Wednesday, December 08, 2021


 This is from City and State. Meet the new boss:

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams is expected to announce David Banks, founder of Eagle Academy, as his pick for Schools Chancellor on Thursday. Adams’ first major administration appointment doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Banks was widely expected to be the incoming mayor’s top pick and is a co-lead on the transition team’s education committee.

Banks is best known as the founding principal of Eagle Academy for Young Men, a network of public schools geared toward low-income Black and Latino boys. Starting with one school in the Bronx, the Eagle Academy network now includes six schools; five in New York City and one in New Jersey. The small schools, which embrace culturally responsive curriculum, have a mixed track record, though the five schools in New York have generally held higher than average graduation rates for the city, Chalkbeat New York reports. 

But while Banks’ impending appointment may have been expected, inheriting control of the nation’s largest public school system – still weathering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic – is sure to bring surprising challenges. In addition to drops in enrollment and increased challenges in ensuring homeless students are receiving equal access to education, the next chancellor will have to confront massive learning gaps and the emotional trauma caused by the pandemic. Confronting students’ trauma is one of Banks’ first priorities, The New York Times reports, along with expanding early childhood education.

Another question Banks may encounter right off the bat is how to approach a possible vaccine mandate for students. Mayor Bill de Blasio has held off from mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for students – it’s currently required for teachers and staff – but Adams has said that he’s open to requiring it for students too. Banks will also be tasked with implementing changes to the gifted and talented program – though Adams has suggested that he won’t overhaul the program, as de Blasio promised late in his term to do.


  1. It doesn't matter who the chancellor is if you don't take action.
    Have you signed the class size petition?
    Did you take smaller class size action with your staff?
    Did you contact the City Council and ask them to vote on class size legislation?
    Only you know

    1. 1011 did you fight to make sure class size is negotiated in our next contract?

    2. 5 51 Why talk about next contract, action is needed now.


  3. I read in a NY Post article that Banks is a former principal but the article didn't mention his teaching experience.

  4. Just looked up his credentials. He NEVER was a teacher. He immediately started out his career in NYC as an administrator. How in the hell do these things happen?

  5. Yes I have and not a single entity acknowledged it. Today the City Council is approving the right to vote in local elections for anyone who landed here in the last 30 days. What is wrong with this picture???

    1. 826 that full electoral participation of all people being governed by our State is too much democracy for this country to handle?

  6. According to the NY Times, Banks was a NYC teacher for 5 years starting in 1986. He also went to law school and has been a school administrator as well. I got no beefs with him. (Yet) However, as we all know, he will simply be a puppet of the mayor. Anybody will be better than Klein, Black, or Farina. Let's wait and see.


    Bloomberg at it again folks

  8. 5 years in the classroom is still a neophyte.

  9. Let's wait and see. I hope he clears house and returns teaching to the teachers. Let's goooo!

  10. I felt Porter was the best chancellor we have had in my 20 years

  11. Regardless of who is chancellor or who is mayor, Mulgrew will be pimping for them.

  12. I have little hope for the teaching profession in NYC. I saw and listening to the mayor elect share his true feelings -"if 65 % of white students were failing there parents would burn the city down too" WOW-Not at all true- How about what can I do better to support my child in school????? Let's see-come to school on time, complete homework, pay attention, study..I would start with these rather than blame the teachers...

    I would gladly take a buyout at any time...

    1. I don't disagree with that statement. Look at the boogeyman that has white parents threatening school boards. That boogeyman is called CRT. The gotcha is that CRT isn't being taught in K-12. Parents need to be 100% more involved. If they were, some of the anonymous brood would be not be "teachers". Can't just blame one entity when so many entities are involved. If you recognize how poorly parents are behaving surely you can recognize how poorly the system is behaving.

  13. Bureaucrats come and go. The machine doesn't care. The only real improvement would come if the public schools were replaced with a private not for profit system. Get rid of the corrupt union, the corrupt politicians, and bureaucrats. Anything short of that is total bullshit

  14. Three stupid bananas for 9:35. So childish. Everyone is corrupt. Everything is bs. Burn it to the ground.

    1. Right and I've have worked with many types like yourself who could never hold a job in the private sector

    This won't happen in nyc

  16. Banks will be a loser like Meisha, Richard, Carmen etc… NYC mayors have been appointing loser chancellors for decades.

  17. I feel the results of teaching or progress in NYC schools in lower income areas can improve. I really do, but there needs to be a lot of difficult, sensitive discussions that must take place.

    These conversations taking place and next steps situations are where the issues will come to light.

    Some examples of conversations that will be sensitive:
    -attendance issues
    -lateness issues
    -kids falling asleep in class
    -parents not being involved
    -lack of motivation
    -kids on their phones all day and not listening.
    -defiance towards adults.

    These topics are the top of the iceberg. From my experiences in this system, when the above topics have been brought up the usual answer is ‘student engagement’ or a typical admin response of ,’well, if your lesson held their interest we would not have these issues.’ To me, those responses tell me no one in the doe really cares.

    Politicians will try to shine s$&t and have scapegoats, but no change occurs

    1. These are the things that drive many committed teachers to early retirement. Well said.

    2. @6:45 am. I agree. I would also add to the conversation/next steps:
      -a challenging and inclusive
      curriculum for all
      - changing the focus from graduation rate to post graduation preparedness.
      -weeding out educators who are not, can not and will not teach.
      -dismantling the DOE and bringing back true community and STEM schools in all neighborhoods.

    3. P.S. 100% Difficult discussions must be had and heard from ALL sides.

  18. Until you have an administration admit there is a different value of importance placed on education by different cultures, races and social demographics then we go nowhere forward as usual.

    For years it was that poor children in minority neighborhoods dont get the same opportunities and are destined to fail and be left behind was the perception pushed in this city. Yet Asian and Indian student from similar poor areas thrive. Why? The value of education in their culture and families.

    I work at a predominantly African-American school and when a while student comes in the hope is they are not too of the class and level 4 because 70% of our students are 2 or 1 and what would the perception be? Is the white student anymore capable than any of the African American students we have? No. It's the value of education that family has.

    When I have students from the Caribbean or central America who barely speak English come in, learn the language, complete their assignments and score higher than other students who have been here for years it is because of one reason. The value of education that family has knowing it's the only way to achieve every opportunity this great country has to offer.

    Anywhere you see a student succeed you will find a family who values the importance of education, a school that takes pride in educating their students and the student themselves who know that education is their ticket to success.

    Any student regardless of race, religion or culture is capable but until education is valued within that child's household they will never value it themselves. Sadly, the comments I read from teachers here shows me it's not as valued in our profession either. I'm frustrated like everyone else but I'll keep trying because it's my passion to do so.

    1. @7:17 am...Nope. Nope. Nope. I agree that families must stress education and prepare their child for education before they even begin traditional school. However your opinion that the value is different based on culture race and social demographics. You mentioned Asian caribbean central american students--none of whom have a historical family experience as black americans--the group you are pointing out as 1-2. Your beliefs are based on your experiences right? Well my experiences working at a specialized hs was that rampant cheating was the norm. The students were predominantly asian and white. Cheating and drugging especially by the white students was the norm. That was MY experience. Yes. Parents must be their children's first teacher and champion. However you're ignorant if you think it's cultural or race. The teachers on here with the welfare mentality are as dangerous as the parents who are not preparing their children. However these parents are more likely beaten down by generations of being treated as less than by their gove and. We each have a responsibility to do what we are supposed to do. All the black people i know value education. Maybe you should travel and get to know other black Americans before you speak.

  19. 6:45: What you said is true. Nobody wants to say the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. The real issues are never discussed or taken care of. It's all about curriculum and our teaching styles. I'm tired of the line, if we expect a lot from our students, they will rise to the occasion. Spoken by of course, someone who is not a classroom teacher.

  20. The incoming mayor is right. If there was this level of failure for white children it would be deemed a crime. But because it's not white children, it's ok. Then some people turn around and blame the parents. Parents are trying to make ends meet. In this kind of low wage jobs economy, you have to work a lot more than forty hours a week. Parents don't have time to tend to their childrens education like they would like to. And even when they do, try navigating the rip-tide that's the education system that these kids are trapped in. And charter schools are not the answer. Kids don't come to school to make teacher's jobs hard and life miserable. They are not the cause for the unrelenting punishing working conditions that teachers have to labor under, so don't blame them and their families.

  21. 7:17 This society that we live in doesn't even value education you can tell by the educational outcomes all across this country. We live in a society that's not supportive of children and families.

  22. At an obvious dig at DeBlasio—Banks says students are carrying guns to school because they are afraid of crime in their own communities on their way to school.
    So, did you hear that Mayor Elect Adams—as a former cop, please come to the rescue-What you do to keep kids and adults safe both outside and inside schools? Will you use the Wyatt Earp Dodge City approach—all guns or other weapons to be placed in containers outside the front entrance—along with cell phones. How about the Archie Bunker suggestion-just have school give guns to every student—so everyone feels secure. Is Principal Joe Clark still around? Bring back stop and frisk? What directives will you give to your new Police Chief in regards to school safety officers?
    And on another note to the Adams/Banks team—tear down that expensive Bloomberg/Klein Educational Palace at Tweed—and get those people back into schools/classrooms. Let all these so-called talented instructional people practice what they have preached for the past 20 years.

  23. CRT praxis is in schools.

  24. This guy Banks is already crying the ‘schools aren’t safe’ bla bla bla. That’s why kids are bringing in weapons.

    How about we focus on those particular situations and not make a blanket statement?

    I can already tell this guy is going to play the race and achievement gap card and claim ‘there are not enough good teachers in lower income neighborhoods’. Hey, it creates a great narrative. It really does, but it accomplishes nothing.

    Banks will want to see a watch on his wrist, but not how it’s made.

    Issues in my school are not germane to a particular race or ethnicity or nationality. Tardiness, lack of effort, not listening to adults are choices anyone can make. The question is how can we make things like that better.

    My guess is no one will even ask banks those questions.

  25. @12:40 pm...if race and teacher quality are part of the issues why do you take issue? All stakeholders should be part of the discussion along with their experiences--no?

  26. Vax Update:

    -92.1% of adult New Yorkers have at least one vaccine dose (CDC)
    -79.7% of all New Yorkers have at least one vaccine dose (CDC)
    -145,152 doses administered over last 24 hrs
    -30,904,286 total doses administered

    And still mask mandates...

  27. Every single last high school in New York City should have extensive vocational education facilities. Every NYC high school student should have the opportunity to take shop classes, and if they choose vocational training at their own school be given the opportunity to participate. There shouldn't merely be a few scattered vocational schools around the city. In districts surrounding NYC, all students are offered the opportunity to take shop classes and vocational training at their high schools. In NYC, millions upon millions of dollars are wasted on Flavor of the Month initiatives that begin in September, and become passe by June. The DOE wastes hundreds of million of dollars on consultants to help drive the sacrosanct data. Nothing ever filters down into the classroom. There remains a one size fits all approach to every student. Not every student is academically inclined or college material. Many students have talents and abilities in building things, fixing things, and creating things. The DOE turns mostly a blind eye to this. Yes, there are programs that exist for young people to learn a vocation, but they are isolated. I'll go as far to say that middle schools should offer classic shop classes that encourages students to explore other options by the time they get to HS. The money is there. The only thing is that it is allocated to wasteful consultants and other useless entities.

    1. @4:15pm. Precisely. I wonder why this isn't available?

    2. Agreed. There is no home ec or tech in middle school. Stop with the double math and ela periods……add those to the day. Imagine being 13 and have double math and double ela in one day???

  28. Waiting,

    I find the term ‘teacher quality’ is extremely subjective. Personally, I feel effort is the most important trait of a teacher. Yes. It’s subjective, too, but I have seen intelligent people who just quite frankly did not care.

    Who would make judgments on ‘teacher quality?’

    I work in a low income neighborhood and for one year(worst year of my career) I was in a gifted and talented school as an ATR and to them, I was considered inferior even though I put in the token and effort and did what I was asked.

    In my mind, so much of the doe is effort(teachers, admins and kids). The one thing I know in life is that you can’t make someone care who doesn’t care. Just an opinion.

  29. @5:06 pm. Yes I agree with you that you can't make someone care who doesn't. Some teachers admin students parents DOE UFT are putting in minimal effort. They point out what others should or shouldn't be doing while covering their own s^it.

  30. Your last paragraph is true.on the pos side, people reap what they sow.what goes around comes around.

  31. 4:15 a family member was a teach er way back.Said people said it was racist to offer these driving minorities into a trade instead of college.
    The reality is that not everyone is cut out for college.truth bomb 2 is that some tradesman make more than white collar teachers.truth bomb which really applies now is that college is too much their dumb policies deprived many students of a solid income.

    1. @6:11 pm... i think the problem was that people of color were mostly tracked into trade. There's a difference between having an option and not having an option. Hell I know many teachers with degrees who are not only ignorant but also mentally unstable. Policies/systems are in place for a reason. A good policy can be used poorly if the system is broken. Hell read some of the comments on this blog. There are teachers hired to educate but they are TERRIFIED of the system that employs them. Instead of teaching they are tools that enter grades.

  32. 4:14 exactly, cuz the kool-aid doesn't work.wake up!the shots will be endless.whatever I post would be censored, so suffice to say, read other news sources besides the bought media and wake up!it isn't about covid.its about power.

  33. WFS: I would have welcomed some attempted cheating in my classes. At least it would’ve shown that they gave a damn. I’m sure that the teachers that post anti-student sentiments are merely frustrated that their efforts are in vein. However,WFS you’ve done nothing to refute 7:17
    Main point which is that there is basically nothing wrong with the system that 100,00 parents who gave a damn about their kids’ education couldn’t cure overnight

    1. @prehistoric. You would welcome cheating? Ok. I got it. My standards are different from yours. You said i didn't refute "there is basically nothing wrong with the system that 100,000 parents who gave a damn about their kids' education couldn't cure overnight". I don't understand that statement.

  34. 10:26 that was insightful and well is so sad. With those thoughts in mind, we should find some more compassiona and volunteerism within ourselves-but covid threw a monkey wrench into the implementation of that...

  35. 10:31 I agree.there is talk of gee, why is there a teacher shortage and find out why, try to attract more.but they don't see thelephant in the room.poor pay and demoralizing conditions BECAUSE they don't value us. AND they don't properly fund public higher education cuz there is no value.maybe they figure the elitists can afford to owners can hide their employees cannot. The other thought is what is the point? China basically owns us anyway.

  36. To be honest, this topic on trade schools, vocational skills and other ways to make a living is a topic that should be discussed, but it never will be.

    College is a business. Politicians get a lot of money from colleges to endorse the schools, so in my opinion, that’s why there is a ‘stigma’ towards not going to college.

    No accountability for colleges on who they let in or on loan officers.

    On a separate note, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with people working in fast food or retail stores either. How many times have we seen teachers make fun of people who work in McDonald’s? That’s wrong, too!

    This discussion is great, but we also need the mindset of an honest day’s work should never be mocked. Sadly, I have seen teachers mock some workers in fields I have mentioned.

    Heck, I worked at the Home Depot as a cashier and it was the most miserable job I ever had, so I will never mock it!

    Fulgent genetics did cell covid genetics data!
    De Blasio contracted with “Fulgent Genetics” to perform covid testing in NYC Schools for the 2020 school year. The tests were mandatory and if you didn’t consent employees were placed on unpaid leave and students were kicked out of their school buildings.

    However Fulgent’s primary business is not diagnostic testing. Their main business is collecting DNA specimens for their proprietary libraries. And according to Sherrif Alex Villanueva of the Los Angeles County Police Department, Fulgent states right on their website that, “I also give permission for my specimen and clinical information to be used in de-identified studies at Fulgent and for publication, if appropriate.” (emphasis added)

    Villanueva continues in his letter: “I was shocked to learn Fulgent had strong ties with BGI, WuXi, and Huwaei Technology, all of which are linked to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) State Council and are under the control of the PRC.” Villanueva also reveals that the Chinese government has the legal right to seize any property from any of these companies – including DNA samples.

    Moreover Sherriff Villanueva discloses in his letter that the FBI held an emergency briefing to share all of their concerns regarding Fulgent Genetics links to the Chinese Government and how American DNA samples from LA’s police department may find their way to the Chinese Government itself.

  38. Continuation of post on Fulvent:

    We bombarded Mayor de Blasio as well as UFT President Michael Mulgrew with hundreds of emails and phone calls asking this question. We received absolutely no response from anyone. I was shocked! I had assumed my union – the UFT, which I had paid dues to for over 13 years at that point – was going to contact me right away to reassure that no such breach of my privacy rights had occurred or would occur (but that didn’t happen).

    We were forced to sue NYC Schools in the case KANE vs NYC DOE, which we eventually won. The brilliant Michael Sussman represented us winning a court-ordered stipulation that required the specimens given during in-school covid testing to be destroyed after a positive or negative covid result was obtained. We also made sure to add that Fulgent cannot “replicate or make any other use of” our specimens. As the lead plaintiff in that case I advocated strongly to have that piece of language added to the stipulation, and now that we have confirmation that Fulgent does, in fact, use specimens in de-identified studies, I am extremely happy this language made it into the final wording as a legally enforceable contract.

    What this means is in NYC Schools Fulgent Genetics cannot apply their policy of using specimens for other purposes. However throughout the rest of the country, in all of their other contracts, Fulgent can do whatever they want with the specimens they collect. Unfortunately this may mean the Chinese government will have access to your DNA if you utilized any Fulgent Genetics covid testing.

    If you feel you need to get a covid test, you must first find out what laboratory and/or companies are involved or you might be signing away the privacy rights to your own genetic material.

  39. If all staff are vaccinated, why is covid exploding in school among staff?I thought it was the fault of the unvaccinated? (Of which I am one)some of you scorned us saying you didn't want to be in a room with us. I am safe away from the vaccinated who spread it to each other.i watch the shit show from a safe place.
    Ps those who won't be in a room with unvaxxed, u do socializize, you do shop, etc.if the shoe fits...

  40. “A longer school day, coming to school on Saturdays and summertime, has been absolutely critical,” Banks said of the programs that have been instituted at his Eagle Academy Network of schools. “We’ve got to use the summer! We’ve got to use Saturdays! We’re behind!”

    And while he understands there may be some objections to his proposals, particularly from the powerful teachers union, he said change is necessary in order to best serve the students.

    “Teachers very often may say ‘I don’t want to work on Saturday, I don’t want to work all year long.’ But if we continue to do things the way we’ve been doing them? We’ll continue to get the same results,” said Banks

    1. Did it ever occur to Adams that many of my neighbors do things with their kids on Saturday, Sunday, and summer? Soccer, Little League, basketball, dance, music practice, environmental engagement, crafts, time with pets, supervising homework, shopping, eating out, visiting family, and just time to relax, for starters. Some are deeply engaged in religious activities which often align with ethnic heritage. Adams seems not to have ever been a parent in a functioning family that grows and supports children. Most families have far more complex lives than just DOE as baby sitting service! He does not get it...

  41. To 10:26 and Waiting-"If there was this level of failure for white children it would be deemed a crime. But because it's not white children, it's ok. Then some people turn around and blame the parents. Parents are trying to make ends meet. In this kind of low wage jobs economy, you have to work a lot more than forty hours a week. Parents don't have time to tend to their childrens education like they would like to."

    What is a crime is the constant need to deflect and blame others for parents not to make their children's education a priority. ALL PARENTS ARE TRYING TO MAKE ENDS MEET-ASIAN IMMIGRANT FAMILIES WORK 70 HOUR WEEKS IN NAIL SALONS, DELI'S SMALL FAMILY OWNED STORES yet their children do well, get into specialized High Schools-WHY?? BECAUSE THEY ARE TAUGHT TO VALUE EDUCATION. They study, come to school on time and with their homework completed, show respect- don't have the attitude that it is everyone else's responsibility but their own.

    "trying to make ends meet"-yet mom has a new weave, nail designs, latest cell phone, many students too. IT'S CALL PRIORITIES-






    I WAS TAUGHT THIS BE WORKING CLASS PARENTS that worked 70 a week, WHO WERE CHILDREN OF IMMIGRANTS, WE DIDN'T HAVE MUCH, but I was given the value of an education and that you need to work hard for what you have and to be in charge of myself and study, study, study.



    1. Woosah @335am. What the hell are you doing up at that time anyway? You continue to rage as the so called "blamers" keep on fighting. Why are you so angry? Who asked you for anything? Lmao. Maybe some relaxation techniques are needed.

  42. Smartest kid I know decided not to go to college because he saw it as scam of perpetual debt. Instead he learned to weld. He progressed in his skills and does underwater welding and makes a damn good living. Trades are nothing to scoff at. Many nyc kids were cheated out of a well paying trade because of race hustlers who convinced a city trade school was racist. Those who cry racism turn out to be the racists 99% of the time.

  43. 6:11 PM - I agree with what you've said. Everyone is not expected to perform equally well in sports, or the arts, but all students are expected to perform the same academically. I don't know why everyone is expected to go to college. Many professionals in the computer science/technology field have not gone to, or completed college. Also, the expectation is that students go to college right after high school. Why is everyone pressured to take the same path?

  44. Waiting, 10:26 and anyone else that looks for excuses rather than responsibility.

    Bottom line is there will always be an excuse if you keep looking for one.
    Empower students be telling families that students are in charge of their own destiny.
    Hard work, respect and determination go alot further than blame and excuses.

    Do you think Colin Powell's parents valued education or made excuses? Colin was a NYC public school student. Elementary, high School, College-all NYC.

    Dr. Ronald McNair faced challenges and still achieved a lot. Do you think he was taught the value of an education or do you think his parents taught him that going to school late, not doing homework, being disrespectful to adults was the way to get ahead???

    These 2 outstanding men are just 2 of the many people whose FAMILIES taught them they are in charge of their own future.

    THIS LESSON HAS TO COME FROM THE HOME. Otherwise there will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be some other excuse.



    The biggest gift a family can give a child is the belief in themselves that they can achieve greatness. Then no matter, what or who they face they can and will do well.

    Parents can instill this belief each day of the year, year after year. THIS IS A PARENT'S CHOICE. No, parents can't control everything but they can CONTROL AND DO THIS AND IT'S FREE!


    1. @6:40am... lmho. I haven't blamed YOU for anything darling. I'm blaming a f^cked up system that has harmed me. Any self respecting human would blame the person who slapped them--if slapped. Wouldn't you? Sit down and mind your business cherub. This blame sits squarely at the feet of the powers that be. Hell, you witness the system at play everyday. Wtf.Puh-lese. Go outside and wear your mask.

  45. So ignorant. You need a therapist…really .

    Or an education…science trumps your ignorant ravings….

    Cut the cool aid are spreading what they call…LIES.

  46. I do believe in a wait and see attitude but I am not holding my breath that Adams and Banks will do anything to improve the situation for the students in regular public schools. Adams and Banks both have connections to Bloomberg whose corrupt and immoral mandates sparked the quick nosedive of the regular public schools.

    If Adams and Banks are looking to open more charter or charter type schools, then I do suspect that the Bloomberg, and Deblasio maintained, initiatives of corruption from top to bottom, financial waste, pass all students, no standards, blame the teacher, hire incompetent administrators will continue.

    I agree with those who post here that generally parents that value education, regardless of race and culture, will instill this value in their children.

  47. A lot doesn’t matter if you have school over the summer or classes on Saturday. The kids that go home to loving people will continue to thrive and be ok, and the kids that go home to shitty circumstances will continue to do poorly no matter how long the school year is. If we can’t suspend the kids that impede on the learning of others and if we can’t send behavior problems to special schools, nothing will change. Nobody ever wants to admit the truth. The only thing I agree with is bringing back phonics instead of teaching kids with a wholistic approach. I will never teach over the summer or on Saturdays. Unless the summer weeks are evenly distributed over the year for time off, it ain’t happening. None of this might happen if Albany takes mayoral control away from these assholes in the spring.

  48. TeachNY

    I agree with you and would expand the idea to say anyone who disagrees with you should be willing to compromise-- for example: adjust home ec or tech classes to include the mathematics of a grocery budget or the reading technical manuals to operate/repair machinery.

  49. To the screaming guy that's getting ready to bust a blood vessel in his forehead, that is not a compliment to Asian people. You know that, right? That's a tired dehumanizing racist stereotype that's commonly used against Asian people by white people like you that view that ish as a compliment. Hell, you think that Asian lady likes working those 70 hours? Where the hell do you think her child is when she's working those 70 hours? You really imagine that lady is going to get her kids into Harvard because of that? Those are the myths that people like you like to spread to protect your conscience from even acknowledging the true reality of what it means to work a low wage job and not being available for you kids or even yourself. Dope.

    1. @12:00's interesting how some people love to compare asians to black Americans. They really ought to talk about how and why asians are surpassing europeans in America? Explain that.

  50. Adams thinks of us as babysitters. That is what is behind his and all other dumb leaders rhetoric.Does he give up his time off? Well neither should we. While some would like free babysitting, others take summer school off to have family time.what ever happened to summer camp? More bad schooling won't help thing we can never recover is time...

  51. There should be a parent academy - school for parents to learn to parent their children and take responsibility.

    1. @8:08 am Yes. A Parent academy
      A teachers academy to teach teachers how to teach and stand up against abusive administrators. An administrators academy, etc. We need a lot of academies.

  52. NYS only lists David Banks as having an administrative license. How can someone become an administrator without at least 10 years classroom experience and a teacher license?????

    1. @3:52am...good question. Do the baby principals out of the academy have 10 years experience?

  53. Waiting--Why am I up at 3:35am?

    I am working a second job, I'm an independent contractor.

    My $100,000 teaching job is not enough in NYC. 70 hour work week applies to me too and

    yet I still have time to ensure my kids do their homework, go to school on time and be respectful to all adults.

  54. to 12:00

    I do being a hard worker as a compliment because many in our society don't. Instead they look to blame others or make excuses for their own failure.

    Hell, you think that Asian lady likes working those 70 hours? Where the hell do you think her child is when she's working those 70 hours?

    Many families working these hours live in muiltigenerational households. Grandparents help out.

    Many of these families have children who attend, Bronx Science, Townstead Harris, etc. Yes, I know these families personally. I have nothing, nothing but respect for them.

    Stop looking to attack me. Stop assuming I am white. You are the one being racist.

    You are deflecting from the point. Stop blaming others for peoples failures. Start teaching

    and supporting ALL Families that don't understand or value education. Teaching your

    children to blame others for your failures starts at home. Change it. Teach them to control their own destiny.

    1. @7:01 am... Is the DOE a failure?Are teachers pressured to pass students? Can teachers control their own destiny? Why not just accept Mulgrew? Why complain about his policies?why blame the uft for teaching conditions? Teachers should just live with their working conditions or speak out. Many teachers have no problem with Mulgrew and are successful. Why can't all teqchers just make it work? Why don't they stop blaming Mulgrew? Others make it work--why can't you? Stop blaming Mulgrew for your own failure to speak up against abusive admin and DOE policy. Speaking up and having a strong moral compass begins at home. Control your own destiny.

    2. Like I said to the white guy, Asian people don't take your dehumanizing racist stereotypes as a compliment. And they are not going to be baited into the very timeless and pernicious game of divide and conquer cause they know that foolishness is of no benefit to them and doesn't serve them.

  55. Very easy asians have discipline, and parents who are way more involved or push for education as first priority. All the shitty policies and leaders have caught up to destroy public schools. Charters cheat and do in house regents as well as weed out the students who are not holding up their end of the stick. Charters are an enigma of bullshit.

    TERM LIMITS WE SHOULD NEVER BE TALKING ABOUT MULGREW HOW CAN HE BE INVOLVED THIS LONG???? We should want 15 year plus veteran teachers to be our UFT president.

    7% infaltion from the most popular president you wanted already has us in big jeopardy, Gas prices killing many of our pockets alone.

    1. @721 am says "asians have discipline". Omg. Who talks like this in the 21st century?

  56. @6:48am... good for you. Maybe you should spend some of that free time reading books about how the US government continuously harmed black americans. That will help you understand why i BLAME the US for its racist history and policies. Why you're in such a huff about my battle against something that harms me is incomprehensible. If you choose to sit back and let someone run over you that's your prerogative. I speak up for myself.

  57. Waiting-My comments are not about you personally. I don't know you.

    I am addressing the failure of people to not teach their own children the value of an education. To take control of their own future. Like it or not families, YES FAMILIES have the power to teach their children to go to school on time, study, study, use their library card, do their homework and respect their educators.

    You are trying to make it about something else.

    I am not addressing the US governments failures. Again, I am addressing individual families failures. You don't have to like it but that is what I am addressing.

    Teach families to value education. That is the point.

    Stop trying to make this about something else.

    1. 117. not all working families are built the same. 80% of workers live paycheck to paycheck. that type of anxiety and stress, caused by this failed system we live under, will make education a secondary priority. everyone wants the best for their kids, but food, healthcare, and shelter come first. keeping that maintained is extremely hard in this country. education is community driven, and we are all responsible for the success of students. if you want to "teach families to value education" then we must alleviate the stress and anxiety of financial instability first. we need a systemic change. and blaming working parents in their 20s for not helping with homework won't change a thing.

    2. Acknowledging that there are powerful forces that exist outside the realm of "personal/familial responsibility" but at the same time impact even that, isn't "passing the buck" or "promoting" personal irresponsibility. But what it does do is to promulgate within our psyche, in our imagination that little thing that voice that allows us to believe of ourselves that, "I'm not as bad as them", "See I'm better", "I'm just like you", etc.. Until they start to talk about the China Virus, and Kung Flu.

  58. @1:17 pm. That's right. You don't know me nor the many families that you're referring to in your speil about Asians, caribbeans, and black and hispanic americans. Who are you talking about? Be specific. Are you referring to a student in your class? I'm being SPECIFIC. Who are you talking about when you say "blaming"? Be specific. The DOE (gov) is to blame for allowing students to fraudulently "graduate". I mean what am i missing? Do parents issue diplomas? Grades? Curriculum? Teachers are fed up after 20 years of mismanagement and can complain but God forbid some families give up and just can't or won't figure their way out of a broken system--lets just blame them because they "don't care". Teachers shouldn't be blamed but parents should. You said teach them to control their own destiny. Why aren't teachers controlling their own destiny?

  59. Of course there are families who don't value education. There are families who teach their children to not respect ALL. There are families who think cheating is ok. There are families who believe it's best to bury your head in the sand and don't speak up against injustice. There are families who don't teach their children how to speak up for themselves and to just go with the flow so long as you're not affected. There are all kinds of families. Some families have sent their children to public school for generations and yet somehow the diploma issued is a POS. There are families who send their children to horrible schools and the children manage to supercede all expectations. One group isn't smarter or more disciplined or whatever than another. This is why ALL history books need to be inclusive so that people will know about the accomplishments of ALL people. Unfortunately you have some people who live in a bubble of like minded people, work in an environment that is struggling and then go back to their like-minded bubble and say, "they" don't value education. Some people are close minded naive and ignorant of the world around them. Smh

  60. Waiting...

    The values I speak up need to be instilled at a young age and repeated so that by the time students are in high school they will know what they are capable of and what is expected of them by their families.

    My focus is on elementary school students. Children should be taught to advocate for themselves and call out injustices as they arise. All I am saying repeatedly is that that in itself should not be the reason used for not being successful. There will always be injustices in the world. You can either use it for an excuse for multigenenerational failure or empower young children with words that would better serve them to succeed.

    I have taught in 2 different demographic schools. I see first hand who values education and who does not. I care very, very much for all my students. I work hard for them to succeed. I tell them over and over that they can do anything. They are smart, capable and I believe in each and every one of them. They need to hear this from their families too. It is difficult when you ask parents to attend PTC, parent engagement and they do not. Before you say" they are working" I have offered to talk at a time that works for them" and I still can't get there support with their child.

    High school is very late, it can be done but it is much harder to instill these important values.

    No one should just be passed. They need to be given the confidence to succeed. Cheating is unacceptable. Again, I am talking about values that need to be instilled from a very young age.

    I am not looking to debate you. I am sticking to a specific point that families can control.

  61. My dearest screaming and shouting white guy, you may continue to hold that thought. Obviously you find it to be of great comfort to you. But I can tell, in your heart of hearts you hold some very, very, very rabidly racist sentiments about these children and their families that you serve. Your words demonstrate that your heart is full of contempt for these children and their families. If you are teaching them, believe me you're not going to be able to disguise it. Trust me. Hold doggedly to you "point". You've been schooled you are more hopeless as you're trying to portray these children and their families. It's funny how some people understand when a parent can't show up to parent teacher conferences. They don't turn around and betray them and turn around and go on the world wide web and broadcast that they are neverdowells that are get hair weaves and nails done. You forget that racist nonsense that you spewed earlier.

    1. @825 never ceases to amaze me when people introduce race culture and veiled statements about black/hispanic families but feign shock when their comments are addressed. Wtf. People just want to say the craziest stuff and then feel as if a debate or argument is happening when a response is made. You cannot make this stuff up. The US history lessons have failed everyone. People are not traveling outside their circles. It's telling when they can only see the imperfections and then make assumptions about how some cultures view education. Leap much!?

  62. @6:15am...what debate? I call it a discussion. This is what is needed right? My issue with your statement is that you introduced race, ethnicities and culture. Why? I have no idea. However when i explained the negative role the USgovt played on families you don't want to hear it. You want to tell your version of what you believe families are not doing but decline to hear what may be a cause. That's pretty close minded to me. I know you're going to stick to your specific point. This is not surprising.

  63. I believe in giving everyone a chance, but what Banks has said so far is scary. Bringing back Bloomberg staffers is scary. Banks and Adams are playing the ‘achievement gap’ and claiming lower income neighborhoods get shafted. Also scary!

    Here is a great thing about America. There are choices for everyone. If you choose to show up to school and participate and pay attention, odds are you will learn something.

    If when a teacher says ‘please take out a pen and put your phone away’ and a student does that, odds are you will learn something.

    If you choose to curse your teacher out and not put attention, you will probably learn nothing.

    See where I’m headed? Every student of every race, gender or nationality has these choices at their disposal. What you choose to do is on you.

    If adults are not putting in effort, then principals need to use their tools in their tool box to make changes as well.

    In some ways, life is not that difficult.

    I have the choice to go to sleep and go to work or stay home. I’m choosing to go in and try to do a good job.

    Call me crazy, but putting in the effort I feel will lead to learning for a good amount of students.

    FYI, I was an ATR for a decade and always tried to do something productive. If that narrative goes against the ATR propaganda, then I’m sorry to break the news.

    1. @951...yes. You're right. We all have choices. However
      there absolutely is an achievement gap and it is often based around socioeconomic factors.
      As an American I can say that there is freedom of choice. Now in spite of my choices I can say that I have PERSONALLY experienced blockages both academically and in the work place. I didn't let them deter me. I have friends and family who can attest to the same. I can also say that as an American, I have READ about the horrors inflicted by my country America upon my black people. So I'm not talking about matters foreign to me. Choice is relative. Now people must take advantage of our educational system and make education a priority. Independence is a wonderful thing. However just like some teachers have given in to frustration after 20 years of teaching, some black families and white families and Asian families and carribean families have given up too. It's not okay but it happens. As for ATR propaganda--like everything else, there are good and bad. Stay safe.

  64. Anonymous 8:25 and Waiting

    "My dearest screaming and shouting white guy"

    Wow, really? It is you who are clearly the racist.

    Disgusting. Not worth another second of my time.

  65. What difference does it make screaming white guy. It's something like Stockholm syndrome. You know when you start to identify with your masters. Pardon me, I meant captors. Congratulations!

  66. 10:02-Correct. Congrats on taking the higher road and not stooping to the

    racist name calling that Waiting aka 8:25 engage in. Their is no excuse. it is in appropriate.

    They should not be allowed to post their racist name calling on this blog.

  67. @1002pm... i dont believe I mentioned your race At all. However you did. In typical fashion once you're called out on your incendiary words you want to feel insulted. Rock throwers hate when rocks are thrown back. Gaslighting at its best.

  68. Oh, another screaming white guy. The ultimate arbiter of all things race and racism. Notice he had no problem with screaming white guy number one disparaging the Black families of the Black children he serves but shouldn't be allowed anywhere near. Mocking their parents and turning them into caricatures with his talk of hair weaves and manicured nails. You didn't point out the racism there did you? Puhlease with your Elizabethan gentility, "It is inappropriate". Dope.

  69. @1036am... That's typical behavior of a troubled mind. When their prejudiced statements are responded to, they become offended. This is a skill perfected over years. They even assume that i am posting under 2 names. Unfortunate.

  70. Now hear this, screaming white guys one and two. I am not, I repeat, I am not waitingforsupport. Although we find in common it to be an honor to serve Black children and their Black families and lack the racist sentiments towards those same Black families that you guys share, we are not the same person. But wait a minute, are you two the same people?

  71. @12:00.... it's pointless to talk to stones. Stay safe!

  72. ok tweediedum and tweediedummer. Keep making excuses for the lack of achievement generation after generation. It could never be the parents fault. It is always, always, always someone elses. The fact that money that could be spent to support the family or children is wasted on frivolous, unnecessary things-such as fake hair and nails is not the parents fault. Must be the governments fault for not giving more of a hand out to anyone, again I said anyone who chooses to make poor choices. Obviously the dum duo don't know that people of other raises get weaves or hair extentions that are a waste of money. It's the same thing.

    Thought you would have been able to realize that but since you are fixated on making this a race issue that's what its all about for you. FYI as stated before I am not white by race. But if calling out the failure of people to work hard and rise above challenges makes me white in your eyes so be it. It's a shame that you work with NYCDOE school children and have so low expectations of them. My issue was with the families who make poor decisions and set poor examples for their children. My issue is not with the children who I know and believe are capable of so much more. It is just incredibly frustrating at times to have to have to combat the poor decisions of families and people like you who excuse their poor choices in my effort to empower children. It is people like you who rather than acknowledge the issue or give credit to people who value education want to go on the attack. Your fight should be with these families. But instead you look to pass the blame and never own up to the fact that these families shoulder the responsibilty for students lack of success too.

    Have their been injustices in American? Absolutely. Do people have free choice to leave this country? Yes they do and can go at any time. Do people in droves try to sneak into this country yes they do. WHy? Because of the opportunities that are available to everyone. Because they can come here, work hard and get ahead and do better than the generations before them. Some of this is a choice. Generation after generation not succeeding is a choice. People making excuses for their poor choices is just that people making excuses.

    It is you who encourage this pattern by not holding these parents responsible. If not held responsible and the continued fixation on blaming everyone-government, me, the people who work for 70 hours a week, you yes you are helping to add to the problem of continued failure. Excuses are excuses. It is you that is a hinderance to these children by making it acceptable that generation after generation in some and only some families has no one broken this unnecessary cycle.

    Thank God for the families who empowered their children, taught them to rise above, shared that they can and must do better. Worked hard, saved their money and supported the education of their children.

    1. 645. people do leave this country in droves. unfortunately, not all people can afford the costs of leaving. not to mention leaving doesn't change or fix the problems here. and, on top of that, if you leave and are no longer a victim of US domestic policy, then you become a victim of US foreign policy. great. the point is to fix the problems here, not walk away from the fight.

    2. @12:13 pm...645 is just prejudiced. Now let me go out to buy hair-- I'm getting a weave tonight.

  73. @645...don't you have enough on your personal plate? We know you think you know what people should be doing, but you don't. Stay in your lane. Support the people you love and care about. I'm a born and bred AMERICAN. I got this smartypants. Have a nice day! Happy holidays.

  74. Prejudice no. Disgusted by people who don't appreciate all that they have here in the U.S., complain about the government, yet they don't leave.

    You should be able to afford to leave. But you won't. You Would rather stay here and complain, complain, complain. You know how good you actually have it here. Start a go fund me. We can all help you leave.

    1. 517. tell that to the 600,000 Americans sleeping on the street tonight. or the 60% of Americans that a 500$ emergency expense would put them in the streets as well. or maybe tell the 30 million uninsured Americans one medical emergency away from those cold sidewalks. tell them all how good they have it here, and to just leave if they don't like it. i'm disgusted by the weakness in people that believe we should all just bow our heads and take these blows. if dissent and complaints bother you, i guess your issue is with the first amendment. and hey, if you don't like it, you can just... (:

    2. Well said @548 pm. 5:17 pm is precisely what I thought they were from the moment they wrote the initial post--a prejudice person. There is no place in the DOE for that coward. They live on their knees--happy just for any little crumbs they get. The robot thinks people should just leave if they don't like America yet they are commenting on a blog that doesn't like how the current union leaders are running the union. Hey genius, should James leave the country too or just the "other" people?wink wink.

  75. @5:17 You ABSOLUTELY are prejudiced. Your initial post was extremely prejudice. You continued making prejudiced statements and now you want to say I introduced race. Puh-lese. You can teach Gaslighting remedial because you aren't good at it. Take your old azz views and opinions back to wherever you want to take them. You sound as if you would be happy to eat the crumbs off the floor that others have dropped because America has given you so much. Go gravel some place else. You're prejudiced. However you can start that Go fund and give me the money. As a matter of fact I have 14 relatives who also want to leave. Can you send us all some money? Thank you.

  76. 5:48

    Prejudice against people who don't appreciate all that they have and is available to them.
    Prejudice against people who just complain and don't help themselves
    Prejudice against people who say they want to leave and know it is total BS because they know how good them have it.

    I was speaking about you and your problem with the government. You don't like the government, you don't appreciate all you have because you live here, you are the one saying you can't afford to leave. You are the one who brought up affording to leave. Now you are making it about others. You are the one saying you can't afford to leave. Starting a Go Fund Me and we can help get you out of here. But you won't go because you don't want to and instead you lie and say you can't afford to.

    I don't know your family. But given your philosophy of families can't help themselves and the government must do it, and families cannot motivate themselves to achieve and never looking at successful people who rose above their situations of course you would expect someone else to help them.

    1. @445pm... give us a list of who can speak up, when they speak up and the topics allowed. Please tell us that you are not an educator. Where is your go fund contributions? Come on lamb shank

  77. Waiting..anyone who is unhappy, and feels the government is responsible for their or their families failures in 2021 should leave. You and your sidekick don't see your own failures. You want to blame others for them. You are a robot who needs you recording updated. It's tiring to listen to your time warped views. James does not disrespect the U.S. government. He does not blame the government for peoples failures. He tries to empower us to take back our union. I heard the rumor that his wife may run for the UFT president. I hope she does. We need change and I would support her because she is competent and she empowers students and doesn't support the blame game.

    1. 445/508 i see we are just avoiding the examples of how this is a failed state. ignorance is bliss only for the ignorant.

  78. @5:08.. On Sunday you said i wasn't worth "another second of your time" but here you are again. Don't you have some boots to carry/lick? If you love life be happy. If you don't, then oh well. I do know that you are truly bothered by what I have to say about America. Why don't YOU hop a flight or crawl into the bowels of a boat and leave the country? I was born here lamb shank and will fight to make it live up to its promise for All people. Also, you should get a refund on your degree because you they didn't teach you anything about US history. People leave their homeland to avoid lambshanks like you. Have several seats and wait for your boss. Byeeeeee. PS: How's that money for my trip coming along?

  79. Waiting... Leave? Why would I leave the U.S.? I'm not the one who said they wanted to leave and could not afford to. You are. My history education is fine. It is you who should ask for a refund as you learned to use history as an excuse for failure. People leave their homeland to avoid lambshanks-Great! Since you were born here. You can leave! Enjoy your new country!

  80. @833're back? Lol. I'm living in your empty head and cold heart. Your memory is failing. Yesterday you offered money. Where is it? I am taking you up on your offer lamb shank. Show me the money. The truth will be told. You can't stop the truth lamb shanks but you can continue to keep your head deep in the arce of your boss. You say alot and forget alot. Hey it's okay. You are an angry prejudiced clueless person. But it's America sooo all is good. Get some rest and I will see you back here tomorrow. 1619 to you.

  81. Waiting you are a dimwit. I offered to make a donation to your go fund me nothing more.
    You are a fool. We can all read what you wrote. I see you are going senile too.

  82. Waiting is an idiot. I should know I worked with him.

  83. @654 pm. You said you were sending it earlier this week. Send the donation to james. Just write donation or cash in the memo and leave the name blank. I will reach out to James to get it. Now go find someone to read all of the comments back to you because you don't read nor comprehend well. You've spent so much time shilling for your boss that you are blind to reality. Here is another gem for you Civil rights Act 1964. Maybe it will help you understand how people who DO NOT live on their knees affect change for people like you--knee dwellers. I can't wait to get your donation. Let's see if your word is honorable or just more bullshit. Send that check. Smoooches

  84. 8:45, I don't think you know Waiting because she is she, not he. I know her. We email back and forth from time to time.


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