Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Abridged as I can't monitor that closely on phone.

President's Report:

Michael Mulgrew reported on:

Albany budget- Looks good for funding but there are still politics involved before April 1 deadline.

We want tier VI reform- Teachers should not have to work 52 years.

Mayoral control- Law up in June but we want checks and balances. Mayor should be able to convince one of the PEP people he didn't appoint or it probably isn't a good idea. Don't want to go back.

COVID-19. We don't know how the BA2 variant will play out. We should know by spring break. You still get PPE and cleaning and can wear masks. Take the rapid COVID tests.

City schools restructuring:

Superintendents reempowered like before  Bloomberg.

Parliamentary Inquiry. Mulgrew didn't take it. 

People objected. Mulgrew just went on and said adcom and exec board made the agenda. Says no politics at DA. (What did he say? No politics at a legislative body.)

Calendar tight with holidays.

Medicare Advantage Plus.-Judge said it could go forward (if they offer no other plan). We convinced mayor to hold off until legal questions are resolved.We have to protect retirees and in-service healthcare.

 Costs rising.

400 person negotiating committee meeting Friday. Thanks people for joining.

Chapter Leader hub information from someone I don't know.

(Meeting started at around 4:20. Report still going with CL Hub info at 5:20.) 

Parliamentary Inquiry:

When there is debate, why doesn't he call on for and against?

Mulgrew says he calls for and against. We can supercede Robert's Rules. Mulgrew says he does work of union.

Staff Director's Report

Leroy Barr gives a bunch of dates including the election and the anniversary of the UFT.

Question period:

Question about DOE help desk.

Answer: Call center has to work with them. Optical benefits the biggest concern so we upped that part

Question on school surveys.

Answer: Churn should be most important concern.


Mulgrew asks to keep politics out of it. 

Question on alternative calendars and virtual learning.

Answer: Need to tell parents on alternative calendars. Some kids thrive in virtual learning. We need to have system in place as we are not tech experts.

Question: Will we continue to use election buddy

Answer: Yes

Negative CAR what happens to vacation days?

Answer: We are back in arbitration.

Question:Paras career ladder

Answer: Some paras are already qualified teachers.

Question: OTPTs owed pay for work done.

Answer: Filing Union Initiated Grievance.

New motion period:

Diwali holiday for this month's agenda.

580 yes 164 no on phone, it carries in person too.

For next month on COVID money.

Peter Lamphere speaks against but instead tries to extend motion period.

Frustrated opposition people demand democracy while Mulgrew ends the meeting.

(Mulgrew ends meeting. Says room has to be cleared. Unity has to tell their people how to vote at the NYSUT RA)

It gets worse and worse month by month.


  1. Mulgrew works on behalf of NY City austerity budget during times of surplus. Mulgrew does not work on behalf of teachers. Mulgrew's appeasements are anti-teacher. Do you want more weak leadership?
    vote against Mulgrew and end his mismanagement of the UFT.

    1. Mulgrew and Unity has allowed a lot of good teachers to get fired because they turn a blind eye on our violation of tenure rights.

  2. Did you catch what time the new motion period began?

    I know it was late, what with Mulgrew's long report, and the two extra speakers, but I'm not sure exactly how late. Was it already 5:45?

    (there was no business Unity actually wanted to conduct, and so they ate up all the time. Does that sound like what happened?)

  3. Sorry to disappoint you fauci lovers, but covid is in the rear view mirror. Get busy living or enjoy being played by the news. Your choice.

  4. President Michael Mulgrew--Welcomes us. Albany last 8 days of budget. Some good, but some things left out. Bail reform becoming an issue. Were feeling positive, but want education things in place. Ukraine, Jackson hearings followed closely by AFT. Thanks Karen Alford for supporting Ukranian refugees with partner group. Poland welcoming them. We support that however we can and through AFT.

    Bail reform? What the fuck?

  5. LOL. Nice work. Dues earned. Keep voting everybody.

  6. 9:31 says "get busy livimg". Nice try at projection. Liberals still travel and enrich themselves by learning about other cultures, unlike Tucker Carlson lovers who think theyre the only ones on the planet who matter.

    Liberals enjoy "Hamilton" "Fela" and other shows. They visit museums, exhibits, parks, they hike, eat out without throwing hissy fits about masks.. Maybe you should try living so youre not so miserable and bitter. Remember when Adams said you cant sit home in your pajamas? He was talking about people like you who came right here on this blog and bragged about working (if it can be called that) in their PJs all day.

  7. 644,

    It’s living, not ‘livimg ‘. Sorry.

    For the record, I felt schools should have been opened sooner. I’m not a fan of sitting home and doing nothing. I know plenty of people who are and who did nothing. Not knocking them. Just saying.

    I’m glad life is back and covid is over

    All I’m saying is don’t let fauci and covid control you. Go and live. Travel. Go see places. Don’t sit at home watching any news channel(fox or cnn). They’re all liars.

    Live your life! That’s all.

  8. Well, my school is giving attendance awards to people with 10%-50% attendance. Just how Porter, Carranza, de Blasio drew it up. Nice work everybody. Minimum wage forever. No standards for an 80% minority school system.

  9. In summary mulgrew just blah blah blah the whole time to prevent any real business being done.

  10. Johnathan, why are we not talking about term limits? How can he be in charge 12 plus years? Not exposing how he was butt buddies with worst mayor ever, whom they have 70 plus teachers blood on their hands.

    Why are you not on cbs, nbc and the fake liberal media? Why isn't Sue Edelman writing a target piece every week?

    Plandemic long over and Adams lifts mandates for elites. Masks do not work,.


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