Thursday, March 03, 2022


Mulgrewcare appears dead for now with one of its chief architects, the UFT, issuing this statement after the judge made his ruling earlier today saying the city cannot legally charge its retirees to keep their current senior care plan. 

Make no mistake about it, Medicare Advantage Plus was in large part the UFT's plan and now Michael Mulgrew appears to be stung by this defeat in court. He admits in the statement that the savings were coming on the backs of our retirees who would have to pay for healthcare that is now paid for by the city.

I am wondering why all along the UFT could not read a simple part of city administrative code cited by the judge:

This section states unequivocally that “[t]he City will pay the entire cost of health insurance coverage for city employees, city retirees and their dependents, not to exceed one hundred percent of the full cost of H.I.P.-H.M.O. on a category basis.2”

The city pays, not us.

While Mulgrew sounds down, look at the first line of a CBS2 story on the decision:

NEW YORK -- There was a major victory Thursday for 250,000 retired city workers.

Workers win, UFT leader down. Something is mixed up here.


waitingforsupport said...

They will just return with the same old plan sans the "opt-out" component.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew is blaming this plan on the city as he is not taking any ownership of an inferior plan in which he did the negotiations.
In short, he sold the retirees out—and there will probably be another attempt to revive another type of Medicare Advantage Minus.

Anonymous said...

It was a victory for retirees. It was a defeat for
Mulgrew who was attempting to help private business at the expense
of Union retirees and at the same time Mulgrew was trying to gain favor with the NY state democratic party political elites by helping NY city with its faux austerity.

Mulgrew once again violated his responsibility to serve the interests
of union members and union dues payers.

The MAPP , Medicare Advantage Program was inferior because
of the way it required pre-authorizations. It also enabled private
companies to milk the Medicare system with upcoding of doctor procedures.

Mulgrew is a corrupt union president. He full of trickery and deceit.

Anonymous said...

The time has come for Mulgrew to go, leave, get out. He is not effective as a leader. We don't want him. We need strong leadership and he is not that.

Jonathan Halabi said...

Even if Mulgrew and Unity eventually sneak MAP back in, today's lesson is a valuable one: they can lose. Members can defeat them.

Anonymous said...

It’s just time for Mulgrew to leave office as 12 years as UFT President is enough. However, what guarantees are there if a new UFT slate were to be elected in May—would they also continue to do closed door negotiations with the city as part of the MLC cartel—with respect to retiree healthcare or even sell out their active members with an inferior healthcare package too?

Anonymous said...

If I’m getting shitty Medicare Advantage healthcare I’d rather have the option to pay. Not being giving the option to pay and being forced into Advantage is not a victory. Waiting For Support is right. Nyc solution will be to make sure we all have to suffer from Advantage plan. Not good.

Anonymous said...

UFT President Michael Mulgrew is on board with the lifting of the school mask mandate.

dues well spent...

Anonymous said...

11:25 He is on board with lifting the mask mandate because he is doing what people on here have been screaming about for UFC to do. He is going for the conservative votes. He has his votes and loyal supporters already. Then there is the UFC faction that would never vote for him. Then there is us. The silent group unsure of which side to fall on. The masks are coming off anyway so he is jumping on board. He's admitting the new medical was no good. This is him saving face and it's working because it seems no one knows UFC exists outside of this blog.

It won't be a landslide but I don't know how at this point how a silent UFC makes it a competetive race.

Anonymous said...

UFT president is on board with anything the democrat party wants. First it was forced vaccinations. Now it’s no masks and Medicare Advantage. This is why emboldening the authority of government is always a bad idea.

waitingforsupport said...

@9:10 am...Mulgrew said they are pulling support but he left out UNTIL AFTER THE UFT ELECTION. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Be very wary! All of New York politics is a puppet show
and Mulgrew is the villain puppet.

Mulgrew does the bidding of his puppet masters
and he is not worthy of leading the UFT.

It ill behooves us to continue with this charade.
It is long overdue, so now lets cut the strings.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew says his retirees deserve better—so why in heavens name did he try to ram this inferior MAAP down the throats of his retiree members—and he will probably try to revive another plan—when he is re-elected —hopefully not.

waitingforsupport said...


Anonymous said...

Well, here you go, now the Adams administration is appealing Judge Frank’s Verdict. Read all about it city government crushes the elderly by forcing people aged 65-100+ into a for-profit private, inferior plan so Mulgrew can get money into his welfare fund to pay his pawns. NYC a pays NYS $125M in tax every year for the privilege of using a commercial plan when they could self insure. What a city! What a state! What a fiasco in this clown circus of a Fascist Economy. Nation built on slave labor continues the paradigm. Get rid of the elderly, they no longer produce for the over class.

TeachNY said...

I am glad the masks are coming off. I don’t know why people have a problem with the option of wearing it or not wearing it. Nobody is forcing people to take it off. I for one, am see the psychological damage the masks have done to students. Many of them are going to continue wearing it. Not out of fear of the virus, but because they say they are not comfortable showing their full face anymore and don’t want people to see their full face. It’s another version of a hood. Now the hood is up, the mask is on, and all you can see are their eyes. The kids like it. I don’t allow hoods in the classroom, but some teachers do. The look of eyes only forever is insane. Teachers shouldn’t panic. The kids aren’t going to take off the masks….they love wearing the mask. It’s an insecurity thing now. Way to go NYS for causing this.

Anonymous said...

Agree with teachny. Masks are part of the cult. I also think It’s child abuse.

Anonymous said...

7:42 who is panicking about the masks coming off? The only ones panicking are right wingers who claim that liberals are only doing it to bring "happiness to the people". LOL. Seriously, wacky Marjorie Taylor Greene said exactly that.

Anonymous said...

7:42: You're right, it's a way to hide from the cameras especially if they want to go to a store and steal something. I think they also leave it on because they want to follow the crowd. I know that's what the teachers are doing in my school. The few teachers not wearing the masks are looked at like Jezebels.