Saturday, March 02, 2024

Resolution to Continue the Work of James Eterno

 ...the following resolution was passed unanimously by ICE...

Resolution to Continue the Work of James Eterno

WHEREAS, the late James Eterno was a dedicated member of the Independent Community of Educators (ICE-UFT), serving as a co-founder, UFT Presidential candidate in 2010, committee member for the 2010 ICE-UFT platform, long-time Chapter Leader, 12-year Executive Board member, and fierce advocate for labor unions; and

WHEREAS, James was committed to maintaining a vibrant ICE that meets regularly and contributes its experience in UFT organizing and advocating for a strong, militant, and democratic UFT; and

WHEREAS, James played a key role in the 2022 UFT election as a United for Change organizer and long-time Executive Board candidate for UFC, MORE, ICE/TJC, and New Action, consistently supporting UFT opposition groups while remaining a passionate advocate for the union;

  1. Continue to meet on a regular basis.
  1. Maintain its email listserv and blog.

  1. Remain open to all UFT members, regardless of affiliation or persuasion.

  1. Serve as a platform for civil and open discussions, encouraging respectful disagreement and collaboration towards strong unions and good public schools.
  1. Advocate for a UFT that embraces diverse viewpoints, open debates, militant unionism, responsive leadership, and an engaged membership.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ICE will continue to support and participate in union elections as part of coalitions and caucuses fighting for responsive leadership, engaged membership, and rank-and-file militant unionism.

Dated: February 21, 2024

1 comment:

waitingforsupport said...

That's great to hear. Thank you.