s security detail was used for “political purposes” during his failed presidential campaign, running “errands” for their boss and his aides.

  9. Reading, writing and coverups-NYC 'hiding' kids' in-person attendance amid claims 180,000 kids have not come to school

  10. The reaction of your bloggers is sad.
    Unhappy with their career choice, I hope that they find what they want in life and not ruin the lives of New York's children.

  11. The head of the city teachers’ union on Wednesday said the Department of Education is “hiding” the number of students showing up to school to avoid political embarrassment.

    Speaking at a City Council hearing, United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew asserted that the DOE has the numbers but won’t publicize them.

    “They have an attendance figure for every day,” Mulgrew said, adding that as many as 180,000 city kids may not have set foot in a classroom this year. “They know how many kids didn’t show up … They are hiding this.”

    Three weeks into the school year, the DOE has yet to release enrollment data or the number of absentee kids.

    The agency contends that the figures are in flux and won’t be finalized until October 31.

    Mulgrew contended that the DOE is leaning on that date because it’s the deadline to provide enrollment numbers to the state.

    Councilman Mark Treyger, who has introduced legislation to force the DOE’s hand, blistered the agency for a lack of transparency Wednesday.

    “It is unfathomable to me — and insulting to this committee and to the public — that they will not share the attendance data and information,” he said.

  12. At least it is safe to be here for us and the students.

    NY Gov. Kathy Hochul:

    "I heard so many people say they’re afraid to go get vaccines because they’d have to get on the Subway and they’re afraid of being assaulted."

  13. At least we makes ton of money.

    Child allegedly assaults educator amid 'slap a teacher' challenge

  14. Just under a year ago Biden said he was going to “shut down the virus”

  15. I don't know what that has to do with the sped agreement so let's try to stay on topic.

  16. Stay on topic y'all!
    If you mention how you have personal knowledge of POC SSAs and kitchen staff who were fired due to mandate you will be censored...for your own good!
    This guy...what a tool... should get a job at FB or Twitter lmao. Fn pathetic.

  17. Safe?

    Student repeatedly stabbed in stomach inside Bronx high school library

  18. De Blasio misused NYPD resources for political, personal purposes, DOI report finds

  19. @5:41 PM

    de Blasio criminally mismanaged the NY city public schools. But he also criminally mismanaged
    the entire NY city government including the police force and other divisions of the municipal government.

    It is a tragic farce that the legal system has failed the citizens of NY and has given de Blasio free reign to criminally mismanage NY city.

  20. Amazing how the Deblasio NYPD misuse investigation cones out right before he was about to impose the vax mandate on them. Of course he is now holding off mandating the vax on them. Unreal. So obvious what’s going on.

  21. Troll alert at 3:47 pm.

  22. Why do the DOE and the UFT believe that money creates more time? They have no clue the hours that real teachers spend on school work!

    We should all be insulted that the DOE throws taxpayer money around and they expect us to jump. It would be great if we had a union that represented teachers!

  23. The Bronx stabber will probably be released like the TX school shooter who shot 2 teachers and other students. Progressive candidates are in favor of releasing these violent offenders. Time to rid all state governments of progressives.

  24. 12:27 The only thing a teacher has to do to “ruin the lives of New York’s children” is follow doe policies and curriculum. But it’s not all of ny. It’s mostly a nyc problem. Elsewhere graduates are actually literate. Parent involvement goes s long way. My home town schools teach what we the parents say they should teach. No activism in classrooms. Plenty of activism in the home.

  25. 8:01: Yes, I've been in several schools since becoming an ATR 3 years ago. The schools that work are the ones that have teachers and administrators working together not administrators dictating mandates and teachers being reprimanded for not following the mandantes.

  26. Replies
    1. @8:22 and 9;12 except I'm not, and you are. You have a pathetic obsession with James.
      Get a life, or your own blog, LOSER. Did you lose ypur job loser? Good! Except youre probably just ranting from the sidelines. Too cowardly to take a real stand for your principles. If you had any. Either way..L.O.S.E.R

  27. SJWs see trolls, racists and victims everywhere. They are delusional…. and deplorable.

  28. Gifted and Talented programs eliminated.
    Because hard work and achievem...because r*cism.

    1. @1025am... Correct. You must be new to this blog. Let me catch you up: Some educators happily cheer about not teaching because it's what "city liberal leaders want". So call it whatever you like when black and brown students are stuck between educators who don't care and a system that doesn't care. Again: if there is no justice, there damn sure won't be any peace.

  29. Disabled teacher attacked by student in suspected TikTok challenge

  30. Inflation raging. Little to no raises thanks to the best union in the coutry.

    Biden was expected to create 500,000 jobs last month.

    It ended up being just 194,000.

  31. Great article in the Post. The family of the boy who shot 4 people, one of whom is in a coma, in his school in Texas had a welcome home party for him after he was let out on bail. He posted the photos on instagram. This is Restorative Justice.

  32. @3:28

    This all a result of the woke culture.

  33. Woke as opposed to braindead

  34. 9:12 SJWs see victims? Says the guy who think he's such a victim on this blog always crying about what James won't allow. Boo hoo. You wear your victimhood on your sleeve.

  35. Special education for alternately assessed children with significant global delays and, learning and language deficits are normally grouped in grade bands according to functioning ability levels in grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 in elementary schools so children progress within a 3 year span because they are given many opportunities for practicing, assimilating newly learned skills.
    A new spin has emerged this year, all children in 6:1:1, 8:1:1 and 12:1:1 classes are being placed in grade level classes regardless of academic readiness levels.
    Sounds reasonable right? The Special Education teacher now adapts and modifies for only 1 grade.
    Wrong! what is not taken into consideration is academic readiness abilities. Planning and preparation time has now tripled, it is no longer differentiating a lesson with separate groupings. This now becomes running 3 separate classrooms with varying needs and academic readiness levels and also additional differentiation for each group. In essence, groups within groups of students in one class. (One teacher responsible for 3 classes)
    Special Education teacher planning and preparation becomes impossible. A successful, well organized seasoned teacher will now struggle for first time, become burnt out quickly especially with all the additional endless data collection and Sesis work. The Cluster Subject teacher has it worse than a classroom teacher as these are SEPARATE PREPARATIONS for every grade level taught across each ratio's function ability level.
    So, for them, the expectation would be to teach separate grade level content for each special ratio and address needs of each group within each class.
    Should a teacher have to have 15-20 lesson plans a day? Wouldn't that be a bit unreasonable? All for 1 lesson topic! Hope Our Union takes a look at this.

  36. I’m 9:12, not 8:22. Not once have I attacked James, LOSER.

  37. w4s aka anonymous: it's great that youre asking that question!
    getting to "know thyself" is however often a long and painful process.
    for many sjws, it results in their needing to acknowledge that the world is not how they thought it was (systemically racist, etc.), how they themselves are not the people they believed themselves to be (this is the really hard part).
    so as a sjw, as you take an honest look at yourself, youll see that you project a lot, assuming others have the personality disorders you manifest. you kissup to people in power (the blog owner in this case) while accusing others of doing the same to admins; you consistently and repeatedly accuse other people, none of whom you even know, of not "using their voices," "fighting for justice," etc., but again, you dont even know them...
    you are brave and sharing your voice...through a "handle" while you criticize people who are anonymous. but theres no difference...
    sjws like you are very angry, and their "causes" are a convenient way to express it in a socially-lauded way.
    why would one act like this?
    sjws see themselves as special, exceptional people; they are "woke" to the reality of how horrible western civilization and the usa in particular is.
    they have been taught these things, but believe they came to these opinions on their own. people who are grateful for what they have, who consider themselves lucky to have been born during this time and place and want to preserve the constitutional system which allowed it to develop, for future generations, are enemies and deplorables who must be "smashed"...
    it's called the "tocqueville effect" sometimes; some psychologists and philosophers have noted the thanatos, the part of human nature that likes to destroy, belittle and dehumanize because of the feeling of power they can get.
    as teachers, like you, sjws use their position to make converts--easier in a classroom than standing on a street corner hoping someone listens to you. making converts serves to heighten the feeling of power and self-righteousness.
    i should post this now; dont want to waste time in case it's censored...please keep in mind this is just a very preliminary sketch of a personality type; 'sjw' is a family resemblance term after all. if you look closely you can see how every topic becomes about how wonderful you are, how other people suck; some call it narcissistic personality disorder, but that may be beyond the scope of our discussion now...maybe more later...

    1. @1038 am... sounds like you are describing america. You're smart. And not at all psychotic. But what is a sjw?

  38. 9:12 too bad for you LOSER that you sound like the other loser at 8:22. At best you sound like a pathetic parrot. Squawk, SJW, SQUAWK. Either way you sound like one of the braindead.

  39. 10:38 you sound like you have a lot of first hand experiencing in know how SJWs think, feel, and function. So I guess you must be one. You seem to be the one projecting. You really should see a doctor for your psychological disorders and disgusting false accusations about another poster.

  40. waitingforsupport - you really do scare, trigger, and threaten a lot of people. The dumb ho at 10:38 is not even on your level and is trying to vomit her hate all over this blog under the guise of giving an unbiased definition. What a load of self-important blather.

    1. @520pm... im a trigger? Not little old me. Some even think i post anonymously. What the what? I ain't doing that chile. Lmao

  41. LOL 112, there must be about 100k bad educators, you said "some", as pretty much all the minority schools are failing and lagging.

  42. 5:32 You poor thing, lacking in reading comprehension. Between educators not caring, and a clearly broken system, what would you expect?

    1. 1025, Asians and Whites are doing ok. Explain please.

    2. @1252 am...well i know asians are doing ok. Many don't lean on a false sense of intelligence--they really are intelligent. Now hopefully your king and his countrymen like Bannon will stop berating them.


    Above is from Mayo so it may pass...
    Note that the manifestations of this disorder "mask" a deeper condition.
    @multiple above.

  44. Calling someone you disagree with a “ho” doesn’t prove the “ho” wrong. Weak minded people call names when they can’t prove a point. You must have been educated in a nyc school where name calling has replaced intelligent debate in the classrooms.

  45. 12:52 how about you first read any number of news stories and studies on how black students are treated with contempt, how teachers allow racist comments to be spewed at black students, yet threaten black students with repercussions if they return fire, and how many schools in minority areas are often lacking resources for students and teachers. OR you can just stay in denial, and stuck on stupid.

    1. Like how a black student shot people, students and teachers, and was out of jail getting a welcome home party 1 day later? But Dylan Roof got burger king.

    2. Lol. There are no repercussions. They got rid of suspensions because minorities were the ones being suspended. Suspensions, like the law, are racist entities because certain groups overwhelmingly commit...

    3. 9:16 sure. Decades of you getting aways with whatever and preferential but lets harp on one black guy who got bail. ROFLMAO. You sound stupid as fuck.

    4. 9:18 we've already had suspensions at our school. Lol. Stop being such a wuss and stand up for yourself. But yeah..keep deluding yourself into thinking only black students commit infractions. You people are stupid as fuck.

  46. @12:52 But we should just take your word for it. NOT. Next time don't be so lazy and do your own research. It took all of 2 minutes to find information. If you want to counter with opposing facts, then do so. Not interested in your purely narrow-minded opinions.

    One example:

    As Rebecca Sibilia, founder and CEO of EdBuild, explains, a school district's resources often come down to how wealthy an area is and how much residents pay in taxes.

    "We have built a school funding system that is reliant on geography, and therefore the school funding system has inherited all of the historical ills of where we have forced and incentivized people to live," she says.

    Public schools are primarily funded by local and state sources — the federal government pays for less than 10 percent, on average, of K-12 education. States sometimes step in to provide extra funding for districts that need it most. But not all states have been able to keep up with that demand."

    "That means high-poverty districts made up of mostly students of color — about a third of the school districts in the state — receive almost $11,000 less per student than the state's high-poverty, predominantly white districts."

    And another:

    "African American students are less likely than white students to have access to college-ready courses. In fact, in 2011-12, only 57 percent of black students have access to a full range of math and science courses necessary for college readiness, compared to with 81 percent of Asian American students and 71 percent of white students."

    "African American students are often located in schools with less qualified teachers, teachers with lower salaries and novice teachers."

    "Research has shown evidence of systematic bias in teacher expectations for African American students and non-black teachers were found to have lower expectations of black students than black teachers."

    "Students of color are often concentrated in schools with fewer resources. Schools with 90 percent or more students of color spend $733 less per student per year than schools with 90 percent or more white students"

    "Despite the rhetoric of American equality, the school experiences of African-American and other “minority” students in the United States continue to be substantially separate and unequal. Few Americans realize that the U.S. educational system is one of the most unequal in the industrialized world, and that students routinely receive dramatically different learning opportunities based on their social status. In contrast to European and Asian nations that fund schools centrally and equally, the wealthiest 10% of school districts in the United States spend nearly 10 times more than the poorest 10%, and spending ratios of 3 to 1 are common within states. Poor and minority students are concentrated in the least well-funded schools, most of which are located in central cities or rural areas and funded at levels substantially below those of neighboring suburban districts."

  47. 8:25 - oh, that's rich. Are you the writer of the disgusting post @ 10:38 where insult after disgusting insult, and character assassination was spewed? But yet "ho" is the worst of it. Get the fuck out of here. You're a typical racist Karen who thinks that a lack of curse words make their own insidious insults less insulting. That line of bullshit does not move me one bit, and only works on the deliberately dense. Like yourself.

  48. @8:25 "Weak minded people call names". Because "weak-minded" is not name calling. Ok, bitch.

  49. Name the schools and teachers that allows black kids to be subjected to racist comments. Otherwise it’s fake news.

    1. @10:26 look it up lazy dumbass, there were recent stories. I'm not your research assistant. I already looked up a bunch of articles, and you want more? What source have you given for whatever you've spewed. Refute with facts or STFU.

  50. When someone (lol) says you're "not on the level" of a w4s, they may not know they are giving you a compliment.

    1. 11:35 in your dreams. But whatever you have to say to feel better about yourself. OR better yet, point us to one intelligent conversation you've had on this blog.

    2. @1135 am.. lmao. i stay in your thoughts. Im taking up space in the drain you call your brain, for free.

  51. Let's see if there's a double-standard on this blog:
    Waitingforsupport/anonymous, you are a LOSER, a bitch, a racist and a ho.
    Oh and we are rubber and you are glue.
    Lmao roflmao.
    If approved I vow not to engage with the ho no mo.

    1. @100pm...and your grandparents are siblings who sleep with donkeys. Hello jackass. Lmao.

  52. At Jewish teachers, students yell out "Hitler"

    Students call teachers a "white piece of shit"

    Cry me a river, the DOE has bent over backwards to lower standards to appease black students.

  53. 9:16 Not only was Kyle Rittenhouse granted bail, he's been celebrated by white elected members of Congress, and right wing media. Have a seat.

  54. 10:26 is probably a brainwashed moron who thinks it's fake news that Trump lost the election. Nobody cares what you consider fake news you tool.

  55. Hey stupid @1:42 we weren't talking about individual knuckleheads but systemic issues. Boo hoo they call the teacher a "white piece of shit". They insult black teachers too. Call home, ask for a conference with yourself, the parent, the counselor, the AP, ask for suspension. The first time, maybe not, but it happens again, you do NOT have to tolerate abuse. Take back your fucking power and stop crying about it.

  56. 1:00 So you WERE the sociopathic insulting HO who wrote those disgusting attacks towards WFS and is now crying about being called a name. Hahahaha. Glad to see you admit it, LOSER. And here you are AGAIN calling WFS all of those names, ASS-U-ming that she and I are the same poster. Fuck off LOSER.

    1. @327pm...thank you but that weak azz sh^t bothers me not. This queen keeps the crown all day.

    2. @327pm...the psychopath is disturbed. Born of siblings most likely or first cousins. Lmao. They rant/rage and then cry. I hope they are no where near children. I do love to get under their skin. It's soooo easy.

  57. Rittenhouse, while trying to stop himself from getting killed while a mob was burning down the city, shot a child rapist. Mob was burning down the city to defend another sexual deviant and career criminal, Jacob Blake.

    Student in TX, shot multiple people, in a school, including a teacher, 1 in a coma, and that's who you want out of jail? LOL. No wonder there has never been any improvement in some circles.

    And 1 black guy got bail? At least 90 percent of charges against Black Lives Matter protesters in a dozen jurisdictions have been dropped, dismissed or not filed, according to an analysis by The Guardian.

  58. @1:00 the post you responded to asked: "OR better yet, point us to one intelligent conversation you've had on this blog.". Clearly you have ZERO intelligent conversations on this blog. Got it.

  59. @9:18 if your post is the way you show you don't have contempt for black students, you failed miserably.

  60. Enough with the anonymous attacks. You have all had the opportunity to insult anonymous people you don't know. Now can you get back on topic or move on. I am super busy and don't have time for this. Thanks.

  61. Why is this?

    NYC to eliminate gifted + talented classes over the next 5 yrs, major change and likely BdB's last big decision as mayor. Kids now enrolled in gifted programs will stay in them, but there will be no more separate gifted classes for incoming kids

  62. 4:05 Well gee James, now you say something? Why allow those vile and disgusting attacks @10:38 against a regular poster? Says a lot about you.

  63. Notice how NYT combines “white & Asian” to suggest majority of places in gifted programs are taken up by white kids…the data shows it’s Asian students who are overrepresented. ‘Equity’ here is discrimination against Asian students beacsue the majority of NYC students, blacks and hispanics, can't make the grade.

  64. ‘The reality is that even if you control for socioeconomics, students from various Asian American cultural subgroups tend to outperform everyone else.’

    So much for the "Bad teacher" argument.

  65. @5:05 I guess students are supposed to teach themselves now. How ridiculous to posit that bad, uncaring teachers have no bearing whatsoever on whether a student learns anything or not. Try using some common sense.

  66. @5:05 are you one of those that kept posting that you didn't teach and didn't care about your students? If so I can see why you would want to run around the blog arguing that bad teachers don't play a role in whether students perform sucessfully or not. Nobody would a fool would buy whatever it is you're trying to sell here, because it's asinine.

  67. Stop trying to make excuses for your
    "It’s certainly true that racism has played a role in creating inequalities in the United States. And it’s also true that, despite centuries of the promotion of racial pseudoscience, there’s no good reason to think that any “race” is inherently smarter or dumber than any other one. Race is a social construct, not a biological reality.

    There’s a lot of evidence that IQ varies among individuals and is heritable, but the evidence isn’t there that there are any fixed IQ differences between groups that don’t actually exist in any biological sense.
    5:05 is trying desperately to argue that her bad teaching (or rather, not teaching at all) doesn't factor into whether her students learn or not.

    "So then why aren’t educational outcomes proportionate to population?

    For us to have roughly proportionate outcomes in education, we’d also have to have roughly the same inputs. Advocates for equity are quick to point out that there is broad socioeconomic inequality in the United States — and they’re right about that. These socioeconomic factors impact the inputs students produce. Students who grow up in unsafe neighborhoods contaminated by lead pollution are, on average, not going to produce the same inputs as students who grow up in sterling suburbs."

    "We can also use economic policy and other levers to redistribute the winnings of society."

  68. 4:05, These anonymous attacks are essentially meaningless. So you call an anonynous person a ho in an anonymous comment. You wouldn't talk like that in person I am relatively sure.

    I really have more important things to do to on a Sunday than moderating anonymous personal attacks. If that's what all of you want to do with each other, then it is hard to intervene. I can't decipher nonsense all day.

    You see, someone gets in a reaction where they make a valid on topic point and then they throw in the insult so it is tough to just delete. Maybe, we can start to edit comments for clarity and style. If we want to go to a strict on topic comment policy, we can since the anonymous, "You're stupid!" that leads to responses like, "No, you're stupid!" are a waste of my time to read. However, maybe some of you enjoy that. I don't know.

    When you write them all day, I get an email with something like ten comments that I have to sift through which I really don't want to do. I'm fine with ending the off topic insults completely but I don't want to dicate. Up to you.

    We can do a poll using the same method that the NYC Teachers chat on facebook uses here to make sure you are NYCDOE where you have to give your DOE email to participate in the group. We can do an online poll where you have to email and put in the body your DOE email address. Only the people who are decent and trusting would get involved so the trolls won't bother. What do you think?

    1. Agree. All comments that use insult words should be restricted.
      And there is no fixation on any one type of comment. All such comments distract from the conversation.

  69. You wouldn't email from your DOE address but you would have to show in the body of your email that you have one.

  70. 602, How come the Asian students magically get the caring teachers and blacks never do? All the teachers in minority schools must be the worst because those always do the worst.

  71. I'm sick and tired of the fixation on the "ho" comment when the comments that were being responded to were way more attacking, personal, insidious, and despicable. You allowed the poster to vomit all over your board in the attack of a regular poster who DOES use a handle, and no, it's not me. I was just thoroughly disgusted by it. A "ho" was pretty mild by comparison.

  72. James, the name calling is out of is insulting to our have my vote to censor comments attacking and ridiculing other colleagues.gosh, glad I don't have to work with these people!people complain about nasty admins, but they start out here!stop the hate for God's sake! I will never post with my doe address because the rats and rabblerousers would throw it under the bus, post it to instagram, etc. I'm grateful to have a safe space to rant against injustice, but once it is personally identified,it is no longer safe; it is very risky.its just my is your is very childish to behave worse than the kids.

  73. Over 20,000 UFTers are on the Facebook group using their own name. We do not reveal identities of commenters here unless you are personally okay with it.

    I just want a way to stop tothe ridiculous personal insults without having to review all of them to see what I let in previously. It is getting out of control on this post.

    We have to have a way to survey our readers where they feel safe enough to take the survey.

  74. There is no way in hell that the fraudster who is has been collecting a paycheck for years while bragging that they don't teach, nor care, is going to give anyone her name.

  75. I used to post on HuffingtonPost way back when it was overrun by trolls before they started requiring people to use their names. No more right wing trolls.

  76. James - if you don't have to use your email address to send your response to the poll, then anyone can just look up someone else's email address and use that in the body of their message.

    When it's time to post, how would you identify who is who? Would we always have to use our DOE email address? It's confusing.

  77. Safe? Seriously? Get ready for the FBI to visit if you have an unauthorized pov. Fascism has come to America for real.

  78. Johnny come lately - there WAS a fixation on that one comment, because that's the ONLY one that was repeated ad nauseam, with a total disregard for what it was responding to.

  79. Yes 7:43, safe. Did you see what he was responding to? The poster didn't feel SAFE using their email. Are you going to blame James for that too? Are you afraid James will find out who's been trolling him.

  80. James, why do you need anyone's permission to do this? At a minimum people should use a handle. Granted I don't currently use one either, but why should everyone else have all the fun. If it's required, I'll use a handle and stick to it. I did have one before you blocked my posts for replying to right-wing attacks because the guy was your friend. You actually allowed someone to call me the N-word. Much, much word than the words you're calling out here. I didn't post here for months. So let's not pretend you don't allow insults when it suits you.

  81. I don't recall allowing the N word in or allowing anyone else to be called that. If it slipped passed me, please direct me to the posting and we will Immediately take it down.

  82. James - that was months, and months ago. I'm not going back through hundreds of posts to dig that out. I remember it because it was directed at me and you blocked my response to it. I remember WFS even commented on it, although she may not remember.

  83. I can't the it down if you can't find it. I save some of the outrageous ones that don't get printed to remind me of how bad it can get.

  84. I really want the community to help decide the comment boundaries. I would like to survey people who are not afraid to say who they are.

    If we lose the trolls, so be it.

  85. James - I'm not asking you to take it down now. LOL.

  86. James - you never answered the question. If we don't have to email you from our school email address, what's to stop someone from just picking a random email address from the address book and telling you that's who they are. Are you confirming by sending an email to everyone at the address they provide?

  87. 9:26, If we are sending a verification email, we may as well just require an email from your own particular DOE account. We are making this up on the fly and trying to ensure nobody is placed in any harm's way if we try to do a non-anonymous survey of commenters/readers.

  88. Reminder that doe monitors mail.u would never use my email.i never post on Facebook and don't want fb friends this point, sadly, even browsing history is tracked.i just say don't post any personal attacks. I think that once people realize it won't get through, they will stop it.the other poster is right.people can use anyone's doe mail to make them look bad.that can blow up into a huge doe 3020a scandals for parties.bad idea...

  89. I have never seen the n-word used here. I have never heard of a teacher allowing racial slurs to be lobbed at a black student. If a serious accusation is made the commenter should present more evidence than, “look it up lazy dumbass.” I looked it up. None exist. I’ll beat you to the punch. I’m a lazy, racist, dumbass ho. And I’m totally okay with it.

    1. @12;41 well at least you admit you'te a lazy dumbass. You said it bit how embarrassing for you. You think I give a rat's ass what you saw or didnt see, as if you've read every single post on this blog? Or as if I need your validation. You of all people. Hahaha. You're a self admitted liar and fraud. You have ZERO credibility. As for the teacher allowing a slur. I posted what I read from a news story, and you jumped in to say if I cant prove it, it must not be true. GTFOOH. Stay stuck on stupid for all I care, you enjoy it there. As you usually do? you you throw your jabs and then whine and cry like a little victim. Get lost troll.

  90. There are so many personal attacks here. I find most are silly as they are anonymous people attacking other anonymous people. I want know what the readers think.

  91. This a RACIST blog. No different from Yahoo who had to take down their comments altogether. Very little, if any, teacher camaraderie and strategizing. James does his part to bring us up-to-date issues but always, never fails devolves into disgusting jab and attacks about Biden, Liberals, black students.

  92. Gee the comment about the racial insensitivity and allowing racial slurs is so hard to find on the FRONT PAGE of a search engine again today. There are none so blind as those who shall not see. Is that how the saying goes?

  93. Dear Karen @ 12:41 - I don't know who you think you are that you can demand other people just provide you with information when they weren't even talking to you. But this is what YOU wrote "Name the schools and teachers that allows black kids to be subjected to racist comments. Otherwise it’s fake news", ESPECIALLY when people like YOU never provide sources for anything you write. And how convenient that you didn't ask a single other person on this thread for evidence while just lapping it all up. So yeah, you got insulted. Boo hoo. You're probably that same one who vomited all over the thread, and yourself, when responding to WFS.

  94. My opinion...I know w4s and you are ideologically similar, but do you really think she elevates or even adds anything of substance to discussions here with her wfs comments or multiple ones anonymously? You may, but people I know have stopped visiting and/or posting here because of her. I won't recount all her juvenile rants--theyre there if you care to look. Not just the name-calling; even the insults (take your meds, etc.) are just really low-level stuff. She's not an "intellectual," clearly.
    But I wouldn't want her "moderated" or anything like that. Most people have common sense enough to know when someone is mentally unstable or even better, if they say crazy shit it undermines their that would be a win from either side of the spectrum.
    I'd advocate for freedom over all; a few bad words and insults can be tolerated; you've already entered down the path of censorship, and I'd humbly suggest it's not good for your head. I caught myself "feeding the troll" and promised not to do it again. I actually think her views, as repulsive as I find them, are good for me to hear because they remind me why I changed. I'm now beginning to feel sorry for her. Do whatever you want. I'm about done here most likely. But imo any censorship isn't a step to take lightly.

  95. 5:48 - opinions are like coins, some are worth more than others. Again I ask, what INTELLIGENT COMMENTS have you posted to this blog? Do you think this post of yours sounds mentally stable when you are attributing anonymous posts to WFS without any facts? Those anonymous posts have nowhere near the same syntax so, yeah, you're the one who sounds crazy right about now and you undermine yourself by posting that ridiculousness. Feel sorry for yourself, and do your job as a teacher or move on from it.

    You are OBSESSED with WFS and maybe she made you look or feel stupid and you never got over it, because here you are hurling insulting comments her way while pretending to be all innocent in the matter. You sanctimonious hypocrites make me sick.

  96. Did w4s spend 1 second elevating those who are failing? They are still failing.

    1. @9:57pm... i did NOT spend one second elevating those who are failing. However I did Teach all students who entered my classroom. Some failed but were not failures. Many graduated both undergraduate and graduate. I will say that when i walk down the street and see former students i am proud of them and they all hug or say hello to me. Soooo take your ineffective self to bed.

  97. glad we feel the same way about each other. However I'm right in my assessment and feelings. I will be back tomorrow if it will ensure that you and your family will stay away.

  98. 9:57 - What did YOU do to elevate those who are failing? What did you do to elevate yourself? You sound like a failure. Are you the same loser who goes around the blog squawking about making $140K/year as if you're making a million dollars a year?

  99. I hope you see James exactly where it starts. Look @5:48. Everyone else managed to post general opinions on how they felt about providing emails. But oh no, not the obsessed psychotic @5:48 who began pointing fingers at a specific poster while throwing jabs and darts and insults. Then when she gets dragged like the sociopath that she is, and deserves, everyone comes out boo hooing and whining about other insulting posters. Actually, maybe she's posting as multiple people pretending to support her nonsense and her self-inflicted victimhood.

  100. James, do you see how commenters like 3:44 go off the rails? I just reread 5:48’s comment a few more times. There’s nothing to indicate he or she is a sociopath. Disagreeing with someone. Claiming someone doesn’t add to a discussion. These are not sociopathic behaviors. Your leftist audience can’t handle any dissenting opinions so dissenters get labeled racist, stupid, lazy, sociopathic, ho and in an effort to dismiss dissenters the left claims we’re all the same person. I agree with 5:48 and made a similar comment awhile back. Let people vent. Let your readers decide how they feel about the commenter and ideas presented. If someone’s response to my comment is you’re a ho or a moron, I take no offense. It shows me they just can’t argue their way out of a paper bag and I move on to the next comment. What I won’t do is stop voicing my opinion so if that’s the result name callers are looking for, it just isn’t going to happen. I hope 5:48 and others feel the same way.

  101. 5:48 doesn't want censorship because she'll expose herself as the fraud teacher that she is. If WFS has sent you and your pals running it's no wonder you can't handle the students in NYC classroom, because none of her posts have been personal attacks, unlike yours. It's easier for you to think that she's posting anonymously so then you can convince yourself that's it's only one person who finds it hard to stomach what you post about getting a paycheck to not teach, and not care, and to throw the teaching profession under the bus on a public blog.

  102. @5:48 says "I caught myself "feeding the troll"". Actually, you sound like the troll. I noticed that you racists play offense while others play defense and respond to your garbage. Similar to what you just did here. Just because the retort of others may be more fierce, doesn't make them the troll.

  103. Like many others….Waiting for support has expressed herself intelligently at times and childishly at times. No big deal to this reader.

  104. And then others, like 5:48 expresses themselves childishly ALL of the time.

  105. @2:32 pm... we are all entitled to our opinion. I admit that I can be mean at times but only to those who demand a taste of that diah.

  106. I politically disagree with almost everything Waiting and others say yet I too am loved by students. The students with a work ethic appreciate being judged on merit rather than being coddled or pandered to because they feel they are owed something. They appreciate the extra attention that can be given to them because those without a work ethic are ignored.

  107. Was informed the Special Education Recovery initiative would be per session work. Not interested in staying longer than I have to in a school building.


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