Friday, January 31, 2020


The latest from the NY Post on a school assault where there were no consequences for the attacker. This is a portion of an article written by Selim Algar.

An 11-year-old girl was attacked in another videotaped Queens school assault — but administrators never removed her assailants from class, her father told The Post.

Marco Rosero, 42, said he was forced to pull his traumatized daughter from MS 217 in Briarwood after administrators, cops and Department of Education anti-bullying staffers blew off his pleas for help.

“Something has to be done about what is going on in these schools,” the furious sanitation worker said. “No one cared. No one helped. My daughter was too scared to go back to class but the kids who attacked her were right back in their seats.”

The Chancellor has apologized for not responding to the District 26 parents over their children being hurt.

“I, in no way, shape or form want to show any disrespect to any parent that wants to be heard and I apologize because as a parent myself, I can only imagine the pain parents are feeling when their children have been hurt,” Carranza said.

Is that enough?

If there are no consequences for student and also administrator bullying behavior, bullies will thrive. That is unfortunately what we hear from our reports of  many out of control New York City schools.


Veteran ATR said...

Talk to anyone in the school system today who is honest.

There are zero and I mean zero consequences.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but in the past year, our system has gotten worse.

Everyone buried their heads in the sand. Principals want to 3020 teachers and the kids are learning nothing.

De Blasio has taken a system that was bad and made it worse.

If you really want to change this system, start with discipline. Don’t just say it. Do it.

Start suspending kids. Put the responsibility on the parents.

Joey is suspended 5 days. He is your problem the next week. You don’t have a sitter? We don’t care

This will never occur.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else tired of getting assaulted by children everyday? I have bruises, scratches, been kicked, punched, spit on. Teachers have had to go get x rays. But since we are on the crisis team we have to keep putting ourselves in a situation to be abused. Where are the protections for school staff? What can be done? And it’s not as simple as “call 911” (kid is back the next day and still being physical until they arrive) or “find a diff school” (this happens all over) or “the kid doesn’t belong there” (YES, but not so simple to get a kid out of a school). This has been going on for years, I’m getting tired.

Anonymous said...

A student told me that he would smack me in the face. Admin response...We will talk to him. Is this not a police issue? A suspension? A restraining order? Is that the best answer I could get?

Anonymous said...

The problem with suspension is that the students go to a suspension center. They do not go home. Close the suspension centers and then when the parent has little Johnny Hoodlum for 30 days because he brought a knife to school we will see them start caring.
Another thing that happens is sometimes the kids like the suspension center better and therefore act out so that can be sent back.
And then there is the real reason, if there were consequences and discipline literally half of the NYC school population would be suspended or expelled and society would see that the welfare system is not functioning as intended. It is not helping people rise up, it is chaining them to the bottom.
This leads to another issue with this implicit bias training. I recognize white privilege exists and has caused issues still going on but most white teachers I know who teach minorities are as far from bias as possible and could be delivering these mandated sessions. So the issue is when do we start the "anti thug life' mandated trainings. When do we start criticizing teachers who are promoting Tupac and Biggie as Black History archetypes over Frederick Douglas and George Washington Carver? Both sides of this race issue have a lot of learning and changing that needs to happen and it isn't going to unless everybody acknowledges their faults. EVERYBODY. All races, creeds, religions and nationalities. EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

I love how Carranza said he left that meeting because he was feeling threatened. Teachers don't have the luxury to leave a classroom when they feel threatened, so Carranza is a big hypocrite. If a teacher walked out of their classroom they would face a letter in their file or a 3020 for misconduct. Now he must know how teachers feel in the classroom and that parent was not being threatening - nothing like what some students do to teachers in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

If you think this will ever change, you are an idiot. The doe is only free rides, fake grades, fake stats, chaos, no learning, hidden crime numbers. I will quit after the final retro payment at 40 years old, this October. Any school system that can have high school students graduating unable to write a sentence, is not a school system, only a fraud. Any school sysitem that has students passing classes with 30% attendance, isn't really a school system. Good luck to all of you stuck...

Anonymous said...

Keep denying the facts, the liberals are doing an amazing job, lol, more out of control than ever. We are raising welfare and minimum wage recipients.

Anonymous said...

OLD FART STORY: I started teaching in the South Bronx over 25 years ago. The veteran teachers taught me two important lessons. 1) Keep you mouth shut and do everything that is told of you till you get tenure. 2) You will have to deal with crazy kids, that is part of the job. However, if you have a crazy principal, GET OUT OF THAT SCHOOL AS FAST AS YOU CAN. The sad thing is that 25 years later it is gonna be real hard to transfer out since I am at top salary and I am still dealing with crazy kids.

Anonymous said...

Suspensions don’t work. Dangerous ‘students’ need separate schools where they can be helped. If they aren’t NYC will be in deep trouble, as it is currently. Murder, rapes, mental illness, poverty, rage and homelessness are the real products of our school system. DeBlasio shouts schools are better than ever, crime has disappeared and homelessness is an illusion manufactured by the NY Post. Graduating education majors are outright refusing to work for the DOE. Same with the fellows and TFA. The word is out. The UFT stays silent.

waitingforsupport said...

I agree veteran ATR. Unfortunately everyone turned a blind eye when minority students were fighting and/or being attacked in school. Folks chucked it up to just being "those people". Understand this:whatever is ignored in "urban" schools/neighborhoods will surface in the suburbs or "good schools". The DOE is as jacked up as many other establishments in this country. Crack epidemic is now in the suburbs and poor predominantly white communities. Now it's called an opioid epidemic.

Anonymous said...

"I didnt do nothing in the 3rd marking period because my average was valid"...What a bunch of motivated young men. What a farce.

Anonymous said...

What about students constantly cutting class and coming to the gym, every day, every period? Been going on forever. No consequences. Write them up, email the teachers whose classes they cut...They still pass, and never a serious disciplinary action taken.

Anonymous said...

1252, join the club, and nothing will ever be done. I'm resigning soon. Not worth the fight anymore. Wait till am intruder breaks his ankle, they willadk why YOU let him in. They will fire you. And the school will be sued. A classic lose-lose situation. Keep writing it up so you have the paperwork, but you will be considered a pain in the ass.

John G said...

I've bee at this for 20 years now. Al I have heard is that student rights are being violated when we suspend too much. I agree! School principals and APs and Deans have been terrible with this. I literally saw a kid catch 5 days because he did not say "Good Morning Sir" to an AP in my building.

But what the hell happened to the rights of the students who get beat in the classroom? Or who feel unsafe because they literally see the teacher get slapped or bullied? Where the hell has the right to a safe space gone? This has gone way too far.

What they did was simple: They hired a bunch of inept morons to lead schools and districts AND THEN they changed the discipline rules to something that is obviously too complicated for their moronic building and district leaders to implement. They don't know how. So they blame teachers and send kids back to class and refuse to file reports and hope that it all goes away.

This is AS BAD and unsafe as when Bloomberg tried to fire his way to a cheaper budget.

Anonymous said...

I notice nobody said they called the UFT and were helped. That says it all.

Anonymous said...

It is a given that the uft doesn't help...WITH ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Keep paying dues for this service and call me a scab.

Anon2323 said...

Some excellent responses here.

1. suspension schools are beginning to close because nobody is being suspended. They should be run by ex military and CO who send discipline message to these kids.
2. 18 years in, trying to make it to 20 years if you are at 5 years or less you are fuckedddddd
3. Bernie Sanders wont change shit with schools the old Marshmallow
4. Parents should be fined if child gets suspended with fine increasing each time they get suspended
5. Charter Schools are clearly taking the students whose families care more for there education, DOE gets the shit of the shit unless at Bronx Science.

Anonymous said...

So why are you so against either demanding the uft does more, helps, earn their money, make changes or threaten to opt out?

Anonymous said...

I get it, in 20 years when things are just as bad, you will have had enough. What s joke.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, call the uft, ask them about grade fraud, fake grad rate, fake open market, 1% raises, the retro we are still waiting for, the lack of a discipline code, attendance policy, the fact that we get physically assaulted, why when we leave we only get 1 for every 2 sick days saved, the 8.25 we want back...Let me know what they say.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Time for a revolt, or mass resignations. Ain't getting betta.

Anonymous said...

Look at the complaints. AND THD UFT DOESNT CARE. When will all of you learn? I'll keep my $1600.

Anonymous said...

Implicit bias training didnt help? I'm shocked. At least got $255 for it

Anonymous said...

Teachers are attacked every day and nothing happens. And cursed. And disrespected. And abused. And pushed. And smacked.

Anonymous said...

The uft is finally worth what I pay them. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Until a mayor with....guts gets elected and cleans out the DOE swamp, things will continue to deteriorate.

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that after all of these valid complaints, the alarm will ring at 5 AM and we all will go back to work and the same shit will happen. And nobody will do anything. And James will tell us to keep paying dues. And the system will continue to be fake. And the grad rate will look amazing. And teachers cant wait to quit, and hate their job, etc...And say that even though students never showed up for class...They did enough to pass. So I ask again, when will this change? Never. Just wait for retirement or resignation.

Anonymous said...

This is all that mulgrew cares about...SLamming Republicans. I guess dems obama and deblasio have been great for us. And of course he also loves the liberal pandering. “We’re not going to let those who hate us — who hate what we stand for — win,” said Mulgrew. “We count. Every single human being counts.” #census

Anonymous said...

Can teachers use whistles in their classroom? As a way of managing volume level/behavior? Not to be used and abused regularly but as a last resort especially because lately I feel my chest is straining and I can’t raise my voice as much. It’s not a good thing I yell often and I don’t want my admin to write me up (if that’s possible) for always yelling and having poor behavior management.

Just looking for thoughts on the use for volume control and ideas on what else. I’m not a gym teacher. Just a general ed teacher in upper elementary

Anonymous said...

I am in my second year (but I am an experienced teacher). I was paid for my experience and my years experience (to the max). Which is all good. I love my students and families. I love my co-workers. All of my observations have been Effective.
My problem: our school’s administration is toxic. Horrible/Rotten and literally just plain dumb. Unlike her title (Principal: which should mean the top/best educator in the school).Ours has a background in a different discipline and she does not understand the curriculum or the children we serve.
So my question: If I have no interest in ever again working for the DOE (even though when I resign I will have zero income and no insurance). I am seriously concerned about my health by staying one more day. May I resign immediately? Will I get paid through that date and will my insurance end effective that date? BTW: I have never taken even one day off (we are discouraged from taking off!).

Anonymous said...

My principal implemented a PBIS system at our school that isn't seeing much success. She pushes us to use it as much as possible though.

Recently in a PD on Monday, the principal announced that the system we are using is "too middle america and too white" for the students we teach. Its not how "we do school." And we have to use it differently for our diverse students.

What do you guys think of the remark? A lot of our staff were stunned and shocked. I felt it was out of line and untrue. I don't think the children's skin color should be a factor in if something is effective.

Anonymous said...

Just give all students a certificate for Activism and say they're high school grads. Kinda like this already. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

Above: hostile work environment stamped with doe/uft approval.
Quit or sue. I'm at a loss how to fight this sick system.