Friday, May 13, 2022


From the NYSUT Weekly Update:

Union wins APPR reprieve

Gov. Kathy Hochul Friday signed a bill suspending, for an additional year, the Annual Professional Performance Review process. Advanced through grassroots advocacy from NYSUT members and lobbying by union legislative staff, the bill recently passed both the state Senate and the Assembly.

“As we come to the end of another school year that has been anything but normal, we welcome the governor’s decision to suspend the APPR process for another year,” said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. “We will continue working with the legislature and the governor to address the APPR process.”

Will NYC opt out of this state law with the UFT's approval? President Michael Mulgrew claims he signed a waiver request so why did this victory statement come from NYSUT but there's nothing from the UFT? Stay tuned.


  1. The uft union needs to step up to the plate now and make sure nyc is opting in to this mandated rule as well. Its true this year has been anything but normal. Our so called union UFT really needs to fight for our teachers. So so tired hete of being on the short end of the stick. Would this bullcrap happen if this was the NYPD or Firefighters union.

  2. Of course we're told in 6 weeks before the end of the school year. Typical bureaucrats.

  3. Too little, too late. The stupid NYSUT needs to fight for a COMPLETE REPEAL of the evaluation law.

  4. They need to pass a law to prevent asshole mayors trying to extend the school day/year

    1. And you missed extend the school week. Banks wants kids in school on Saturday and Sunday.
      Good luck with recruiting teachers in hard to staff licenses now!

  5. How can we get excited about this when last year it also passed and then nyc teachers still had evaluations?

  6. 12:39: Very easy, offer a hefty raise to those willing to work weekends and puny raise to those who don't.

  7. If APPR IS SUSPEDNED, why are MOSLs happening.

    I’m not an apologist for the kids, but how much darn testing is there? Jeez. Let’s make them hate school even more

    Off topic but the message I get is you can't please everyone.people are angry at uft for being open 3 days in March and later during variants.they feel like mulgrew sold us out.on the other hand, you have this hit piece suggesting that the policies were made at our behest and we should have stayed open. BUT maybe it is the fault of cdc for using scare tactics, chicken little scenario which prompted the clising.AND ALSO,why single schools out when businesses were forced to close?

  9. anything from UFT about this?

  10. Does the UFT even know that the NYS teacher evaluations have been once again canceled?? If the president of the UFT submitted a waiver to cancel evaluations this year as wel, why hasnt he or the UFT make an announment yet? Just wondering as UFTerS are once again left in the dark??? So sad!!!


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