Mulgrew chose his words quite carefully in keeping in the spirit of these sad last few days for the city. However, two other labor leaders--Patrick Lynch, President of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and Ed Mullins--head of the Sergeant's Benevolent Association--have been anything but careful in their rhetoric the last several months and that continued Saturday in the aftermath of the tragedy.
It is quite reasonable to ask why these two union heads in particular are at war with Mayor Bill de Blasio. Has the mayor really thrown cops under the bus as Lynch claimed?
From CBS NY, here is the part from the mayor that prompted one of the PBA head's major explosions:
The mayor said he and his wife, Chirlane, have had to have painful conversations with their teenage son, Dante, about "how to take special care with any encounter he may have with police officers."
"I've had to worry over the years, Chirlane has had to worry: Is Dante Safe each night?" De Blasio said Wednesday (December 3). "And not just from some of the painful realities of crime and violence of our neighborhoods but safe from the very people they want to have faith in as their protectors."
This statement was made after a grand jury on Staten Island declined to indict a cop for the killing of Eric Garner this past summer, even though the coroner ruled the death a homicide. The mayor attempted to walk a tightrope on the issue. For the past few weeks, he has been encouraging people opposed to the grand jury decision in the Garner case to stay peaceful as they protest while not trying to further inflame the police union leaders.
Normally, the fiery rhetoric from the union heads would have eventually calmed down but Mullins and Lynch have been relentless in their non-stop attacks on the mayor. Their criticism was especially harsh on Saturday when Lynch claimed the mayor and others had blood on their hands after the cold blooded murders of officers Liu and Ramos. Many people have seen the video of the police turning their backs on de Blasio at the hospital. There is even a petition calling for de Blasio to resign. In response, the normally pro-police Daily News editorial page opined how Lynch and Mullins went too far in blaming the mayor for Saturday's killings.
It is interesting to note how we are not hearing much criticism of City Hall from the Lieutenants' Benevolent Association or the Captain's Endowment Association leaders. There has been no call for de Blasio to resign or talk of blood on the mayor's hands from these police unions. Could it be because higher ranking officers already have a new labor contract with the city while the PBA and SBA remain somewhat isolated without one?
The Daily News was on top of this story last week as the PBA leader looked like he was encouraging a work to rule slowdown. Here are Lynch's words:
“If we won’t get support when we do our jobs, if we’re going to get hurt for doing what’s right, then we’re going to do it the way they want it,” (Lynch) said.
“He is not running the city of
The PBA denied they were calling for a work rule slowdown but a source confirmed that this is exactly what police officers are being encouraged to do and I heard a similar story on the radio yesterday afternoon.
This is a trade union blog that is usually strong in its support of unions. In this situation, however, I have real doubts if the PBA can win a contract with a much bigger salary increase than their supervisors got because of the dreadful pattern the UFT set last spring for this round of collective bargaining for city employees. The pattern is 10% total over 7 years. Other city public employee unions are now stuck with this pattern for themselves based on many decades of precedent.
At the time of the UFT settlement, SBA President Mullins stated that Mulgrew was out of his mind for accepting such a meager increase. Recently, eleven uniform supervisory unions, including the police, marginally beat the UFT pattern by getting 11% over 6 years and 7 months.
A raise in this ballpark will leave NYPD officer pay rates below what Nassau, Suffolk and Port Authority police earn. Yes, the city has a surplus, but I still don't see how it will be easy for the PBA to smash pattern bargaining, even with a job action and an in your face political strategy against the mayor.
When the dust settles after binding arbitration, there are likely to be many bitter PBA and SBA members who believe they deserve a huge raise that they are being denied. They will then probably take their anger out on the mayor in the 2017 election. Eva Moskowitz (or someone similar) can form a robust alliance of charter school hedge funders with their deep pockets and cops.
This will almost certainly have the effect of pulling the UFT closer to the mayor which in turn means the de Blasio-Farina way of running the schools that I call "Bloomberg lite" will continue for the foreseeable future. Anyone who expects the UFT to be anything more than co-managers of the school system stands to be disappointed.
If public education survives the Cuomo onslaught that is coming in 2015 (We still have Shelly Silver and the Assembly Democrats so we have a fighting chance.), we may then have an even bigger political battle ahead of us in 2017. I am not overly optimistic we can win without a serious mobilization.
As for the PBA and SBA, the angry talk may be put on hold as the city mourns the loss of two officers but expect the rift with City Hall to continue.
I know that you join me in mourning the tragic deaths of police officers Wenjan Liu and Rafael Ramos over the weekend.
The senseless violence that took their lives has thrown a pall over our city and our school communities.
In addition to the two officers’ service on the police force, Officer Ramos previously served as a school safety agent at the Rocco Laurie School on Staten Island where he was adored by students and the entire school community.
In classrooms today around the city, so many of you were faced with students struggling to make sense of this senseless act.
This is part of what we do as UFT members, educators and community leaders — we help our students and fellow community members deal with horrible tragedy.
Tonight, the UFT Executive Board passed a resolution offering our deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of Officers Liu and Ramos.
Our resolution also pledges that our union will continue as always to work for peace in our communities and respect for all.
At this difficult time, I want to thank you for all that you do for our students and our city.

Our Union Sucks!!! They have no guts to do what's right and the members vote them into office. I guess we suck too!!!!
In addition to the Daily News--Rudy Giuliani also said that the 'blood on the hands' rhetoric against the mayor from Lynch was uncalled-and he said that Deblasio still has time to get the support of his own police force by rethinking policies. I think the next key date will be New Year's Eve and how the police will be permitted to respond to any possible demonstrations or any potential violence they should encounter.
Instead of backing the good faith findings of the grand jury, De Blasio threw the cops under the bus by blathering about some conversation he had with his son. Beyond the fact he seems unaware all parents tell their children to obey the law and respect the cops, this was pandering of the worse sort and about what I would expect from an associate of Al Sharpton. At least the cops are fighting back against this disgraceful smear.
Maybe he (DeBlasio) can get Michael Mulgrew to punch all of his detractors in the face.
DiBlasio comes off so overtly pandering that's it's hard for any thinking person to listen to him. Why would anyone take advice from Al Sharpton and not expect to polarize the public ( and police)? Rev. Calvin Butts basically said the same thing in today's Times. As for Lynch he's the head of a union and one expects a union president to fight for its members ( take note Mike). DiBalsio should resign, he's the flip side of Bloomberg, and this city (with him as mayor) is quickly becoming a very dangerous place to live and work.
So much for listening to Deblasio or any other politician. It seems like there are demonstrations happening this evening (Dec.23). Just wondering how the police will be handling any demonstrator who gets out of line.
To 7:58,
The same way teachers handle kids who get out of line- jusk ask them to stop and when they don't, ignore them. I expect there will be a lot of ignoring going on. Criminality will escalate, just as all the discipline problems have escalated since DiBlasio stopped suspending students.
Lynch and Mullins have something our pathetic leader dosnt have: BALLS
And you just watch Herman Munster, AKA Diblasio, give away the store to the PBA. Why? Because he needs to shake off his new found image of being anti- police and pro rabble rouser.
Thats my 2015 prediction.
Patrick Lynch and the leadership of the police union are fighters for the police as they are under attack by these pathetic pandering politicians. Contrast that with this pathetic Weingarten/Mulgrew UFT leadership that simply refuses to fight for the teachers as they are under attack by by these politicians.
And yes, the ridiculous teachers then vote these people back into office.
I am so jealous of the police union and their leader, Pat Lynch. He is working for his constituents (the police force) and he makes no bones about it: the epitome of a real union head. Michael Mulgrew should be taking notes.
And rub their faces in the dirt.
Use whatever euphemisms you want, but the undeniable truth is that PBA has been peddling racism, pure and simple -- and cynically so. Thank god, the UFT has leadership that won't descend to such depths.
I don't agree that the PBA has been peddling racism. Can you cite something for us to look at?
UFT sells out its members for a seat at the table. Police can thank God their union leaders are not selling them out the way Mulgrew does.
To 1:29,
How does the PBA peddle racism?! And please explain how the UFT is better.
I don't think the PBA intentionally peddles racism-and I have no question that Sharpton is a rabble rouser/racial divide interloper-but consider this: I read that several black city cops have complained-while out of uniform-they were profiled/pulled aside/asked for ID by on-duty police while jogging, shopping or doing other ordinary daily things. I don't know how many white off-duty police officers go through those similar circumstances and tactics. These officers of color have legitimate gripes-as they also serve and protect the public-So how do you respond to their accusations?
How does that make the PBA racist? Are there racist cops? Yes. Are there racist teachers? Read some of the comments here and especially at Chaz School Daze and you have your answer. Society has some issues
Yes, but many assume all white people are racist and all black people are not. I never experienced racism until I became a teacher (during the Crown Heights riots). If you were a white teacher at that time, you were considered Jewish and/or gay (and this was from staff and kids). I believe the main reason for it is that this country, especially NYC schools are completely segregated - 23 years later and I've still never taught a white kid! I'm no fan of authority of any kind (or metal detectors, or suspensions) but we need them.
Very well taken points.
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