Sunday, July 24, 2022


This came from Class Size Matters Executive Director Leonie Haimson this morning. 

Dear James--

1. Great news! Late Friday afternoon, Judge Lyle Frank of the State Supreme Court granted a Temporary Restraining Order to block the devastating school budget cuts, in response to the lawsuit filed by four parents and teachers on July 18. Our press release is here, along with a copy of the court order. This big win for NYC kids was reported on NY1, Gothamist, the NY Post, Daily News and many other outlets.

On Monday, the city will file papers arguing against the TRO, and on Tuesday, the pro bono attorney for the plaintiffs, Laura Barbieri of Advocates for Justice, will file reply papers. On Thursday, August 4 at 10AM the case will be heard at the NY State Supreme Court, and the public is invited to attend.

Meanwhile, Laura and I will be holding a briefing via Zoom this Monday, July 25 at 4 PM for those who are interested in joining the lawsuit as plaintiffs or just want to hear more about the case. You can sign up here.

2. While the Council is said to be negotiating in private with Mayor Adams to allow at least some of the budget cuts to be restored, on Friday it was revealed that the Mayor demanded as a condition that the Council agree to lock in school budget cuts in future years if enrollment continues to decline.

This would be completely unacceptable and possibly illegal -- especially if Gov. Hochul signs the class size bill, which would require the DOE to send more funding to schools. The Fair Student funding formula is aligned to excessive class sizes and must be totally revamped in any case.

Speaking of class size, please sign our petition to Governor Hochul urging her to sign the bill now has more than 9,000 signers. Please sign it yourself if you haven't already and/or share it with friends and allies.

More soon, Leonie

Leonie along with Advocates for Justice are doing the work that the UFT should be leading or at least joining in on. My educated guess is that the UFT is too afraid to publicly oppose Mayor Adams, particularly with the UFT Contract expiring in September. They fear antagonizing him. 

I personally don't think it matters much as there are two weak unions in NYC (DC 37 or the UFT) that mayors easily can count upon to settle on a contract for each round of collective bargaining, and then because of pattern bargaining, all other city unions are stuck with the pattern raises, or lack thereof, set by DC 37 or the UFT. This round will more than likely be no different. Whether DC 37 or the UFT goes first, it isn't going to much matter. Both unions settle for whatever the city offers traditionally. We touched on this in June but it was not one of our best-read pieces.

Anyway, I will be on the Zoom information session with Leonie and Laura on Monday and I hope some of our activist teachers/parents will join us. 

As for our anonymous comment army, please step forward.  I'd like to remind you not to complain so much if you aren't willing to come forward and get involved. 


  1. I’m genuinely concerned about becoming an educator. My goal is to make a difference, even if small. However, NYC is not a small town that I can just pay rent or my guaranteed student debt, with three sea-shells and hope. Between the budget cuts and the lack of support for various projects, it seems foolish. I will still push forward for this career, but I’m nervous. I have some hope though not only parents but councilmen and others pushing back on the ludicrous decisions.

  2. You can make a difference in so many ways within education, and specifically as an educator there is a wide variety of opportunities, though most come with pitfalls, usually in the form of poor vision from atop, often superintendents and/or principals. Still, good experience for many fields, to a point.

  3. lol 8:48 run!!!! DOE is a cesspool of shit worse than andy dufrane had to climb through to escape Shawshank.It will only get worse as new york and california will be where the walking dead/sheep live in next 5 years

  4. So $38B for 1 year isn’t enough?

  5. 7:51: Since you haven't started yet, you may want to relocate to a state that needs teachers so it might be easier to get a job in a school you would like. Be careful joining the nyc doe because after several years, you become their hostage. Our country needs teachers, but you need to find a school that works for you and makes you happy. Good luck!

    1. Hostage by golden handcuffs though.

  6. Sorry 7:51. I agree with those who say run. The NYC DOE is an abusive environment. Look elsewhere.

  7. Anybody have a nice breakdown? I know there’s a separate 20B for bldg acquisition and repair, over 5 yrs I think. I assume that does not include maintenance, rent when applicable, taxes, etc. on the school bldgs.
    How much goes to students, how much to staff in salaries, how much to programs for training and PL, how much to all of the supervisors and staff of the various offices in the DoE? How much for testing?
    1859 schools
    75,000 teachers
    1M students, or so
    Admin? Other staff? Supt’s? Total number of bldgs and floors?

  8. I understand that you can relocate, but I see the pay is lower and some places do not offer insurance for their teachers. I will look into it.

  9. John C. Liu

    Reducing class sizes is not an unfunded mandate. The state is at long last fully funding foundation aid with $1.6B every year so NYC can provide a sound basic education for our kids. Spoke w/ @errollouis about how @nycschools can and should make it happen.

  10. David C.,Banks Tweets pure irony
    Financial literacy is critical for our students to succeed & thrive! Thank you to Beacon HS & @WORLDOFMONEYORG for ensuring our students have the knowledge & tools they absolutely need for the future.

  11. Alex Zimmerman
    The DOE has responded to the judge's order and ask that it be reversed. City lawyers say it will lead to "operational confusion at best and chaos at worst."

  12. I'm sure Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size matters, is a wonderful human being. To be honest though, she should be fired from her own made up position because for as long as I can remember the class size on the high school level here in the amazing freak show world of the DOE is a 34 student capsize. It's been 34 for decades. I'm not sure if James or anyone else remembers a lower class size cap other than 34 or what year it was but c'mon, you can't be the Executive Director of Class Size Matters when there are no results for class size. Again I'm sure Leonie is a super lady but the truth is, her organization should now be referred to as Class Size Never Mattered. Actually in our next contract I predict the UFT will settle on 40 in a class as part of a minimal raise in return.

    1. The only thing the DOE listens to is a big axe from the top. That’s how the BOE became the DOE.

    2. Totally get the frustration, but the problem is not Leonie. A lot of the problem is the focus on outside solutions, alternatives to regular public schools: specialized schools, gifted&talented programs, charters. And chopping up the big schools, but not providing more buildings and space (to say nothing of support staff and enriching programs) — well, brilliant. Anything but really supporting regular public schools.

    3. Ok 8:29, I mean Eeyore.

  13. Of course you have to look into where you are going to move. You also want to see if it is a right to work state which means no unions. The pay is lower yes, but the cost of living is also a lot less too.

  14. Mr. David C. Banks,

    John C. Liu says that reducing class size is NOT AN UNFUNDED MANDATE.
    because NY state is fully funding foundation aid with $1.6 billion each rear.

    I guess that implies that you are liar since June 1,2022 statement claimed that reducing class size is an unfunded mandate and I quote you "Regarding the bill limiting class sizes in NY City Public Schools - This bill specifically targets NY City public schools with a massive unfunded mandate from NY State."

    So, the evidence shows that you are a liar, and it is clear that you are unfit to serve as chancellor. Sadly, for the children who attend NY City public schools, you serve at the pleasure of Mayor Adams who is a big, big clown.

  15. Jeez, 8:29 - Someone spends over 20 years as a parent volunteer putting class size in front of us while the UFT ignores it and you denigrate her. If there is ever a glimmer of reducing class size it will be due to her work. In your world let's all stop fighting climate change because it hasn't happened. Let's give everyone their own nuke because we haven't abolished weapons of destruction. An actual class size bill was passed this year -- even if Hochul doesn't sign it it is on the agenda due to Leonie.

  16. @ed notes, clearly you have a connection with Leonie which is perfectly fine. You should come to her rescue in such an embarrassing display. 20 years huhh? Wow, thank you for pointing that out. Most coaches, managers, etc would've been terminated after just a few years but not Leonie because she's a volunteer parent. Nice! I never said anything about her character and I even mentioned I'm sure she's a great lady but let's be honest, her track record at 20 years of trying to reduce class size is a total embarrassment or Ineffective! Enough with the sob story ed, does she sell brownies too? Should we order some baked goods from her because she's a volunteer parent? Class was ALWAYS 34 and will never be reduced in NYC so her efforts, although fantastic, are ultimately a zero. Let's defend her because she's nice. Has she reduced class size in the past 2 decades? Her organization name is "Class Size Matters".

    1. 2:38 were you the one kvetching on another thread that you do nothing all day? Ill bet anything its the same person. Embarrassing

    2. Your argument for blame makes no real-world sense, given that the ‘real world’ here is the City and DoE, not a local sphere one individual should be able to influence.

    3. 238 sometimes the wheels of change can be slow. I bet you've been teaching for over 20 years and you haven't been succe...oh forget it.

  17. We are within a Hochul signature or a Legislature override of starting down the road to getting those lower class sizes in reality for NYC kds. We don't get near there without Leonie. I am grateful that Leonie is determined and hasn't given up. I respect her persistence. 2:38, I think you are just wrong here.

  18. Change takes time when you are dealing with a multitude of things to accomplish a goal, plus people who oppose it. Nothing happens over night. She has dedicated herself to this and clearly there was an outcome.

  19. Leonie's efforts are the only reason that lower class size is being seriously considered. Moreover, her role as a watchdog over city contracts has saved hundreds of millions of dollars.

  20. Leonie
    .@nycmayor why with $5B in unspent federal education funds & $1.3B in additional state funds & $8B in city reserve are you cutting school budgets & hurting the NYC kids you claim to care about? Don’t force parents & kids to sell lemonade! #RestoretheCuts!

  21. I see all the support for Ms. Haimson but truthfully she has not won the battle in over 20 years. I might be the only one that agrees from a technical point or in a court of law if asked "Have you accomplished the goal of lowering class size?" The answer is no. Maybe she should run for political office to cement her vision. I agree with the ineffective rating of lowering class size. It never happened.

  22. Troll move, this entire argument.

  23. Leonie plays the long and short game and in the end by never giving up she will win this. We will at some point get lower class sizes.


  24. Seemingly or truly nonsensical stance (often a trap in itself), needlessly inflammatory, needlessly insulting, sometimes overly aggressive and challenging, yet a clear bias in one direction that belies the ulterior motive. Troll. Garden variety.

  25. Bad attitude @2:38 Change takes a long time, but even if you disagree with ednotes why do you feel the need to double down on your insults hurled at Leoni? Her track record of 20 years is a total embarrassment? Why so damn hostile? It took suffrage 40 years, and other fights just as long, as you sit on the sidelines asking for their termination. Are you going to step up? I doubt it, people like you never do. Just yell and boo from the sidelines. We're not going to "defend her because she's nice", we're going to support her because she's right. Thank her instead of slinging mud.

  26. It takes 20 years to have more schools built? Only takes a year or two to accomplish. How do you lower class sizes without building more schools? Why do we not have 20 vocational high schools schools across city? Why do we not have more autobody like they do at Smith HS.

    Leonie could be a fighter, like the Bills in the 90s she's still a close loser with no real change. Then again we have males playing women's sports and there is no women's movement or uproar about that.

  27. I was the “kvetcher” as you would say, 2:57.. I did not bash Leonie. I admire her. Does that make you hate her now,2:57? She must be evil if I like her, right? The woman dedicated her life volunteering for a good cause and gets shit on here by a self righteous tool. Then some other tool blames someone else for the comment. 2:38, the Leonie basher, is one of your kind. Can’t pin that one on me.

    1. Now you're just babbling @ 7:49. You have no idea what my "kind" is. Everything is pinned on you. How about that?

    2. 7:49 you're always bragging about the money you've made and your 7 figure TDA so you sound just like the Leonie basher. Yep, its you, Debbie Downer.

    3. 7:49 Anon2323 is right above joining ths Leoni bashing with some general bashing about women sports that makes him sound like some Archie Bunker typo old uncle. He's one of your kind.

  28. @10:29pm
    Slinging mud? You must be a Jets fan. Last time they won the Super Bowl was 1969. Hey she's a great lady who fights the fight. She lost. That's the bottom line. She hung in there round after round. The NYCDOE will never lower class size even if this Governor signs it, which she's not. The powers that be finally threw this poor woman a bone and it got to the Governor's office. I support her because "She's Right!" Unfortunately, you can be "right" and nothing ever changes. Ed Notes and James should present her with an award (at least) for all her hard work over the past 2 decades. I'm glad James literally wrote, "We will at some point get lower class sizes." Remember that quote James. My sources at Tweed are noting one of the givebacks for our new teacher raise is to actually raise class size to 38 in high schools. WoooHooo Goooo Class Size Matters! She's so "Right", after decades of work she deserves a medal. I have over 3 decades of teaching experience. Doesn't make me "Right" about anything. I hope she made some money somehow after all her hard work. I know I did and my pension is waiting along with my seven figure TDA.

    1. One of the givebacks is raising class size to 38? I don't believe that for one minute.

  29. Leonie
    Breaking! This AM, Judge Lyle Frank rejected City's request to vacate his Temporary Restraining Order blocking the budget cuts to schools. All legal papers filed so far, including his order & Plaintiff's response filings to City's request posted here:…

  30. Judge upholds pause on hundreds of millions in NYC school budget cuts
    By Alex Zimmerman, Reporter, Chalkbeat New York
    , July 27, 2022 12:26 PM

  31. Nope. You perpetually unsatisfied teenybopper leftists bashed Leonie. Men in women’s sports is problematic to the women in women’s sports. Anon2323 is as usual ahead of the pack.

  32. 1:35. I thought Debbie Downers were, you know, downers. Bragging doesn’t exactly go along with being down. If one is excited about their tda balance, they are the opposite of down. You leftists have no sense about anything logical do you? BY the way I’ve never mentioned my tda. Again you assume all posts you don’t like are from the same person.

    1. 11:52 lol. You say that "again you assume all posts are from the same person". What are you talking about? Maybe you're assuming I'm someone else. And nope, not illogical at all, Debbie Downer. Bragging because because one is happy is one thing. You just brag to troll the board on how you made while faking it the whole time.

    2. 11:52 btw liar, didnt you admit you were the one kvetching on the other thread? So yeah, kvetchers are complainers and Debbie Downers. Lol @ the Trumptard.

  33. 5:36 Anon also bashed Leoni dopey. Ahead of what pack? People have been talking about men in sports for a long time. Are you in sports? Why do you care so much except for you seem to like having your panties in a bunch.

    1. Why do you care so little? Read Title IX. God bless

    2. Oh almost forgot, I don’t wear panties @ 1:42pm.

  34. 8:05 oh yeah Title 1X. You care sooo much about random children and sports, and care nothing about students in front of you every day. Yeah right. Unlike you I decide what to care about. ALL of the issues that you bring up are what you regurgitate from far-right wing news, including the drag show restaurant, that all of a sudden is so important to you what other parents do with their children. GTFOOH. You are nothing but a fake and a phony, which btw, you readily admit to. Lol.

    1. Wrong person you are replying to. Please take it easy and breath it will be ok. Gotta love the easily triggered liberal mind or is it mindless? I crack myself up please continue your emotional rants. I looked forward to reading them. God bless my friend.

  35. 1:23. I don’t think you know what kvetching means.


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