Sunday, October 03, 2021


The temporary coverage agreement email from President Mulgrew is copied in full below.



  1. What happens if you are an ict teacher and your class is left with no special ed teacher? My coteacher. Is unvaccinated.

    1. You're in that class alone until they either find a leave replacement or give a 6th period to another sped teacher... But there is no way they are giving an emergency coverage for a co teacher.

  2. What's wrong with a lab specialist being there?

  3. @8:22 or the other way around.

  4. "Best union"

    Multiple students at my school have gotten covid, including a student who is in two of my classes and another pulled out sent home during my class. My school/district promised that staff would be informed of positive cases — yet we haven’t been told about a single case yet!

  5. My coteacher is out on leave until January. ICT class no special ed teacher hired. Union rep knows does nothing for fear of losing cushy computer prep job.

  6. You can put in special Ed Complaint yourself or a parent can do it. You don't need the chapter leader.

  7. Garbage union one again allowing DeBozo to get away with lying. He said "there is enough coverage" how? by dumping more work on top of us, the people who actually do the work!

    Where is our hazard pay? Observations? Let's add more kids to classes during a pandemic instead of letting 3% unvax work? Brillant plan! What happened to herd immunity? At 97% we should have reached herd immunity in the DOE.

  8. How can a parent submit a complaint?

  9. Friend sec time covid and fully dised koolaid.

  10. Well you all were carrying on abput how u dont want to work with the unvaxxed. U got ur wish.

  11. If the vaccine works, why couldn't Harris be on the view with those who tested positive? Aren't we in schools with those who are positive?

  12. 9:08 those jobs will be filled in due time. Nobody's indispensable. It should have been settled before the start of the school year.

  13. Only lost 5k antivaxers. That's not bad. Very small percentage of entire teaching pool in the city. It's funny that they think they are a large percentage... It's very few when looked at overall.

    1. I lost my entire cafeteria staff and half Of SSA.

  14. 2 years later...with almost 80% vaccinated...

    Fauci says it's 'too soon to tell' if families can gather for Christmas

  15. 9:46 excellent point

    Why couldn't the vaccinated VP be in a room 3 feet apart from other vaccinated positive people? Teachers can and are around students who are not vaxxed, have not agreed to be tested.

    Why are we treated less than the VP?

  16. It is clear that DeBlasio, Portor and Mulgrew do not care about teaching and learning. They think we can so easily be replaced! Where is my school supposed to find five effective and experienced teachers? Daily substitutes just have to show up, they do not have to plan, teach, grade papers, call parents, or attend horrid PD.

    Taking on a sixth period is nuts unless it is a fluff course that requires no work on the teacher's part. I spend 10 - 12 hours a day on my regularly assigned classes; planning, grading, paperwork, tutoring, record keeping, parent communication, google classroom, etc.

  17. I've done a coverage a day since the the beginning of the year. Some days I do 2. Wonder what this week will bring. I'm already booked most days.

  18. Lost a few teachers and AP that performance was excellent for years and parents loved.

    They worked D75 only remote when DOE closed school, got COVID and came back quickly.

    They clearly were very changed by working in that environment. I wish we gave them medical leave for a few months or more warning about the vax so they could get the help they need.

    They were used, damaged and discarded.

    They're not antivax for anything but vax so soon after getting covid. They clearly were not themselves since spring and should have taken summer to get better mental health.

    I'm sure a % would never be vaccinated and never got COVID but none I work with.

    How can anyone in D75 not been exposed to covid during this? Me for 1 since I got to go remote in Jan thanks to recent lymphoma and spring vax since I had hospital connection to get it without 2hr line.

    No masks on kids, not much testing, no HEPA or windows open. They did do things like taking masks down to read to students, close windows when cold and rainy...and going to work when union/DOE said it was safe.

    I don't rejoice in their illness and now unemployment.

  19. 6:07: How long have you been in the system? Do you think they really care if you're qualified or experienced. They just want young newbies they can take advantage of and threaten with tenure if they don't do as they are told. It's never been about hiring the most effective teachers.

  20. Why are we treated less than VP? The elites were having maskless unvaccinated get togethers the whole time. Their kids never missed a day of in person learning in their expensive private schools. Rules are for the peasants. I’m retired and have been tutoring homeschooled kids whose parents don’t want them masked all day. We have a rotating network of support for a group of working parents. So far no COVID cases. I’m happy I can assist those in my community who see through the covid hysteria. I’m vaccinated and not living in fear. Covid, flu and other illnesses would decrease if class size was permanently cut in half and ventilation was improved but nyc chooses to force vaccinate and continue to pack you in like sardines and dump coverages on the vaccinated.

  21. Unhappy teachers.

    BROOKLYN NYC: Anti Vax Mandate Protesters chant F*CK JOE BIDEN” in front of department of education building

    Get LIVE coverage:

  22. “F— Joe Biden and [Mayor] de Blasio!” chants the crowd outside the Department of Education in New York City. Video by

  23. Look here. A union encouraging it's members to SCAB for fellow brothers and sisters who's rights were violated by the city and layed off. Are you proud of this direction for the UFT James? If you are, you should step down from this blog because you are a fraud.

    1. @249
      Someone needs to explain to you how things work. You sound confused.

  24. One of our teachers that is on medical exemption is “working” From home today, doing nothing. Must be nice that the rest of the staff has to cover his program. He was redeployed nowhere today. Children first, right DOE?

  25. Only 2,000 teachers remained unvaccinated! Wow, guess that number declined real fast by today! I'm guessing another 1k will get vaccinated rather quickly once they don't get a paycheck.

    1. Nice, jerk. What till this all backfires on your sorry ass

  26. 2:49: How are we scabbing? Scabbing is crossing a picket line.

  27. The reality is that de Blasio is a sociopath, period.

  28. The typical DOE employee can't make it till the next paycheck. Reality is rough. I feel like many will cave very quickly.

  29. de Blasio is a crook and a liar.
    His entire political career has been crooked.

    1. And he is eying the Governor's position. God help us!

  30. 2:49, scab? Are you on strike? When did we vote for it? Shut up.

  31. I just saw some news reports interviewing those unvaccinated and out of work. They wondered how it would go.

    We lost 2 teachers and a para. Had a bunch absent because they had gotten their shot at the deadline. Guess what? The day went fine and while they will be missed they should realize that the kids really don't care that much about us. There is this romantic idea that our kids love a teacher so much that we change their lives so profoundly because of our presence. That happens in very few cases. We are one of their many teachers and even if you were there they would have a new teacher next year. They will adjust to a new teacher and move on. For those who left the profession I suggest you do the same.

  32. 10:54. Who still listens to Fauci? We’re celebrating Christmas with as large of a group as we want. Fauci has no say in my house.

  33. Didn't you hear: Tony Twomasks Fauxi didn't say what you heard him say.
    Now apologize for paying attention!

  34. 5:44: I agree with you. Kids aren't as affected by losing their teachers as we think they are. They adjust pretty quickly to new teachers, and I sadly agree with you too, that we only make a huge difference in less than 1% of students we teach. How many students really keep in touch with you after graduation and I'm not talking about friending you on facebook?

  35. 8:07. Kids can also get used to remote teaching so taxpayers can save money and we can stop the spread of all illnesses typically spread due to in person learning. 1 teacher to hundreds of kids. That’s the safest and least expensive route. That coupled with financial incentives to home school is in society’s best interest. Safety first, after all.


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