TWU's negotiators also didn't accept adding in back pay piecemeal like the UFT did for 2009-2011. To date, only 4% of the 8% we were supposed to have received in those years has been added to our pay. The money won't be added in full until May of 2018.
When the interest free loan UFT members made to the city for all that arrears that the city won't pay us back fully until 2020 is placed into this comparison, UFT loses hands down.

Let's add in the actual 2017 and 2018 TWU raises. These are the two years the TWU just agreed to in their new contract.
2017 - 2.5% 2.5%
2018 - 3% 2.5%
Total 18% 24%
TWU still wins big.
(Add on three extra months for the TWU as it is a 28 month agreement, but I doubt the UFT will get 6% for those 3 months. Oh yeah and there is a $500 bonus for TWU too.)
But wait, the UFT said the city was broke and we needed to "get at the front of the line" for our contact with city. What crap that was. Just another lie the UFT throws at us. (Just like saying that they pushed for 2 evaluations)
Getting more is winning - 4 observations vs. 2 observations
Getting less is winning - 12.5% vs. 19%
Dear UFT Leadership,
We are tired of "winning" your negotiations.
The Rank and File
That UFT is totally corrupt and disgusting.
TWU- Predominantly men
UFT- Predominantly woman.
That's all you need to know.
Hi James, Do you know anything concerning these ATR rumors floating around? Is there a new ATR agreement or negotiations going on? If not aren't the current one's still in effect? Thanks.
Dont worry, our dues are hard at work today. Loads of buses to do a needless protest...Against what? Join the anarchy? Destroy businesses, break windows? You would think teachrs would protest Obama letting out criminals, who will hurt children, like dealing them drugs...
Obama spent billios to fix schools, and it didnt work...Why? Because of the students. There really is not other reason.
Trump? I don't care. NYC working conditions come Monday is what I care about. 2 observations please!!!
We need someone like Trump to tell the truth: That 15% of the school population is disruptive, apathetic and so disgusting that they make the lives miserable for the other 85%.
Identify and relocate that population first, and only then can there be real improvements to public schools.
Only 15 percent?
Teachers either are NY's dumbest for keeping Mulgrew in power or New York's most gullible.
Dumbest, look at the teachers who are working, barely speak proper English, kids out of wedlock, just like the students...
12:55 qualifies as dumbest. Get rid of the students and we don't have jobs.
I don't think the post said that. I hope I'm now the dumbest. Always try to be the best even if it's the dumbest.
Our dues paid for all this crap today in WASHINGTON, AND YOU KNOW WHO THE FOOLS ARE? The teachers. Mulgrew, Hinds, got their photo ops, and we go back to the crap on Monday. They go back to their offices on Broadway.
Madonna wants to blow up the white house, cnn talks about trump and pence being blown up, i get called white piece of shit and worse, the city spends billions on welfare, criminal students...what a country.
Feel the same way. A lot of horrible behavior and when you complain and state facts about the condition of certain groups in our society people tell you to retire, your ignorant or stay home. Some people even misinterpret what you write and call you racists. It's all good. No hard feelings my friend!
TWU, a mostly minority union, kicked but on UFT, a mostly white union. Race argument goes down the drain. I apologize to 12:55 but must ask this, What would you do with those 15% if not get rid of them which would cost 15% of us our jobs?
6:25 obviously has no self respect and enjoys shoveling shit all day long.
No answer to my question then. I guess I am right then that if we lose 15% of kids, we would lose 15% of our jobs. I tried to apologize and engage in a real conversation, but instead I am told I have no self respect. As the other guy says, God bless you.
I thought classes were oversized, get rid of the asshole students, we have normal sized classes.
We are funded based on how many students there are.Fewer students=less money=fewer jobs for teachers.
Ok, last in, first out. If anybody likes this job anyway...
Hey @10:42am...You sound like you need some cheering up...turn to ch 37 (BET) to see a beautiful tribute to our wonderful Peaceful President Obama. need a hug? Well see my post (12:55) will add some joy to your spirit.
Don't forget to include those lazy, hateful ahem "educators/ATRs" who don't know their ass from their elbow when relocating and identifying. They are one of the reasons why Donnie wants Devos to end public education. Yeah go Donnie are really taking care of your base--us hard working middle class educators.
There is that lack of union solidarity that has put us in the shape we're in. You see why it is so easy for de Blassio and Bloomberg to kill us.
Its an amazing day when "students" who are 20 years old with no credits and 30 arrests get all the benefits, and teachers with years of education and work get all the blame.
still waiting to find out why all the black schools fail and close...
Read the posting. TWU workers, mostly minority, got better raises than UFT, mostly white. Who is stupid with all those degrees?
And then those white geniuses voted in Mulgrew two years after he totally screwed them.
I agree, most teachers these days are idiots. However, its no wonder a school system 80 percent black is 30 percent college ready.
Why is there so much hostility today? Donnie is the White House--he will MAGA...Devos is coming
Most of them dont even know who mulgrew is, and had no idea about when or how we were to get future pay.
There's my proof that the minority transit workers are smarter than mostly white teachers. It blows away your whole argument that the minority people are not smart.
And unity reps and chapter leaders brainwashed them. Doesnt change student criminal behavior.
White teachers who approved contract know how to read and write, students in high school dont.
If these teachers can read and write, why didn't they vote no? Minority transit workers are smarter.The men and women who clean the subways got better contracts. Not too many whites doing that. Who is smarter? Give it up. Some of those high school students who you say can't read graduate and take Transit jobs. They are smarter than many teachers who buy Mulgrew's BS.
And why do they all, or most, spend time in jail?
Historically, union contracts dont get voted down. Problem is mulgrew brought us garbage, twu got better for whatever reason. Mulgrew, like the students, is a piece of garbage.
The twu workers are so smart, they make 35K per year. So they got a couple percent more. I agree, our contract was terrible. I make well over 100k at 40 years old, with 10 percent more coming. And $50 an hour for per session. And mulgrew, like students should be behibd bars, for different reasons.
What TWU worker makes $35,000 per year? You have to work 22 years to get to top salary. They don't. They get time and a half for ot. You get less than time.
When you compare education levels needed for job, transit workers do better than teachers for sure.
2016 contract 35k base
Enlightening conversation. One writer is making valid points while the other is not.
What is salary range for twu?
Hey teachers aren't dumb. Some voted for The Donald because he said he would MAGA so you see, all teachers aren't dumb.
3 meals and a cot--duh.
Maybe someone read the contract to them. That's a possibility. Why are you bringing up race, are you racist?
Valid assessment @ 4:20.
FYI - MTA - A full year consists of 2,080 hours or 260 compensated days
Hip hip hooray...The Donald has his base fighting for scraps as his real constituents--the wealthy--keep getting wealthier. Look behind you, Devos is on your heels...oh yeah let's continue this discussion about the ignorant, poor, welfare students--it will really change our situation.
And we work 180 for100k
Im glad your feelings aren't hurt by the horrible names you've had to endure. I mean no one should have to endure such treatment. People should get punched in the face, grabbed by the p****, and put in jail for this oh wait, that's Donnie Trump who did/said these things.
the question was about twu salary range...
What kind of fool keeps enduring the same treatment day in/day out, year after year? It's as if they have no other skill OR they are unable to find employment outside of the DOE. You must be a real sad sack to take your frustration out on the very people who are the reason why you even have a J-O-B. I guess it's true what they say: Bullies are just cowards with low self esteem.
I make more than 93% of the country. The question was about twu salary...what are you saying?
After 22 years you get 100k. You don't start out at 100k.
Comparing yourself to someone who has a GED while you have a master's +30 shows how weak UFT is.
no, L13 is over 88K, and in a couple months L13 will be over 92K.
You get that money because of AL Shaker and work of union 50 years ago, not because of current union leaders.
I'm not arguing that. I think the UFT is pathetic
Are you an educator 7:01?
Are you "anonymous" who thinks teachers are dumb?
Are you "anonymous" who said TWU workers are smarter than some teachers?
Yes, the ones I speak to seem very dumb, very uneducated, knowledge of nothing, contract or otherwise.
I said teachers are dumb, not twu workers are smarter.
I agree with's hard to believe that some of these people teach.
Misguided by Unity Caucus for sure but teachers are not dumb. Teachers are busy and trust their union to do the right thing by them. I wish they would all read our stuff to know that they could be in a different kind of union.
I blame the leadership, not the membership for the current state of affairs.
Hey james, where do you plan to send your kids to hs? One of these shitholes?
Shithole? You earn how much to work in a "shithole"? What do you call yourself, "Shitty "?
please explain
Roger that my friend. Have a good spring semester
I still live in NYC. My daughter goes to a NYC elementary school. Her teachers are great.
My question was HS. Lane? Hillcrest? I didnt think so.
Lane doesn't exist. A few teachers, including someone who is white, sent their own kids to Jamaica. It was a good school. New schools in building no. MCHS I would have no issue if my kids were there.
I know Lane has multiple schools, they all are pretty bad. That's the point...
But there are still places where you wouldn't mind sending your own kids in NYC schools.
You are so miserable @ 3:44pm. What are you doing to fix the situation besides complaining and saving money in your TDA? You can't stand the students, the schools, the DOE...etc. I understand venting but you sound as if this is making you ill.
My man pots and pans
Please explain "pots and pans"?
You are a character
Why do you say that I'm a character?
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