Thursday, September 12, 2019


It looks like there won't be much controversy at the one party state UFT Executive Board that is now 100% Unity Caucus but Arthur Goldstein is still providing reports. The report from Monday's first love fest  meeting of the school year shows that it looks like we are having an impact on getting Monday, December 23rd back as a day off.

This is directly from his minutes of President Michael Mulgrew's report:

December 23—We are continuing convos with state and city. Commissioner has resigned. Thinks we’ll get there. Should never have happened, they know they were wrong. Safety issue, under ESSA we have to report attendance. Thanks parents and teachers for getting voices heard.

Parents and teachers? Have you seen any official UFT call to action on the December 23 issue? Someone forwarded an email from a very top UFT official from the spring that said the UFT was consulted on the calendar and they tried to resolve concerns before the calendar was finalized. There may very well have been UFT acceptance.

The pressure and publicity came from the rank and file, the parents and us. We have 8,822 hits on our first December 23 piece and plenty of reaction on UFT Facebook. Others used the information we provided for their push. Our teacher and parent outrage changed this conversation. It can work but it just has to be a whole lot of us. Keep calling your UFT concierge and/or the DOE.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to talk this up at our Meet the Teacher night next week. If we get the day, it will be because of the parents, not us.

James Eterno said...

Yes but our publicizing this pushed it along.

Anonymous said...

12/23 is just the tip of it, as you all know.. They dont care about us. What about fighting a 10% raise over 7 and a half years, retro being held for 11 year with no interest, another raise that averages less than 2 percent per year over 43 months, the PPL which we paid for, the 12/23 fiasco, 6 observations when only 2 are required statewide, the forced electronic grades and/or excessive paperwork, the absentee or meaningless chapter leaders...If you would threaten the uft with pulling dues, maybe we wouldnt have gotten those lousy deals, or if you wouldve voted against the contracts or voted unity out...If 12/23 ends up being an off what? yes I want to be off, but lets not throw a victory parade.

Anonymous said...

The UFT will take credit for it, meanwhile they agreed to it. I have a friend that claims at least 25 teachers at his small Bronx high school stopped paying dues in June because they are sick of paying to be shit on. The principal is out of his mind and the UFT ignores everything.What’s the deal with this? Why does the UFT refuse to fight insane principals that are making staffs dig graves for themselves ? The UFT rep said off the record they got deal with the principals union.

Anonymous said...

This is like when we agreed to work before labor day, then gave up the 8.25 to not work before labor day, losing myself hundreds of thousands of dollars.

James Eterno said...

Let's see if we have a giveback or if they just change it.

Anonymous said...

At the meeting last night, it was brought up that students pass English class and tests being unable to write a sentence.

The uft gloats about 5000 new hires as there are 1000 ATRs and I, with 20 years, get ignored on the Open Market. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew with his yearly..."We are off to a smooth start"

Anonymous said...

Typical moronic statements on this blog.

1. There is no school in the city where 25 members opted out of dues. Not even close.

2. December 23rd was never agreed on. It was imposed. And it has always been a priority to take it back. Your advocacy has nothing to do with it.

3. When John Q. finds out we get 7% guaranteed, he lets out a howl and calls the abolition of the Union. 7% is a sweet deal and the vast majority of us are grateful that it still exists at all. If you're so concerned about union rights, look at what the state did to newbies on tier 6, not your own pocketbook and your imaginary hundreds of thousands.

James Eterno said...

UFT is consulted on calendar and could have raised a loud stink and fought it loud from the start. They waited until member and parent outrage moved them. Mulgrew thanked teachers and parents in his report. Who was advocating on NY last spring1? That would have been two teacher-parents. Who was saying we don't have enough days in the calendar or hours when we have four snow days built in? That would be Michael Mulgrew.

Anonymous said...

Go look at a compounding interest calculator, see the difference of 7 vs 8.25 over 20 or 30 years. It is hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Anonymous said...

I will do it for you...

300k at 7% with no further contributions for 20 years equals...$1,161,000
Same thing at 8.25%...$1,464,000

Over $300K in interest, over only 20 years, on a relatively small total. That is a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

Of course 7% is good, the point is that it was yet another giveback, and a huge one. I trade taking money home now for getting it when Im in my 60s or 70s. That was a hugely disastrous tradeoff...for nothing. ANd it isnt just that, as stated above, the union has failed us many times, in many ways.

Anonymous said...

8.25% is better. CSA and PSC still get 8.25%.

Anonymous said...

Who is that guy to talk about the "imaginary" money someone else has? It is a big difference. Maybe he knows nothing about the magic of compounding interest.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that may be a unity hack, or some rep making 160k sitting at 52 Broadway. Some nerve to talk about a middle class teacher losing 1.25% compounding forever like it's nothing.

Anonymous said...

Learn to read, moron - not 25 members, 25%. His school has 20 teachers on staff.

Anonymous said...

Unity hacks are not renowned for their ability to read.Look at how they interpret the contract.

Anonymous said...

10:05, My friend meant to write 25% but was hiding his school and put members instead. I am the moron who remained in the UFT.

Anonymous said...

This assumes that the entire $300,000 is in the TDA on day one. Hence this is totally misleading.

Anonymous said...

I can read. It says 25 members. Who's the moron?

Anonymous said...

204, no, it doesnt. You can have 300k at 50 years old, no longer contribute...the 7% vs 8.25% would have a 300k plus difference at 70 years old. I am 40 and have 300k in the TDA, that is why I used that number. If i were to resign today, the 300k would be left there only collecting interest.

Anon2323 said...

@12:00 doesn't our TDA double every 10.5 years. You must be banking 15-20%

I am 18 years in maxed and 10% TDA I will be 360,000 once it doubles in 2 years. Than we become millionaires in another 20.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. My point about politics stands, though. Hard to defend 8.25 esp if market tanks.

Jeff said...

I am in my 18th year, 330K in tda, yes approx double every 10-11 year at 7%. And that is just interest. People don't know what that extra 1.25% compounding means on a lot of money over many years.

Anonymous said...

Between working the 23rd or a giveback, I will work. No teaching or learning will go on that day. There will be combined classes, coverages, holiday parties, movies, card playing, etc. So thoughtless and dumb. Clearly a political message to someone.

The DOE and the UFT are so obviously corrupt and inept. How are they, the suits at the top, not embarrassed? How are they not consumed by guilt by the damage they cause and the billions they waste?

Anonymous said...

No giveback and no work on the 23rd. I would rather be with my family like every other teacher outside of NYC will be.

Anonymous said...

This is the same union that will souble dip into our checks in October

Anonymous said...

They take advantage of us every chance they get.

Anonymous said...

And when are we getting official information about 12/23?

Anonymous said...

Listen closely this week.