Wednesday, February 02, 2022


UFC keeps moving ahead with the campaign. We need monetary donations so more UFTers see these ads.

Please help us by contributing what you can.

These new ads were released on YouTube. We need you to help us spread the word.



  1. Unfortunately talk about an uphill battle. In my school although practically everyone is unhappy with unity I can count on one hand how many people know or follow any of this and have any idea New United even exits. In a large high school the apathy/ignorance is incredible.

  2. UFC is promoting discrimination . Even Amnesty International is calling out the mandaters.

    Amnesty International asked for the provision of alternative measures, including the use of masks and COVID-19 testing, to allow the unvaccinated population to continue to go to work and to use public transport "without discrimination", the group said in a statement issued late on Saturday.

  3. Hey Anno 9:51. The teachers at my school hate Mulgrew too and they are not aware of United for Change. You should do what I did: Hand out United for Change flyers and spread the word. Get the word out as every vote counts. Only way to get rid of Mulgrew is for folks like you and I spreading the word CONSTANTLY. Mulgrew has an army of people working to get him re-elected. We need to slay the beast one cut at a time!

  4. Why is Lydia not mentioned in the video?or is she under a different nickname?

  5. Why was my post about hochul sneaking in regulations through the back door censored?!this is a huge issue affecting many people!
    And no word on Adam's vowing to fire all unvaxxed city workers?many accepted the arbitrators decision to go on unpaid leave till september.that Adam's is overruling a decision is most alarming! That to me means that any contract can be broken on his say so, including any and all agreements.looks like ny is totalitarian.hope you fools who voted for him because he is Black wake fools were blind thinking he would be better.ok. so u don't like republican...but is this better? Contracts are now meaningless.worse than Biden, who I hate think your hate of the unvaxxed will help you?next is You!you know the poem First they came for the Jews...blind fucks, all of you!
    Ufc and uft silent of firing workers who don't want to participate in a medical experiment.ufc no different than uft. I'm voting for neither party.

  6. 11:46 - Amnesty says this "Amnesty International asked for the provision of alternative measures, including the use of masks and COVID-19 testing, to allow the unvaccinated population to continue to go to work and to use public transport "without discrimination".

    In this country you have right wing Governors railing against masks and mandatory testing, so therein lies the problem. They don't want to do any of it.


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