Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Survey Request - Please Complete

Hi Everybody, hoping your 2024-2025 school year is off to a good start! We're asking all UFT members, both in-service and retirees, to please complete the survey below.

The UFT General Election (where we vote for UFT President, UFT Secretary, UFT Vice Presidents, etc.) is coming up in May 2025. For the last few months, a group of educators and UFT members across the city have been meeting and working to plan for this election. We’re concerned about what is happening to our profession and our Union. 

If you are interested in  protecting your healthcare and pension, as well as your pay, benefits and working conditions, then please complete the survey below. 

After completing the survey, please send the survey link to at least three other UFT members that you know. Better yet, re-post the survey link on your social media account(s) and/or email the survey link to all your UFT friends and colleagues. We want ALL UFT members to be involved. 

The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. All personal information you provide will be kept confidential. Let's work together to create a more responsive, more democratic, and stronger UFT. Thank you!

In solidarity,

Chad Hamilton
Special Education Teacher
P231K UFT Chapter Leader
District 75

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