Sunday, December 19, 2021


This statement was released tonight. You can contact United for Change at 

I am more than a little biased but I especially like the choice of my wife Camille Eterno for UFT President. She is very well qualified as an 18 year Chapter Leader and Delegate. Camille will not back down to any mayor, chancellor, or other school administrator. She will listen to the members of the UFT.


  1. I would like to find out the experience of the candidates, both as union people as well as experience in the classroom.As far as Camile, I can accept your word that she will fight.BUT I would like to see a pledge against mandates.when Camile had that interview, if my memory is correct, she was in favor of mandates.This is a very strong issue! Mulgrew caved in cuz of Randi.I do not like a union that takes our freedom of choice and is willing to have us lose our jobs the way mulgrew caved in.there is much disagreement about this virus, but nobody should have to choose between their job and being part of a medical experiment.i want someone who will support choice.
    ALso, I like my district rep.i would not want to see her how would that work?please clarify.Does it mean that all workers at uft lose their jobs ?there are some good people in there.

  2. Although mulgrew must go, what about some of the other good people? I am the above poster...James, please clarify.
    Also, nice memos, but it's already Sunday t is too late for action this week.

  3. Obviously there are good UFT staffers. We agree. It's not too late to fight back this week.

  4. This is amazing news, James. UFC will have my vote. I think it's time for a change.

  5. Nosnowflake Communist candidate for UFT President from UFC. You picked one tough Jamaican woman. Good work.

  6. If District Reps are elected (as they should be) I assume that there are Unity DRs who would run - and there are clearly some who would lose - but there are just as clearly some who would win.

    Imagine that - reelection based on how well they serve.


  7. Talking about HEPA at this stage 2yrs in? Actions should match words if you think HEPA would protect your members.

    At least buy 2 $100 Winex units for a room and sue DOE for $ back. Unity/UFT must not really think they work. If the boat was sinking and the lifejacket vending machine cost $200 and you had a credit card... you'd swipe and live to pay for the bill later.

    I know I am a poor para and I bought 1 to put right near where I sit. Then another for another room. I also bought my own real halyard masks.

    CO2... again great models are $250 from Amazon. This is for extremely good SAF Aranet4. Talk talk talk. Should have had some in place before Sept open to have data to prove.

    Rapid covid for staff could also been offered even for symbolic. Nope talk talk talk. Other than this week the H&H vans had 5min or less wait for free rapid and PCR in locations near me. I had tests 5 days this fall. Only when I felt sick or was exposed to positive staff and kids. Take action yourself. Apparently Unity, UFT and DOE just talk.

  8. “Camille will not back down to any mayor, chancellor, or other school administrator. She will listen to the members of the UFT.”

    Will she listen to the 20% of the Union that was coerced into getting the jab against their will by the DOE and UFT?

    Does Camille finally acknowledge that natural immunity exists and is likely superior?

    If she is still pro-mandate, she will not win. Look at how many teachers are declining the second jab and the boosters.

  9. it's an election.not appiintment.that James, you didn't address the mandate.
    When I meant too late, I meant it won't be closed cuz it's already close to Monday morning.anyway he is too pug headed to close he wants to run for prez.wonder if Adam's would be softer cuz as of now, he isn't bucking for a prez job.
    Of course we all want covid gone but I don't agree with jabbing kids.the risk does not weigh benefit as they rarely get sick.

  10. I can’t vote for a slate with a woke communist MORE candidate on it. Do better.

    1. 416 just gargled letters and spit up whatever words were made. get it together my friend. we have a chance to put pressure on leadership, and have them respond to members needs. ask questions if you have any, but dont make assumptions about what people stand for by using what are meant to be scare words. it's empty, and childish.

  11. 10:30 I just thought about it:high civid spread in schools despite air purifiers.that means they don't work!(our kids do not mix.they stay in pods).they could get it on the bus of course, but since the cases are several within classes, maybe that suggests that the machines are useless.In one infected class, they don't mask.In the other class, one student does and one is inconsistent.Of course the masks are off for lunch even though they eat in their rooms. One of the sick teachers was out the 3 training days in March 2020, saying she can't catch covid.well she has it now.i am assuming she masked due to whatever condition she has.her room is now I am questioning the quality or effectiveness if the filters.are the current ones HEPA? Maybe buying additional ones is it covered currently under teachers choice?

  12. District 75 needs proper representation. Issues faced by D75 staff members are unique to the schools we work in.
    The Danielson frame work needs to be scrapped in favor of a real and fair evacuation system.
    Cluster teaches are observed with 2nd graders on drop in them 8th grades the next visit. Any fake Recommendations to the first lesson are irrelevant to the second one. Way to go Mulgrew!

  13. 10:50 she won't win because 20% don't agree with the jab? Many people received the jab voluntarily before they were evening thinking about mandates. Nobody forced them.

  14. Election prediction
    Unity 79%
    UfC 20%
    UfC takes HS Exec Bd

  15. Where is Portellos on this slate???

  16. Just got the email, I'm a close contact. But since I'm vaxxed, i can still go to work. What a sham.

  17. Mandate is fringe issue. Won't affect outcome. Vast majority are vaxxed and support it.

  18. Cornell is more than 90% vaccinated. Again, this is not the pandemic of the unvaccinated. This is the pandemic of failed leadership...

  19. While we are crumbling and dying, Janella Hinds, who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars per year off of our backs, is rage tweeting racial nonsense. Does she care about students graduating unable to read and write?

    Janella Hinds Retweeted
    melinda d. anderson
    We need more Black education journalists to tell Black stories in education. We need more Latinx ed journos to tell Latinx ed stories. We need more Asian ed journos to tell Asian ed stories. We need more Indigenous ed journos to tell Indigenous ed stories.

  20. The candidate for president is smart, tough, collaborative, creative, ethical, kind, good manager, respectful, realistic, tiptop teacher, deeply concerned about young people, stalwart CL with a sense of humor. We had divergent opinions on some issues. Just part of life. As CL, she always had our backs. When you work in the trenches, Camille is the person you want next to you!

  21. Having a female, African American to run against Unity is a wonderful and smart move. This fact needs to be played up in the press and the rank and file.

  22. Camille is not the dynamic change candidate to fire the imagination of dissident voters. Great person, legitimate choice, not a Communist, but not a fireball. Look to members to stick with devil they know. Unity in yet another landslide.

    1. 1039 people within the caucuses voted for her. even those you seem to toss around as objects to scare people with, the communists. dun dun dun. The McCarthyites live on it seems.. facepalm

  23. It is the unvaccinated that are filling up the hospitals. Moderna released info today that their vaccine produces antibodies for omicron. Moderna and Pfizer work.

    If you don't think Camille is dynamic, you never met her or worked with her.

  24. I commented that Camille is not a great candidate. I retract that. Very fine choice. Good luck.

  25. Covid surge. Uft wants to close building. DOE says piss off. Lol

    1. 1256. did uft leadership call for that?

  26. UFT hasn't called for shit.

    1. 233 now that seems much more accurate.

  27. Mandate nor a fringe issue when u stand to lose everything.nor a raise...your job and for some, their pension, depending on how any years in. Again, everyone at school vaxxed yet cases transmitted is this about the unvaxxed who aren't there???
    I don't agree with being unvaxxed and unmasked.i think it is foolish and selfish.but if you isolate and mask during the tiny time ur out, that is fine.

  28. The UFC has its candidates and now is the time to say something publically. Not something shocking but something sensible. Mulgrew is silent as numbers grow. Show we are serious about change, show we are serious about protecting the teachers. Put a statement out with specifics on what we SHOULD be doing. Not after the fact. Schools on LI are shutting down. What is our vision. The time is now. Not later. Not after Jan 1st. Let it is a strong statement, let it be meaningful. Show we have serious leadership ready to lead the UFT. If there is silence now no one will believe UFC is serious.

  29. What do you think the statement is? It includes the United for Change demands?

    1. Tut, tut sounds like nasty answer.
      Scolding won't help win voters.

    2. 912 why don't you take your little comedy act somewhere else where people want to hear it.

  30. It doesn't matter that 99.998% of children recover from covid. Let's force them to get the vaccine and wear the mask forever. It doesn't matter that so many other school systems throughout the country and the world do not have strict mask protocol or vaccine mandates and are functioning just fine, let's continue the charade that we are "battling the virus"
    So why in New York City are we so obsessed with covid? Why? Because we are leftists, and have been led by an avowed communist. We lack critical thinking skills and we don't operate with reason or logic. Leftist ideologues are driven by emotion. And that emotion is based purely in fear.

    1. educat. what? it seems people are throwing around those old scare words again, and it's so off target it is a bit embarrassing. like a dart that falls to the floor. we're literally the capitalist epicenter. wall street. world trade. and we're led by yet another neoliberal. you are correct about no reason or logic, but you gotta get the enemy right.

    2. Okay I'll bite. Who is the avowed communist

  31. "Hochul Vows to Keep Schools Open" posted on a short time ago. She does not 'get it' that schools can be open and online to keep students and staff safe. Hochul won't be getting my vote in June.

  32. But who besides the readers of blog sees it? Is it in the media?do other members see it? I think I saw an article a few days ago about how some teachers want it closed, how we need to work more, not would think the papers would be happy to vilify us using our statements.when a tree falls in an empty forest, does it make a sound? 5:43 is is a chance for members to see the possibility of change.

  33. It would be fantastic if one or more members of the United for Change Slate would call for nyc schools to go remote immediately until the city gets a handle on this covid surge.
    The current UFT leadership is silent. Mulgrew should be holding news conferences right now and giving interviews to news outlets regarding the dangers of keeping the schools open this week.

    1. 649. a demand to return to closure thresholds from last year is in the statement on this post.

      also, here..

  34. All these fools calling for schools to close. Every closure puts a nail in our collective coffin

  35. I hope devil woman Hochul rots and her callousness costs her the election.rapid tests aren't so takes a few days for virus to brew.rapid test and no quarantine for close contacts? Supposedly,nobody wants to go back to 2020.however it looks she will lead us in that direction.i know a long shutdown isn't favirable.but she could have just shut this week at least.not shutting will infect more and spread more over the break.even if she shut down a few weeks in jan temporarily? Now we have remote skills and what is the point of this remote classroom setup?

  36. How is the mandate a fringe issue when most of the campaign ideas from the UFC are concerning COVID?

    If teachers still overwhelmingly supported the mandate, they would be getting boosters every 6 months to maintain “immunity”.
    Guess what? They are not. Less than 20% of the country is boosted.

    The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed with covid cases & hitting new covid case highs. So how is @JoeBiden arguing vaccines will end covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.

    Same for NYC schools.

  37. Look at the hospitalizations and deaths among unvaccinated.

  38. Educate @ 6:06 - weren't you the one whining to the high heavens about a remote option for the unvaccinated? How nice, let all of your vaccinated colleagues go in and deal with the fallout while you sit in the comfort of your home, protected, and doing nothing while throwing stones at those "living in fear". Did you get vaccinated, or did you manage to get an accommodation?

  39. James, in response to my comment on 543 you asked for what the statement should be. i would not go into every single UFC demand. One of the biggest mistakes in all of politics is asking for everything at one time. You are never going to unite everyone if you do that. You will appease some and not others which will turn those votes you need off.

    In my opinion the statement that should be made is specifically on the current covid situation and the lack of support we are getting from the DOE and Mulgrew led UFT. Let others know there is a sensible voice out there and start putting a face to that voice. As 6:43 said, who else knows this is happening? Our health and safety is something we are all united on. We here know Camille is an excellent candidate to lead us. She is educated, experienced and well-spoken. How many others know it?

  40. To the great unvaxed anti-mandated --- be consistent and call for no mandates for any vaccine. Or any mandates for any staff on anything. Feel free to come to school naked. It's your body.

  41. Camille Eterno was my jhs English Teacher at Queens Gateway. I’m currently an elementary school teacher in Queens. I’m disgusted by the way in which the UFT has handled the rise in Covid cases. Camille has my vote without a doubt!


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