Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Our reports from inside the UFT election count say that the turnout was light. There are a little less than 200,000 UFT ballots that were mailed out to UFTers. Here are some preliminary numbers on turnout which will probably end up a little higher:

Functionals: 8,457 

Retirees: 26,888

Elementary Schools: 7,198

Middle Schools: 2,203

High Schools: 4,543

Updated Wednesday


Elementary Division -  7,498

Middle School Division - 2,287

High School Division - 4,782

Functional Division -  8,869

Retiree Division - 27,451

Total Ballots Received - 50,900

We will update the numbers when we have them.  We have also heard that scanners are breaking down often and that the Retirees are being counted first. 

If you would like to compare turnout to prior elections go to JD2718. To compare high school results back since 2001, go here. For elementary and middle school history, go here.


  1. Poor turnout tells you the condition of UFT teachers.

    Hopefully, the retirees that voted were very angry about Mulgrew's
    Medicare Advantage scam. Mulgrew threw the retirees under the bus.

    1. Approximately 8000 more retirees voted this time than last. We're very angry

  2. If Mulgrew wins, I don't want to hear a single person bitching unless they voted.

  3. Another light turnout? I thought teachers were pissed at the UFT? If this is the case and it's another Unity sweep, Mulgrew will take it as he is doing a fine job and will not even make an attempt to get us a good contract. Then, all the idiots who didn't vote will be making an unjustified stink about a shitty contract. Furthermore, everyone thought this was going to be the biggest voter turnout ever. Guess, everyone was wrong.

    1. Many members did not receive ballots. Even after sending emails andmaking calls. Voter suppression is REAL.

  4. I've been saying Unity 79% all along. Let's see if I'm right.

  5. It won't be 79% Unity. They are not even getting that among the retirees being counted so far according to our reports.

  6. I am another person who voted for Camille even though we disagree in mandates.i didn't vote the platform.i wanted to make sure I voted for unity people who helped me.james, I did vote for you.

  7. I'm one of the few middle school votes and my vote went to UFC.

  8. Totally agree with you @6:24. You don’t use your right to vote, you lose your right to complain.

  9. Retirees with take Unity DOWN

  10. My whole family voted Unity I spread the word also so well see

    1. your whole family is in the union? that must be rare.

    2. I hope they didn't listen.

  11. Why post that comment on this blog? The readers of this blog are not Unity fans.

    1. Actually, 90% of the readers of this blog are unity loyalist to the bone. Not the posters, the readers.

  12. People in my school did not know there was an election until I brought it up. The CL said nothing.

  13. I’m not a Unity fan but I welcome hearing dissenting opinions. It would be helpful if 9:39 told us why he voted for Unity. The sole reason I voted for UFC is Medicare Advantage. Mulgrew doesn’t get my vote until Unity protects or improves upon our current medical plans. And don’t bullshit me, Unity, that Med Adv is good. It’s not and never will be so stop your gaslighting bullshit…we are not buying it.

  14. Mulgrew is a genius. He figured out that by squashing online voting, refusing to debate, and merely hiding out, he could win the election. His plan worked and this will more than likely be the election playbook for Unity for years to come. Unity no longer has to fear a threat from any opposition group from now on. Sad, but it seems very true. Teachers are either happy with the way things are going since they did not vote or they don't care. Either of which is proof that Unity will roll with the ball as business as usual.

  15. I read this blog and I'm a Unity fan.

  16. I think the reality is that many teachers are leaving the DOE or planning to explore other career options, so the urge to vote is not priority. Maybe not for the coming school year but there will likely be a large shortage coming very soon.

  17. People vote when they are motivated. Look at the 2020 election. Both sides were motivated and record numbers came out. Look at off national election years, no one shows up. The fact that retirees came out in huge numbers means something motivated them and it makes sense to believe Medicare was the reason. That's a huge plus for UFC especially since more than half of the votes are affected retirees. I am not sure the current workforce were that motivated which shifts their votes to Unity.

    If half the retirees went UFC that makes it a max of 74% total vote unity. That's a big dent and requires every other vote to go Unity's way. I think retiree vote is higher for UFC maybe 60% which put it's at 68% if all other votes went Unity's way. If retiree vote completely abandons Unity watch out.

    I think this is closer than people think and I am starting to think UFC is in this more than people ever thought.

  18. All anyone had to do was put an X and mail a ballot. If UFT members can’t be bothered to vote, it’s on them. Voting in the UFT elections is not a difficult task. Let’s stop coddling those who are clueless and don’t know they’re part of a union that has elections. It’s members’ responsibility to be informed.


  19. If you really want to find a win in getting 1/3 of the vote and making it closer than the normal 79% to 21% than enjoy that. End of day, Mulgrew who should not even be allowed to run again, garnered 70% still. Maybe would have been 60-40% if the politics between the Eterno house wasn't on the wrong side of history.

    James would always hate the "let's all pull dues to show how much we despise Mulgrew." After this election not many at all would pull. Sad.


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