Sunday, November 10, 2019


The latest from Sue Edelman in the NY Post  informs the public that Council Member Robert Holden has taken the case against NYC DOE grade fraud to U.S. Attorneys.

A Queens lawmaker has asked the US Department of Justice to investigate “deep-rooted fraud” in the city Department of Education, The Post has learned.

Citing a “widespread problem” in the DOE, Councilman Robert Holden is calling for a federal probe of grade-fixing — possibly under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) — which covers wrongdoing conducted as part of a criminal enterprise, such as Mafia families.

“Due to the apparent pattern of conspiracy to cover up such deep-rooted fraud within the DOE that has likely been going on for many years now, I have been advised that this could constitute a federal RICO investigation,” Holden’s wrote in a Oct. 25 letter to US Attorneys Geoffrey Berman in Manhattan and Richard Donoghue in Brooklyn. Both did not comment.

Further down:
Holden contends the DOE does not tackle academic fraud aggressively because it inflates the graduation rate and other data.

“They’re doing it to make their bottom line look good. That’s the definition of organized crime. That’s what the DOE has turned into,” he said.

David Bloomfield, a Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center education professor, found the “conspiracy” charge too strong.

But he said, “It does appear that the central DOE is happily complacent in its oversight. They’re complacent because they can enjoy the fruits of the corrupt data.”

This piece is not shocking to anyone who reads this blog and/or works in many New York City schools. Is it organized crime? Will the UFT get caught in this? Will teachers and administrators be in legal trouble?

The likelihood of teachers who comment here being arrested who admit they pass undeserving students is not that great unless a RICO investigation truly catches fire. However, a little integrity and backbone can really help teachers and now you have a City Councilman supporting you. You might want to give your principal and chapter leader Holden's letter (see below) and stand up for yourself. When you are pressured to pass a student with 20 absences in a 25 day marking period who has done no work, show them the letter and tell them you refuse to be a part of a possible racketeering fraud that the Feds are being asked to investigate by an elected official. If your next evaluation is developing or ineffective, blow the retaliation whistle. If you continue to be complicit in the fraud, there is a chance that this might not end well.

Back to the Post article:
Applauding Holden’s request is Max Eden, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute think tank who specializes in education.

“There should be a RICO probe,” Eden said. “School and district officials face essentially no accountability or consequences for fraud. When it comes to making sure that school officials follow the law, the prospect of a bad news article is nowhere near as strong as the specter of handcuffs.”



Anonymous said...

So where is that splendid uft? We are being forced and expected to give these grades. They arent standing up for their members. And of course, as always, students get easy pass classes.

Anonymous said...

Yet again, what a surprise. We all know if we graded in reality, we would have 25% passing.

Anonymous said...

You mean 15 absences in 25 days isn't good enough?

Anonymous said...

I think it must be the fault of Trump. All remember how well they were doing during the obama presidency? Oh, wait.

Anonymous said...

With the record grad rate, how many graduate a 4 year college? On time or at all?

Anonymous said...

Assholes who comment here have all been challenged. You now have a document to give to your principal so you can give honest grades. My guess is none of you chickens, especially the ones who quit the UFT, will do it. I hope they impound James' computer and trace you fools and arrest you in the RICO sting.

Anonymous said...

How would this document help us in terms up retribution and being targeted? How would that stop students from threatening us when we fail them?

Anonymous said...

James posts another article in which the uft is complicit, letting the gravy train roll...But then gets mad when people want to opt out...Saying we need change...While is it a fact that nothing is changing...When opting out is(maybe) our only recourse. The whole system is a frsud. How you all are ok with this boggles my mind.

Anonymous said...

1207 is the asshole. You allow uft "leadership" to run over us by supporting their failure.

Anonymous said...

This article goes perfectly with students who choose to be absent just because it is Monday or Friday or cold or raining. What a sad society. This is the future?

Anonymous said...

You are part of the fraud if you are working in the system, know about the fraud and do nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

I opted out. That is my statement.

Anonymous said...

Blow the whistle on the fraud 12:18. This is your chance to man or woman up.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative action
No discipline code
No attendance policy
No suspensions
No expectations
Everyone graduates

Anonymous said...

"Integrity and backbone" are in short supply among some commenters here. Tell the US Attorney or Holden instead of making crybaby comments that nobody gives a shit about

Anonymous said...

But I'll be targeted if I speak up. Cue the tears please. Crybabies. I want UFT to get my 8.25% interest back but I want to hide because my principal may not like me.

Anonymous said...

I want the uft to get 8.25...that is their job. I want to be protected by the union...that is their job. Principals target teachers...that is happening. Hey, I opted out. You guys can figure out what you are paying for and why nothing is improving. I have spoken up...And got a file letter out of it. Uft didnt even return my phone call.

Anonymous said...

And what has happened after telling the NY Post or Holden? Nothing.

Jeff said...

Ok, so, for example, I have been complaining to the UFT for many years about waiting for a transfer to Staten Island. 18 years. Amy told me, years ago, they couldn't do anything, our way of transfer is the Open Market. Many years, no interviews, no job offers. Then Sill, same thing, more years go by. I write letters with my name and file number all the way up to Carranza. Any change? Nope. And the hardship travel clause is already in the contract. They can't even help with that.

Anonymous said...

Instead of complaining, write to the US Attorney at:

United States Attorney's Office
Southern District of New York
Attn: Civilian Crime Reports Unit (Criminal Division)
One St. Andrew's Plaza
New York, NY 10007


we should also write letters of support to Holden.

James Eterno said...

Leoni Haimson said:
A @nycschools Task Force created by former chancellor Fariña in 2015 to prevent grade-fixing and credit fraud last filed a perfunctory report in June 2017, and now appears dormant.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, 1:05 James...So before everybody says we are scabs or says we are spineless you all need to wake up and see that the scam will never end. Putting my name next to a complaint does nothing.

Anonymous said...

Backbone is continuing to pay $62 per check? Maybe you are afraid of not having a uft lawyer or getting called a scab. Step up and tell the uft NO MORE. Or dont. Doesn't matter. Not changing either way. Just read the FB pages or this blog. Non stopped complaints.

Anonymous said...

So why are all these teachers complaining? Part of it is lack of uft action. I dont think 100k people are gonna walk out. Many more people hate this job than like it.

James Eterno said...

If we accept your argument that nothing will change, then why do you keep writing the same comment over and over? You obviously want us to do something.

If we all opt out, we will be worse off as a weaker union as I have pointed out repeatedly. My request that someone show any example of just one union that has gotten better working conditions after having mass defections has not yet been answered as none exists.

On the other hand, I have given examples where groups within unions have revitalized their unions like Chicago and LA but the same comments about opting out or disparaging the students who are victims of this system keep coming back at me.

The purpose of this blog is to improve teacher union representation, not kill it. I am tired of having to respond to the same anti-union comments over and over. This might be the right time to say that if you don't have anything new or at least a little different to add to the debate, then we will end the particular discussion on leaving the union or blaming the kids.

Anonymous said...

Confused. So the kids are perfect too. Why are all these teachers so unhappy? Have you checked the nyc teachers fb page. It's all about admin and students verbally and physically assaulting staff, fearful staff, unfair observations, illegal programs and of course lack of uft assistance. How about the atr alliance page? Or the atr support page? And there are many other similar blogs, fb pages, etc. Who shall we blame?

James Eterno said...

Blame the UFT all you like but the answer is to fix the union, not weaken it further.

Anonymous said...

I agree with complaints above. By every measure, the doe and uft are fraudulent entities. I agree the opt out is the best and seemingly only statement we have on the table. 40% quit in the first 5 years. Who is gonna care about union action?

James Eterno said...

Kids are not perfect but passing them when they do no work does them no favor as they are totally not ready for the real world.

Anonymous said...

But then when we fail them they explode on us, curse us, threaten us. That is why most teachers do it. Not worth getting hassled by students, parents and admin. I always fail amongst the most, and always get hassled. And the students love telling me that I am the only one.

James Eterno said...

If you are reasonable with standards, grades should not be an issue however I do understand school culture. That is why a collective response is necessary.

James Eterno said...

3:38, Where have you been the last two years? Teacher union actions all over the country have changed the terms of the debate. Unions are winning all over from Chicago to LA to Dedham to WVA and beyond. NYC is an outlier in accepting dreadful conditions. If we organize, we can change that. If people opt out, it gets worse.


Anonymous said...

Ok, James. Let's get it started. Be specific. What is the first step?

Anonymous said...

So we went from giving free grades to everyone, or most...To teachers getting arrested for racketeering. The uft has no comment? Our union?

James Eterno said...

We could all show up at Holden's office. There is safety in numbers.

James Eterno said...

Organize all of the like minded souls. If there are 40 or 50, I would look for a place to have a meeting. We could hear everyone's stories, support each other and maybe start something on social media and hope it spreads.

If there are really all of these disgruntled people out there ready to fight back for our rights, we need to act collectively. Anonymous comments are a dead end.

Bronx ATR said...

Grade fraud benefits everyone short term - schools make their numbers, principals get their tenure, teachers get their tenure and students graduate on time. Everyone has their (horse) blinkers on - the DOE, the CSA and the UFT. The parents are in on it too - they don’t want their offspring aging out without a diploma. This has been going on for y...e...a...r...s. Bloomberg had computer programs that allowed the kids to make up two years worth of work over six weeks of summer school via a computer program - kids even took physical Ed on it. The only reason the NY Post has an issue with it now is because deBlasio isn’t cow/towing to the charter schools.

That said it is having a devastating effect on the lives of these functionally illiterate students and society. It should be stopped. If it is stopped the graduation rate will hover around 10%. Teacher will be burned at the stake and charters will take over almost immediately. Do the right thing or keep playing the game? 99.99% keep playing the game.

James Eterno said...

NY Post covered Jamaica HS transcript fixing during Bloomberg era. This is the outcome of no child left behind.

Graduation rate would exceed 10% if grade fraud stopped. It hovered around 50% for years.

NYC system is huge. Don't for one minute believe all schools are alike. They are not. Grade fraud needs to be stopped. We are doing these kids no favor by pushing them through without any standards.

Anonymous said...

That's what I mean Bronx ATR. Who is gonna stop? Nobody wants the hassle, unless they start arresting people. Or actually make students take legit writing tests to see if they are up to par, at least in coherent English.

Anonymous said...

How about we start with a citywiwde attendance policy? That would eliminate a whole host of problems. No arguing over...But I dd my work or but my other teachers passed me. And it must be taken again over a full term, not 18 day summer program.

Bronx ATR said...

I’ll go you one further, James. What’s happening is inherently evil. It forces us to make a choice - to go against everyone and everything, and possibly lose our careers, to do what is morally right. This systemic grade fraud solidifies a permanent underclass - these graduates are functionally illiterate and have crime, jail, death (or public assistance, if lucky) to look forward to. Society will get the cost and brunt of their anger and frustration in a myriad of ways that will border on the nightmarish, for those few unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately, pragmatism almost always trumps morality.

Anonymous said...

The same few people comment here again and again, not enough to make a minion. Most people are not complaining and do not seem as unhappy as the miserable wretches here.

James Eterno said...

I agree 7:11. I pushed for enforcement of an attendance policy when on the UFT Executive Board. Needless to say, Randi didn't go for it.

Bronx ATR, We do these kids no favor when we pass everybody no matter what.

Anonymous said...

As 811 said, it is grade welfare. This is why they expect everything handed to them.

Anonymous said...


There are a lot of miserable(unhappy) teachers in this system right now. The vast majority don't read or post on blogs. It's across all boroughs and age groups.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bronx ATR @8:11. What is happening is evil.

I do not believe an investigation will go anywhere. The corruption is so vast that it would take years to unravel. Does anyone really think Bloomberg will be held accountable?

This investigation would also unearth some realities that liberal, diversity disillusioned, Carranza cronies do not do not want to admit. This is another reason the investigation will go nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Nobody showing up Tuesday or Wednesday, rain and cold. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

When Flushing High School did a restaffing back in the Spring of 2018, the administration made sure they rehired the teachers with high passing rates. There was one brainless gym teacher who was known for passing every kid who easily got his job back. I've never head this guy say a complete sentence. Those who gave honest grades like me and had low passing percentages weren't rehired. Yes you can pass these kids, but we're going to feel the effects in a few years. Remember, these are the people who will be running the country some day. Nobody held them accountable for their actions. For those who think it is all right, would you want the pilot of the plane you are on to have gotten his/her credentials fraudulently or the surgeon operating on you? This is going to have a rippling effect. Maybe health inspectors are also required to pass a certain percentage of restaurants. How do we know?

Michael Fiorillo said...

I'd be careful about what you wish for on this.

If you think federal prosecutors aren't going to target teachers, and use the entire matter to smear public education in general, you're being naive. The fact that Holden's letter is being supported by the Manhattan Institute - an institution that has touted every ant-teacher/anti-public school piece of idiocy to come down the pike for decades - is a major tell.

Sorry, but if you think the US Attorney's office is going to do something to help teachers and students, something that should properly handled by the union, you're deluding yourself.

Anonymous said...

Tight in 941, sometimes I wonder if Ishoukd laugh or cry. 50% attendance. What exactly is my job,? Sure isn't teaching? They aren't learning. Not even attending. Let the faucet keep running. September to June again and again.

Anonymous said...

So where is the uft on this? They can easily direct teachers to a uft page to report, to make it more known.

Anonymous said...

I am the scapegoat for poverty, crime and unruly behavior.

Anonymous said...

It's a scam, obviously. Take the money, the medical coverage, max out the retirement accounts, try not to have a heart attack. Sad, but true. Students are just there do we can get paid.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative action
No discipline code
No attendance policy
No suspensions
No expectations
Everyone graduates

Keep praising student amazing accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

No students tomorrow, wintry mix. But we can excuse them, right? I mean, we cant hold attendance against them. I'm sure they will make up the work. Lol.

James Eterno said...

Mike F said in part, "Sorry, but if you think the US Attorney's office is going to do something to help teachers and students, something that should properly handled by the union, you're deluding yourself."

The UFT used to yell and scream about standards and got a provision in the contract that our grades had to be respected. Now, they are silent in public and I am not hearing how they help in private either. We need a real union but it is up to the rank and file to demand it. It isn't coming out of thin air.

Anonymous said...

We know the UFT is corrupt, and they are looking the other way.

Anonymous said...

New your state changed their policy to no student can fail based on their attendance. So in order to change attendance policy, you would have to fight at state level first. Then city.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

It is so simple to fail for missing classwork. We don't have to go to the state if a student has too many absences.

Anonymous said...

Cry when you get home: Teachers need therapy to process the trauma of urban classrooms |

Anonymous said...

The first time I realized something was deeply wrong with the state of the general mental health of teachers was during a meeting at the first place I taught, a South Philly school. It was a school no different from the many others I’ve spent time in: a substantial number of students with emotional distress, trying to be an important institution in a neighborhood desperate for them. At the meeting, a teacher was giving a short talk about managing workload and emotional distress, and I can remember none of it, with the exception of one line.

“Be brave for them here, and cry when you get home.”

Anonymous said...

Well that is a pretty sad and pathetic way to earn a living.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the misery...Is that proof?

Anonymous said...


Principal Marie Guillamare & Assistant Principal Donald Sexton threatened me on SEVERAL OCCASIONS that my license will be stripped away if my colleagues and I didn’t follow through With grade inflation Etc. THERE IS ALOT OF CORRUPTION GOING ON IN THIS BUILDING

Anon2323 said...

Everyone gets a trophy everyone gets a diploma. If we are alive in 12 years, I am worried for these future shitty generations.
Planet been around billions of years, last 20 years with technology we have created the worst in society.

Not saying this is the answer, if every member pulled their dues in a strike to get attention from our union it would certainly do that.
If 40-50 chapter leaders from around the city can host 1-2 big pro teacher events to gather what we want collectively to bring to UFT attention, even if some UFT workers are at the event.

James Eterno said...

Tuesday 1:14, Please email me at We will follow up.

waitingforsupport said...


waitingforsupport said...

@12:42pm is on FIRE. I love it! Finally

waitingforsupport said...

Whining and complaining about students, parents, principals but the moment someone asks the whining complainers to speak up and out or to even band together as a team within their school, the whining complainer will retreat with, "I don't want to be retaliated against". Puh-lese.

waitingforsupport said...

Agree with 3pm

waitingforsupport said...

@3:42 pm and might I add, it negatively affects our country. Why wouldn't we want ALL children to be prepared to be successful and competitive. As it stands, we don't know who is the strongest academically. The scale is weighted. Let's do right by this country and speak up. Have some integrity. I speak up and have been retaliated against by the DOE(administration AND colleagues) and ignored by the UFT. Guess what I did the next time my integrity was challenged? I spoke the f@&% up. I sleep well at night. How about you.

waitingforsupport said...

Find a place in Manhattan. I will show up

Anonymous said...

James, Can you investigate Flushing High School? I may not be a math teacher, but to my knowledge, one class per semester equals 1 credit. How is it then that students in ELA/ENL push in classes with two teachers are receiving two credits for a single class one 47 minute period. I feel as though I am committing academic fraud unwillingly by being required to give these students a report card grade that gives them credit as my co-teacher also gives a grade that gives students credit. Also, how is it possible for students to have almost 20 credits at the end of their Freshman year because of this supposed academic fraud. In addition we are forced to give 55 for any assignment not turned in or plagiarized even if the student is absent for the entire semester. Isn't this grade inflation? They don't do this on Regents.