We officially endorsed ST last year. Here is our statement in full from September:
ICE fully supports the nascent Statewide NYSUT Caucus called Stronger Together. Stronger Together is challenging Unity in NYSUT. ICE members worked with Stronger Together during the recent NYSUT election and the bond has continued after the votes were tallied. There is a great feeling about the potential the caucus has and we are happy to be a part of it.
Stronger Together established itself with a great first NYSUT Representative Assembly last weekend where they had support from roughly half the Delegates. They were urging more democracy at the statewide union level and backing parents who are opting their children out of state standardized tests.
We think ST caucus is the real deal and is the best bet to seriously challenge the bureaucratic top-down stale leadership of Michael Mulgrew and NYSUT President Karen Magee's Unity Caucus.
ST is opening up to rank and file membership unlike Unity which only accepts Representative Assembly Delegates at the state level and is a closed, invitation only group in the UFT.
I urge everyone to join ST. Below is the email from the caucus that opens up membership.
Dear ST Caucus Members,
We were thrilled with the support the caucus received at the NYSUT RA in Buffalo. Over 500 delegates joined, 145 of which were local presidents. Our inaugural caucus meeting was standing room only with incredible enthusiasm and support for our resolutions and democratic reform within NYSUT. Our bylaws and a slate of caucus officers were approved.
While our constitutional amendment proposals were defeated, we were able to get the RA House of Delegates to pass three resolutions that address the flawed nature of the standardized tests in New York State. The resounding voices of the Delegates at the NYSUT RA in favor of these issues will now compel NYSUT leadership to do the right thing for New York's students and teachers by supporting the opt out movement!

As we move forward, we will be revising the voting amendments dealing with democratic reform within NYSUT for the RA next year. Please feel free to reach out to caucus officers regarding any concerns you might have as the year progresses. We truly want rank and file members to utilize this avenue because it will help focus our positions and determine our resolutions for the next RA.
ST Caucus is open to any NYSUT Member in good standing, delegates and non delegates alike. Please encourage every member in your local to join--a membership form can be found here. T-Shirts in sizes M,L,XL,2X and 3X are still available for a $20 donation here. We will continue to keep you informed of new developments. In the meantime, please share information about the caucus with your local and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
In Solidarity,
Chair: Beth Dimino—President Port Jefferson Station Teachers' Association
Treasurer: Beth Chetney—President Baldwinsville Teachers’ Association
Secretary: Laura Spencer—President Smithtown Teachers’ Association
Membership Chair: Michele Bushey—PAC, Saranac Teachers’ Association
Vice-Chairs representing NYS by region
1) Central NY/Southern Tier: Angelee Hargreaves—President Port Byron Teachers’ Association
2) Capital District: Megan DeLaRosa—President Shenendehowa Teachers’ Association
3) North Country: Nate Hathaway—President Malone Federation of Teachers
4) Tarrytown/Mid-Hudson: Mike Lillis—President Lakeland Federation of Teachers
5) Nassau/Suffolk: Kevin Coyne—President Brentwood Teachers’ Association
6) NYC: Mike Schirtzer—UFT Delegate; MORE CAUCUS
7) Western NY (Buffalo): Joe Karb—President Springville Faculty Association
8) Western NY (Rochester): Orlando Benzan—President Brockport Teachers’ Association
I 'm joining.
So opposite of Mulgrew? I'm in!
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