Wednesday, June 01, 2022


 The backlash against lowering. Lass sizes in NYC schools has already started. 

This is from Chancellor David Banks:


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that I read the DOE has so much money from Covid stimulus, it doesn't know how to spend it?

Anonymous said...

"This bill specifically targets NYC schools". Yes, you idiot, it does because NYC schools are the only schools in the state that have mayoral control. You made your bed, now lay in it!

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice if mulgrew publicly opposed mayoral control and lobbied against it.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew supports mayoral control. It would be "nice" if you
understood the reality of the corrupt, incompetent UFT.
They claim to represent you, but they don't.

Anonymous said...

This deal will not be funded by NY state. They never paid up on the CFE legal decision. Why should the NY state legislature fund this bullshit deal? ...and they won't.


Anonymous said...

Well, if he can not make it happen, then there should not be any Mayoral control!

Anonymous said...

Adams should have done an informal poll from parents to see if they want mayoral control or not. He claims to want to take the parents' views in all the city's decisions regarding education.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, nothing will change for the better. The DOE and the UFT will continue to be corrupt, money pits and the majority of students will continue to fail. I am certain that this is the goal for the politicians, the DOE and the UFT in order to keep their power and pockets lined. I will never understand why people keep voting for these corrupt do-nothings.

Perhaps schools would improve if the voters and tax payers demanded better results for the $37,000,000,000 DOE budget. This is more than enough money to have a successful school system. What exactly does Banks mean by large cuts to "school safety programs" and other "critical programs"? Is he referring to Restorative Justice? What or who exactly determines whether a program is critical? All the gimmicks, consultants, numerous administrators, newest programs, "critical programs", technology, PD, staff retreats, pizza parties, etc. will never make up for good old-fashioned discipline, work and study.

The idiotic threats by Banks about schools cutting essential staff are ludicrous. Politicians love to do this to scare people and bloat budgets even more. Principals choose where to spend their money. Principals can choose to spend money on staff or stuff.

I had a sliver of hope that Adams and Banks would make some positive changes, but it just looks like more of the same. I have been a teacher in NYC for 30+ years. Living and working through the decent of the DOE and the UFT has been frustrating and heart wrenching. The DOE was no prize when I started 30+ years ago but it was decent. Now, the DOE is so corrupt and such an abysmal failure, I don't think there is any turning back especially under the mayor's control.

Anonymous said...


You’re giving the UFT too much credit. They aren’t smart enough to be corrupt.

Mulgrew and weingarten always try to be friends with city hall. And they always get burnt!

It would be ‘nice’ if you had an understanding of the Uft’s lack of smarts over the past two decades.

Anonymous said...

This is why ALL should have voted for camille! Every teacher that complains about adams need to shush.

Anonymous said...

Banks and Adams transacted with NY State. They sold out African American children and children of color to satisfy their vanity to "control" the schools. But they got an unfunded mandate in exchange for their arrogant need to control. Smaller class size and greater individual attention could help many, many African American children learn to read. But New York State will never fund smaller class size. They did not fund smaller class size when required under the CFE decision by the courts. Many African American children will be illiterate for life as a result. Illiteracy is a huge problem in NY city schools.

The NY State legislature should have been held in contempt of court for not funding CFE.
But the 3 men in the room were busy with their own personal agendas. Sheldon Silver, Dean Skelos and Andrew Cuomo are the names of the three men in the room. The NY State legislature remains a cesspool of corruption and contempt for the law. This deal is another stain on the NY State legislature.

Anonymous said...

This is why every one needed to participate in the Mayoral elections.

Anonymous said...

Adams talks nonstop about how school failed him (i guess that is how one becomes an nypd major), now he "pays back" by firing in February many MANY support personnel (OTs, guidance, speech ther.,paras).
He uses his "dyslexia screening " talk as a smoke-screen, and removes services from the needy while everyone is mesmerised by his new suit.

Anonymous said...

If you bash the black mayor and black chancellor, you are racist. Stop. If you can’t handle 2 black men being in charge, you’re the problem.

Anonymous said...
Article in the post about parents wanting students to face real discipline.

Anonymous said...

Adams attended one of the best neighborhood high schools in Queens at the time. Wonder if he showed up often enough to get the benefit...
He did learn to work the system in the NYPD. Some of my friends are surprised to learn he attended college and grad school when they hear him open his mouth. (Some of them have the same reaction to Mulgrew.)

Anonymous said...

As a teacher, how can we ask for this money from our principals? How can we audit what our administration does with the money?

Anonymous said...

How can we see what our principals spend school funds on? How to find a detailed spreadsheet that lists everything they spent on? Is this information publicly available? Where do we look for our individual school? How do we know what the rules are on how schools spend money?

waitingforsupport said...

Do you mean sorta kinda like when Donald speaks?