Sunday, December 19, 2021


There are record numbers of daily COVID-19 infections in NYC. I think everyone needs to know the procedures on COVID for employees. Personnel Memorandum 1 came out in September. We have copied it in full below. Please read it and follow the guidelines closely.

Here is a link to CDC's Covid-19 symptoms. It could be as simple as a headache or runny nose. Be safe everyone.


  1. Just a FYI. Everyone gets 10 days for covid related absences as stated above with the qualifications for the calendar year. That means in January the days reset and everyone will now get another 10.. Or more if they have covid. This has been confirmed with covid timekeeping. Initially everyone thought it meant for the school year, but no, it's to repeat with the new calendar year.

    Merry Christmas

  2. ‘It’s Not An Either/Or’: Fauci Suggests Masks Are Forever, Vaccinated Or Unvaccinated

  3. Election prediction...
    Unity 79%
    UfC 20%
    HS Exec board seats to UfC.

  4. $1,600 per year for this...

    “This is an abdication of the DOE’s and the Situation Room’s responsibility to provide schools with timely and clear guidance regarding positive cases, and once again their strategy is to simply ‘let principals figure it out.”

  5. Thanks uft and doe.
    My fully vaccinated 16 year old just tested positive for #COVID19. He is symptomatic. This is NOT “just a cold”. We have done everything right Pensive face He was exposed at school. I was not contacted because we are all pretending this isn’t still happening

  6. A Sunday emergency press conference on this latest Covid surge is necessary...But at least we now have the adults in the room. Biden, Mulgrew, de Blasio...We got what we deserve. But don't worry, spring break 2020 money coming soon.

  7. An MSNBC anchor just yelled, "NFL team members and officials are fully vaccinated... how are infections still happening!!"

    I haven't laughed this long in a while!!!

  8. NYC parents - we should not send our kids to school next week. We should not have sent them in last week. That shit is going to find us, if it hasn't yet.

  9. The NYC mayor warned today that Covid/Omicron cases will skyrocket over the next few weeks before they dissipate. Seems like a no-brainer to cancel plans to cram hundreds of thousands of people, though vaccinated, into Times Square.

    Or schools.


  10. Biden has failed in his plan to stop Covid. He said he had a plan.

    In the face of rising case counts, the White House prepares to acknowledge that Covid restrictions were futile and we need to learn to live with the virus.

    So herd immunity anbd herd vaccination aren't enough.

  11. Get tested often. Stay home and use the 10 days if you test positive.

    Attendance will be low because of the holiday week and Omicron Covid 19 infections.

    In less than two weeks de Blasio will be history as the door hits him on the way out.
    If our legal system was functioning, de Blasio would have been prosecuted and sent to jail for
    his many crimes. Sovereign immunity immunizes criminal politicians from jail sentences.

    de Bozo's legacy is that he was the most incompetent mayor in the history of New York city.

    1. What crimes? He was a lousy mayor, not an arch fiend. Three stupid bananas for this truly stupid comment

  12. Elizabeth Warren
    · 15m
    I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case. Thankfully, I am only experiencing mild symptoms & am grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated & boosted.

  13. Month 22 of a pandemic and I’ve yet to see a single news station bring on a real health expert to talk about the importance of diet, exercise, sleep and sunlight, especially in the minority/poverty community. Weird.

  14. NBA and NHL have postponed several games already. Both leagues may have to suspend play by Christmas Day.
    The NFL has pushed a few games back a couple of days. Radio City Christmas shows all canceled and same for several Broadway shows. Many college campuses went full remote and the same for a few school districts in the NYC suburbs.
    So, the big question is —If DeBlasio expects an explosion of Covid infections in NYC—has can permit remote -effective immediately—and what are the plans of Mayor Adams come January 3? Will Mulgrew just roll over and give the same usual lip service to UFT members?
    Read a story that Great Britain is pondering a lockdown in the veery near future. The could be the case for NYC too.

  15. 4:50 weird to me no longer!Those things you mention are free.Pharma and the Globalists don't profit from sunshine, exercise, or sleep or diet.
    The more deaths, the more fear mongering and pushing shots and restrictions.let's get out of their matrix.We are in a position to teach children about self care(of course if u work for doe, time for self care is elusive at times.).I show them my green juice and talk about the dangers of junk food.we can help them make better choices and stay away from sugar, which tanks immune function for hours.staying indoors tanks vit d level which is important.At least u don't get censored in school for these things like u do in the media.we have to fight the good fight! It is no is their plan.just like they feed cancer patients sugar and sugary ensure to diabetics! It leads to more disease which means more money.follow the gravy train.

  16. We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control.

    I do.

    Joe Biden
    October 2020

  17. "Given omicron’s breakneck transmissibility, Ohio State University chief quality and patient safety officer Iahn Gonsenhauser says, 'Just about everyone should be prepared to get infected during this wave, even if you’ve been vaccinated.'”
    Sigh. That's THE OSU

  18. @4:50 Hmmm, **Cough cough** Stephanie Edmonds, go away.**cough cough**

  19. I agree 100% with 4:50. We must do what we can to help ourselves. Hasn't CoVid shown the world that we cannot trust the governments, the CDC, big Pharm, Fauci, the news, etc.

    Why not try living a healthy lifestyle? This is just another recommendation, along with the masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc. but we never hear it.

  20. What have had an "official" close contact, start experiencing symptoms, and call in sick as required, and then your COVID test comes out negative. Are those days charged to your CAR?

  21. 6:31 - the plan was to get everyone vaccinated by using every available resource to make them readily accessible, but psychotic right wing media had other plans because they'd rather see the masses die than have Joe have any measure of success in battling this virus.

  22. At least the adults are in the room now.

    Analysis: Rising cases, Omicron highlight holes in Biden's COVID strategy, experts say
    December 20, 2021, 8:05 AM

  23. But Biden is shutting it down...NBA games, NFL games, schools...But not the virus...With 3 vaccines and mass vaccinations and herd immunity.

  24. De Blasio or Biden?

    Biden campaigned on his plan to stop the virus.

    But as Kamala Harris said in a moment of admirable candor, the Biden Administration is so inept they "didn't see" variants coming.

    Nothing but incompetence from the Biden White House.

  25. 6:17 healthy suggestions censored.people have to do their own hw.maybe a silver lining is that people will take actions to protect health.liquor stores open in lockdown as essential businness...hmm

  26. "On February 26, President Trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the United States. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted."

    Such competence from the Trump White House. LOL.


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