Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Michael Mulgrew's latest email is below. Mulgrew states: "But we won't stop pushing until we are confident that this new plan has been implemented fully by Jan. 3." In all likelihood it won't be fully implemented and then what does Mulgrew intend to do? You know the answer.

Dear _______,

Last week we told the city to fix its safety system for schools that was undeniably broken before the break. Mayor de Blasio and Mayor-elect Adams held a press conference today announcing their new slogan for our schools — stay open, stay safe. That’s a great thing to say, but if we want to stay open and safe, the city has to do the work to make that happen.

Governor Hochul has provided New York City public schools with two million at-home rapid tests, and today Bill de Blasio and Eric Adams announced new elements of a safety plan designed to meet the challenges of this new phase of the pandemic. But we won't stop pushing until we are confident that this new plan has been implemented fully by Jan. 3.

De Blasio and Adams announced three changes that, if implemented correctly, will be a promising improvement to our school system’s safety program:

The staff of the Situation Room will double in size, making it bigger than ever before and able to handle the current surge.

The city will double in-school PCR testing in every school every week. These tests will now include both vaccinated and unvaccinated students as well as staff. The city will make another push to get parents to consent for their child to be tested regardless of vaccination status.

Close contacts and classmates of positive cases will now have immediate access to two at-home rapid tests that they can take to monitor themselves for the days after exposure.

City officials also told us that every school staff member will get a testing kit containing two tests, and more testing kits will be available for them as needed.

Thanks to all of us working together to tell the city we will not accept unsafe schools, our city and state leaders have started to address the myriad issues that we identified. We, as educators, are always prepared to do our jobs. The real issue is whether the city can do its job — ensuring that ample testing is available in every school and an improved Situation Room is actually in place by next week.

We are moving closer to a safe reopening of schools. But we are not there yet. We will continue to work through this week to advocate for you and our school communities and will update you on all the details of the new safety program before Jan. 3.

Stay safe.


Michael Mulgrew

UFT President


  1. Get rid of consent requirement.... if you send your kid to school, that is consent to test. Random in school testing at least 20% of entire building, staff, faculty and students.
    Positive tests in one room ... means all students must present proof of negative test to come back to school...make all teachers on leave teach remote...no mask (3 strikes ur out), no test, come to school knowingly a with positive test... those kids need to go remote... this isn't hard... they just want us sick or dead

  2. How can we be sure the kids are all going to bring the kits home and not try to sell them instead?

  3. Do you ever give him credit for anything?

  4. Those tests are going to be sold all over the place.

  5. He wears very nice suits.

  6. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chicago-teachers-union-remote-learning-coronavirus-cases

    this is the leadership we need here. Members have a say. "We are teachers not martyrs"

  7. All we needed was two weeks of remote until the current surge dissipates. Instead, we've found a way to increase the spread exponentially.


    A veteran teacher with Covid, thanks to the countless cases my administration chose to cover up last week.

  8. Lmao - my son’s school had 13 cases before Xmas but only 5 were reported by the situation room (every day his school would send an email stating the situation room numbers were wrong and list the actual numbers). He was a asked to quarantine by his school - 7 days later I got a text from test and trace stating he was a close contact and nothing since. If his school had not notified me directly he could have spent an entire week going about business and possibly spreading to his grandparents over Xmas.

  9. Very high adult 80%+ vax nyc at least 1 dose, over 16 75%+.

    Based on what I understand from TWiv, Only test rapid if feeling sick and vax. If positive, take a second, Pos again, stay home for the week, test again at end.

    Those exposed to this pos person, test if they have symptoms only. Keep working.

    Endemic people, get ready best you can keep going. If we do close for a few days, I hope we tell the public and kids...it is only to recharge from burnout. Not due to fear of virus after 70% of us already had covid, vax, booster.

    We can do this. Now we are vaccinated and know a bit more. Very little we can do and zoom will not stop you from getting exposed.

    I like being around my colleagues, you do too. Yes many are not perfect but we can do this again. I don't want their faces in zoom and kids not showing up.

    This is the easier part. That Sept, Oct, Nov pre vax was scary. I've had S4 cancer and could have stayed home but mentally could not.

    COVID is over if we want it in our mind. Yes, we may get sick but stats says that bag of chips and giant dunkin with 4 sugar are worse now after the vax.

    This not last Dec or even last Sept when D75 were sent in with nothing and we had no vax. We took care of ourselves, supplied HEPA, did our own tests at state sites, bought ok surgical masks, lost weight etc.

    I like remote but I'm good at it. Too many are still very bad at it. We need to be in school. The adults and students are getting too much emotional and mental damage from this fear and isolation.

    It will happen now or Feb what is the difference?

    The whole time testing was not effective, then during any "wave" too long to get results. It will be same later. We needed more tests pre vax and last spring, summer or begin fall. Now it is not as useful.

    I have always been able to be tested when I felt ill or exposed up to the last week due to lines. This is Dec and expected so I had my bunch of $14 walmart BinaxNOW.

    I know most do not have these. When you were online shopping the candle sale I ordered these or had from Sept. It's called planning ahead.

    I've only use 1 swab when too sick to make it to the H&H van next day dragged myself there for rapid an PCR and then back to work after neg.

    I gave more to others that had fear but no symptoms. Fear is making half without symptoms get tested I'd estimate.

  10. Record deaths.
    Record cases.
    Mulgrew, de blasio and biden in charge.
    Good luck everybody.

  11. The joke is on you, America!!!

    Report: Dr. Fauci is set to receive the largest federal retirement package in U.S. history at $350,000 per year. https://bit.ly/3sG6Mjn

  12. Does anyone know if there are plans by united for change to demand remote instruction for 1 or more weeks due to the high positivity rate. According to nbc news the nyc 7 day rate as of last Sunday is 19.97 ! This is outrageous

  13. Only in NYC would it be an option for students or staff to be tested. In other states and countries, refusal to be tested would result in denial of admission to work or school. Only in NYC

    If I refuse to take a breathalyzer with a police officer, my guilt of public intoxication is assured. Why shouldn't a refusal to take a Covid test by child or staff not be seen as an indication of infection.

    Only in NYC.

  14. FACT: The DOE is not "following the science". The new CDC guidelines state that those in close contact who have not been recently boosted should still quarantine for at least 5 days. The CDC does not mention anything about test to stay at work.

  15. So the person who's in charge of writing the testing policy is the chief officer of a company that sells rapid tests?


  16. Any news on Spring Break pay?

  17. Let me see of I get this straight. No testing to enter schools after the break when covid levels are at 20Percent but to come back the next day students or families will self administor covid tests themselves accurately? How will we know it was done correctly? How is checking that the test is the negative? Us? The parents? This is a joke.

    Mayor debozo, Adams we will all hold you accountable if a student gets seriously sick because of your poor plan that denies that covid is spreading like wildfire in schools. Control of the schools needs to go back to an educator these 2 clearly should not be running schools.

  18. 9:47 - that is a VERY GOOD QUESTION. United for Change does not have to wait until they win to start showing us what they can do, or at the very least, what they will fight for. They can start flexing their muscles, if they have any, right now when we need it. That would be a surefire way to win votes. If not, they're nothing but talk.

  19. I want to know with 100% clarity if 52 Broadway is fully open with all workers there on site. Anybody who lives down there, please stop by and check. If they are not open to visitors that means that all of those suits are working remotely and they need to be called out for being the shithead hypocrites that they are.

  20. 9:47 Many of us have been calling for UFC to say something to establish this movement as legitimate. The failure to say anything at the height of the latest surge has made me think that we do not have the leadership ready to mount a challenge to Unity. The opportunity to make a statement without the consequence of the decision that would be made by Unity and the Mayor's office was there and wasted.

  21. Maybe have a system whereas particular tests with serial numbers are assigned to students.they have to show it or upload it to return.but still lots of room for fraud.who says they won't swab someone else just to come back?that's why I like the idea of school nurse administering test.how about if upon return, school nurse administers the test?but parents will object...how about school nurse administers saliva test?(is that rapid?idk)
    It is doomed to fail.its a political maneuver.without a leader, we just have to do whatever it takes to stay healthy.Granted, that will likely look different from each other:ie supermasking, vitamins, distance, diet shifts, staying home when feeling unsafe, etc. But stress lowers immune function so we just gotta hold on tight cuz nobody cares about anybody else.maybe that is the root of the issue.example why do clergy refuse to state/enforce rules.if an unvaxxed person is denied entry and can be arrested, why can't people who refuse to mask actually be fined and removed from a venue/train, etc.? Why are clergy hosting large events while flouting the mask rules?then they have the gall to pray for an end to the pandemic.this boggles the mind.i express this to many people.
    A friend was just sick.neg for covid but had it in 2020.removes mask in movie theater when lights go down while still not recovered.
    These are mysteries to me.got caught in school unmasked and she thinks it was wrong of them to correct her because the room was empty.another mystery. This is why I stay safe by staying away from people not always easy.why do people not mask on lirr?nothing is said to them.ever. disgusting.selfish people.what is the big deal to wear a mask?
    Maybe there is a spiritual awakening that needs to happen.

  22. Adam's no better.but he was voted in so don't complain if you voted for him cuz we knew where he stood before the election.

  23. As we look ahead to the New Year, our highest priority is to continue to ensure the health and safety of our students, families, and staff.

    one thing remains the same: our unwavering commitment to safely providing our students with a top-quality education that leads to their long-term success.

    I lifted these from doe site main page.ill sell you a bridge into the dump with this horseshit!fertilizer giveaway!

  24. Well, now that Mulgrew sold us out yet again and won't be busy, that means he has a lot of free time on his hands. I'd like to see him come to my school on Monday to help cover some of the absent teachers with covid. He is a teacher after all, right?

  25. The DOE is negligent with the testing. This may turn out very badly for DOE and NY city.

  26. Fauci is suddenly worried about Covid's impact on society:

    "There is the danger that there will be so many people who are being isolated who are asymptomatic for the full ten days, that you could have a major negative impact on our ability to keep society running."

  27. Neverending...

    Dr. Fauci says fourth COVID vaccine shot 'conceivable' for Omicron https://trib.al/PXx2XWB

  28. Congrats everybody.

    Glad the adults are in the room.

    Broke the daily covid record for infections on Tuesday.

    Seven day average is 267K per day.

  29. Wow...I remember someone posting months ago that this would happen and I thought they were just blowing hot air, and spewing hyperbole. But here it is, police harassing and threatening people over vaccination cards:

    “You need to leave right now,” continued the police officer to the woman sitting at the table across from the child, who seemingly asked for a minute before leaving, before the officer responded with, “No no, you had a minute. You’re not going to stay here.”

    The little boy, visibly distressed, headed over to the woman sitting across from him before the officer asked if he came in with a jacket and told him he needed to leave.

    “Wow. Scaring a child. Traumatizing a child,” says the woman who is either filming or next to the person filming. “Hope you feel good about yourself NYPD. This is disgusting. This is gross.”

  30. The woman caused it by not following rules.

  31. Yeah. Bullshit. A cop tells you to move along, you move along. You don't give him a bunch of lip. Or, you can complain as you're moving along.

  32. The promise of a reliable and accurate data testing capacity during the 2020 campaign—has been broken by Biden and it certainly has been a major disappointment and hardship for thousands as they wait on line for hours. Home test kits are said to be less reliable than the 2 to 4 day tests.And there is certainly an inadequate testing program in the NYC schools despite promises by DeBlasio accompanied by the useless and weak responses of Mulgrew the to UFT members. Both the federal and local rollout of testing has been a failure with nothing more than the words of unkept promises to do better.

    So there could be boosters again. Back around Thanksgiving- both Moderna and Pfizer said they were both actively working on an Omricon booster—to be available in 90 days. If it helps cut done infections-great—but the next variant will probably be on the door step—by springtime. I know dozens of people in the past week that have tested positive and have had 3 shots—all have reported they have mild flu/cold like symptoms.And yet there are still millions (38%)-with no vaccinations—I just don’t understand why they put themselves at greater risk by passing on protection against serious illness.

    But Covid appears to be here for quite awhile—in some form—just like the flu and there will always be some vaccine booster because scientists continue to be perplexed by Covid. However, people begin to lose trust in the scientists due to CDC rules with mixed messages when they start revising quarantine rules and bend down to the interests of big business and entertainment—at a time where this variant is raging thought out the world.

  33. Aren't 1 in 5 people testing positive? That there is a scary figure.

  34. Hey stupid @5:10..big scary five year old needs a battalion? What a complete punk you are.

  35. 4:33 oh yeah...call a fucking army for a woman and child not following rules. Fucking wackos.


  36. @9:49 is such a dumbass asking for spring break pay, has to be a millennial.

    Liberals are cool with vaccine passports, the same people who would not Take Trumps vaccine and called him a nazi. What is happening now is absolutely fine, says all you need to know about these people.

    It's just covid not the flu also ughhhhhhh.

  37. 9:51 - Ha! I'll bet you'll push old people with canes, and women with children out of the way to get your spring break pay. I know all about you people.

  38. So sad to see so much hate at holiday time.


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