Friday, May 06, 2022


This is from NYSUT:

APPR bill moving forward

Thanks to your advocacy, the Assembly this week passed the bill to suspend, for an additional year, the Annual Professional Performance Review process. The bill previously passed in the state Senate and will move to the governor’s desk where Gov. Kathy Hochul’s signature would enact it. Just last week, NYSUT members ran a successful advocacy campaign through the Member Action Center to encourage members of the Assembly to act on this crucial legislation.

If Governor Hochul signs the bill, then is the UFT going to say the NYC Department of Education is exempt so UFTers can be the only teachers subject to the evaluation system this year?


  1. Why in the f*ck did they wait till May to do this? Most teachers and admins have already suffered through the insane Danielson dance this year already. The state legislature should permanently scrap the entire APRP law in its entirety and bring back the much missed "S" and "U" ratings. Morale is at all time low and folks are leaving the teaching profession in droves. It's time to make this job more attractive and LESS stressful.

    1. Why is the letter “u” in “fuck” being replaced by a star? Both James and Blogspot permit the use of obscene language completely spelled out.

  2. In NYC we have already been observed under APPR, Danielsen nonsense. Advance ratings posted, matrix trackers, meetings, written feedback and next steps to keep our pedagogy in check. This is all such an insult.
    Why is it we must always work harder and jump through more hoops than the rest of the state? Because, the rest of the state recognizes teachers are humans with lives, families and obligations outside of the school day. Lesson planning and grading papers might be the limit of what teachers are expected to do in their home lives.
    (Not so in NYC)

  3. The obvious is just below the surface. Either the ratings we get are useless or politically motivated nonsense.

    If ratings are so important, why are they continuing to waive them. Why were they waived in the first place, I mean because they are so important and such an indication of a good teacher of course?

    D7T5 teachers are required to teach workshop model. It has long been proven that method is ineffective. So here we are required to out in a show which in the DNA is ineffective, go figure, DOE.

  4. Got observed 3 times this year. Threw each one in the garbage and didn’t even read it. Thank god I’m retiring. Still such bullshit. One year to go is even too much!

  5. Where are the Unity apologists to say that NYC teachers having to be evaluated while everyone else is exempt is the greatest victory ever?

  6. Mulgoon will never fight to get back "S"/"U". He backed the whole change of our eval system and says it is the coolest thing since the other side of the pillow.

  7. Have teachers in the rest of NY State had evaluations this school year? Anyone know?

  8. I've come out with an overall E rating each September for the prior school year since 2013. No matter what I do it's an E. Can never be an HE or D or I. I don't even know what the hell is going on. I don't complain about it because it's all crap but truthfully it does matter and is official. I don't think the people observing me know what's going on either. I do appreciate the extra $$$$$ I make and my 6th class and my coverages and my per session. There's just so much money to be made. I think I make more than my A.P.'s.

  9. I got observed my first time back in March and still haven't gotten the write up. I only go the informal feedback. So far I haven't received one written observation yet. Since it is already middle of May, isn't it impossible for me to get any lower than effective now? Anyone have any input? This happened to me once before in my old school and I was told I couldn't be rated any less than effective.

  10. You mean when I vote democrat I get a shit economy, Big Brother watching, mandating, censoring, AND I still get to be fucked by APPR in the bluest city in the state run by a LGTBQ loving non white guy?!? Damn. I’m one lucky bitch.

  11. Every politician is responsible for this useless teacher observation system that began with the Bush ‘No Child Left Behind’ and then continued with the Obama ‘Race To The Top’ in order to get federal dollars in exchange for wasteful excessive testing and teacher observations at the state level. Cuomo was a big player—and these the Danielson nonsense that came in during the Bloomberg/Klein/Walcott era. And not to mention that Bill Gates -who thinks he’s an expert on education and teaching—just like he now thinks he’s an expert on Covid.

  12. When would we know if the governor signs this and shouldnt all principals tell us if observations are once again canceled this school year! Its all so confusing! Thank god for June 2023 as I will be retiring after 30 long long years of bullshit!

  13. 12:33--
    Your post pitifully says far more about you than it does about politics.

    1. @415 pm. I think 1233 is just one of those patients who spew words for the sake of being heard. They are just sick.

    2. I thought there was some truth to the comment and most importantly I saw it as an attempt at humor given our situation. Let’s do less judging and more communicating guys! 😂

  14. It's irrelevant.what a joke.observations must all be done by June 1.they screwed us like this last time. After we were observed, they announced it

  15. BTW, when do election results get released.

  16. The wording in the bill will be the same as last year... That no district will be required to do appr. Just like last year, the city was not required by law, but they still did it. It's up to each district to decide. Nyc lilkves their metrics, so you can count on another rating this year.

    1. It's up the Chancellor. I pray he finds it in his heart to waive it, to make room for a better system fit for a pandemic (new norm).

  17. We teach in the land of make believe. I am out after 683 . Happy Trails.

  18. I like the "s" "U" but their are flaws there for principals to use power too. Should be G(GREAT) S and U. The U would be the big issue not the S.

    Ratings are so subjective when you get 10-20 min random visit. Least the formal you have little more control knowing the class and day. The informal's are the classic got you.

    Watched 2000 Mules last night James and others see how the election was stolen with evidence. Most secure election lol, we have a criminal syndicate with a fake resident.

    1. Anon 2323, You snuck in the plug for the evaluation.. Now please stay on topic which is teacher evaluation.


  19. 4:15 and 9:04. So we’re still voting for the NY Democrats who fucked us on APPR, right? Surely you’re not suggesting we threaten to withhold our votes if they screw us again. Please tell me it’s still blue no matter who. Just checking for a friend.

  20. A friend of mine needs a lawyer. He was accused of putting his hands on a kid and was arrested. Apparently the UFT only provides a lawyer for the first appearance? Is that true? He said the lawyer told him that after that, if he represented him, it would be $6000 per appearance!!! Yes six thousand, that's not an extra zero! I haven't had to hire a lawyer in 30 years, other than for speeding tickets, but that seems very excessive. All advice and recommendations are appreciated.

    The uft fucked him over bigtime.

    1. I have some experience and recommendations.

  21. Yes 1223, you get all that, so do what most do, get your 128K plus pro rata plus per session and watch the students do nothing and be nothing...Because that's what everyone makes us do.

    Oh, now blame me...because all the trying I did just got me targeted by students and staff for being a "Harsh" grader. The only harsh grader in the school. Can someone tell me how a high school student passes science and math with 18% attendance? I asked that for the last decade. Never got an answer except that attendance doesn't count.

    Why is it that porter made her own children go to school but everyone else can stay home and pass? A word from the uft would be nice.

  22. 8:39
    The rant against someone who happens to be a person of color who shows support for the LGBTQ+ community is what concerned me for its implied racism and homophobia, especially if the person writing that works with children. I don't care about someone's personal, political opinions.

    -- (4:15)
    a.k.a. Dawkins

    1. @12:28 pm... you will find that 839 types spew the soft served sh^t all day. And they wake up each day, travel to their location and play teacher because they are terrified of speaking up for themselves. The same coward will then hop on a blog to blame everyone BUT themselves. You can't make this type of bad documentary up.

  23. 8:06: Even with the S/U rating, supervisors can come in unannounced. Before I was tenured, my principal always walked in unannounced. Also for Summer School, you get S/U and they can walk in unannounced also. Also, don't forget with an S/U rating system, it is actually very easy for a teacher to get a U. All you need is one letter in your file to justify a U rating. With the present evaluation, although very flawed, it is actually very difficult to get an overall ineffective rating and letters in your file don't count towards your evaluation.

  24. The rating has very little to do with whether the DOE will bring a teacher up on 3020a charges or discontinue a teacher. We need a better system.

  25. Maximum observations would be a nice start.

  26. The issue with APPR, S U system or any system is it all comes down to one thing and that is,’does the person observing you like you?’ If they do, great, you’re good.

    If they don’t like you, you’re s$&t out of luck. These systems can make or break people. A vindictive principal will observe you poorly.

    Any lesson can be good or bad. It is all in the eyes of the observer.

  27. Im sorry but I don't understand. If the state moved forward and came to a decision, why would it be questioned here in NYC? Isn't the ruling for entire NY? Or is NYC separate?

    1. Says districts may decide not to use appr... Doesn't say they can't.

  28. Hahaha you’re still using the “you’re a racist and homophobe” play. Aww sweeties. That bullshit left town with Jussie. You people just love hiding from or fighting with your administrators. I prefer to con the shit out of them and get HE ratings and extra perks. Life is about everything but the DOE. Be the martyrs while I toast marshmallows and dance merrily around the stake.

  29. Suker: 683 is summer program for District 75

  30. 1:38
    I have no idea what you are going on about so let me clarify:
    1. Someone (you?) seemed angry about a leader of "the bluest city in the state run by a LGTBQ loving non white guy". That comment seemed racist and homophobic to me so I commented on it. Not sure why such observations are bullshit. A person is entitled to those opinions, true, but they were disheartening at a minimum.
    2. I don't know who "you people" refers to.
    3. I do not hide nor fight from administrators since we have a relationship of mutual respect.
    4. I get my HE ratings legitimately and the perks I get are earned.
    5. I do not dance but I do walk with integrity.

    I wish you well on the path you have chosen.

    -- Dawkins.

    1. 138 sounds like the same "anonymous" who is a real new yawker and has bar room fights. They have been wearing their "mask" way before Covid. That fool spewed ignorance day in and out about "fooling" administration and earning six figure salary. What a tool. Dawkins is reading @138. Take lessons

  31. I'm looking for a big Unity win. 75-80 percent. Enough to show you guys that you're out of touch. I say Mulgrew is very popular. Tomorrow, one of us will crow. If I'm wrong, I'll eat crow instead. You guys will never admit you're wrong. If Mulgrew takes 90% you'd say the election was stolen or some nonsense.

  32. More mental health services are desperately needed. Smh.

  33. More classes on the Holocaust are needed for the antisemite who threatened to go all in on the Holocaust. Talking to you 8:08.

  34. Lmao @744am. Im glad I got under your skin. Its waa so easy and so worth it. Wear your mask

  35. When do the results come out for UFT election?

  36. They are counting them now. No tea leave reading from me right now.

  37. 7:44 - what precisely does "go all in on the holocaust" mean?? You seem highly triggered by this.

    1. @740pm. They wouldn't know. Their understanding of the word "woke" is also wrong. Let them stay triggered and bothered. I luv it.

  38. 9:49 (waitingforsupport). You really think 138 has bar room fights? She sounds like she (and it is a she) would hide in the bathroom til it's all over. She can't even take on her Admin, you think that marshmallow toasting punk is going to fight in bars? I don't think so. Probably gets beat up in bars for mouthing off too much.

  39. @743. I'm not sure if 138 is the same blowhard anonymous who typed tough--the phrasing is similar. Either way they are a mask wearer who has worn a mask even before the pandemic. Coward

  40. LOL @ "a mask wearer who has worn a mask even before the pandemic". That's funny. It definitely sounds like the same buffoon with the "I con them and get HE ratings" even while she writes that they get her to do their dirty work in exchange. You're right, she's a coward.

  41. A teacher cannot be fairly evaluated based on a two, 20 minute visits a year. It must be based on a more holistic view.


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