Tuesday, December 03, 2024

We Must Join Forces in the 2025 UFT Elections

The Independent Community of Educators (ICE-UFT) is a longstanding opposition caucus within the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), founded in 2003 with the aim of promoting democratic reform and increased member engagement in union decision-making. ICE-UFT has been a consistent advocate for transparency, smaller class sizes embedded in the contract, better working conditions, and opposing backroom deals that compromise members’ interests. Over the years, ICE-UFT has collaborated with other reform caucuses in efforts to challenge the entrenched leadership of the Unity Caucus, which has dominated UFT politics for over six decades .

Today, ICE-UFT is calling on all members and non-members of caucuses to unite behind an independent slate for the upcoming union elections. The goal is to form a coalition capable of defeating Unity Caucus and its president, Michael Mulgrew, who has faced criticism for undemocratic practices and policies that fail to prioritize member concerns. Recent examples include the mishandling of school safety during the COVID-19 pandemic and the privatization of retiree healthcare .


In this critical moment, ICE-UFT emphasizes that only through collaboration with other caucuses, independent activists, and even current and former Unity members can the union achieve democratic reform and leadership that truly represents its membership. This is a call to action for a union that listens, empowers, and mobilizes its members for meaningful change. For more details about ICE-UFT and its efforts, you can explore our blog .

Our Union stands at a crossroads, and the choices we make in this spring's union elections will determine the future of our profession, our schools, and the working conditions that define our daily lives. For decades, Unity Caucus has dominated UFT leadership, but their tenure has been marked by a steady erosion of member rights, union democracy, and the respect that educators deserve. This is not a time for division—it is a time for action. To secure meaningful change, all opposition caucuses must unite around a single slate of candidates who will champion the core issues that matter most to our members.


To build a coalition that resonates with all members, we must focus on the universal concerns that impact every UFT member—wages, hours, and working conditions. These bread-and- butter union issues are the foundation of our shared struggle and the key to mobilizing a broad base of support.


Unity Caucus has presided over policies that have harmed our members, weakened our union, and undermined the professionalism of teaching in New York City. Their record speaks for itself:


  Loss of Medical Benefits: Unity leadership has allowed the erosion of healthcare benefits, a cornerstone of union membership.

  Wages That Don’t Keep Up with Inflation: While the cost of living soars, our raises fail to reflect the economic realities educators face.

  Attacks on Pensions and TDA Benefits: Unity has supported policies that jeopardize our financial security in retirement.

  Failure to Protect Members: Targeted educators are left vulnerable, with little support against abusive principals.

  Erosion of the Grievance Process: A weak grievance procedure leaves members without a meaningful recourse for workplace injustices.

  Neglecting Member Organizing: Unity has failed to foster grassroots organizing at the school level, the lifeblood of a strong union.

  Wasting Dues on High Salaries: Union officials enjoy inflated paychecks while rank- and-file members are left behind.

  Refusal to Bargain for Better Pay: Time-and-a-half for overtime is a basic labor standard—yet Unity settles for inadequate per-session rates.

  Allowing Micromanagement: Teachers are treated as automatons, stripped of autonomy and creativity in their classrooms.


The opposition must stand together on a platform that prioritizes:

  Restoring Union Democracy: Empower members with a transparent and participatory decision-making process.

  Advocating for Competitive Compensation: Fight for wage increases that reflect inflation and the critical work we do.

  Protecting Benefits: Safeguard healthcare, pensions, and retirement accounts from further erosion.

  Strengthening Grievance Protections: Establish a robust grievance process that holds administrators accountable.

  Organizing at the School Level: Equip chapter leaders and members with the tools they need to build solidarity in every school.

  Demanding Professional Respect: End the micromanagement and restore teacher autonomy in the classroom.


To every opposition caucus within the UFT, we urge you: set aside differences and unite behind a single slate of candidates. Lets focus on the issues that bind us togetherour shared commitment to better wages, hours, and working conditions for all educators. By doing so, we can offer UFT members a clear and compelling alternative to the status quo.


To our fellow educators, the time has come to stand up for our profession and our future. Join us in supporting a unified opposition slate this spring. Together, we can reclaim our union, restore our dignity, and build a brighter future for educators, students, and public education in New York City.


Let’s make 2025 the year of transformation. Unity’s time is up—our time is now!


John Q. Teacher said...

Is the ABC slate joining ICE or are they running a separate slate? It would be ridiculous if both ABC and ICE run separately against Unity. Gotta join forces!

Unitymustgo! said...

I registered my info with ABC, but haven't heard from them yet. I've long felt like I connect with ICE ideologically. I am interested in helping and running for a Delegate position. If you could help with connecting me with whomever I need to connect with that would be great. TY

John Q. Teacher said...

Is ABC and ICE running together or not? Inquiring minds want to know.