The short version: Student test score results will make up 50% of teacher ratings.
From Carrol Burris:
Half of a teacher’s evaluation will be dependent on the performance of her students. For 3-8 teachers of Common Core English and/or mathematics, that rating (Ineffective, Developing, Effective of High Effective) will be either 100% dependent on Common Core tests, or 80% dependent on Common Core tests.
The complex question and fuzzy details concern how each of the test score and observation parts will be decided.
In addition, the observations from someone outside the school will only make up a small percentage of the rating.
Updated with the Matrix
New York State. The most corrupt state in the union.
Come on, James, It's not SO complex:
For city teachers who don't teach 3-8 ELA/math (most of us):
Principal-40% of overall rating (maaaaybe 45%)
Independent evaluator - 5% of overall rating
Peer evaluator (maaaaybe)-5% of overall rating
50% of overall rating (maaaaaaybe distributed over two tests)
See? Simple! Clear! Concise!
Hey, look on the bright side:
1) less principal autonomy
2) makes no bones about us being screwed
3) You may not be in the system for the Mayan-like bloodletting that is about to occur!!!
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