Monday, June 24, 2024

A Victory for Our Voices, A Fight for Our Future: Healthcare on Our Terms

We did it! Michael Mulgrew's reversal on forced Medicare Advantage Plans is a monumental win for UFT retirees. This victory wasn't handed to us – it's the result of tireless grassroots pressure and unwavering resolve.

For too long, the narrative has been: the Union leadership makes decisions, we accept them. But this win flips the script. It proves that our voices have power. It's a reminder that we, the members, are the Union.

This victory exposes a crucial truth: the current leadership structure leaves retirees particularly vulnerable. The secret Medicare Advantage agreement is a glaring example. We need a fundamental shift to ensure our healthcare needs are truly represented.

Here's how we turn this win into lasting change:

Dissolve the Municipal Labor Committee (MLC). Their negotiations ran counter to our interests and shrouded in secrecy. We deserve better.

Demand real negotiations for health and welfare benefits. Every decision impacting our healthcare must involve our input and approval.

Eliminate conflicts of interest. Union-run benefit bureaucracies can prioritize their own agendas over ours. We need independent representation.

Separate retiree and active member healthcare negotiations. This removes conflicts and allows each group's needs to be addressed fairly.

Transparency, transparency, transparency! No more backroom deals. Every negotiation needs to be open and accessible to the membership.

The fight isn't over. We can't trust the current leadership to represent our best interests if they operate in the shadows. Let's harness the power of this victory, demand a transparent, member-driven approach to healthcare, and secure the benefits we deserve.

Together, we can build a stronger UFT that truly fights for ALL its members.

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