Thursday, February 03, 2022


It is no surprise that the Department of Education is not keeping their end of the deal on adding vacation days for all UFTers who were forced to give up their spring break in 2020. This is in this week's UFT COVID update:

Update on 2020 spring break vacation days

Vacation days appeared in UFT members' accounts on Feb. 1 as ordered by the independent arbitrator in our spring break grievance.

As a reminder, UFT members are entitled to a vacation day for every day they worked during the 2020 spring break. If you worked the full seven days (April 9-17) of the spring break, four CAR days in your sick bank should have been converted to four vacation days and three more vacation days should have been added.

We have received reports that members who currently have fewer than four CAR days in their banks only received three vacation days because the DOE claims these members do not have enough CAR days to complete the conversion to vacation days. We disagree with the DOE’s interpretation of the arbitrator’s decision. Our position is that according to the arbitration ruling, members are owed a vacation day for each day they worked during the 2020 spring break and should not be penalized for having a lower CAR day balance due to parental leave or illness.

We are fighting to get those members the full value of the time worked and have asked the arbitrator to intervene in the dispute. We will keep you posted.

Martin Scheinman is the arbitrator that the UFT will have to go back to. He is the same arbitrator who extended the 2014 contract twice (once when it was already expired) to allow the DOE to delay for 12 years to pay teachers back in full for work that was done from 2009-2011. The DOE will get something if this is taken back to arbitration if Sheinman keeps to his pattern.

If you don't want to see Martin Sheinman arbitrating UFT cases, then vote for United for Change in the upcoming UFT election. We need donations to get the word out.


  1. But pay dues everybody.

    Just another debacle...

    1. Vote out the people that misuse our dues

  2. Martin Scheinmann worked for de Blasio as a fundraiser.. He is a biased corrupt shill for NY City finances. UFT should have "fired" him long ago.

  3. Scheinman is a shill for NY City. He should be put in jail.

  4. James..

    I was threatened with physical harm twice (I'll beat the sh*t out of you!) by same student over the course of one semester *he only showed up to my class twice) Principal wont give a safety transfer, Queens UFT doubtful if they can help.

    I'm in serious jeopardy and need to be transferred. Anyone have a thought? Tel no?

  5. If all 7 of these new vacation days can be used consecutively—and assuming there are no Covid surges next year, 2023—how about taking an extended spring vacation from March 29 thru April 21–which covers Passover, Good Friday, Easter and Eid-Al Fitre holidays. You would return April 24–Thats like almost half a summertime worth of time off. Or just take an extended mid-winter break in mid February in Florida, Arizona or California.
    No matter how you decide to utilize those days— use them those days sooner than later because Mulgrew will somehow manage to lose them to Scheinmann.

  6. 12:16, I'm retiring in a year and a half. The city can write me a check for 7 full days, not 3.5 days. That's on top of the full term long Terminal Leave I'm taking and the handful of days I'll have left over after terminal leave is over. Knowing the city though, they'll lump in the remaining 7 or 8 days I have left over along with the vacation pay just so they take a bigger bite of taxes out of it.

  7. It's tempting to take all those days at once, but it's also tempting to hold onto them so that you can always have a day off before Thanksgiving, or two additional days after Christmas break. Either way, but once you use them all up, that's it, no more vacation days, ever.

  8. Friday, February 04, 2022 11:30:00 AM

    You have no clue how many times I have been threatened by students in my school over the past 29 years. It is a lost cause to fight unless the threat is acted upon. After this the school will try to blame you for the kid's actions. Keep a paper (email trail) of communications with your principal and explain why you do no not feel safe and why the threat should be taken seriously.

    Good Luck

  9. 11:05 AM is correct. I threatened to go to the POST with all of the details explaining the threat and the academic record of the student and how many other teachers he has threatened over his 5 years in my school. I was threatened with 5-inch blade. No OORS report and no suspension from school. He was allowed back in my class the next day. I sent it via email with a CC to my union leader. Before the end of the day I got "I am looking into a safety transfer for you as we speak."

    It is odd the way the principal preferred to keep the student, who will age out this school year, as opposed to keeping a teacher with a solid reputation.

  10. Does anyone know the answer to this? I retired Feb 1st - filed my OP 44 for remaining CAR Days I was told this form does not cover those vacation days - but no one can tell me how I get paid for those days
    Any ideas out there?



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