The call for active teachers (my wife) is from an anonymous voice and it is basically impartial. It does say that we are the strongest and largest union in the country that needs you now. Then the voice says that we need you to cast your vote and that turning out matters to demonstrate the strength of our union and that we vote. The implication is that we are the strongest and largest because of our democracy. I give this call a fairly neutral rating.
However, the message from Retired Teacher's Chapter Chapter Leader Tom Murphy in his robo-call to retirees is not very neutral at all. I have received the call three days in a row. It may as well have been a Mulgrew/Unity campaign ad. It starts with Murphy's recognizable voice and then the reminder about the ongoing election. Murphy then praises the UFT as one of the only unions in the country that allows its retired members to vote for the entire leadership of the union. The praise then turns to scare tactics as Murphy tells retirees to "vote as if your economically secure life depends on it. It does." This is a loud political dog whistle if ever there was one to vote for Mulgrew.
He may as well have said that we have to vote not to let those lefties from MORE or New Action or those Solidarity people get a hold of your pension and then you may end up broke.
Could you imagine Governor Andrew Cuomo calling us with taxpayer money on election day telling us to vote in the election as if our economically secure life depends on it? The non Democrats would go nuts. That is the equivalent of what is going on here. Murphy is actually on the ballot for a Convention Delegate for AFT/NYSUT position and he is making robo-calls.
I have said many times that the UFT Election is a highly sophisticated rigged procedure designed so that Unity Caucus will always win but appear democratic. Opposition groups and candidates are allowed an ad in the NY Teacher once every three years and an email. That exposure, or lack thereof, would never be sufficient to answer the three questions of politics from the electorate that every candidate needs a yes response to in order to have any chance of winning:
1-Do they know you?
2-Do they like you?
3-Do they trust you?
People as UFT politically savvy as Norm Scott and I even vote for the ones we know and like.
For example from Norm's EdNotes endorsement for President:
President: Lydia Howrilka, Solidarity
I like Mulgrew a lot more than you would think. I've had almost no contact
with him personally, but get a kick out of him. If we were in a different world
I could sit down and have a beer with him. But I can't vote for him.
After some thought, including considering not voting for president, my vote goes to Solidarity's Lydia Howrilka who showed great energy in running against Mulgrew and also bravery in taking on this task while fighting for tenure.
I first met Lydia 6 years ago at the Portelos hearings. She was discontinued, which in almost all cases means the death of a career. I've never seen anyone put up the fight to stay in the system Lydia has. I also grew to like Lydia who attended some ICE meetings and made some passionate comments about why she was active in the union.
After some thought, including considering not voting for president, my vote goes to Solidarity's Lydia Howrilka who showed great energy in running against Mulgrew and also bravery in taking on this task while fighting for tenure.
I first met Lydia 6 years ago at the Portelos hearings. She was discontinued, which in almost all cases means the death of a career. I've never seen anyone put up the fight to stay in the system Lydia has. I also grew to like Lydia who attended some ICE meetings and made some passionate comments about why she was active in the union.
He knows her and likes her. I was considering burning the ballot since retirees should vote for a vice president but not the President who represents active people but I got to know Lydia too and many in the Solidarity crew and had no problem voting for them. (This is me speaking, not ICEUFT.) We have to work within the rules that exist, not the ones that are fair so I voted as did my wife.
If you don't think the election is a joke, check out the page on the ballot for the Functional (non-teaching) Executive Board. Nineteen candidates for nineteen spots and all from Unity. I have to vote as if my economically secure future depends on it Mr. Murphy? Yeah right!
For Unity to have to resort to political dog whistle robo-calls to retirees when they know they have every advantage, including being the only ones on the ballot for hundreds of positions, is rather abhorrent.
I did not vote for any Unity candidates. It is basically a morally bankrupt political machine and anyone who runs with them is just feeding it and the corporate Democratic Party interests our union endorses that in so many ways hurt teachers and public schools.
I did not vote for any Unity candidates. It is basically a morally bankrupt political machine and anyone who runs with them is just feeding it and the corporate Democratic Party interests our union endorses that in so many ways hurt teachers and public schools.
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The UFT ballot for Functional (non-teaching) Executive Board. Notice all of the candidates are from Unity. |
I voted the solidarity slate. Time to put Mulgrew back into the classroom.
I got one call from the UFT and as of yet haven’t received a ballot. Am I outraged, concerned or chagrined? No. Does the UFT know who I am? Of course. Are they purposely withholding my ballot? Absolutely not. They could withhold 100,000 ballots and Unity would still win. I saw an email via Ms. Arundel (the former ATR snake charmer) that I can go to the bowels of Manhattan with proper id to get the errant ballot, but I really don’t feel like making a three hour round trip. I don’t believe retirees should be allowed to vote or allow ourselves to be used in such an markedly egregious manner - the UFT cultivates an apathetic rank-and-file while turning on an activate switch the moment we retire - a switch that is powered by fear.
Mulgrew and Unity are corrupt.
I would love to see a few thousand teachers show up with ID at 52 Broadway claiming they "lost" their ballots just so they could a second one to vote for Solidarity!!! (Just kidding, I am against voter fraud)
Another reason to opt out.
For the record - in every election we were involved in -with ICE - 2004, 07, 10 and with MORE - 2013, 2016 - we were able to run a full slate of 19 functional candidates - not an easy get since only functionals can sign petitions and we had to get to multiple schools and have signing parties. Kudos to Ellen Fox for going to the ends of the earth to get sigs.
Why no candidates this time? Blame MORE Most of all for not caring to win and for dividing the opposition - for in essence not taking this election seriously and making sure no one else had a chance.
Secondly - the New Action faction that wouldn't run with Solidarity for the high school ex bd seats -- I believe a serious campaign in the high schools by the two groups could have had a long shot to beat Unity - and James and I might have gotten involved.
So the outcome will be Unity all the way - and I disagree with James on having some allies on the ballot with Unity -- better them even if handicapped than the alternative.
What is the alternative Norm? Your three can't even sponsor a resolution on Exec Bd. They have no group, small or large, backing them. I wish them well but know three isolated reps aren't changing anything in Unity. They will either become part of the machine or they will be out.
Teachers like to work under horrendous conditions. By voting for Mulgrew this will continue.
Vladimir Putin would be proud of the UFT electoral process as would Trump.
Sounds like voting procedures in Cuba, Venezuela, and other socialist paradises.
I'll ask you the same question: What is the alternative James? I will take having Mike, Mindy and Arthur there even if they have no way to get a reso up -- which by the way is way over rated -- they all stopped doing it anyway two years ago -- the questioning period is still a way to get things out - and Arthur taking notes has been very effective --Do you prefer no notes or any questions at all which is what you'd have if they didn't run or ran with the useless opposition. The handwriting was on the wall -- I know I can get my question asked through Mike. That is still a better alt than not running at all. I don't know what the advantage would be other than making you feel better.
I would rather feel better and show the entire union governance system for the joke that it is. Our expectations are so low that getting to have someone ask a question is now seen as progress.
10:38, The thinker and historian Ernst Nolte argued that fascism was the great “anti” philosophy that united people frightened by social and economic change: anti-Semitic, anti-socialist, anti-feminist, anti-democracy.
The far right is as anti-democratic as anyone.
The source of the last comment is The Telegraph.
Wow the Telegraph! Everything the Left says of hard-working Americans is projection. Leftists are sick and see in others what they are in denial of as true in themselves .
The Daily Telegraph is a Tory paper.
From Google:
The personal links between the paper's editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with the paper's generally right-wing stance and influence over Conservative activists, have resulted in the paper commonly being referred to, especially in Private Eye, as the Torygraph.
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