Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Upcoming UFT Election is Discussed at ICE Meeting

 Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024 - Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Submitted by Norm Scott

ICE had an excellent discussion on the UFT election Sunday night with a mix of retirees and working educators on zoom. Two prominent ABC activists were invited to participate. Questions were raised early on by people who had not been fully informed on all the election permutations about the advisability of running two slates. The history of ABC as a group that began meeting last April and through October included all the caucuses until they dropped out, was reviewed and enlightening. 

It was great to see ICE 2004 presidential candidate Marilyn Beckford zooming in with some very hard questions related to the multiple slate issue but by the end she made a rousing  comment on the exciting possibilities of ABC. Her points were consistently on target and pertinent as she pushed to get answers to what to many is a confusing situation.

Even Mike Schirtzer chimed in from Ecuador.

A possible path to victory for ABC in a 3-way race with Unity and the caucus coalition was laid out but the most important point was made by Ira Goldfine, a longtime pal and activist going back to 1971, where he said the election outcome was not the most important thing, but the unique opportunity to cause the first major break in Unity Caucus in 60 years that would have long-lasting effects even if Unity won. 

And ABC was uniquely in the position to exploit that Unity break in a judicious campaign, which the Caucus coalitions would not be capable of doing for reasons I explained in a recent post (UFT Elections: The Two Slate Solution).

I also posed a sort of solution to the two-slate situation: Run two slates but with many of the same candidates who would get the sum total of votes from both slates. Run one presidential candidate, 6 adcom and just enough candidates to win the exec bd.  Now this is not the position of ABC but my own concoction and there is time to work something out. Someone pointed out that the very existence of two slates even with common candidates would be confusing and lead to some people not voting, a serious point, but there are also advantages to having each group run its own version of a campaign without having to get permission of the other group and if ABC can penetrate deeper into the schools, while the caucus coalition pulls on its base and whatever the retiree vote brings in, plus the key point of Unity defections, this may be a winning combo.

I floated this idea to someone in MORE the other day and he said a mixed election where Unity would still have a big share could be a disaster. I disagreed, saying if we believe in proportional representation, having all caucuses and independents including Unity would invigorate the union. My idea seems to be dying on the vine for both groups. Well, I tried.

A reso was floated for ICE to endorse the ABC slate and while the sentiment was YES, ICE will continue to discuss the issue into the New Year. It was pointed out that ICE was never considered to be a serious enough group to be invited to join the 3 major caucuses, while ICE played a significant role with UFC 3 years ago.

Here is a proposed reso that includes a call for all caucuses and independents to join the ABC slate.

ICE UFT Endorses ABC - A Better Contract Slate

The Independent Community of Educators (ICE UFT), known for championing member-driven initiatives and transparent, democratic practices, is proud to endorse ABC - A Better Contract.

Thousands of United Federation of Teachers (UFT) members, many engaging with their union for the first time, are stepping up—sharing surveys, signing petitions, and attending open Member Assemblies. These educators, like you, are ready to lead and deliver the changes that UFT members want and need.

ABC represents a team of educators committed to:
    •    Cost-of-living raises to keep up with inflation and protect member earnings,
    •    Fixing Tier 6 so all members can retire with dignity,
    •    Fighting for Para pay parity to honor the essential work of our paraprofessionals,
    •    Securing quality healthcare benefits without sacrificing member wages,
    •    Improving working conditions for every educator,
    •    Championing professional autonomy, and
    •    Defending public education against privatization and attacks on unions.

This slate includes first-time candidates and long-time chapter leaders—both energized and experienced—ready to lead the union on day one and deliver the meaningful change educators deserve.

ABC began with the ambition to bring all caucuses together and ensure there was a concerted effort to reach members that have never voted before. They did not want this attempt to win leadership of the UFT to be the typical closed door of negotiation with each faction taking time from campaigning and bargaining over how many seats with a focus  on their own caucus branding.

We believe that together, we can build a stronger, fairer union that puts members first. The time for real progress is now.

We invite UFT members to stand with ABC and be part of this push for progress. Learn more at and follow them on social media for updates.

In solidarity,


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