Wednesday, October 06, 2021


ICEUFT and Educators of NYC at 7:00 tonight will be on Zoom to speak out about conditions in the NYC schools.

Here is the sign up information.

Coming next Wednesday, ICE-UFT will be joining with multiple other opposition groups for a Healthcare-Health and Safety rally at the UFT's first Delegate Assembly of this school year. Delegates, Chapter Leaders, rank and file active UFTers, retirees and others will all be there. I have never seen this kind of excited pulling together among opposition groups in the UFT.

UFTers have finally had enough.


  1. Just a distraction from Eterno who is embarrassed by nyc teachers in the streets. This blog admin needs to step aside and let a real union advocate take his place

    1. Lmao...@940 am no need for anyone to "step aside" just start your own blog.

  2. Not hearing much on here from fans of heroic Ed Mullins. I guess the grief is too great.

  3. When will the doe/uft/thisblog/etc just come out and advocate for eliminating reading, writing, math, etc., and just issue students certifications in activism? Then we can celebrate the intersectionality of all the key players in educational policy.

    1. @10:32 am...
      Does the "etc" include those educators who make it hard for colleagues to really teach? What say you about grade fraud and no discipline? There are "educators" commenting about sitting in admin chairs and playing the game or those who are just doing what liberal NY wants. I don't see a problem with students or anyone speaking for justice. Speaking up for self and receiving a challenging quality education can and will go hand in hand. We have seen how being inactive (march 2020) led to many educators walking into a petri dish.

  4. Idk who mullins is, but I do know who Weingarten is.
    So 9:56, what do you think about her recent statements re the FBI targeting concerned parents as domestic terrorists?

  5. "nyc teachers in the streets" -- all 12 of you stopping by to knock down vax test sites. You guys are brilliant.

  6. Hey 9:40 -- let's see your blog. no guts no glory.

  7. Whatever happened to ICE, Solidarity, and MORE putting together a joint team to run against Unity in the upcoming election? If those groups don't get together soon, Mulgrew is sure to win yet again.

  8. One thing at a time, 11:23. We are all working together. That is a real positive step in the right direction.

  9. Stunning stonewalling:
    How many students currently attend NYC public schools?
    "I don't have that number to give you," the DOE's First Deputy Chancellor Donald Conyers insists at City Council hearing.
    Education committee chair Mark Treyger calls that answer "unfathomable."

  10. Don't get your hopes up even if everyone unites. Mulgrew will win again but let's not let him claim he has 80% support. Get him into the 50s.

  11. JUST IN: More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

  12. How many students have not yet set foot in NYC schools?
    asks. Is 150K correct?
    LaShawn Robinson, DOE deputy chancellor for School Climate & Wellness, calls that number "far, far from accurate," but gives no correct number.

  13. Just been informed some of our staff and students are out with Covid. All the teachers that have Covid have been vaccinated. Not sure of vaccine status of students that are out. This is not safe. Nothing will be done. Dumb Blasio does not care about the well being of school staff nor does he care about the kids. All that he cares about is teachers being in their buildings. Packed classrooms and unvaccinated kids put us all in danger. Had one of my HS kids start to cry because he could not take wearing the mask all day. Nothing will change.

  14. This blog is a disgrace lol, Chaz would be the best blog ever!!!! CCP here!

    James and his wife wont be able to walk down the street once everything comes about, such a disgrace.

  15. @11:23 be careful what you wish for. Unless you think Randi is a good model, such a coalition would be a disaster. I don't think the beta males could ever put aside their fragile egos long enough to be effective against MM, but if they did...I can't believe I'm actually saying this...I would vote for MM. Ugh.

  16. @ AnonymousWednesday, October 06, 2021 12:14:00 PM

    JUST IN: More Americans have died

    And your spin is?

    Red states are flouting safety precautions and people aren't vaccinated...

    It's the (blue) president's faut...

    Or door 3, something about vaccines

  17. 3:00,

    cnn and msnbc spent plenty of times playing up covid deaths under Trump while most deaths were in blue states.

  18. Now that the poisonous unvaxxed (like me)have exited the building, who do you blame for the rising cases? The conspiracy theorists predicted it all to a tee.ace dependent enhancement.
    Though we arent in person, you will still need boosters upon boosters.but who praytell is the cause of all the exponential school cases as per the situation room chart? No i do not wish covid on people, but the only way to see that we were right and meant no harm and it wasnt political, etc is the for the sad predictions to play out.maybe then there will be a flicker of hope for people to wake up before it is too late.
    Hochul is an evil snake slithering out!

  19. "UFTers have finally had enough."

    LOL. Did james actually write that? So, what comes next. I guess nothing.

  20. ".I can't believe I'm actually saying this...I would vote for MM. Ugh."
    The best news I've heard. The right wing of the UFT supports Mulgrew. Opposition wouldn't take your vote if you paid them.

    @NYCSchools are hiring STUDENTS as teacher aides AND THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE VACCINATED! @DOEChancellor @NYCMayor what are yall DOING?

  22. Yes 9:40 teachers are embarrassed with the anti vaxers. So ignorant . Imagine if they were focused on real issues teachers are facing now such as observations. Instead they are defending freedom to increase risk to spread infectious disease.

  23. Eterno talks solidarity after his silence as uft members were laid off. You are a clown james

  24. Silent? What are you talking about? We want 100% vaccination rate unless you have a legislate medical exemption.

  25. James wants a covid free school . Covid still happening . If you’re vaxxed, great you did it for protection , Mulgrew dropped the ball and his henchmen will say or do anything to justify it . James is retired and scared as he should be

  26. A girl is sitting in my vlass...

    Me-What's wrong?

    Her-Enferma (Sick)

    Me-Your stomach?

    Her-No, fever.

    Great, glad they are filling out that health screening every morning.

  27. · 1 School Closure since 9/13

    · 181 School Covid Cases on 10/5 (3,698 since 9/13)

    · 149 Class closures on 10/5 (2,993 since 9/13)

    · around 104,755 quarantined students & staff since 9/13

    There is an outbreak in NYC Schools!

  28. According to an article in Chalkbeat, only 1/4 of NYC students have turned in consent forms for Covid testing. So 3 out of 4 students aren't getting tested.

  29. I’d expect continued outbreaks of Covid amongst the staff and students. The vaccine protects (not 100%, of course) from severe reactions. It does not necessarily protect against infection and transmission. Pfizer, for example, goes down to 47% protection from infection after just 5 months. This has a been a surprise to some folks.

  30. I’m sticking with Mulgrew until an anti mandate caucus is on the ballot. It will be the first time I vote for Unity. Yeah Mulgrew and friends are shitty but theyre not celebrating the firing of unvaxed members.

  31. The handling of the CoVid situation in my high school has been a disaster. I am surprised I have not come down with CoVid yet. I think this is only a matter of time.

    Unless there is a complete overhaul of the NYC DOE, nothing will improve. The endless money pit will grow and the pretense of education will continue. Will the next mayor clean house? Will the state eliminate the mayors control of the DOE?

    Unless there is a complete overhaul in the UFT, nothing will improve. This do-nothing money pit will also grow.

    The shenanigans at the DOE and the UFT, make it very obvious that education is not the goal in NYC.

  32. Eterno talks solidarity after his silence as uft members were laid off. --- no solidarity with murderers. just bring a loaded gun to school and leave it around for kids to play with. Thats what we think of anti vaccine so called educators.
    i bet the loser is not leaving over principles but then again i dont even think hes even in the doe but a Steve Bannon paid troll.

  33. 6:01 AM. You may have already come down with Covid. Don’t assume there are noticeable symptoms. And if you are vaccinated, even less do.

  34. What a dumb post @ 12:13.


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