Thursday, March 24, 2022


For the Unity people who read this blog, we want to give you a little primer on some of Robert's Rules. This is especially for the guy who asked about a higher authority at yesterday's Delegate Assembly. Unity's new line of attack is that we in the United for Change opposition to Michael Mulgrew's Unity Caucus want to disrupt meetings while Unity wants to get on with the work of the Union. Nothing could be further from the truth. We want the rules of democracy followed while the chair acts like a bully.

President Michael Mulgrew filibustered for about an hour and twenty-five minutes yesterday and Secretary Leroy Barr took a few minutes more in an hour and forty-five-minute meeting. There was little deliberation in a body that according to the UFT Constitution in Article VII, Section 6:  "The Delegate Assembly shall have the power to legislate all matters except those pertaining to the admission, suspension or expulsion of members of this organization." The DA is a legislative body that does not legislate because the President is incapable of yielding the floor to anyone who doesn't agree with him. The Unity faithful blame the opposition who made a few procedural motions (that is the only way to get the floor because the chair never calls on the opposition) that took up less than five minutes. Worse still, he cut off the two women who rose in a very rude way.

One of the ways to get the floor without being recognized by the chair is called a Parliamentary Inquiry. Can a Parliamentary Inquiry interrupt a speaker? This kind of inquiry according to Robert's Rules on page 293 is "in order when another has the floor if they require immediate attention." For those who don't know what a Parliamentary Inquiry is, here it is right from page 293 of Robert's Rules Newly Revised: "A Parliamentary Inquiry is a question directed to the presiding officer to obtain information on a matter of parliamentary law or the rules of the organization bearing on the business at hand. It is the chair's duty to answer such questions when it may assist a member to make an appropriate motion, raise a proper point of order, or understand the parliamentary situation or the effect of a motion."

Camille Eterno tried to make a Parliamentary Inquiry yesterday at the DA but as soon as she rose and said, "Parliamentary Inquiry!"  Mulgrew responded that he was giving a report so he doesn't have to listen to her. (What?) What was the Parliamentary Inquiry Camille wanted to make but was not permitted to?

"Since this body does not approve the minutes at the start of our meetings which is what is called for in Robert’s Rules of Order, shouldn’t the start of the meeting be the proper time to note an error in the minutes of the February DA? It must be noted that the Minutes from February’s DA reflect that the point of order I made was - “The president’s report is too long.” That is mostly inaccurate. The point of order was that Robert’s Rules says, on page 476, “Strictly speaking in a purely deliberative assembly, the officers make no reports.” Furthermore, on Page 22 it states that the chair is to maintain a “necessary position of impartiality.” The chair is not neutral in his reports or assigning the floor. The record needs to reflect accurately what the point of order actually was. What is the process to correct minutes?"

This next question is for Unity readers: When was the right time to make this Parliamentary Inquiry to correct the minutes?

Mulgrew wouldn't hear the Parliamentary Inquiry and arrogantly stated to Camille that he is giving a report and doesn't have to listen. He then rudely cut off Ibeth Mejia's Point of Order that followed. Ibeth correctly pointed out that Camille was entitled to the floor. The President loudly shouted, "You're out of order!" to her. The chair according to Robert's Rules page 253 should state that the point "is not well taken," not scream at the member, "You're out of order!" Mulgrew didn't listen at all to these two women but later recognized male members who made parliamentary Inquiries and another procedural motion. That has to be noted. Only the two women were cut off mid-sentence.

Let's be real. Mulgrew is still upset that he lost two votes in November at the DA and wants the opposition silenced until after his reelection. The DA is truly the legislative body that doesn't legislate.

This is the Parliamentary Inquiry I would ask:

Parliamentary Inquiry: Since the November DA when opposition Delegates won two votes at this Delegate Assembly, we have not been called on to speak by the chair for three straight months. We’ve only gotten the floor by raising appropriate procedural questions. What do we have to do to be recognized by the chair to raise a motion or speak in debate if we are not friends of your Unity Caucus but instead are members of United for Change? We are a legislative body; there are disagreements and factions. That's how it's supposed to be.

The answer of course is the opposition will never be called on until after the election. The UFT President runs the DA like a dictator. Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin couldn't do it better. (Norm has more details at Ed Notes.) Robert's Rules are based on adapting procedures of the United States House of Representatives for other legislative bodies. Could you imagine if Speaker Nancy Pelosi never recognized a Republican? Would you call that a fair Congress? The UFT is virtually a one-party state. The only way to stop it is by voting out Mulgrew. If we don't, it will only get worse.


  1. Mulgrew is dissing his presidential opponent? Where is the outcry of him refusing to debate her? Election ballots go out soon and still no word on the debate? Folks are rightfully angry as hell over this. Camille should post a short video on social media stating, "I am Camille Eterno and I am running against Mike Mulgrew for the UFT presidential election. I formally invited him to a public debate and he has refused to answer my call. Why won't he come out of hiding to do the work"?

  2. The main issue, as I see it, is Mulgrew's filibustering. To speak for an hour and a half is clearly improper. It left only 15 minutes for the resolutions. The opposition should have targeted his long-windedness a long time ago. One idea would be a resolution to limit the report to 45 minutes unless 2/3 of the DA agree to an extension. With so many CLs and Delegates remote and not controlled by Leroy, it might pass. Also, how about a point of order at every DA asking the President to limit his comments. Leaflets calling for him to shut it down would embarrass him. Bring in a banner that says, "Less lecture, more debate" A point of information where you ask him if he lectured to his students for an hour and a half when he was a teacher. I'm sure you can think of more ideas. Because Unity is so strong, any single one of these might not work. But a campaign over the course of a year would force him to shorten his report. Then at least there would be time for debate. As it is, it's just an embarrassment.

  3. Clearly, we are in the “rules for thee not for me” stage. He's unhinged as a bully. But watching some Unity zealots form a red-eyed conga line as this autocratic arsonist sets parliamentary procedure and decorum ablaze is probably the only thing that's more disturbing.

    I attend the delegate assembly from one of the furthest points in NYC to deliberate for my chapter. From Far Rockaway. It literally cost me 98 bucks to take an Uber, Wednesday, because I did not want to request to leave early to commute to downtown Manhattan as my students are getting ready for their state ELA exams, this coming Tuesday.

    I have watched points of order being used by paid staffers who are also delegates in the middle of the presidential report. And yet I waited for a transition between reports to ask a ***parliamentary inquiry *** also ... THAT ACCORDING TO THE FRAMEWORK passed by this delegate assembly that governs our deliberations can be asked AT ANY TIME DURING A PARLIAMENTARY DELIBERATION …

    and STILL this surly chair, Mr. Mulgrew, continues to belligerently cut off any duly elected delegate who bring valid and orderly motions that make him uncomfortable.

    There are no other stated or codified rules that dictate who speaks during a debate in the our 4 to 5 custom rules that are found in our agendas. Any other custom rules we may have are created as a RESULT OF ROBERT’S RULES — the framework we as body have adapted to conduct BUSINESS.

    I have attended each delegate assembly IN PERSON since October where I’ve seen the chair NOT alternate between for and against sides during WITH IMPUNITY. Most recently in February, when he allowed attacks on Ms. Camille Eterno to go at her in rapid fire succession with the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and another Executive Board member spoke on the motion that appealed the ruling of the chair.

    And so, my parliamentary inquiry ... that he would not let me voice without badgering me as I had the mic ... was seeking for him to acknowledge that HE DOES NOT EVEN LET US TAKE TURNS. Something kindergarteners across America honor but not our union's leader?!

    No single person should take 80 percent of our valuable time to monopolize a deliberative body much less make it a place where voices he doesn’t agree with are smothered.

    This body has only passed 1.5 resolutions per DA since January of 2021. Almost all of the resos have been for political endorsements and proclamations. When do we get down to the business of deliberating over matters that deal with our working conditions?

    This should infuriate all workers who believe in unionism who have a sense of dignity and equity.

    The last thing Mr. Mulgrew said Wednesday night should shake any one who also believes in the rule of law: Robert’s Rules are hijacking our Union's DA.

    No sir, you are. And, yes, there are rules that supersede Robert’s Rules. My parents, Manny and Alma, called them: MANNERS.

    I smell tyranny.

  4. A UFT president that has supported a Principal like Dwarka who has retaliated against any teacher that spoke up don't deserve to be president.

  5. He deserves a bag of dicks. But the money I would spend on that is better spent on UFC flyers.

  6. 6:34. Damn. Well-said and sorry you had to waste money for that awful experience.

    This is one tough election. We got Mulgrew, the sell out and autocrat, but then we would have a different kind of tyranny with Camille: coerced medical experimentation. I would love a more genuinely democratic union, but not if I need to get unnecessary boosters to keep working, For what it’s worth, at least Mulgrew didn’t go on CNN to force his coworkers to get an unwanted and mostly unnecessary medical treatment.
    And to add insult to injury, while the mandates collapse under the weight of their own lies, Camille and the UFC are still pro-mandate. They probably want your kids jabbed up too.

  7. Camille has not called for mandatory boosters.

  8. The Union is broken. It's not actually a union at all and this travesty we call a delegate assembly is but one example of how broken our un-union is. The President gives a long rambling talk about everything and nothing. Any objective person listening to him, or reading a transcript of his talk, must conclude that his is merely a pro-forma con-job, that he deliberately spins vapid yarns about how he has been fighting the good fight for his members while concession bargaining away their wages, benefits, and working conditions.

    He now has 400 people working of the next contract. To what end? Will there be real wage increases, that is, wages increases that exceed the current and projected inflation rates? Absolutely not. Will there be more give-backs on healthcare? Absolutely. Will the ever fix Tier 6? Never. Will we work more? Yes. Will Admins continue to exploit people and abuse power. Yes.

    Ours is an Un-union.

    We can only hope that the election will make a difference in our lives. This will only happen if we vote and diminish Unity's monopoly on power and control.

    When the pandemic brought this City and the State to the very edge of bankruptcy, when our jobs, our pension, yes our pensions, our annuities, our health care, everything was on the chopping block, this Union did nothing to protect us.

    Indeed, it supported and facilitated the introduction of anti-worker, anti-union policies, agreements, and technologies that were, ostensibly introduced to meet the needs of children and families during a health crisis of unprecedented proportions, but were and are changes that undermined teacher and worker autonomy and skill (professionalism if you prefer).

    How can a union call itself a union when it does this?

    Our is a union that, like a rooster, crows and takes credit for the dawn.

    Ours is a union that sells us out and sells us its deals.

    Mulgrew is a confidence man.

    Vote him out and get your union back.



  10. but she did call for mandated vaccines
    my wife who is a 17 yr veteran of the doe refused to get the forced shots and was terminated. luckily for us she found a full time teaching job on Long Island a few months later. her friends in her old school told her they hired a college student to take her place. the doe/uft don't care about about teachers or students only themselves. fuck them all and collect your pension. only 3 more months until I retire with 27 yrs
    I guess if my wife could hit home runs or had a wicked jump shot she would still be working or hired back.
    adams is an idiot but was right about one thing, it is based on science, but he forgot to mention its all based on political science not biological science

  11. James it seems no CL or schools even care about this election, you are as censored as a republican, while Mulgrew will be able to speak and be seen, you will be lucky to hit 20%, its sad.

    tell Mulgrew to follow the science!!!!

    James loves to follow the science, meanwhile, idiot Adams dropped vaccine mandate for basketball players, athletes, performers. Wow so the science shows the elites do no have to wear masks, yet the surfs and peasants still have to wear them????

    God James has your Fauci fake narrative crumbled like a piece of paper. You preached for 3 years and as usual with politics you were wrong.

  12. You get a voice here Anon2323. Criticize us all you like. You just need to adhere to some simple rules. Mulgrew doesn't adhere to his own union's rules.

    Who has to wear masks now?

  13. WE both can agree Mulgrew can go to hell and he has to go, I try and nudge you to change your toon about mandates which would open you up to a better debate and get more people flooding your side, which would bait Mulgrew. You are stuck in cement and that is one of the problems you have.

    I deserve a voice and I appreciate you even though you have censored many of my true comments I have made, Just as twitter censored the new york post when they spoke of the laptop from hell before the election aka Hunter Biden laptop, but now its authenticated.

    James we were last in country with these ridiculous masks, should been gone over year ago.

  14. Thank you James for clarifying the UFC position regarding booster mandates. But you ducked the question about the jab for kids. It’s bad enough I get automated calls from the Chancellor begging to get my kids jabbed up. They already had Omicron which was a nothing burger for them. It must have been because of this mysterious entity we used to call an immune system. I heard we still have them, but who knows? I only listen to government experts.

    Will UFC leadership, in solidarity with Adams and Big Pharma, force the jab on City students?

  15. Look at the UFC platform to see what we have positions on. I do not speak for United for Change but I don't know of any UFC position on mandated vaccines for students. I know of one person running with United for Change who does not support any vaccine mandates. It is a broad based coalition.

  16. Wow. That’s great to hear at least one UFC member has some common sense regarding mandates. Which person? I will be sure to vote for him.

    Hey James, what is your take on this?

  17. Hard to take you seriously Anon2323 when you write "change your toon". ROFLMAO. I'm not a stickler for misspelled words, but you can't write "toon", and "better debate" in the same sentence. You don't "deserve a voice" on someone else's blog. Stop being a lazy azz, and set up your own blog where you can spew your paranoid delusions to your heart's content. James is a fool for giving you as big of a platform as he does. I was censored for a whole lot less when I hit him where it hurts regarding Mulgrew. But here you are day after day spouting lies.

  18. 7:02 - Now how did this off-topic comment about Trump make it through "TRUMP TOOK QUESTIONS FROM EVERYONE, HARDER QUESTIONS THAN ASKING ABOUT ICE CREAM."

    Trump took questions and then ANSWERED THEM IN AN IRRATIONAL MANNER while providing NO SUBSTANCE.

    See, our caps lock key works too.

  19. The issue I have with Adams is this response "“You may consider this a double standard. I consider it an analysis that I made and I’m comfortable with my decision,” Adams said during a press conference Friday.'

    Why does he think he doesn't have to share what his analysis was? He's comfortable with his decision, but what about the rest of us? Who does he think he is?

  20. Not voting for a new caucus unless that caucus is anti COVID mandates. Agree with Anon2323. Your mama’s the lazy azz, 8:38. And you stoopid two. Now I sound as stoopid as you. Hope the spelling and grammar drives ya nuts.

  21. 6:24 - You just sound dumb as fuck. And guess what? I don't give a rat's azz who you vote for. Now you can put your head back up Anon2323's ass where you usually keep it.

  22. 6:24 crawled out of Trump's colon just long enough to whine about mandates.

  23. We sent a group email to Mulgrew and let him know that if he DOES NOT support the mandates we will make sure he is voted out. Not because we care about the mandates, or think that we won't be safe, but because we know the Trump idiots are so triggered by the mandates. LOL!

  24. lol @ 6:24! When I think of James (politics) and these crazy lefties instead of tune... I think of them as looney toons.

    James, Camille and the UFC has a real chance to make change and they idly fawn over Fauci and CNN two huge sources for James. Eric Adams is allowing mandates to continue for the normal folk. However, the elites and the entertainment business have the political science on their side and does not adhere to them. How about you call that out UFC??? You want debates be different and follow the real science.

  25. 6:24 why should you writing like an illiterate 3rd grader drive any nuts? You only confirm that its better that you dummies shouldnt br allowed to teach. But I'll bet you're too much of a coward to not take the shot. Just another hypocritical right winger.

  26. correction for the deliberately dense "drive anyone nuts"?


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