Thursday, July 14, 2022


The AFT Convention is in Boston over the next four days. The United for Change opposition party in the UFT which received 34% of the overall vote in the recent UFT election, including 56% from the high schools, will have exactly zero representatives there. AFT President Randi Weingarten's Unity Caucus will send all 750 of the UFT Delegates to the AFT Convention because of the UFT's at-large voting system that basically disenfranchises high school teachers who often vote against Unity Caucus.

The email below came from President Weingarten this morning.



Today we’re beginning our convention in Boston. It’s been an incredibly tough year for all of us, and I’m so glad our members will be able to be together in person this week.

I’ll be kicking off the convention with a speech this morning. You can watch my speech live and find a schedule of our sessions here.

Over the next four days, our speakers will include leaders like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and first lady Dr. Jill Biden. We’ll have panels on gun violence prevention led by survivors of gun violence. We’ll have parent and community leaders like National PTA President Nathan Monell. And we’ll celebrate the historic affiliation of the American Association of University Professors with the AFT, discuss how to put patients over profits, and more.

We’ll launch our convention by talking about how we’re focusing on what kids need. In my speech, I’ll be discussing how we need to get back to the basics. Too many politicians have tried to divide parents and students for personal political gain, but parents and teachers know that this politicization doesn’t help our students.

I’ll be laying out our plans today. I hope you’ll tune in.

Thank you James for everything you do.

In unity,

Randi Weingarten

AFT President

For those who would like to read Randi's speech, go here.


If you would like to live-stream the AFT Convention, go here.

UFT members should be able to live-stream Delegate Assembly and Executive Board meetings this easily too.


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Anonymous said...

Randi Weingarten is a piece of shit enemy of parents and dues paying teachers. Fuck her and every line of bullshit that comes out of her lying democrat operative mouth. She works for democrat politicians not us. If the DNC told her to start shooting teachers, she’d learn how to use a gun and buy lots of bullets. That’s who Randi Weingarten is. 2005, bitch. I remember it well.

Anonymous said...

She's the enemy of non-dues paying teachers as well. My only consolation is that I've made zero contribution to the UNITY party vacation in Boston.

Anonymous said...


Randi wants status and money for herself.
Randi is only concerned about her own material well being and status in the Democratic Party. She is willing to harm teachers to advance her status.

She is a narcissist. Randi is a PIG.

Anonymous said...

AFT Convention is just a giant circle jerk of idiots who pretend to care about the working conditions of teachers. It's a scam and an excuse to use our hard earned dues to spend a weekend in a free hotel with free food. Screw Randi and her teat suckling minions.

waitingforsupport said...

Nasty. Insecure. Threatened and a coward. Just because UFC wants to Help educators, Randi etal have their hackles raised. It just proves that they 1. Work for system and 2. Don't care about educators. In their opinion, they and only they know what is best for educators. I'm so glad everyone I know voted UFC. UFT remains in control but NOT with my vote. Just try again UFC. At least you are doing SOMETHING. Maybe next time you can take the gloves off and change the rules of engagement. Bring em out of their corner and into the bright lights via social media, newspapers, etc. Tell parents and the world what is happening with the grading.

Anonymous said...

It's a disgrace that you permit such hateful vulgar comments on your blog.

Anonymous said...

I would not like this blog commenter to teach my children.
I hope this isn't typical of your supporters.

waitingforsupport said...

@123 and 1:37 pm....sorry you're offended. I get offended when so called educators/commenters on this blog express glee when they are able to "fool parents, students and our country" by carrying the water for Randi Mulgrew and the DOE. How do you feel about Randi gloating over the fact that UFC wasn't invited to their "prom"?

Anonymous said...

Wow, harsh words for Randi. And they are all true!!!

Anonymous said...

But pay dues. Lol. Two faced. All of you.

Anonymous said...

Well James, I am curious as to your scathing response to Randi about the snub. You mention something about the "at-large voting system" that left out the Unity Caucus, but are you just going to leave it at that? Did you respond that with your share of the High School vote, or whatever, the Unity caucus should have been represented at this soiree? How are we to be confident that you would have fought against the power players if you just take what others dish out?

Anonymous said...

@waitingforsupport, I'm not the poster @123 and 137 so I don't know what they're referring to, but your comment wasn't offensive. 11:04 however was definitely out of bounds and sounds unhinged.

Anonymous said...

One of the main reasons as to why teaching is a bad profession now is bc of Weingarten. I wish people knew this.

Anonymous said...

Typical supporters of this blog disagree on many issues. But what we all agree on is Randi Weingarten is a traitor to union members. She’s a public figure, if she can’t take the heat, she can fuck off and get out out of the kitchen. Don’t like the language here, too bad. Stop reading. She sold out UFT members in 2005. But language (clutching my pearls).

Anonymous said...

She's just a union leader doing the best she can. All extreme language about her is inaccurate. She's not deserving of such extremes. Demonization is always bad.

Anonymous said...

I stopped paying dues in 2019. I was at a party Saturday where I met a due paying NYC teacher who has been fired by the city for not getting vaccinated. He has a class action lawsuit (not via the UFT) with other fired teachers which I think he will win and get his position and back pay. Regardless of how I feel about his decision, he was not represented by the Uft. He has little kids and a wife, I wouldn’t put my family through that but I give him credit for sticking to his guns. (I guess that’s not a politically correct term anymore.) The UFT is almost completely irrelevant in every possible way. Healthcare costs are getting crazy with co-pays and denials. My NYC health plan denied my spouse a life-threatening operation, the doctor did it anyway without pay. God bless him. He’s one of the few doctors that actually cares about people more than money. If healthcare wasn’t such a racket you would have a lot more of them, instead of people going into medicine to become millionaires. and the way they have it set up if you do care about people you won’t be able to stay practicing medicine because of all type of nonsense including litigation. The Uft should be pushing for universal healthcare not for continued privatization at continually higher and higher costs. The Uft is not a union, it is a dues collecting agency. You could not pay me to sit and listen to Randi Weingarten give a speech.

Anonymous said...

8:32, Weingarten apologists? This is almost as bad as that commenter that defended the CCP’s zero-COVID policy.

We are not demonizing Randi. She clearly serves no one but the DNC. We never felt she represented us here in NYC and the same is true for teachers nationally.

Anon2323 said...

Just like we all came together for that piece of scum under my shoe mayor Diblasifuck it is the same sentiment for Randi who I would never trust with my children. She is pure political scum with only DNC interests and their money.

This witch wants 1619 project and CRT shoved down kids throats.

@waiting I agree at least UFC did something, they made many rookie mistakes, and still lost badly, but actions spoke louder then words.

Anonymous said...

@8:32 To say that Randi is doing the best that she can for us, the rank and file, is as big lie. I am calling you out for your baloney.
Randi has betrayed us an she is out for herself only.

She is only concerned with her political status and wealth. She is a traitor and a phony.

I left the UFT because of Mulgrew and Randi and I am no longer a dues paying member.

Anonymous said...

Randi doe not represent teachers, period.

Anonymous said...

Organize, organize, organize. If UFC, so be it. Venting won’t get you traction. Maybe a tiny bit, but that you lose in loss of credibility, offense and just plain waste of space and time. I tried it for many a year thinking various eyes may see and take notice and be jolted. Maybe so, but not worth it, not cathartic, not helpful all around.

Anonymous said...

7:22 - it's not the bad language (so you can let go of your pearls now). The language is STUPID. If she's as bad as you say, then surely her record speaks for itself (just as waitingforsupport and Anon2323 point out even while using choice words) and not the nonsensical hyperbole on how she would buy bullets and start shooting teachers on DNC say-so. That's just DUMB and makes you sound unstable, not her.

Anonymous said...

The blog for scabs and free riders. Great company you keep, James.

James Eterno said...

We agreed years back that this was not the place to argue the opting out of the union case. A union with fewer members weakens all of us. The person commenting today might be new but it is time to repeat that this is a pro-union blog that has major problems with the union's leadership. If you are anti-union, start your own blog. We want to repair the UFT-AFT, not kill it.

Anonymous said...

The language is hyperbolic to show the depths Randi will go to sell out members. Fuck Randi Weingarten and anyone who defends her. I don’t care about your feelings if you disagree. I’ll use whatever language I see fit. Sell your manners classes to someone else. I’m not buying. Thanks for making James’ hard work on his post all about me instead of the piece of shit Randi and her sell out cronies at the AFT convention.

Anonymous said...

12:00 Well, nobody gives a fuck about your feelings either. People are trying to share information, and letting fellow members know why Weingarten is such a problem. It's not about catering to your histrionics and wild-eye hyperbole. You sound crazy and unstable and I agree with the poster who thinks you're a danger to children. You made it all about you, and shame on James for always allowing trash like you and yours to contaminate his blog.

Anonymous said...

11:04 still crying over 2005 sounds like the same stupid bitch who can't post without bringing up Democrats. The girly guy will try and claim it's about Randi but it's really just another opportunity to bash Democrats in general. Nice teacher's blog. NOT.

Anonymous said...

Randi should be investigated, prosecuted and put on trial for fraud.
Randi is a criminal low life and she should be sent to prison for the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

"If the DNC told her to start shooting teachers, she’d learn how to use a gun and buy lots of bullets."

God help us if people writing this stuff are teachers. James your blog has become Exhbit A why some people feel that teachers are not deserving of anything except disdain (not everyone posts like this, but this right here is a reflection of the craziness in the teaching profession".

Anonymous said...

Apparently others think that she is against reform if it goes against the interest of teachers. Although one may disagree, this is an intelligent write-up, as opposed to screeching and carrying out like a banshee woman. So which is it? Not you @12:00, not interest in your feelings, opinions, and hysterics.

"Weingarten has faced numerous criticisms of hypocrisy when it comes to her education reform priorities. As author and Stanford Professor Terry Moe wrote, Weingarten’s actions speak louder than her words in that she “talks the talk of reform… but there is a giant gulf between what she says and what she does.”

Moe pointed out that despite her public assertions in support of education reforms, Weingarten’s support for Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary over the more pro-reform candidate Barack Obama showed that Weingarten actually opposed teacher accountability reforms.

Moe concluded by arguing that while Weingarten outwardly positions herself as pro-education reform, “when the details are actually hashed out, she will only go as far as she has to-and she will ultimately weaken, limit, and dissipate reform” when it benefits the interests of her unionized teachers.

In 2011, the Wall Street Journal noted Weingarten’s hypocrisy on a variety of teacher reforms saying, “Ms. Weingarten insists that teachers unions are agents of change, not defenders of the status quo. But in the next breath she shoots down suggestions for changes—vouchers, charter schools, differential teacher pay and so on—that have become important parts of the reform conversation.”

"Weingarten has claimed that the unions she has led favor teacher accountability. In 2004, she wrote, “This is a union that is not about just keeping people. We are about keeping qualified people.”

"However, over the years Weingarten has often used the veil of “due process” to support teacher tenure and teacher termination policies that made it nearly impossible to fire bad teachers."

Anonymous said...

I'm not offended. It's just that it's stupid. No credit is ever given. Take the 7 vacation days. A huge win. No credit here because Mulgrew is Satan, Hitler, and Simon LeGree, so he can never do anything right.

Anonymous said...

We were owed money, 3:04.

Anonymous said...

7:22 thats a lie. Not "all agree that Randi is a traitor". Dont like hearing that, too bad. Stop reading.

Anonymous said...

The vacation days are priceless. Much better than money.

Anonymous said...

For @ 3:04 , money is irrelevant. They would work without wages or benefits for the DOE. They love the kids and think they are all best of the best.

Anonymous said...

All 5:08 has are ridiculous straw man attacks. You really need to get a grip just because you can't handle disagreements. Why post on a blog if you're going to become so unhinged anytime someone has a different point of view?

Anonymous said...

4:58 people who don't have a life don't think vacation days are priceless. They don't need vacation days because every day is a vacation day for them when they're at work. They don't love the kids so they don't teach and they don't have loved ones so they don't need any additional time off.

waitingforsupport said...

Anon2323 why are you so terrified about the 1619 Project? How does learning the facts hurt children? How do you like it when people push back against the Holocaust being forced on their children? You need to afford grace to people just as you want it extended to you. The topic is pretty clear and here you go adding your fears to the mix. Go outside and b^tch to your pals about your night terrors.

waitingforsupport said...

@232pm. God help us is right HOWEVERRRR the issuing of fake diplomas is why people don't respect teachers. Posting about how you fleece the system in order to appease your admin, DOE, and the 1% is going to help lead the charge for getting rid of public education. Randi is just another tool. She's like the poster who works from their bed and the poster who acts like a court jester for her administrators. Tools.

Anonymous said...

Did Randi talk about hw much drugs are killing our students?

U.S. Senators who are also doctors released a public service announcement (PSA) about the fentanyl crisis on Friday, calling it the “deadliest drug our nation has ever seen.”

waitingforsupport said...

3:00 am. I got you. Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

“The poll question [from the Democratic firm Hart Research] found that voters, by a 32 percentage-point margin, said they were more likely to vote for candidates who believe public schools should focus less on teaching race and more on core subjects.”

Randi is totally opposite. Great leadership.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the vacation days are nice to have. Flights and hotels are extra pricey during the time that kids are out on different school breaks. If you don't have children to worry about it's very nice to plan a few days off after students return, and prices go down.

Anonymous said...

Where/when did Randi say that teaching about race should be the focus instead of core subjects?

"In a speech this week, Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), said critical race theory it is not even taught in elementary schools — and she vowed to fight "culture warriors" who are "bullying teachers."

Republican lawmakers in several states have introduced legislation to restrict how race is taught in schools, many of them aiming to ban critical race theory, a concept developed by legal scholars to examine the ongoing effects of racism in U.S. policies and institutions.

During the AFT conference on Tuesday, Weingarten called the movement against critical race theory a "culture campaign" by Republicans and Fox News that attempts to suppress the truth, "limit learning and stoke fears about our public schools."

Anonymous said...

Randi Weingarten is a saint, a hero. So says Mulgrew and Unity. I want Unity running the union forever. Homophobe misogynists disagree with Randi. (Can I get out of thought jail now?)

Anonymous said...

Here you are...

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi's husband buys millions in computer-chip stocks before big subsidy vote

Anonymous said...

Randi forgot this...
Nancy Pelosi Urges Support Of $50 Billion 'CHIPS' Bill Hours After Disclosing $8 Million Nvidia Stake

This would certainly be a crime, right? Insider trading?

Anon2323 said...

lol @waiting as long as the teach how it was primarily the portuguese people, as long as they mention how blacks sold their own people into slavery and not blame the italian/europeans, I mean white people as the bad bad people who did this. Should we teach the asian kids in our schools how china has slaves now and has enslaved since beginning of time? Will that help our education which ranks last in world?

Anonymous said...

11:26, and then there's 's that. Free riders, or free loaders. One has a right to their own decisions but you don't get a say in how members should be represented. They'll be the first with their hand out for all the negotiated perks.

Anonymous said...

De Santis said men can’t have babies. I’m so mad I’m literally shaking.

Anonymous said...

That DeSantis, sooo profound.

Anonymous said...

9:12 Nobody cares enough to click on all those links. Find a quote where Randi says CRT is a BIGGER focus than core subjects then you can say "here you are". Lol

Anonymous said...

Can people stop babbling about Randi. Almost everyone despises her for many reasons. But she doesn’t matter if you really think out about. (Which is why I think a lot of the more interesting comments (i’m trying to be nice) are most likely non-teaching trolls).

Can we talk about how to stop our future healthcare cuts? Help the retirees fight their- and our future healthcare cuts? Try to figure out how to get large pay increases without givebacks. How about getting rid of giving students credit for no working handed in (many teachers are now forced to do that)? How about making attendance and lateness mean something again? How about going after terrible principals and APs?

Everything else is just deflection and noise to keep people distracted.

Personally, if this was my blog I would never post a lot of the nonsense rants because it makes this blog unreadable at times and it’s an important blog, but it is getting difficult to get through the comment section which used to provide useful information.

James Eterno said...

1:37, If I don't post the personal anonymous attacks, I am accused of being against the First Amendment. If I post the nonsense, I am charged with running a disgusting board. I can't win.

As long as people stay close to the topic and don't use overtly offensive language (I grew up in NYC so I am not easily offended by what is said), I post it. Skip the comments if you are offended.

In the final analysis, an anonymous individual insulting another anonymous person is not something I can get too worked up about.

As for Randi, say what you will but Randi has always answered my emails and has helped many people at my request. That does not make up for the 2005 Contract givebacks but even there, she gave Jeff Kaufman, Ellen Schweitzer, Artie Colon and me as much time as we needed to make the case against it at the Exec Bd and put two lines up at the DA so those opposed had adequate speaking time.

Jeff said...

1:37. I agree with much of what you said. I am a high school teacher.

I have been emailing Banks, Porter, Carranza and my admin repeatedly about grade fraud and students not having to show up to pass classes. James can testify to that because he has been copied in some of my emails.

I emailed Banks on Memorial Day with an email entitled "Clarification Requested-Attendance/Grading High School Academic Policy Guide."

These emails had my real name.

I will gladly post it here if you or James would like. (James already has a copy.

I received zero response. I sent it again, 2 weeks later, "2nd request," with no response.

Someone brought up on the previous topic that students are being given remote summer school. My school is doing the same. Teachers report, students don't. Students didn't show up all year, they don't show up over the summer. Students don't log into the live instruction over the summer. Students don't hand in work on time, there are no deadlines, it seems. Students don't even have to get out of bed even though on the DOE website it states that there is no remote education ongoing.

Why the hell would any student show up from September to June, if they can show up, or show up remotely, or not show up remotely, and get the credits in 5 weeks?

How is this college and career ready?

How is this preparation?

Why are there so many students who previously received grades on the Regents in the 20s and 30s, who pass all their classes while not attending, getting rewarded with 5 Regents waivers?

These students can't do simple math without a calculator.

Why is this a battle and how do teachers think this helps the students?

I can go on and on but it's a pretty useless battle at this point.

Anonymous said...

James "as long as they don't use overtly offensive language". What?? Maybe you don't read what you let through. On this blog I've read the most overly offensive and digusting language that I've read anywhere, none of it related to union issues or teaching. Then they play the innocent "who, me, they started it, I was only trying to say that I believe in blah, blah, bullshit".

Anonymous said...

James, what What exactly were the 2005 contract givebacks?

Anonymous said...

2:04 she sounds reasonable. ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

I see the issue, this is not your personal blog; it’s an official public union blog.

You can’t even set guidelines, like NYC Educator (Arthur) does, informing people that certain kinds of comments won’t make it through moderation?

waitingforsupport said...

@1:18 pm. Lol. You got it!

waitingforsupport said...

@Anon2323. You are not so great at deflecting. Again, how would you feel if we stopped "remembering" the holocaust? How about NOT teaching it period--,wouldn't want german children feeling guilty. How does that sound to you?

waitingforsupport said...

Hopefully we all have more good than not so good in us including Randi. However the invite via live stream to the Eterno's is tacky in my opinion. Camille ran an honest campaign and at a minimum she should have received an invite. To me it speaks to Randi's character. I'm sure she's done very nice things However in this instance--she dropped the ball.

James Eterno said...

Email me and I will give some examples of what does not get through. Really scary if some of those people are teachers.

Anonymous said...

8:05 that's questionable. That we all have more good than not good. Haha. I was being facetious about Randi being reasonable. I was just tickled that James made a positive comment and I hoped it would send the chair warmer who has been spitting green pea soup over Randi into a spin.

Anonymous said...

Good point @ waitingforsupport @ 7:57. He won't answer. This is where he takes his leave until he returns with more gibberish.

James Eterno said...

2005 givebacks: Ending seniority thus creating the huge ATR pool and leading to massive school closures, ending most file letter grievances, sending teachers back to potty patrol, time and attendance expedited discipline hearings, longer day, are 2005 givebacks I can of off the top of my head. I am missing some probably.

Anon2323 said...

@waiting gets unhinged with race topics again I refer anyone to look at chaz blog, she was an embarrassment then too. Holocaust is history that is taught briefly we know Hitler and the main players. You want semester long year long classes to lead black/brown students to think it's white people's fault and make it more divisive. Teaching about holocaust does not. Haven't heard jewish people asking for a whole class (holocaust studies) based on that to expose nazis from a time even Biden/Trump were nearly alive for.

So teach about the slave trade for 2 weeks, discuss spanish, chinese, black, italian etc who were apart of this not this white vs black shit.

Anonymous said...

2:04 James you don't just allow insults against one another. People are constantly race baiting, demonizing liberals, and celebrating failed coup attempts. Yet, it says right below that comments are moderated and you pick and choose what to allow in (such as responses to the race baiting). That's your right, but let's not pretend that it's a simple matter of posters attacking one another. Entire groups of people are being attacked and propaganda is spread on this blog. And as you've said yourself people visit and don't post. Maybe they like watching the trainwreck. Wouldn't you like people fired up about the causes you espouse? Maybe then we would really see change. Until the next time I guess.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Demonizing liberals. Facts can’t be spoken. Crime? Inflation? Etc.

Anonymous said...

Anon2323 - you're the one who sounds unhinged and it was in response to this comment of yours "lol @waiting as long as the teach how it was primarily the portuguese people, as long as they mention how blacks sold their own people into slavery and not blame the italian/europeans". She asked a very simple question and she is 100% correct. The Holocaust is taught for weeks on end by History teachers while they gloss over Mansa Musa, the slave trade, and any other black related topics. That is not saying that the Holocaust should NOT be taught. As a young adult I bought every book I could on the subject. Learned about all of the players, the camps, the huge role PROPAGANDA played. Anne Frank was one my teenage heroes "in spite of everything, I really believe people are really good at heart". Ha! The only person I've heard say something similar on this board is waitingforsupport right here on this thread (and I disagree).

Nobody, especially waitingforsupport, said anything about "semester long year long classes blaming white people". Facts are facts and white supremacy, disenfranchisement, voter suppression, and systemic racism is still alive today. The Holocaust is not, but you'd better believe they learn about it much longer in schools with high Jewish populations and rightfully so. Furthermore STOP LYING and blaming Africans for the barbaric treatment that slaves were subjected to. Yes, Africans did sell their own to slave traders, that's a fact. They didn't separate mothers from children, sell their own children born from the raping of their mothers, burned them alive, forbid the to speak their language, took away their religion, and keep them in bondage for generations. And after all that was said and done, subject them to the terrors of night riders (recreated by your tiki torch carrying idols in Charlottesville). There was a huge difference between colonial/european slavery and other slavery that had been practiced in the past.

Anonymous said...

10:06 Failed COUP attempt and the support of it beats all of that, so shut your trap.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should cover the Jan 6 hearings here on a daily basis for anyone who missed it.

Anonymous said...

Crime, inflation, etc? Is this a Union Teacher's blog or your personal platform to air your gripes about Liberals. Go to StormFront, or Alex Jones. What are you doing on a teacher's blog. You are the reason there is so much division in the ranks.

Anonymous said...

Demonize or fact?

Let’s take a moment to put that into perspective. The last time inflation ran this hot, Harrison Ford was only 39 years old starring in the #1 movie in America at the time, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Ronald Reagan was in his first year in office, the U.S. Men’s Olympic hockey team was fresh off its triumphant “Miracle On Ice” win over the Soviet Union, Jeff Bezos was still in high school, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and NFL all-star Rob Gronkowski wouldn’t be born for another eight years.

In other words, it’s been a really long time.

And it gets worse.

“Imagine how high this print would’ve been if they had used the 1980s methodology,” It would be near 20%.

Anonymous said...

Stick to bread-and-butter issues that affect everyone. We have a contract year in front of us. Focus, focus, focus!!! The will be back in court in September aiming to hold on to the benefits retirees sign up for. (A lot of those folks in teaching refused to sign up for the 2005 contract and are still fighting bread and butter issues in retirement.)

Anonymous said...

How can we focus? What’s the difference? Whatever shit salad Mulgrew puts in front of us, everyone votes for. Every time.

Anonymous said...

11:00 You want people to trash Republicans, their policies and/or their disastrous results, because there is certainly PLENTY of material. Either stick to the topic, or shut your trap.

waitingforsupport said...

Thank you @10:41am. I haven't even read Anon2323 response yet but will. Anon2323 can try to rewrite HISTORY but it won't work. He can try and flip out and jump to conclusions all he wants. I couldn't care less. He is a typical rock tosser who gets angry when the rocks are tossed back to him. There were Jewish folks who actually worked with the Germans to turn in other Jews. Should I assume then that the Holocaust was okay? Of course NOT but this ANON2323 is single-minded. I don't have time to spend with them. It's really not worth it. Hate is Hate. The topic is about the conference--he needs to learn how to respect the rules of the blog. He certainly hasn't learned that i will check him when i want to.

Anonymous said...

Politifact: "Looking at economic data, it’s true that the rate of inflation is the highest it’s been since the 1980s. And inflation has, indeed, been on the rise under Biden – though Gallagher glosses over a slight plateau in mid-2021.

What’s more, the increase – which, to be sure, has gotten much steeper – began before Biden was sworn in, under Trump.

That leaves us with a claim that is accurate, but needs clarification or additional information."

Anonymous said...

lol. Trump is brought up all the time.

Anonymous said...

I suspect some of the clowns 🤡 on here are not only not teachers but are not even state residents.

waitingforsupport said...

@anon2323: You're a product of how US history has been taught for generations. Chinese Japanese Hispanic American Indian African American Irish and Italian full contributions need to be fully told. This system you're fighting for ie no "CRT" and fighting against "voter fraud" is a system put in place to maintain a status quo. You ain't part of that status boo. You are a tool being used. They showed their respect for you March 2020. They showed their love for you when Trump said get your azz back in there (to keep making him and the other 1% money ). You haven't answered my question and that speaks volumes. Keep blowing your gasket because if you haven't recognized the writing on the wall: Times up. The truth will never die. Never. So get accustomed to the new normal. I love it.

Anonymous said...

This is a teacher union blog? This is how it normally goes-
A million people say how they are getting screwed by the uft, followed by a million saying how bad everything is, followed by someone asking why we pay dues if the uft is so bad, followed by James saying this is a pro union blog and we should pay no matter how bad it gets, and then hoping for change that isn’t coming, after Mulgrew won another landslide victory.

Anonymous said...

"While it's clear that life has gotten more expensive under President Biden, it's much less clear whether or how much he is actually to blame for it. In his defense, life has gotten more expensive for the residents of pretty much every country, not just America. Gas prices are surging around the world. Food prices are surging around the world. Commodities. Manufactured goods...

Last week, new data revealed that the European Union was seeing a record-high inflation rate of 5% in December, the highest in its twenty-year history. Canada is seeing the highest rate of inflation in two decades. Ditto South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom. Countries, big and small, conservative-led and progressive-led, are grappling with surging consumer prices as global demand outstrips supply. It's one big global inflation-fest, and no single leader seems to have the power to stop it.

All these countries have one thing in common: they're all struggling to recover from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that continues to disrupt the supply side of the economy, hampering the ability of businesses, workers, and the global supply chain to operate at full capacity and satisfy boomeranging consumer demand. Rather than putting a Biden "I did that" sticker on products with skyrocketing prices, it's probably more accurate to say "COVID did that."

Anonymous said...

Putin assisted

Anonymous said...

#1...1.4% inflation to almost 10% is not just a bit higher. It is a 40 year high.
$2 gallon gas to $5 gas is quite a bit.

#2...Crime and inflation aren't teacher issues?
Do we live in NYC?
Are we up for a new contract, after repeated below inflation raises?
Are we concerned about safety taking buses in trains in a very violent NYC?
Are students getting harmed by inflation and crime?
Are we?

Anonymous said...

DUMMY @ 2:09 you use those issues to bash the very teachers you're supposed to be aligned with. Just as you use crime statistics to bash all blacks, as if black teachers, and other hard working blacks aren't victimized by black on black crime, or police violence. You're on a teacher's blog so perhaps you should simply stop mocking and bashing teachers and stop trying to race bait and bash all Democrats. It's disgusting and your trying to rationalize your behavior by claiming they're "teacher excuses" is nothing but a smokescreen for your incessant whining. You of all people who doesn't even work for your money are talking about a teacher contract and "repeated below inflation raises". I'm not impressed.

Anonymous said...

“You of all people who doesn't even work for your money.”

How do you know who this applies to? I never said if I work hard or not.

Ok, why do people who do work for their money keep accepting below inflation raises and why do people collecting dues offer that type of contract anyway?

Nobody mentioned black crime, simply crime.

Someone earlier said that things are said to demonize one side, I simply stated that these are important factors.

Anonymous said...

@2:09 If you're so terrified or crime, new contracts, and taking a bus and train in a very violent NYC WHAT are you going to do about it other than come on a teacher blog to bash all Democrats? Oh yeah, that's really putting yourself out there. Get the fuck outta here. Don't even bring up students getting harmed by inflation and crime because we know you couldn't give a rat's behind about students. Go hide under your bed, you'll feel safe there.

Anonymous said...

Come on, come on, come on. Just post relevant, possibly helpful stuff.

Don’t heckle the 🤡
Don’t feed the 🧌

Anonymous said...

329, Do you have any solutions? Do you know this person? You are kinda judging, don’t ya think?

Anonymous said...

"Dems love all immigrants". Yet another irrelevant non-teaching related post. Thanks for proving the point moron.

Anonymous said...

4:03 posts stupid tripe to lecture people on posting relevant helpful stuff. ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

What is you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Nope @4:14. Person has a very specific syntax and they brag about what they do or don't do so I can judge all day long based on their rantings. But what are your solutions, other than bashing blacks and democrats on this board because I notice how you zero in on my response but say nothing about the incessant race baiting or Dem bashing. So you can have yourself a seat right next to your pal, if you're not one and the same which I suspect you might be (again with the pathethic who, me?).

Anonymous said...

@5:14 English teacher who wonders why their students are failing, and can't read and write. Thank God for charter schools.

Anonymous said...

Good ahead morons, crap all over the board instead of putting the pressure where it belongs (uh no, Randi is not going to be a part of the negotiations). As George Carlin used to say "so that *they* can keep going to the bank". You guys complain all day about Mulgrew and very few suggestions. He spent his entire time last year fighting over Spring Break and then you wonder why you're still in crowded classrooms and excessive paperwork. And 4:30 is so proud of his new toy. Aww..coochie, coochie, coo.

Anonymous said...

"Why do teachers hate charter schools?

They pitched charter schools as educational “labs” — district schools would adopt trials that worked. Teachers unions feared a lack of accountability and charged that charters would prove a back-door entrance to private-school vouchers."

How many of you would choose charter over traditional public schools to either send your children, or to work (if they were both unionized).

Anonymous said...

Don’t feed the 🧌

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

People say to defund Mulgrew and the union and they are called scabs. Nobody will vote him out. Nobody will vote against a contract. Next option? Oh, right, James is hoping for change.

Anonymous said...

7:10 who's the troll? You know who all these anonymous posters are? Fascinating.

Anonymous said...

btw 7:10 you must be the same one posting all those links non-stop on another thread because you used the same troll. That's more of a troll move than anything else. What is wrong with you?

Anonymous said...

7:10 you're the only one. But it sounds like you're the troll from the other thread. Didn't cry enough over there, and are now bringing it here. Typical snowflake. Call names in multiple posts and then when you get smacked down you want to call people a troll. And then you spammed James' blog with garbage. But sure, everyone else is a troll. So maaaaad because I don't agree that charter schools are a terrible thing. You poor thing. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Crybaby troll @ 10:00. Still pouting. OMG grow a spine.

Anonymous said...

waitingforsupport - Anon's response was totally ridiculous. First of all, as I said previously, I'm all for teaching about the Holocaust, but that was not something that happened as part of U.S. history or policy, it didn't happen to people on this soil nor continues to impact the lives of an entire race of people in this country, and everyone really because there's still such division over the history. There's no basis for the Holocaust to be given equal time. He also said that the teaching of the Holocaust is not divisive where black history would be. Well, to that one would have to say TOO BAD. Is he serious with that one. It doesn't matter what he says. We're not in Florida or Texas. Many NYC schools now have an entire Black History curriculum and there ain't a damn thing wrong with that, or a damn thing anyone can do about it. The kids enjoy it, and it teaches them, among other things, about their history and culture before slavery. It's not about "bashing white people". That's just asinine.

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame James, he still believes that covid didn’t come from a lab leak. He’d rather tell us we are tin foil hats.

waitingforsupport said...

@651 pm. You know what's up. Their modus operandi is to TRY and be slick with their 1930 racist comments and then complain about "woke agenda" please. I'm glad you know what's up. It's sad that it comes down to checking folks on this blog but if it's posted oh well it means it's fair to respond. I see you!!!

waitingforsupport said... YOU know this person?

Anonymous said...

Hey, serious request
I have my final retirement consultation this week, any advice? Thanks

Anonymous said...

@7:22 Fool. Isn't the entire argument on this blog that students in NYC public schools who graduate do so because of rampant grade fraud, and without learning how to read and write. So posting that Success Academy students don't graduate 'on time" is not exactly some bomb shell. Do you even bother to read what you post or are you too busy spamming and trolling to do that"

"What this chart shows is that only about 55% of the students who are in Success Academy as 9th graders have graduated from Success Academy after four years. Another 5% graduate after 5 or 6 years. As for the other 40%, they have left the school, maybe graduating on time in another school." "My suspicion is that Success Academy does this little game where they tell students that they are going to make them repeat a grade but that they will promote them if they transfer out." His suspicion is not exactly hard data is it?

Anonymous said...

It’s always those who identify as liberal that want James to censor. Scream coup, dummy, jackass etc all you want. We just don’t have to agree with you. Biden sucks. He is senile and corrupt. Fuck Trump. DeSantis 24. You don’t have to agree with any of these statements. It’s ok.

11:06. Understand how your estimate is calculated. Don’t just rely on someone else doing the calculations. I’ve known dozens of retirees whose pension was very close to UFT estimate but I also knew someone who had a rep that messed it up and it was a lot less. So understand how they do it and double check the math. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

In remote summer school. What a sham.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew is our Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

8:15 you're screaming at the wind like James said. LOL. You sound dumb as fuck with your constant straw man because nobody is singing Biden any praises and disparaging Trump doesn't translate to complments for Biden. But it is not a fact that he's senile and ypu just hate when people call you out on your bullshit lies. Besides werent you crying to James about WFS and her posts (waah, waah let me respond) and recently crying about "he started it" (waah, waah). Yeah..censor your irrelevant gutter posts that have nothing to do with nothing other than giving you the platform to vomit your toxicity (remember your gems and accusations about kids, undies and molestation)? Sick and had no place on this board. You give educators a bad name. Nobodys asking him to censor lame bad words or Biden insults dumb fuck.

waitingforsupport said...

@9:12pm. Absolutely. Black History is US history. Everyone will benefit from learning about the accomplishments of ALL people who had a hand in building this amazing country. Slavery is a part but in now way the totality of our story. I love experiencing ALL cultures and their contributions. However if and when Anon2323 etal want to post that bulls^it they will get a lesson. Ps please do go read the late Chaz' blog. There is no shame in my game. You will see who is ranting about race and who is responding. As the great Bugs Bunny would say, "what maroon " . Stay well 9:12

Anonymous said...

My advice: ignore this childish gutter poster, and post what you will; don’t respond. But please be aware (the troll has a point) that this is a public blog. Don’t degrade the profession.

waitingforsupport said...

@139pm...the walking dead are terrfied of those of us who are awake. Despite our best efforts to drag them along--they prefer to remain sipping on the teat of the 1% Food for thought "youths are passed through schools that don't teach. Then forced to search for jobs that don't exist and finally left stranded to stare at the glamorous lives advertised around them"
H.P. N. These yee haws who chuckle at being child neglectors and thieves are the SAME ones who toss out crime stats. They believe the media only when it's beneficial to the story they want to tell. Walking fu^king Dead. You won't believe this sh^t if you paid $15.50 down at the Regal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the retirement advice. Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I hope you would be just as understanding if someone else was the President.

Anonymous said...

LOL. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I was jealous of the welfare students so I became one. 6 hours of per session today at $54 bucks an hour to sit in a chair and tell students to work on the computer.

Anonymous said...

1:39. My my. So angry. Why are you obsessed with kids undies? Weirdo. You have no problem with drag stripper shows for kids and you think you have the moral high ground. You’re funny in a really weird angry way. I’ll keep writing what I want. You keep getting your undies in a bunch. Deal?

Anonymous said...

I’m terrified that you will keep lagging.

Anonymous said...

You only degrade yourself 2:25, not the profession. Gutter poster projects while spamming the threads with his childish troll emoji. He keeps saying "ignore the troll" while following the person around and taking shots even when he's not part of the conversation. Still licking his wounds from a discussion where he was the one calling names and got bashed real good and has been crying about it every since. You poor thing. Ignore the crybaby troll who clearly has no issue with child molestation and messy anecdotes about drag clubs but has his/her panties in a bunch over the word "fuck". These dumb fucks crack me up. ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

3:35 - that was advice? "Double-check the math". My 3rd grader coulda told you that.

Anonymous said...

2:43 - I for one don't want to drag them along along. They can stay stuck on stupid for all I care. Yes, yes, yes @ "These yee haws who chuckle at being child neglectors and thieves are the SAME ones who toss out crime stats." You hit the nail on the head. Again.

Anonymous said...

Adults will figure it out.
Extrem behavior warrants extreme description.

Anonymous said...

True that.

Anonymous said...

I approve this message.

Anonymous said...

She is not "just a union leader". She is a powerful political activist. Likely, a closeted Marxist .

Anonymous said...

UFT is not a teachers' union. It is a memership- garnishing fundraiser for democratic socialists (a.k.a. bolsheviks).

Anonymous said...

Don’t be a dick. I was thanking someone for giving me some advice. Sorry you didn’t care for it. I appreciated the effort Does anyone else who has retired have advice for my retirement consultation? Any would be appreciated thanks

Anonymous said...

5:56 - nice try at projection on the "kids undies". You were the one incessantly posting and ranting about it. And even now saying "you have no problem with drag stripper shows" when you were the only one who knew allll the details about it and mad that the rest of the blog was not up on the goings on regarding undies in another state. ROFL. Yes, keep writing what you want perv and I'll keep smacking you down like the racist fraud committing bug you are, as I see fit. Deal.

Anonymous said...

5:22 thanks for admitting once again that you're a fraud and a disgrace, in case there was any confusion as to why people refer to you as such. It's no wonder your students have no respect for you. The only respect you think you get is when you pretend to be something else. A pathetic life for sure.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service 5:22. I'm sure the maintenance department loads up on overtime trying to remove the stench from whatever room you occupy. It probably hovers over you like a cloud of dust like the pigpen character from charlie brown. You stink up every place you occupy and this blog is no exception.

Anonymous said...

9:26 and 6:44. Surprisingly many retirees don’t check the math themselves. More advice for retiring. Don’t forget to check the box for the optional rider on health coverage form or you will not have prescription coverage. Pre Medicare Health coverage costs more in retirement because of prescription coverage. If you don’t have GHI other plans in retirement can be very costly. Look to see what best suits your needs. God help us with Medicare changes coming thanks to sell out Mulgrew. Also keep in mind that our pension COLA is virtually nothing so keep inflation in mind when it comes to your monthly pension amount. What sounds good now won’t be so good in the future. UFT consultations are very informative but the more you know ahead of the consultation the better prepared you are to get all your lingering questions answered. Everyone can mess up so checking the math is always good advice.

Anonymous said...

Teaching and meetings suck

Anonymous said...

522, welfare students?? why would you say that, you think parents of children of color don't work? scary if you're a teacher

Anonymous said...

1:39 so only you get to post what you want?. Werent you yelling at a poster for liking vacation days? Sounded just like you. Don't you become unhinged at responses to posts? Wasnt it you who posted a tirade the size of a small novella to just "get it off your chest? You want the right to be unhinged unchecked all day long, start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

Newsom vs DeSantis. Now that would be an exciting race.

Anonymous said...

5:56 you're so full of shit youre pathetic. Wont even cop to your own posts. Can't blame you, they were so disgusting and embarrassing. But yeah fool, you were the one going on and on about children going to drag stripper shows and putting money children. undies. You even said you visit those shows and have no problem with them. You' should really seek help and stop damaging nyc children.

waitingforsupport said...

@522... the tool's tool. An embarrassment. If i worked with them I'd tell every parent and student about their clownish behavior. It says something about you when you can even get hired by your own community. I guess they recognize the unskilled.

waitingforsupport said...

Good advice

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Is ghi the same as emblem health?

Anonymous said...

the post for 1:39 was really for 5:56.

Anonymous said...

W4S is correct, trash works with trash, most of the time. Students and that teacher.

Anonymous said...

$140K per year tool.
Not in a poverty and crime neighborhood tool.
Eats you up doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

12:05 very good point waitingforsupport.

Anonymous said...

2:30 no crime or poverty and you are still incapable of teaching. Just imagine being in a high need school. A complete waste of $140k. Any sane taxpayer would be offended.

Anonymous said...

My school is crime and poverty, my home isn’t. Nice try. Good day.

Anonymous said...

Waitingforsupport, and Anon2323 for that matter (since he also asked that we take a look) I did visit Chaz' blog and the only unhinged post I saw was from Anon. All caps just screaming about whatever. I copied and posted it but apparently James won't put it through, it was that bad.

James Eterno said...

I think the stuff you cited from Chaz had no context. It was totally irrelevant here.

Anonymous said...

3:47 nobody said you lived in a crime and poverty area. She said you cant get HIRED by your community. There are schools everywhere. I assumed you read correctly but apparently you cant read.

waitingforsupport said...

@230.... only $140,000? Lol. You should be earning at least $500,000. Lol. Good teachers earn that without having their head up administrators lettuce shooter. Damn you're not even a tool. Let's call you the town lab experiment.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, only. I had to add about 87 lunch forms together to get to $140K. Sad for the students! I guess "only" should be applied to a family of 5 on $19K.

James Eterno said...

Post the Chaz link and I will check it out but seriously, is this how you want me to spend my time?

Anonymous said...

Nobody teaches. Join the party.

Anonymous said...

8:19 James, I didnt ask you to check anything so what are you talking about? You talk yet won't post my responses so whats the point? . Bottom line, WFS was lied about on this blog, Anon asked people to check, I checked and it was a lie AND turns out he was the one unhinged. Whats to check?

Anonymous said...

8:03 its so weak that your response to people on this blog is to attack or mock either the students or the parents. 87 lunch forms? Youre mocking poor and needy children now? Not just now, you do it all the time. Sick.

Anonymous said...

@ waitingforsupport imagine having to sell your soul for $140k, having to pretend to be "woke", sitting around a bunch of women like a hen party cackling like you agree when you don't. It doesn't get anymore pathetic than that.

James Eterno said...

Chaz blog (give us link) so anyone can go there to read the context of the comment

Anonymous said...

8:26 that's what you think? Nonsense. People do teach, absolutely, positively. All the teachers in my building teach. Bigger challenge for some than others, and some years better than others, but people are teaching and some people sincerely care about the students. Like Eminemm said "tear the motherfucking roof off like two dogs caged...I've been chewed up, spit out and booed off stage, but I kept rhyming and step writing the next cypher".

Is it easy, NO. Lot of work that requires a TEAM effort. I use my time to put in document, speak to the AP Security, coaches (especially), parents, guidance counselors. Even upper classmen. Sometimes they're teammates with the worst offenders and I'll have them check 'em. Those freshmen MOFOs come in in September like they own the fucking place, and we let them know right quick who is in charge. Ha! They don't give a fuck. Students join forces to try and wear us down, yaay, they won, we won't teach. Dumb Mfer's. I guess we'll both be worn down then. I may struggle to get the noise level down at times, but they will do the work and you will learn or at a minimum you will allow others to learn, and there are always some who do want to learn. DO NOT allow them to take over your class, because they will if you let them. And if they do one day, the next day we are going to start anew. It's like a battlefield but my goal is to get in under control as quickly as I can using all my resources.

But if you feel that strongly about not teaching, and maybe you just stopped caring along the way, if you ever cared at all, maybe you should find another profession, or an easier school to teach. It's a vicious cycle and I wouldn't recommend teaching to anyone, but sometimes people are in too deep to leave. Find a way to get out of the classroom because not teaching, and not even trying is not honorable any way you slice it. Early last year was rough, returning after COVID they didn't know how to act, but September is a new year and hopefully I have some new tricks up my sleeve.

Anonymous said...

James @10:21, I'm not doing all that. Like you said "is that how you want me to spend my time"? I came across it as I was browsing, not even sure what post it was under. Besides, did you ask Anon to post the link so anyone could read the context of what he was saying when he made the accusation? I get it, I see you.

Anonymous said...

Hen party cackling? Sounds like a misogynist’s comment. Why are a group of professional women conversing about DOE curriculum labeled a cackling hen party? The curriculum is a woke curriculum. My black boss expects me to implement it. So what’s the problem? Should I tell her I know better? Should I refuse to implement the curriculum chosen by administrators. I’m doing the job I was hired to do. SEL points count in student grades and in my observations and my supervisors, none of whom are white, rate me highly. Take it up with Adams and Banks. They sanction it all. Im doing exactly what has been asked by all my non white administrators and it’s all DOE approved. I don’t believe in any of it. That’s what some of you are really pissed about. I won’t buy into your silly ideas. If I was spouting that it’s all great and about equity, you leftists would love me. The result is the same. Students getting taught a woke agenda and lower grading standards. Nothing changes whether I’m a true believer or not. Obviously your insults don’t keep me away but feel free to keep trying.
No teacher earns half mil a year. I’m not the 140k guy but come on. Can’t take you seriously with that retort. Adults with self esteem are unaffected by childish taunts. If you’re affected, liberal or conservative, get therapy to improve your self esteem so you won’t take things so personally. It will make reading this blog much more enjoyable.

James Eterno said...

If you want to cite Chaz, it is fine but please give us the link to the particular blog post so we can read the context of what you are quoting. Thanks.

waitingforsupport said...

902... No worries. You obviously are aware of how some commenters make up their own narrative. I have respect for James because he takes time out of his day to blog. I imagine he provides this space to inform educators about what's happening with our union. Those commenters who are weak come to the blog to try and create a distraction. Lmao. Unfortunately if bullsh^t is posted, the bullsh^ will be addressed because even the morally bankrupt need attention. When i feel charitable I put my foot in their Arce. I am not as good as you and others who REALLY know how to check a WEAK but I try. Lol. You're all of that. Stay strong

waitingforsupport said...

@504, 3:47 is the best the US has produced. You can't make this sh^t up. I guess their "fine" schools spent more time on teaching how to be a clown and less time on reading comprehension. Wtf.

Anonymous said...

Amen by fellow teacher, they are the ones who have implemented this nonsense. I’ve been faking it for the last 10 years or so. Get along to get along. My administration who have very little teaching experience but fit the right group have ruined my school and have done server damage to the education of thousands with their nonsense. I go home every night to my nice suburban community and believe it or not feel sorry for what the city students have to deal with. No attendance or homework requirement, fake zoom classes and all the rest. God bless my fellow teachers and if you need to point fingers of why our system is failing you can point it at me and teachers like me if it makes you feel better but you all know that the liberal policies have failed you, me, our society and especially the students who have become accustomed to the low expectations of? Yes you all know but have invested your entire adult lives to the supposed solutions that one party continues to use. Wake up it’s not working.

waitingforsupport said...

@942. NOPE. I can't even imagine that sh^t. And then they post about it. And while earning $140,000--the same $$$ that we earn while we maintain our morals. It goes back to the morals instilled in them by their parents i.e harm others, cheat, lie, etc. America's best. Side eye

James Eterno said...

I sure did ask Anon2323 for a link and did not post his quote from Chaz without it, 4:33. Cite Chaz all you like but give us the link so we can check context. I knew Chaz pretty well as we worked together for years and were on our School Leadership Team. He was independent but not a right wing Republican.

Anonymous said...

James, this is my last post on this. I didnt cite Chaz. I quoted ANON. And if you asked him for a link to support his comment it didn't matter because his post went through or else I wouldn't have seen it.

Anonymous said...

7:05 "Blah, Blah, Blah" "DOE Curriculum". Bullshit. You said you sit around cackling and pretending to be "woke". But yeah, cackling was YOUR word when you said that we were cackling like the female Vice President, ya know a Professional woman. I guess you're a misogynist arentcha?

Anonymous said...

@7:50 ypu poor thing. Your insults don't keep anyone away either, although it does makes for a more sour visit.

Anonymous said...

Highest drop out rates are in red states but sure, its the liberals' failed policies. Lol.

Anonymous said...

"But if you feel that strongly about not teaching, and maybe you just stopped caring along the way, if you ever cared at all, maybe you should find another profession, or an easier school to teach. It's a vicious cycle and I wouldn't recommend teaching to anyone, but sometimes people are in too deep to leave. Find a way to get out of the classroom because not teaching, and not even trying is not honorable any way you slice it. Early last year was rough, returning after COVID they didn't know how to act, but September is a new year and hopefully I have some new tricks up my sleeve."

Fair comment. Many have really tried, and just got kicked in the teeth. I'm entering year 21. It has really never been good. In year 1 I was being told to let students make up work-students who never attended, with 30 averages. I was 22 years old. I couldn't understand how someone with 20% attendance and a 30 average could get a 65. Now they have completely waived all attednance, participation, preparedness requirements. It is in the HS grading policy. What can I do other than shrug my shoulders? I really try to set a grading policy, which I can't enforce. I try to make them know the difference between right and wrong, and then every other teacher passes them with 29% attendance?

That's why nobody likes you
We hate you.
You should be fired.

Why would I want to continue dealing with that?

James Eterno said...

Someone quoted Anon2323 in Chaz comments and didn't provide a link. I didn't post that.

Anonymous said...

11:54, Oh yeah, "you should be fired, I'm going to get my mother to call". First I call the mother then I call the student to my room to speak to them privately to let them know I called. More often than not, they don't have shit to say when they dont have an audience of their peers. They threaten to report to Admin, I offer to give them a pass. Their behavior is abusive and disgusting and nobody should have to deal with it, that's why I mentioned its a team effort.

Admin always tries to coerce students but I noticed that the teachers who hold students accountable, fairly, get the most respect and they will start doing work especially after the 1st marking period. If they know they can just pass, its all over.

Anonymous said...

That should say "Admin tries to coerce "teachers" into passing students"

waitingforsupport said...

@750... take 10 deep breaths. My point is if you're going to be an a$$--get paid to be an a$$. Don't get the same amount of money that strong teachers earn. A$$ work takes a toll on you. Come on now. Didn't they teach you that back home in the village?

Anonymous said...

@7:50 nobody cares if you believe in the policy or the curriculum and you're kidding yourself that anyone is mad about your beliefs as you try and sugarcoat things.. You've bragged that you cause harm to black and brown children by not teaching them anything, and you've claimed the DOE pays you while you do nothing and ignore the students. That's pay fraud and criminal. Try as you might to distort what the issues are, its not working. Youre just a liar and a fraud.

waitingforsupport said...

429 am. Is a TEACHER. Not a hero or miracle worker but a TEACHER. The tools on this blog haven't a clue. This is the only place for them to unleash their pent up rage. Poor thangs

Anonymous said...

"429 am. Is a TEACHER. Not a hero or miracle worker but a TEACHER. The tools on this blog haven't a clue. This is the only place for them to unleash their pent up rage. Poor thangs"

Don't we all have this problem?

Anonymous said...

Thanks waitingforsupport @ 3:20.

And on your post @ 3:15 - yeah, he really believes you think teachers make $500K. LMAO. I know what you meant when you said "you should be earning at least $500K". When you wrote "good teachers earn that (140K) he thought you were still referring to the $500K. Hahahah. What a dope.

waitingforsupport said...

Lol. I guess his comprehension skills were taught by his suburban teachers. Hey maybe he had a "teacher tool" who passed him just because admin ordered it.

waitingforsupport said...


Anonymous said...

Fraud. Hahaha. Implementing the curriculum and standards set by the woke left is fraud. Ok. Do you listen to yourselves?

Anonymous said...

7:44 there is nothing in the standards or curriculum or DOE guidelines that allows for theft of pay for services not rendered. You really have to try harder at spinning things.

Anonymous said...

1055-If you go a few threads ahead, Erwin brought this up, and people replied by saying just pass students because that's what admin wants. (Students with 0% attednance)

Anonymous said...

Following the curriculum selected by democrats is now theft. Still funny. You're the one spinning. The lack of standards is a liberal thing. Woke liberals who are my supervisors set the standards that are approved by democrats in power in NYC.

Anonymous said...

You're acting dense, or maybe its not an act but collecting a paycheck while publicly bragging, and laughing, that you don't teach and ignore the students is pay THEFT. But sure keep spinning and pretending its someone else's fault that you have low values and have no strength of character.

Anonymous said...

11:37 thats grade fraud and admin will not have your back if the school is investigated. Thats why WFS asked if the request was in writing. They would never put that in writing. The most I've seen is where they point to DOE policy on attendance but even that says "mastery of content".

Anonymous said...

But mastery can be answering multiple choice questions from home on a computer.

DOE policy says attendance, participation, behavior and preparedness don't count.

It is in writing. I was told that if the students don't show up but do the online work they must pass.

waitingforsupport said...

Ok. Attendance. Participation. Preparedness. Behavior don't count. How do YOU assess mastery? If you are no where in this formula--you will be replaced by a machine in no time. It won't stop at teaching. When the working class falls, you really will see despair. Don't be a tool that speeds up the progression of our destruction. You and your colleagues need to stand together. Administrators are humans. They can't take your life. Assess whether students have mastered the material. If they haven't then they fail. If the admin pressure is too much to handle don't point the finger at anyone but yourself.

waitingforsupport said...

121pm? Please note that 12:13 is not well. I think it's their upbringing. I try not to engage.

Anonymous said...

If they don't show up but do online work they must pass. I'm sorry, not sorry, I don't disagree with that, but I wouldn't just give them multiple choice questions.

Anonymous said...

waitingforsupport, not only is he not well, he's confused. One minute he's in charge, not teaching, but has admin eating out of his hands by having them think he's woke while he cackles with them (but he's not really "woke", as if they give a fuck what he does and thinks on his personal time), and in the next breath, he's catering to their every whim, implementing their "woke standards and curriculum" for the same salary as everyone else. But he's winning. LOL.

Anonymous said...

2:53 LOL. Nothing counts. That's pretty funny. Makes you wonder if some people are making up stuff just to get a reaction. What's interesting about this discussion of passing kids who don't deserve it, is that as I mentioned in a previous post, if student know that they will pass no matter what, their behavior just gets worse. Why come, behave, participate. They've got the passing grade no matter what. And that is what I have let my Admin know. They are not there in the classroom dealing with students who received undeserved grades so I will pass and fail them as I see fit. Not doing it. They can't act up in all the classes, so they'll act up in the classes where they can get over. They're in your class doing other people's work. Lol. We had a teacher who had the worst possible behavior. It was complete mayhem with no one doing any work, and they all passed. They saw no need to stop the behavior. Lol

waitingforsupport said...

You know it. Mental health is a real concern. Some folks don't even recognize their illness. Graveling for $140,000 is sick. Who does that? The weak and fragile.

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