Tuesday, June 25, 2024

ICE Calls For a Unified Effort to Replace Unity Caucus and Bring our Union into the Modern Age

The Independent Community of Educators (ICE), a key advocacy group within the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) since 2003, calls on all UFT members, regardless of political affiliation or caucus connection, to join in a mission to replace Michael Mulgrew and his Unity Caucus and install a broad based leadership that genuinely fights for its members, broadens decision making in the UFT through democratic reforms, and gets tangible results in alignment with the priorities of its members. This effort may require the caucuses to at times restrain themselves from competing with each other to achieve this common goal. Let's build a united front where individuals within the UFT, no matter caucus or not, join in a common effort and aim at restoring a key tenet of unionism—being member drive .

As we witness the growing discontent among our ranks and the erosion our ability to meet the needs of our students and patients, it is clear that the current leadership has failed to meet the needs and expectations of UFT members or protect the people we serve. Our members deserve leaders who are not only committed to advocating for their rights but also capable of delivering meaningful and positive changes for the community as a whole.

In the wake of the historic victories in the Retiree and Paraprofessional chapters, we urge all members to come together and support this movement to bring about the leadership change that our union and our city desperately needs. We need leaders who will prioritize the well-being of educators, support staff, and retirees, and who will stand up to external pressures without resorting to intimidation or bullying tactics. In addition to a leadership that understands what unionism truly stands for and contributes to the elevation of all the people in the city whom we work with and serve.

ICE-UFT envisions a future where UFT leadership is transparent, democratic, and responsive to the concerns of its members. A leadership that fights for its members, instead of focusing on alliances with politicians and administrators that actively work against us. Our voices are being silenced by management and by our union which directly affects us and what we can provide to those who rely on our expertise. 

Our goals include:

Fighting for Members: Ensuring that all negotiations and decisions are made with the input of all members in the best interests of educators, nurses, support staff, and retirees in mind.

Ending Bullying by DOE and UFT Staff: Creating a respectful and supportive environment within our schools and union where every member feels valued and heard.

Achieving Results: Delivering on promises and implementing effective strategies to improve working conditions, compensation, and benefits for all members by activating our membership so they are empowered to advocate for the the conditions and systems that work for all. 

We believe that with new leadership, we can restore trust in the UFT and build a stronger, more unified organization that truly represents and advocates for its members and the people they serve.

We invite all UFT members to join us in this crucial effort. Together, we can bring about the changes necessary to ensure our union remains a powerful and effective advocate for educators, nurses and support staff  who contribute to and serve New York City and its citizens. 

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