Tuesday, July 27, 2021


ICEUFT met today via Zoom. There were over 20 UFTers, mostly strong union activists, along with a couple of newer teachers. The vast majority on the Zoom were active teachers and a paraprofessional along with a few of us retirees. 

We had current chapter leaders, former chapter leaders, unionists with UFT Executive Board experience, delegates, and past delegates on the Zoom. It felt like old times at ICEUFT as there was a robust discussion on what is occurring in the schools. We agreed we need to work hard to educate UFTers on what a real union is supposed to be doing and the rank and file's role. 

After our lengthy deliberations, a resolution was presented on running in the 2022 UFT general election. We all agreed that the best way to move the UFT ahead is to unite the groups opposed to Michael Mulgrew's Unity Caucus on areas where there is common ground and then to seek to work together for next year's campaign for UFT offices.

Below is our resolution and then the rationale that was presented this afternoon. 

We urge all UFters to join what will hopefully be a movement for a real union, the kind the UFT was when it started in the early sixties. Email us at ICEUFT@gmail.com if you want to be a part of it.


As passed unanimously by the Independent Community Educators at our meeting of July 27th, 2021

Whereas The UFT Leadership Unity Caucus, the ruling one-party system that has suppressed democracy and stifled member participation under a 60-year hegemonic, unilateral control of the UFT, has failed the membership on a number of issues and can only be seriously challenged by a united opposition,

Be it Resolved: The Independent Community of Educators urges all UFT opposition caucuses and non-affiliated independents within the UFT to come together and form a full and united slate to run against the Unity Caucus in the 2022 United Federation of Teachers union-wide elections. 

The Covid 19 pandemic, with its challenges and life and death consequences for our union family, has forged new relationships between opposition caucuses, groups and independent union members within the United Federation of Teachers.

A growing consensus and collective spirit towards greater cooperation has blossomed among those opposed to the Unity leadership and have found common cause in fighting for a better union and safer schools during the pandemic.

This cooperation has been evident in seeking to mutually coordinate around vital issues for rank and file members fighting against the privatization of Medicare for our senior retirees; and mobilizing to organize and cooperate within the Delegate Assembly for common agendas.

It is our fundamental belief that only a full and United Slate in the 2022 UFT union-wide election can challenge the ruling one party system that has suppressed democracy and stifled member participation under the 60 year hegemonic, unilateral rule of the Unity Caucus.

This United Slate will be formed by UFT members who believe a better, democratic union is not only necessary, but presently possible. Our union leadership must energetically and responsively involve, engage, and educate its members at all times. Together we can fight for this!

The goal of the United Slate would be to challenge the Unity Caucus in order to ensure they are responsive and transparent to our members. We will use the election as a platform to educate all union members about the dangers of an increasingly isolated leadership that makes decisions for us, not with us. If we were to win seats on the Executive Board, which historically speaking is very possible, we would work in concert to give voice to members of our union, bring member’s issues to the leaders that they have otherwise chosen to ignore, and speak truth to power. 

The members of Independent Community of Educators, which in the past has won seats on the UFT Executive Board in coalition with other groups and as founding members of MORE, will assist in providing logistical support for the union-wide elections through completing petitioning efforts, canvassing, electoral analysis, media promotion and distribution.

We also call on all caucuses and UFT members opposed to one party ruling Unity Caucus to come together now when there is common cause at UFT district/borough level Chapter Leader meetings, Delegate Assemblies, Executive Board meetings and to secure a better contract for all members during the upcoming negotiations. 

We need not and can not work together on every one of our platform/program points. There are political differences amongst the groups, but on issues where we find ourselves under the same banner, and we know there are many times when this will be and has been the case, we ought to find the means to coordinate for the betterment of our union, its members and the families we serve. 


Anonymous said...

Just to get 9%?

Valencia Wilson said...

Finally a ray of hope! NY Brightest we can do this. The work begins now.

Anonymous said...

Totally right Valencia.

Anonymous said...

This is literally the best news I have heard all summer. SOLIDARITY/ICE/NEW ACTION/MORE get it going!!!

Anonymous said...

It cannot be done unless all other groups unify and get the word out. Unity will do whatever it takes to win. I remember a previous vote where instruction on how vote were printed on a flyer and hand written on it and placed in every teacher's mailbox in my school was how to vote for unity across the board.

Anonymous said...

As much as I hate MORE, they do have a good following and I hope they are willing to participate in this. SOLIDARITY has an even bigger following and they have tough as nails folks willing to put in a great fight against Unity. The sooner this gets organized the better. I am totally willing to hand out flyers if and when a unified front happens for the elections.

Bronx ATR said...

Unity will sit back, watch and wait for their competitors to fight over unrelated topics and get upset over some type of ideological detail. (We must support BLM! No,BLM is anti -Semitic! No, it isn’t!) Then the folks with huge egos will start getting upset when someone else is picked who will get more attention than them. Then the shouts that, ‘I can’t work with this person’, ‘the cult of personality’, and ‘this person stabbed me in the back will occur’. James, if you can anticipate this and rein in those that don’t see the big picture, you can hopefully stop it. And I certainly hope and wish everyone the best. It’s in everyone’s best interest that Mulgrew and Unity are removed. They have already begun their planned screwing of everyone but the temporary teacher. And by temporary teacher, I mean the person who comes in with the mindset of five years and they’re out. Mulgrew has become Bloomberg, in that he is using a detailed marketing strategy and business plan for the Uft.

Pete Zucker said...

No MORE involvement and it's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

MORE needs to get out of the social justice warrior mentality and get in the real fight which is against Mulgrew. There is no time for liberal squabbling about societal issues right now when we the real enemy is the Unity Caucus and the DOE. MORE has followers and boots on the ground in many schools and they need to be included in a united front for next UFT election.

Anonymous said...

Bronx ATR is right. Also If the first set of demands out of any united front are social ‘justicy’ Im not interested. Unity already has that. Will not support MORE’s SJW cause.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. MORE is lousy with unrepentant Stalinists They never change. They don't care about teachers, or schools. They only care about World Revolution. And then there are the Warriors. They just care about woke nonsense. If MORE has any say, you can kiss a unified opposition goodbye. And Unity loves a good commie. So easy to beat. Bring back Kit Wainer. Lovely man, and a dedicated communist. Unity in power for 60 more years!!

nerd said...

I think if Mulgrew squeezes out a contract with DiBlasio (before he leaves office no matter how crappy it is) he'll win again which would be horrible.

Anonymous said...

322. Stalinists? No, I don't think so. Communists, certainly. World revolution would be part of the crappy Trotskyist ideology anyway, not Stalinism.

We care very deeply about our colleagues, and our community. Warriors indeed. Love warriors, baby, love warriors. You see, the real roadblock to a united front would be the attitude that you're bringing.

Anonymous said...

1:22. Social justice is tied to our working conditions. It is the community we work for, and some us live here too. Education is a social issue. Your instant rejection to things, before anything has been laid out, is not helpful to solving the big problems we must overcome with Unity and our union.

Anonymous said...

Pete you are off to a terrible start.

Anonymous said...

This is very positive news and a smart approach.

As alluded to above, the real question is: Can those with strong opinions who oppose Mulgrew put aside their egos and work together? A few people above already indicate that they can't see past their own strong opinions.

In other words, the only way to oust Unity is for anti-Unity leftists and anti-Unity rightists to agree that they hate Unity more than they hate each other's political ideologies (which are mostly irrelevant to contract issues, anyway). Will those of you with strong opinions accept this challenge?

Anonymous said...

Best Luck!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea, focus needs to be on teacher in the trenches issues, needs and concerns, not SJ issues.

Teachers should have contractual raises that keep up with the rise in Cost of living in nyc and the new norm inflation pricing at bear minimum. ( a loaf of bread is $3.79 and gallon of milk well over $4.00, Gas, highest its been in 3-4 years!) Oh, let's not forget pharmacuticals and co-pays.
-abusive admins with excessive Danielsen drive by's, poor observation reports
-unpaid preps for IEP meetings, coverage's, bussing, proctoring
-enforcible discipline standards
-scheduling abuses
-actual time provided for mandatory PD's within the school day i.e. blood born -pathogens, sexual harassment training, trauma informed training... the list goes on
-docking pay if late due to significant transportation delays
These are trench issues.

waitingforsupport said...

Absolutely love warriors!!!

waitingforsupport said...

I agree with you

Anonymous said...

And what is your stance on vaccines?

NYC Mayor de Blasio on vaccines:

“We’ve got to shake people at this point and say ‘c’mon now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate as a country…free testing, incentives, friendly warm embrace — the voluntary phase is over.”

Must be all those Trump voters in NYC.

James Eterno said...

Read Sunday's posting 9:48.


David Suker said...

Can’t someone put together an in person meeting. I’ll even wear a mask. I’m not doing bullshit videoconferencing.

David Suker said...

I’m not getting vaccinated unless forced. My body, my choice. You liberal turds can jump in a lake!


Anonymous said...

Lol. No chance. But keep begging. Keep hoping. Nobody has learned since 2005.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all you hypocrits:choice to abort a life but no choice to vax?really??

Anonymous said...

David Suker says that the choice is his to take the vaccine. But his actions affect everyone else since herd immunity won't be reached without him and others like him. I know Dave and I am sure he would risk his life to save a stranger in need. And yet he won't get the shot because of some slim to none chance of a side effect. It is a strange disconnect. In this case, heroism is easy. Get a shot to save your own life and someone else too.

Anonymous said...

1056 false equivalency. A woman's right to choose doesn't affect YOU in any way. What part of that don't you understand.

Bronx ATR said...

I 100% respect your viewpoint. I used to feel exactly the same way. That was until I started researching what is happening in India. It’s beyond horrifying and I would not want to see it happen here. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Abortion remains the greatest evil we have in this country by far, but to choose not to get a vaccine and endanger everyone, including yourself, is unconscionable. And I get that people don’t trust anything being told to them by any authority, including the CDC. As teachers we know how to do research and look at all manner of information to discern some semblance of the truth. Peace.

Anonymous said...

543. I would. This is a common goal worth fighting for.

James Eterno said...

Let's try to stick to UFT politics here although I understand the mandatory vaccination is an issue. The vaccine was the central focus of two different postings in the last few days.

Anonymous said...

What specific social issues taken on by MORE do people have a problem with? The term SJW is a right wing talking point that is political, divisive, and vague.

Anonymous said...

Many in MORE are fans of defunding the police. That right there is enough for me to hate them.

Anonymous said...

4:19 LOL. I'll bet you support all those people who have been disparaging the Capitol law enforcement the past few days. You're all hypocrites. But my, my, thanks for the tip, because as I narrow my MORE search to "defund the police" they're referring to removing them from the schools, and making sure that EDUCATION is not impacted. I have no problem with that:

This is one of MORE's statements on "defund the police": "Mayor de Blasio wants to expand the police Department even as the Department of Education is being cut by over $700 million".

"While billions of city tax dollars fund the NYPD, school communities in NYC are being told to do more with less. The governor and mayor currently want to cut $641 million from our schools next year while the NYPD is set to receive a $5 million dollar increase from the preliminary figures released in January. Under these figures, the loss to education will be 28 times greater than what is cut from policing."

"As a first step in defunding the police, these employees should be brought back into the Department of Education as they were before the Giuliani administration. This shift can open up further discussions about what “safety” should look like in our schools and how we truly implement restorative practices without the presence of the NYPD."

But go ahead and keep hating, because that right there will be the gateway for Mulgrew getting back in. In fact, if I were him, I would encourage you to continue.

waitingforsupport said...

I don't know what defund the police means. I do believe the police departments needs to be transformed from its original purpose.

Anonymous said...

Yes, only one caucus can run against Unity, not 5 of them.

Anonymous said...

Connection to abortion relates right to choose to do with one's own body. I have the right to kill a fetus but not to avoid poisoning myself?

Anonymous said...

MORE people and Solidarity won't work together. So, it's just a question of whether MORE steps back. It's not so much a question of disagreeing with social positions. It's a question of emphasis and priority. Bread and butter issues are not where MORE is at.

waitingforsupport said...

Is on point. Pls step back if you don't want to catch their smoke. Rofl

Anonymous said...

12:56 it’s not about a particular point the more general idea is a union should fight for bread and butter issues. If you are concerned with social justice issues than on your own protest and address them and vote that way. But don’t hijack a union to do it.

Anonymous said...

Teachers who worked during Coronavirus are getting 1000 bonus in certain states. I wonder how much NY will give us.

David Suker said...

I’ll think about it. I also don’t like the propaganda approach. I’m just anti authoritarian. Blame my dad!

Anonymous said...

@548 well SURE. If you're going to get hysterical and LIE about poisoning your
body then I guess you'll make those types of fallicious arguments. But with that being said, how about you go FIRST and explain why it's ok to deny women the right to choose when you're so hung up on the topic?

The government is not forcing ANYONE to vaccinate themselves. They said vaccinate or mask, and if you haven't heard, Republicans have their panties in a bunch about that too. Vaccinations have always been required in educational settings so the only reason to get so hysterical about it now is because of right-wing brainwashing.

Wacky Majorie Greene is LYING - nobody is going to blackboot stomp your door down, force you to vaccinate yourself, and you won't be imprisoned, unlike doctors who do face charges and hardships for abortions. You may however have to make some choices. Don't want to vaccinate, you may have to find another line of work.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Is Randi talking strike an issue?

Teachers' Union Head Doesn't Rule Out Strike As States Opt For Right To Choose Over School Mask Mandate

Anonymous said...

You know what? Half of the commenters on this blog seem to be screaming liberal/socialists and the other half seem to be die hard conservatives. The fact is that whatever your political views are that you have is irrelevant in the fight to get rid of Mulgrew and Unity. To me, SOLIDARITY does not give a rats ass about folks political views as long as folks are seeking to improve working conditions for teachers in the trenches. This infighting is the exact reason why Unity wins every election. Sack up and put your politics in your back pocket and support a common slate of teachers who want Unity OUT!!!

waitingforsupport said...

@9:10 pm...
Right on

Anonymous said...

Get new Leadership in and then one of the first thing on the Agenda should be to reopen talks for ERI.

Anonymous said...

9:10 there is no "common slate of teachers" and how is you claiming that one's political views are irrelevant helpful AT ALL? If MORE is as political and social justice leaning as people claim then it's relevant that their supporters and what they'd like to see is not dismissed out of hand. Simply saying, just follow Solidarity because they know best is not going to cut it and that should be be obvious from years past.

waitingforsupport said...

@8:58 am...
Can there be a common ground for all teachers to stand on? 9:10 am said "to me". What say you? There is room at the table for all opinions. I'm hoping we are all capable of coming to a resolution that will make the life all educators happy.

Bronx ATR said...

It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Democrat, a social justice warrior or a conservative couch potato - what matters is that you want change in the UFT. And the change we all want to see is a democratic union. The problem that I see is one of a unifying goal and that goal should be the democratization of the Uft. The problem that we’re having on a micro and macro level is that we have entrusted authority figures who have betrayed us. The cry in the 70s from Wendy’s was ‘where is the meat?’ - the cry now from all of us should be ‘where is the democracy?’ From Mulgrew, deBlasio and Cuomo to the highest levels of most countries that are allowing billionaires to become de facto dictators. (We have Bill Gates changing the educational goals, values and agenda in order to facilitate everything that will make him money. He is now on a hunt to colonize nature. He is using genome sequencing and the patent office on readily available things in nature, such as seeds, in order to control the food supply. Then you have Zuckerberg with his surveillance capitalism who are using us as raw materials to mine data. The list goes on and on. Where’s the democracy?) On a very basic and micro level we have Mulgrew, who is basically a one-man show, who has rigged the entire union with his guru Randi and her merry band of psychopaths. Where is the democracy? That should be the question - everything else can be pushed to the side until it’s achieved.

Anonymous said...

I’ll stand back and watch the smoke when they inevitably set themselves and what matters to the rank and file on fire.No way I’m supporting more. Would rather have shitty unity then communists. Telling me sjw isn’t real or that their cause should matter to me seals it. Social Justice is why kids who abuse their teachers and classmates get coddled instead of suspended.

Anonymous said...

10:44, that’s a serious problem. You would prefer your hate of one group’s mind set over change for all of us. Democracy means the minority and majority have an equal say - not where the majority rules. That means that people like you and me get a say, but to throw the baby out with the bathwater is ridiculous on so many levels. Whether you’re a capitalist, socialist or communist - all of those precepts are defined on democratic principles. That principle is not apparent in the Uft - it’s an authoritarian top down rackett. Why even stay in the union if you feel this way? or if you are going to stay in it why not work to change it? Democracy is the one thing that all groups can agree on.

Anonymous said...

10:44 I believe in social justice issues and I also suspend students and don't tolerate abuse. They're not taking over my classroom. You tolerate abuse? Social justice issues don't have to matter to YOU, but if you want a unified "slate" and the members that come with it, that may be the price to pay.

But have it your way, keep the "shitty unity" because practicing tolerance is just too much for you to bear. Just stop crying about them on this blog. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

10:44 is a crybaby whiner. The only issued that anyone bothered to mention about MORE is "defund the police" and its referring to using the funds to get the police out of the schools and having a more equitable distribution with funding geared towards education. 10:44 doesnt give a crap about the population he teaches, or rather pretends to teach. What is he even talking about abusive students getting coddled. If you don't want to leave the profession, find another school, or is that too hard for you to do? You might actually have to put in some effort to make it happen.

waitingforsupport said...

Where's the beef?
Merry band of psychopaths!
Where is the democracy?
I haven't seen it

waitingforsupport said...

@11:27 am...
10:44 absolutely would prefer to burn down the house. Why on earth would this person choose education as a profession. They believe social justice is the reason why kids abuse teachers and classmates. I wish educators were mandated to take psychological exams annually becausw boy oh boy we have some doozies in the DOE.

Anonymous said...

1127. Members express concerns about more being social justice warriors and we’re insulted and told to stand back and watch. I’m not the one with the fucking problem. Conservatives were invited and disinvited a hot minute later. No caucus will get my vote unless the sjw bullshit is reined in. Better dead than red. End of story. Communists can take their ball and go home now.

Anonymous said...

@2:25 I love your response. You are so right about almost everything, except we don’t have a shitty union. (It’s the best the the world.) The communists are absolutely horrible and it’s time that people recognize that Jesus was one of them and a social justice warrior. If only we could do the same thing to MORE and all the social justice warriors that was done to Jesus! Wouldn’t that be wonderful?! Thank you for your support and thank you for voting Unity!
Michael Mulgrew

Anonymous said...

225: Where? Where has anyone pressed YOU or anybody else about being a "social justice warrior". But boo hoo you feel insulted while you go around labeling people as communists. You're the only one taking the ball and going home. I think you should stay there. FASCIST!

Anonymous said...

3:03 you almost had me. Very clever.

Anonymous said...

Working conditions need to be the focus, period! I have been around long enough to witness the evolution and actions of a variety of dissident groups within the UFT. Solidarity take the lead, you have the most credibility here. Hope the rest get smart enough to avoid Unity distractions, and stick to one central theme.

Rank and File Will Rise Again said...

Social Justice Warriors? Frick off. Go troll someone, because writing comments on a blog ain't organizing.

Anonymous said...

3:03. I don’t believe Jesus was the son of any god and I hate communists. Get it? Or are you so indoctrinated by MSNBC that you think all conservatives are bible thumpers? I’m an atheist who hates communism.

ed notes online said...

Part 2 - Come together now, oh yeah - https://ednotesonline.blogspot.com/2021/07/uft-elections-part-2-iceuft-meeting.html

ed notes online said...

Here's part 1 - https://ednotesonline.blogspot.com/2021/07/uft-elections-part-2-iceuft-meeting.html

Anonymous said...

Thank you again, 6:08. I’m right there with you. I believe in me and you. Together our belief in me and our hatred of Communists (in whatever form they appear - Christians, Jews, or sub-caucus cretins) will solidify Unity and the UFT as the best union in the world! Folks like you make me proud to be an American. We have plenty of part time gigs for our friends. Come on down to 52 Broadway and let’s talk. (Use the phrase, ‘Victory is Our’s’, so I know its you and not a MORE, Solidarity, ICE or other Communist imposter.)
Michael Mulgrew

Anonymous said...

11:03 you want him to walk into the building saying Victory is Ours. That's like the old guy walking around Time Squares yelling "The End is Near" before he was hauled off to the psych ward. So now Unity is allowed to organize on this board? Not that spewing nonsense really constitutes "organizing" by any means. You're just another troll who can't make your mind what side you're on. How about you get your own blog, LOSER, and stop trolling this one. I would've blocked your sorry ass a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, really? The guy isn’t trolling for Unity. It’s hilarious.

waitingforsupport said...

How about respect for your fellow human and teaching accurate history. Periodt.
All these damn titles mean nothing. Right wing left wing. Is there a problem with history being told the way it happened and inclusive of all participants? What are we hiding here?

Anonymous said...

@2:23 I suppose. Hahaha. I didn't see "Michael Mulgrew" at the end of it. I missed this sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 5:03. I didn’t find it humorous either. Every time I read this disgrace of a blog some some elf, troll or communist is mocking me. With deep thinkers and careful readers like yourself, I know we will prevail!
The Real MM

Anonymous said...

@9:55 your trolling is getting old and you're not even making any sense. How about you go troll elsewhere. It's not as if you're contributing anything insightful. You're only prevailing at making a complete ass of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I’m not trying to pick sides, but you kind of had that coming 6:16 and he’s very, very funny.

Anonymous said...

7:56 funny like toilet humor. It's stupid. And who cares about you picking sides (how 6th grade of you), with everyone posting as Anonymous you may as well be him for all anyone knows.

Anonymous said...

7:56, this thread was about unifying forces against Unity and all you idiots have done is turn it into second rate comedy hour and a bash MORE, mock Mulgrew session. Grow the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s very funny, smart and borders on genius. Some can’t even understand sarcasm anymore. That was not toilet humor, far from it. Just from reading this blog, I can tell there is no way people are going to be able to come together to work toward a unified goal. When I first started teaching kids, you could joke with them - now they take things literally and way to seriously - the same as teachers. 9:50/56 you’re wrong. Try not to lose a sense of humor. All the best, 7:56

Anonymous said...

I imagine it's "funny" like toilet humor in that it is childish and elementary and carters to beavis and butthead types. But fine, everyone has their own sense of humor. Borders on genius?? LMAO. You sound ridiculous. Now *that's* funny and you're just dragging it.

Anonymous said...

People who promote communism and people who despise communism can’t come together unless the sole focus is on a select few things that appeal to almost all members. If ICE, solidarity and MORE agree to that and identify their focus, they stand a chance.

When there’s talk about aligning with a caucus like MORE, expressing one’s distaste for sj and communism is not trolling. Opinions you do not agree with are not trolling. If you don’t like the commentary, don’t read it or recognize that reading something you disagree with really isn’t a big deal.

You don’t have to like it but you have to accept it’s a fact that their are UFT dues payers who think the social justice stuff is bullshit and want no part of it. We pay the same dues you pay and we’re not going away.

Anonymous said...

I agree 1:34. That’s why I think the sarcasm from ‘Michael Mulgrew’ was so brilliant. It effectively, at least in my opinion, brought out your points on the overwhelming intolerance from most teachers who have planted their flags in their respective camps. Folks will get so bogged down over minutia, even over if something was funny or not, that the larger picture is obscured. All the best to the angry, humorless folks out there. Celebrate the joy of August; it is the apex of the year.

Anonymous said...

3:30 oh shut up and stop talking to yourself. You'd think you were commenting on a Nobel Prize piece of journalism. Brilliant my ass. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well then, if it's ok to call people communists for fighting for equity in the communities, then it's just as well to call right wingers a FASCIST. Frankly calling them a troll is actually giving him the benefit of the doubt, because I'd really hate to think that such a hateful and spiteful human being could be teaching children of color. Did the shoe fit? Because the insults were being hurled both ways and just the same if they don't like what is said, they (you) TOO don't have to read it.

Anonymous said...

So fascist of us demanding freedom. Just like Adolph. Those nazis were always demanding freedom for their people, demanding we don’t use skin color or religion to judge character, praising America’s Bill of Rights, exposing Goebbel’s propaganda machine. Your comparison is spot on. I bet you teach history, you’re so knowledgeable.

Anonymous said...

Your so called "demands for freedom" are nothing but a smokescreen crock of shit. The freedoms you demands is the freedom to LIE, spread propaganda about and demonize other groups of people, and the freedom to spread the virus, freefom to discriminate against Muslims. Supporting the tyrannical aspiratons. YOU are Goebbels propaganda machine, who the hell are you trying to kid? Maybe like minded cultists who fall for your shit. Idiot. Clearly you don't even know where the hell you're standing.

Anonymous said...

Your cognitive dissonance is causing you to project.. Russia Russia Russia. Trump called nazis good people, lab leak theory is xenophobia, dont wear masks they don't protect you from virus. All Democrat propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 3:30. I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s the humorous-less, angry and concrete thinking teachers, such as yourself, that make up the backbone of our union and my biggest supporters. I have noticed the terms brilliant and genius bantered about cavalierly. Know fully well that Trump’s false claim of being a stable genius are not being claimed by me, although I do appreciate the characterization, even from critics not fully in the fold.
Michael Mulgrew

Anonymous said...

Who the hell but you is still salivating over Russia? But since you brought it up, Trumps family DID meet at the Tower with Russians hoping to get dirt on Hillary. Trump did side with Russia over U.S. intelligence in front of the world where he embarrassed himself. He DID meet with Russian spies at the White House, yukking it up and calling fellow Americans names before Russia leaked the photos. It was Steve - Ultra-conservative who said the meeting at the tower was treason. Remember him? Wanted go dismantle American government and he was Trump's right hand man. Who can forget Ivanka on a yacht in the middle of an ocean, with Putin's ex-girlfriend, smack in the middle the campaign. WTF was that about? As for the protocols on mask back in January 2020..you sound real dumb. So much has transpired since then. And yeah..the neo-NAZIs - he did say some of them were good people regardless of whatever cowardly spin you want to put on it now. The neo-Nazis sure heard it and cheered him on. They got a big laugh out of that one. You are stupid beyond redemption if you still think Trump has clean hands. His cabal of criminals have all taken a hit for him and there you are still in denial.

Anonymous said...

The guy who accuses someone of salivating over Russia just wrote a whole paragraph about Russia. Anyone else find that hysterically funny?

Can’t let fake news stand. Trump did not say neo nazis were good people. Watch the whole speech not just the cnn clip that left out the part where he condemned them. Ya been duped.

Anonymous said...

Sure dummy, won't let your fake news stand. I refute your lies with facts, unlike you, who squawks right wing garbage that you pull out of your ass. You're a moron. Not everybody needs a picture drawn or can't discern what is said or needs a racist to say "some neo-nazis are good people' to understand what he was saying. Get a grip, do your fucking job, and take your head out of Trump's colon.

Anonymous said...

10:38 Hahahaha. Now *that* IS funny. Woohoo. Wish I'd thought of that.

Anonymous said...

11:54 is hysterically looking for backup. Next he'll start responding to himself again. ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

6:11, I’ve been deleting so many emails, (from retirees looking for their retro), that I got the addressee time mixed up on my last comment. Rest assured it is you 6:11 and those like you, that hold a place of honor, in both the UFT and my heart - not 3:30. 3:30 seems to disregard the hard truth, that those of us with heightened interpersonal skills and enlightened souls realize all to well - September is just around the corner. Prepare accordingly.
Michael Mulgrew

waitingforsupport said...

Oh no... not his colon. Lmho

Anonymous said...

Dummies. For the millionth time. Trump is a narcissist and a dick. You’re still wrong about everything else. Why can’t you wrap your little heads around the fact that we agree on Trump’s personality disorder. Why can’t you guys quit him? I mean he’s not even good looking.

waitingforsupport said...

Quit him. That's another good one. Damn there are some funny commenters on this site.