Thursday, May 12, 2022


This magnificent group of 7 is going to the UFT Executive Board. These reps were elected by the high school teachers. Congrats to all!


  1. Rise, like lions after slumber
    In unvanquishable number!
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you:
    Ye are many—they are few!


  2. This is definitely some light at the end of the tunnel. Better than having no UFC members on the board.

  3. How many hs board positions are there? Eg they are 7 out of how many?

    1. The Exec Bd, including AdCom is 102 members. Let's just say we are a tiny minority. That said, within that structure we will at least have a platform and a voice which we do not have now.

  4. I don't get why your name is not there. I recall bubbling next to your name, but sure of the position.

  5. Now go get Adams and pork over the cash

  6. I am embarrassed for all my fellow retirees who voted for Mulgrew after his
    Medicare Advantage debacle

    1. Did they? Really? When was the lat time the Voter Rolls were cleaned?

  7. 1:04. Too many retirees are in denial. But not all of us.

  8. Other than Mulgrewcare why would a retiree vote UFC?

    This is the work that needs to be done. To further weaken Unity's monopoly grip on power we need to convince the retirees to vote for change. But why should they? Many got a Tier 1 retirement or at least a Tier 4 Retirement, with 55/25 and health care and a TRS TDA and DCP TDA and so much more and are very happy with the UFT, and to them the UFT is Unity.

    1. A little detail of a huge problem: the UFT has been a failure in salaries: education, health and housing costs have been increasing at rates far into the double digits. Yet Unity only got us a 2% increase in salaries in the last contract. That's not something for Unity to be commended on.

  9. I am embarrassed for the Teachers who did not bother to vote.

    I ashamed of the Teachers who voted for Mulgrew.

    Most UFT teachers are cowards.

    1. Judging by what they allowed to be done to their unvaxxed colleagues, you are right.

  10. I’m so exited about All of you. I know all of you will put up a good fight. Enough of useless Unity. United for Change will make the difference.

  11. I look forward to the entertaining (and infuriating) posts about how Unity will ignore, berate and belittle you. This is sarcasm, I do congratulate you all. Good luck

  12. James:I am Th at 8:50.I am saddened that you were not certainly have helped many people and put a lot of time and effort into this blog.I suppose there are bigger mysteries such as how Mulgrew and Adams got elected. Now foes a Mulgrew win mean we are stuck with Randi as well?

  13. Hope the HS delegates light the fires! They did it before, they can do it again. Pre-Bloomberg I watched angry HS teachers pack and ship several corrupt and/or incompetent administrators who were incapable of leading a school. If UFC stays together, we can do this and more ...

  14. 12:13 is so right.

    I spoke to a few people I know who work in elementary schools and they told me they didn’t even know it was possible to vote mulgrew out or what unity was.

    We need to focus on the elementary teachers bc they are the ones who ratify every awful contract. Just my opinion, but that seems to be the case for a while now.


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