Monday, October 04, 2021


 Camille is one of the the go-to people for the media on defending the vaccine mandate for teachers. First, CNN and now ABC News

Meanwhile, the UFT is now talking December for the arbitration on spring break 2020 pay and the Eric Adams endorsement was rubber-stamped by the Executive Board but there were some no votes.


  1. Camille makes an excellent point about why the vaccine is necessary for schools - we cannot safely socially distance. We all know it, we're always complaining about it. Still, it's no magic pill, and this entire thing with partial closures, and some classes quarantining, while the rest of the classes plow ahead with instruction, is a clusterfuck.

  2. So why distance when u have the vaccine will be the next excuse to cram students closer.

  3. In my D75 school in the Bronx, not one student has completed the daily health screening this year. Who is in charge of this? School safety only scrutinizes stsff- yesterday we had ssa checking ID at the door. What s joke. Teacher will report symptoms to stay home. Students-

  4. I can’t believe we’re still debating this. If I want to risk dying of COVID it’s none of your business. If I want to risk lung cancer or liver disease by drinking and smoking that’s also none of your business. If the vaccine prevents death, the vaccinated are in no danger from the unvaxed. If the vaccine doesn’t work, why force it on anyone. Your arguments are not based in reality. The vaccinated can spread COVID. Camille is wrong.

    1. You said yourself, the vaxxed can spread it. They can also get it. Vaccination is big piece of solution. If all were vaxxed, the pandemic would be mostly over

  5. Jim I see your still milking the liberal gig.

  6. Temperature check for adults at the building today again provided me my personal temperature of 94°. Our other school staff temperatures reporting similarly?

  7. Some of you love Ed Mullins so much. This Post article shows what a lowlife he is.

  8. I’m a vaccinated teacher who’s gotten effective and highly effective ratings for years. Myself and my fellow teachers are being treated so badly by admin and NOT protected by our useless union, I really have half a mind to quit mid-year. Get your act together.

    1. Go ahead quit. I’m unvaxxed also highly effective. I’ll take your spot. I’m not scared of the rona

  9. 11:44, A solution for whom? I’m vaxed too but since I can catch it from vaxed or unvaxed I don’t care who else is vaxed. Either the vaccine protects us or it doesn’t. My vaccine only works if you’re vaccinated? People have a right to risk dying from covid and since the vaccine won’t stop them from catching and transmitting the virus, I just don’t see how it’s not their right to choose. I don’t think I have the right to force anyone to take this shot when the vaccinated can still give me COVID. Natural immunity being ignored doesn’t sit well with me either. Why no talk of testing antibodies before a shot? Big Pharma is cashing in big time. Since 2006 Chantix helped people quit smoking. Now it’s yanked from shelves in 2021 because it has a cancer causing ingredient. It’s unconscionable to force THIS vaccine. Covid isn’t small pox.

  10. I don’t think I have the right to force anyone to take this shot when the vaccinated can still give me COVID. --- it's the percentage chance --- If there is a 5% chance your plane will crash do you fly? Good luck --- I'm cautious --- I don't want to risk long covid --= and of course you neglect to talk about unvaxed kids who could give it to the unvaxed or vice versa.
    Are you going to tell us no more mandated vax for anything?
    No one is mandating flu shots and 30k a year die. The diff? This is a pandemic and killing the econoy which so many complained about before but from the other side - get vaxed to save the economy -- except this time you don't want to since its Biden -- but for Trump it would be a different story.

  11. Biden crapped his pants in the white house..Heres to HOPE Springs Eternal..
    I think thats the way the phrase goes..I do hope by Spring Covid and vaccines are not on the news every 5 minutes

    The bigger problem will continue to arise from the divisions in our workplace and our nation...And yes even though I am vaccinated can I have an opinion??

    It is not right that our co workers , our so called union brothers and sisters were tossed aside like rubbish because they refused the vaccine. I have seen plenty of nasty comments from union members saying "good riddance" or " no jab no job"...If this vaccine is so great why worry when you already have 90% vaccinated? shameful how so many have been treated...grow up little children

  12. Who cares, why don't you report on the rallies AGAINST vaccine mandates and fellow union members thrown into hardship simply because they want to control their own bodies. You are a fake, phony, fraud Eterno

  13. There are other methods to curb CoVid: living a healthy lifestyle, natural immunity, vitamins, and medications. Why is the vaccine the only method touted or deemed acceptable?

    I agree with 4:05; follow the money.

  14. So much crying from 1 percent

  15. Maine is about to set a new high in cases, with 86% of everyone over 18 at least partially vaccinated, 84% 12+ & 99% of 65+

    Their daily average is now well above the national average & currently 69% higher than Florida

    Good thing we’re mandating vaccines to “stop transmission!”

  16. National teachers union boss Weingarten celebrates the FBI and AG Garland targeting concerned and angry parents. Sounds like James should be proud.

  17. Eterno is a well-trained leftist activist. Narrative trumps reality, since in zhis postmodern, neo Marxist perspective, reality is a social construct. This is also why zhe can censor and maintain a high opinion of zhimself.

  18. Do the teachers who get the vaccine get $100?
    Is it pensionable?.

  19. So glad I got the Vaccine. We were informed today we have several teachers and students out because they tested positive for Covid. All teachers that tested + were fully vaxxed. A few of the students were fully vaxxed or had 1 shot. I may need to be tested as well since I have been feeling under the weather and lying on the Health Screening. No Temp checks for our staff and students. Last time I had my temp taken at my building it was 92.4. Most teachers were around the same temp. Parents have the right idea pulling kids out and putting them on an online program. My classroom is usually packed with 30-34 kids every period. The hall is full of students removing masks.

    1. You prob don’t feel good because of the vaccine. Terrain Theory over Germ Theory

  20. Nice code there 7.07

    Many of us have no idea why you're spelling that way, but my suspicion is it's something started on social media and reinforced by our friend, Tucker.

  21. It’s Marxist gender spelling, my woke administration loves it. They are not Tucker fans. But they do watch a lot of Maddow and Lemon.

  22. Lmao...@4:38am. Now that you've mastered the spelling go back and learn when to use "woke". Rofl. Hilarious

  23. 9:38 they're not allowing unvaxxed teachers in NYC schools. Or haven't you heard?


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