Thursday, May 19, 2022


It appears right now that Albany won't be coming to the rescue of NYC public school students and their teachers Instead, expect maybe some tiny tweaks in mayoral control with the extension being rubber approved by the Legislaturre and governor. This is from the NY Post:

Team Adams’ full-court press in Albany for city priorities was received well by pols, after critics slammed City Hall for perpetuating a dysfunctional and ineffective lobbying effort in the halls of the state Capitol.

“It was really a good move for him to come to Albany,” admitted New York City Education Chairman John Liu – who criticized Adams back in March after the mayor hastily exited a legislative hearing on education. 

“He directly answered a lot of the legislators’ questions and responded to concerns because a lot of them haven’t heard directly from him on this issue. So I think that instilled a lot of confidence.”

“I think it will be renewed. We’re not we’re not going back to the system of local school boards 20 years ago. But is it going to be extended for four years with no changes? No, That’s not likely either,” he added. 

The measures presently up for debate as negotiations continue include:

Granting Adams between a one- to four-year extension of mayoral control of schools

Term limits for appointees to the Dept. of Education’s governing body, the Panel for Education Policy

More parental involvement in school control on a community basis

Assemblywoman Alicia Hyndman (D-Queens) – who partook in an over an hour-long forum with members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus – noted the timeframe is still up for debate.

“There isn’t a consensus, it depends on which member you ask of New York City where they stand. I think there is more of a consensus to continue. However, the time limits – whether it be two year, three year, four years – I think that’s what’s been contested right now,” she said.

I messaged Senator John Liu (my district's senator) the other day expressing my hope that mayoral control might expire. You can see by this Post piece what tremendous influence I have on the Legislature. I recommend that our readers take some time and call or email your local Assemblymember or Senator and urge them to not renew mayoral control. It might not help but what have you got to lose by doing the right thing? 

You can find your Senator here.


  1. I’m not trying to be negative, but if you are under 40, you need to leave the profession. I am in my mid 40’s with a decade to go and I couldn’t imagine doing this for another 20 or so years.

    Adams and banks want to be klein and Bloomberg and push charters, longer days and non-union people.

    Sadly, Mulgrew acts like adams is his friend. Mulgrew always does this and weingarten did this, too. They get burnt in the end which burns us as teachers.

    1. I hope Mulgrew can convince them to suspend APPR this year.

  2. For those who complained about DeBlasio—for past 8 years—wait to you see what happens under an Adams control. Bloomberg will always be in his ear. And don’t be surprised if Klein has been hired via Bloomberg—as a special consultant/advisor to Banks when it comes to dealing with the union and pushing more city Charters.

  3. Is there a concerted effort to deny teachers their vacation days? Ive been hearing that our Principal doesn't deny people their days, he just doesn't respond. I checked with a friend at another school and the same thing is happening. What would you do?

    1. A no response for 48 hours means the days are automatically approved. It’s official written somewhere.

    2. If they don't respond it states the days are granted

  4. Way to go “Punchy Mike”, as usual looking out for everyone but your constituents. I’m sure that the retirees are looking forward to your next rollout of Mulgrewcare, too.

  5. THe contract will be the tell tale to see if this mayor and his chancellor are on the same page or if they are with mikey bloomberg and coke bottle glasses

  6. 10:22 First ask your chapter leader. If that doesn't work contact the UFT.

  7. No calendar and it is almost June.
    NYC budgeting almost zero raise with 10% inflation.
    Students graudating unable to read and write with 20% attendance.
    People asking for de blasio back.
    Mulgrew won by a landslide.
    Dues well spent everybody.

  8. Is the calendar a hostage of contact negotiations?

  9. Sounds good just look how he's handling crime in NYC and it won't be long before the economy is swimming in the sewer along with quality of life.



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