Saturday, June 18, 2022


Sue Edelman and Melissa Klein have an article in the Post on grade inflatiin/fraud under Principal Namita Dwarka at Bryant High School.

One of the complaints:

One teacher said the 11th-hour requests [to pass undeserving students] started during his first semester at the school five years ago. “I was asked to provide passing grades for a marking period I had not taught, for many students who I had never even seen.”

“Last spring, I was reprimanded for not giving a passing grade to a student who had missed almost 100 days of class and had done no work,” the educator said.

Our friend Georgia is featured in the Post piece:

Georgia Lignou, Bryant’s UFT Chapter Leader,  wrote an open letter to principal Namita Dwarka last week, saying she had fielded “numerous” complaints from teachers about the pressure to pass lagging students.

“Teachers are asked to ‘provide support,'” she said in the letter, obtained by The Post. That means that the students can get a few last-ditch assignments and pass “with much less work than what the teacher required in class.” 

We do not feel that a student who was absent for most of the year and has failed previous marking periods can possibly achieve mastery at this time of the year,” Lignou wrote.

Teachers are “intimidated by the tone” of emails they receive from higher-ups, she added.

“What they hear is ‘We want you to pass this student,’ and they do” to avoid run-ins with the assistant principals who supervise them. “They do promote students who should not have been promoted,” Lignou wrote.

Seat time requirements, absent extraordinary circumstances in which work must be submitted that is basically the same as what the class has done, could help solve this problem.

It won't happen as it would cause graduation rates to fall. Grade fraud/inflation leading to far too many virtually meaningless diplomas being handed out is one of the consequences of mayoral control of the NYC schools.

How about a federal solution?

Grade fraud is systemic,” said City Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens), who sparked investigations of Maspeth HS after hearing from whistleblower teachers. “It’s  inherent in  many schools, and everybody in the DOE administration looks the other way because it’s in their best interest.

“But they’re cheating our children out of a good education. Don’t show up in class? You pass. Everybody passes, and grades are meaningless. I think we need a federal monitor to come in and take over because nobody’s overseeing anything.”  

For those hoping this will bring down Principal Dwarka, The Post spoke to a DOE spokesperson who said: “We take any allegation of misconduct seriously and we will look into this.”

Nobody is going to hold their breath waiting for justice but at least Georgia and her colleagues are trying. The people who hide behind anonymous comments here are not helping. Have some courage. I would not recommend fighting alone usually but a small group can make a big difference.

Integrity matters.


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Anonymous said...

Integrity? I’ve emailed Banks, Mulgrew and many media outlets about this very topic, with no response.

waitingforsupport said...

Beautiful. Yes. Integrity matters. I wish them the best of luck. Everyone should be doing this at their school. I stand with the staff at this school. At least they are doing SOMETHING

Anonymous said...

It's disgusting how Dwarka keeps getting away with all this. I can come up with 2 reasons: She's a woman and person of color. I'm also disgusted that the DOE is crying no money in the bank when they are paying this guy his 175,000 salary for 7 years and how they have 4 principals housed in one big building for all these small schools which really don't make a difference. Such hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Hey namita....still double dipping kids in Earth Sci and "geology", each terminating in the same regents, expediting graduation rates, getting federal/state cash, then coming up short in your budget by $200,000K? VERY BAD!

Anonymous said...

She has been committing crimes for more than 10 years, and
Superintendent Lindsey is well aware of all the scsndals.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous emails don't count. You don't even tell us what school.

Anonymous said...

The irony is that Fariña and Carranza praised this Principal as the best in the city with all the corruption going on there for more than 10 years.

Anonymous said...

My real name was in the email.

Anonymous said...

Those investigators from the DOE sweep everything under the rug.

Anonymous said...

So what school was it?

Anonymous said...

A school cannot function with so much harassment going on everyday, and corruption it is not a safe environment for students to thrive when they are all being passed.

waitingforsupport said...

@5:13 pm. I think you're emailing the foxes about there being a fox in the hen house. I think those people KNOW about the fraud. The public needs to notified via media. Educators need to stand together at their school and say NO to the fraud. That's when integrity comes into play.

waitingforsupport said...

3rd reason: she's a foot soldier/tool doing the DOE's bidding: IMPROVE GRAD RATE. This is just proof that a system exists.

Anonymous said...

Gotta feed their cronies.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to dox that 513/939 ?

Anonymous said...

Why aren’t you emailing Commissioner of Education Betty A. Rosa and Deputy Commissioner of Legal
Affairs about the matter?

Anonymous said...

Why aren’t you emailing Commissioner of Education Betty A. Rosa and Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs Daniel Morton-Bentley about the situation at Bryant HS?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for off topic James but I had a mystery direct deposit of $2600 to my bank account this morning from DOE payroll. Any idea what that is?

Anonymous said...

A student said that he was given the answers for the regents lasr year that is why they had just a jump in the test score average in a pandemic year. Why would they keep a Prinicipal getting caught with corruption sh over and over aga? She was featured in Crime Watch.

Anonymous said...

She has been doing all type of illegal stuff for more than 10 years not even Mulgrew says anything.

Anonymous said...
She has been bullying, and harassing the staff for more than 10 years. She has also been retaliating against staff. Why is she still there?

Anonymous said...

The relentless quest for shortchanging our students of a proper education with the blessing of Syperintendent Lindsey by committing fraud.

Anonymous said...

What is Mulgrew saying about all these scandals of that school that keep coming up?

Anonymous said...

Integrity? You all are racists constantly attacking leaders who are people of color. Adams, Banks, now this woman.

Anonymous said...

Integrity in the DOE. What about the teachers who were suspended without pay for allegedly purchasing false vaccine cards? I know someone who was vaccinated and is now on unpaid leave while getting investigated. The union is doing NOTHING. Where is the so called lawsuit they were talking about?

Anonymous said...

Dwarka needs to be stopped, however, we all pass kids in this system who don’t deserve to be passed. If we held every kid to the standards of ‘can they do the work?’ We would fail a lot more.

The doe and schools don’t want 17 year olds in 8th grade. You just can’t do it.

If a kid shows up and tries or fakes it, pass them. But, if they don’t show up or do any work, don’t pass them.

What dwarka doesn’t get is that if you are nice to your staff, they will play the game.

Anonymous said...

They must be out of their minds.

waitingforsupport said...

If an investigation is done at any school in NYC and they look at the grades YOU gave to YOUR student, you better pray that YOU have documentation that defends the grade YOU gave to YOUR student. Your principal will toss your A** to the wolves. You can blame Mulgrew, Adams, admin, parents, dems, students, welfare, gold fish or inflation but the buck stops with YOU. Integrity is a noun and a verb.

Anonymous said...

756 you believe that story? They were vaccinated but paid $440 in cash for holistic treatments for the shots side effects. I hope the union does NOTHING. They are cheats.

Anonymous said...

Part of working the system and conning the shit out of dumb woke administrators is always making sure you have receipts. We’re not stupid. But woke administrators sure are.

JR said...

Anonymous said...

They are all corrupt de Bldasio knew about the corruption in the school, and he asked Carranza to praise this Principal so he did.

Anonymous said...

You missed that part about integrity mattering 11:31.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

DOE data show that suspensions plummeted more than 42% from 2017 to 2021 and, indeed, have been trending downward ever since the department “revamped” the discipline code under Mayor Bill de Blasio. For years, school-climate reports contradicted the DOE’s insistence that school crime was low.

Anonymous said...

Nice job, babysitters.

Anonymous said...

Integrity shmegrity. You can have it all. It’s overrated.

Anonymous said...

I sleep well. I don't need to bullshit my administration. Integrity does matter.

Anonymous said...

You are going to use race as an excuse for your weaknesses and incompetencies. You are the racist.

Anonymous said...

This Principal should be removed asap we are hoping that Chancellor Bsnks keeps his word, and stops the betrayal of this Principal to many students since she has been the Principal in 2011. This Principal has been neglecting our students for too many years so she can look good. Harassment, and corruption have no place in our schools not now, and not never.

Michael Thomas said...

Why should teachers be expected to form small groups to fight grade inflation and risk retaliation when they pay dues to a union?

We all know how feckless the UFT is under Unity control. United for Change promised change but delivered nothing. The caucuses were not united for change but united to get elected. Once defeated, the coalition dissolved. Unity will stay in power forever if the opposition only emerges every three years to publish bios and get on the ballot for an election they have no chance of winning.

If United for Change were truly interested in effecting change, they would form a nonprofit organization that represents teachers’ interests. The nonprofit would provide opposition candidates an opportunity to show what they can or cannot do. Fighting grade inflation would be a good place to start, along with establishing opposition rights within the Delegate Assembly.

Anonymous said...

Again, We have nobody to blame for the teachers. The teachers are the ones passing the kids making the graduation rate improve and feeding the principals' egos. I've been a teacher for 25 years now and yes I admit I passed students who didn't really deserve to pass but that is different from passing a kid who did nothing all year or never came to class. We show no compassion or care for students when we pass them for doing nothing.

One more question, if Dwarka was such a great principal like Carranza and Farina said, why isn't she a superintendent?

James Eterno said...

For the record United for Change has worked together even after the election. We did the election complaints together and worked at DA collaboratively.

Anonymous said...

They were disciplined alright... Restorative justice and circles did wonders.

Gatinvisible said...

We believe she has some dirt on the higher ups that is why all the investigations get swept under the table. She has been changing grades, letting students get 6 credits on APEX over the summer, and all types of illegal scemes yet the famous investigstiors if the DOE cannot find proof of any wrongdoing. She harasses staff, lies, and has created a toxic environment but she is still there after more than 10 years when she should have been removed 9 years ago. Even the UFT does not put any pressure to remove her. Why is she there?

Anonymous said...

And that is what we call Systemic Racism.
Pass those who you rob of education, while calling ot "equity ".

Anon2323 said...

Of course the republicans are hear to expose the fraud, hence the ny post. Which, exposes many truths like HUnter BIden laptop that was disinformation before the sham election. Why doesn't the daily news or ny times ever go after the DOE and the corruption like Sue Edelman, miranda devine etc.

Even Chaz in 2015 went hard after Dwarka, no white privilege for this bitch. He went after her few more times as well.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 7:19, it seems you are a racist, if it is the first place your thought process goes to.

Anonymous said...

That law suit is in the same place where the Constitution is for all those who the UFT arranged to fire for not taking the jab (the jab UFT invested into).

Anonymous said...

At least dhe did not just "draw" the grades. Got an "alternative" coursework and told the tchr to "work" w/that student.

Anonymous said...

I believe that story, bcs I would have done the same, if I were vaxxed by phisical force.

Or yeh, and you "not buying that story" is not an evidence.

Talk to some Jews, who escaped Wermaht with "fake papers".
And, yeh, I do make that comparison. You, not connecting those dots does not make hou any brighter. Just an excuse to not see things for what they are.

Anonymous said...

He just reiterated the main call to action from 11:31.

Anonymous said...

12:41, why did you go into teaching? I demand my kids to be OUT of your classroom.

Anonymous said...

I use Betsy Combire from Stories from the Rubberroom .
Union is only good to ride up stocks by converging members into niddlle cushions.

Anonymous said...

She was from a wrong click.

Dawkins said...

The two times my administrator pressured me to pass a kid who deserved to fail, I told them I am failing the student, and if administration chooses to override that, that's their decision, I won't complain.
Both times the student ended up in summer school.
Integrity is everything.

waitingforsupport said...

@Gatinvisible. I'm guessing that her behavior isn't a problem for the DOE. If the DOE's main goal is for a higher grad rate--to appease John Q public--she is meeting their goal. I would imagine that the last thing the DOE wants to do is piss off Dwarka and/or any administrator. Administrator s are the front line workers for the system. They beat the teachers into submission without any real fear of the DOE. The Dorkas of the system are needed and protected by the DOE. I think their kryptonite will be the teachers telling the parents and public about the farce and the teachers sticking together and refuse to be bullied. Don't expect the fox to protect the chickens folks.

Anonymous said...

Equity is why we pass kids who haven’t earned it. People of color in positions of power in the nyc doe demand passing in the name of equity. SEL means different standards for different colors. This is the progressive education agenda. Don’t like it? Then dump progressivism in nyc schools. The left created and fosters this. If there’s systemic racism in nyc schools it exists under democrat rule with a black mayor and black chancellor. Are they among the black Americans the left calls the black faces of white supremacy? If they are, then nyc voted in white supremacy. Or are they role models for black youth? Make up your minds. How do you not see how your talking points are illogical and irrational? If you want accountability and education, stop the leftist bullshit. I follow the curriculum and grading policies set down by my administration who firmly believes we have to give the students extra points for SEL. I’ve got my emails to cover my ass. You’re bashing a system that is failing because it adopted exactly what the leftists wanted. You expect teachers to put their paycheck and retirement future on the line to buck a system you voted for and then you’re pissed when we say nah, I think I’ll pass being a martyr for leftists.

Anonymous said...

Corruption, and fraud should have no place in our schools. This Principal does not seem to understand it because she has been getting away with too much illegal stuff. But she is also betraying parents, and students. It is a complete embarrassment for all NYC that they keep her there when we all know her numbers are phony. They just put up a pony show but there is the relentless quest to betray NYC students of a proper education. She needs to go asap.

Anonymous said...

One scandal after another one, and all the investigations keep vanishing after a while. Just unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Divide and Conquer! When I started teaching, teachers and administrators were on the same team trying to educate children. Teachers supported teachers. Even the UFT was on the side of the teachers. This began to change about 20 years ago when the school system was taken over by politicians and the UFT taken over by self-serving puppets.

There is immense pressure to stay silent when the teachers are divided, we do suffer retaliation, we have no faith in the UFT, and administrators are encouraged and rewarded for lying.

I do not believe there is currently any regular school in the NYC DOE that grades honestly and reports disciplinary issues (I don't know anything about charters). By now, any honest, moral school has been closed, replaced or divided in several small schools; all in-line with the corruption. It also seems that morally deficient, incompetent, mentally unstable make their way up to administrative positions.

This is all very sad and disheartening.

waitingforsupport said...

@5:14pm. There's a breakdown in what is expected and what is received. Teachers pay the UFT to ensure that the contract is adhered to as well as to protect them from abusive administrators. I'm a NYC tax payer. I want teachers to do what they are being paid to do. I think it's hypocritical to huff and puff about what someone isn't doing while you are doing the same thing: playing the game.The "play teachers" happily make it hard for the real educators to do their job . IMO

Anonymous said...

Dwarka wants total control of everybody does if you question anything about her you will end with an ineffective rating. So you better all pass those students you do not want to end up with an ineffective rating. She loves to retaliate anybody that opposes her, or even speaks up against corruption.

Anonymous said...

Let's be real, every school has been doing this. There are a few teachers in every school with seniors who they pass by doing 1 or 2 assignments worth 40% of their grade. Who's going to complain when the kid graduates? The kid? The parent? The teacher who doesn't have to see them anymore? It's great that teachers are speaking up, but every school pushes out their kids. DOE knows this and they'll probably commend Dwarka.

Anonymous said...

She has been failing our students for a decade she does not seem to understand when you pass students that do not even cone to class you are hurting those students.

Anonymous said...

When we allow corruption, and harassment in our schools we hurt the students the mosr.

Anonymous said...

This is an embarrassment for NYC that a Principal threatens, and harasses teachers to pass students teachers did not even met. She is deceiving the public, and the parents who enrolled the students trusting that the students would not be betrayed by an undeserving grade.

waitingforsupport said...

Whatever helps you sleep at night @6:17 am. You say precisely what is expected. You're like a often read old book.

waitingforsupport said...

You think she doesn't understand?

Anonymous said...

11:52, 11:59: Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

It is fraud, and it is illegal.

Anonymous said...

A school should not be run through intimidation, and harassment. There are laws that prohibit harassment.

Anonymous said...

Most of the times when administrators threaten teachers to pass students, they do it individually with the teacher behind closed doors. You will never see an administrator threaten a teacher in an email because then it is memorialized. In a meeting, the administrator can say the conversation never happened. My advice is that if an administrator wants you to pass a kid who doesn't deserve it, tell him/her to send it in an email. IF they don't the conversation never existed.

Anonymous said...

What a shameful administration threatening teachers with an ineffective rating if they do not pass students they never met.

Anonymous said...

Hey just play along- the admins pretend to do their job and we do likewise

Anonymous said...

Teachers need to know that if a site administrator harasses you about changing a grade, they are breaking the law. This can be very intimidating for newer teachers, but know that the law is on your side.

Anonymous said...

This Principal does not give a damn about students if they have obtain mastery of the subject, or not somebody like her schoold never be a Principal.

Anonymous said...

This is an issue chiefly because teachers and principals and schools are now tied to students passing classes. Everyone has been participating in this charade for many years now. Keeping the seat warm is often the only real requirement and even that now is not required by the DOE. Insisting that all kids must graduate in 4 years even if they new arrivals is nonsense. We can’t get into the game of blaming the kids or their families. Also, in many cases, it is the teacher who is being unreasonable when a kid really needs to move on. There seems to be nothing new in the article. Education has been degraded because of testing regimes and unreasonable bureaucratic rules to prove that learning is happening when it isn’t. The elected members of United for Change must look at the entire issue of curriculum, pedagogy and harassment and develop ideas in the face of this system failure. Also, Georgia and many other chapter leaders must educate and organize young teachers so that they too can participate in this discussion and come up with real reforms that work for both teachers and students not figuring out ways to game the system and cover behinds.

Anonymous said...

We are not teachers to play along with a corrupt administration that are giving credit as candies like in a candy store. We are mandated reporters if we see wrongdoing we need to report it so those in charge can remove her for misconduct. She should have been removed 9 years ago. Fraud is illegal, and they are deceiving the public but also betraying the students.

Anonymous said...

That’s precisely why some teachers have been covering their asses by making secret recordings of their conversations with principals and APs.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the video going around the internet of students throwing a chair at a Bryant teacher this year????
No suspensions, no arrests etc. Some of the students fighting in the video are the same ones teachers were intimidated to pass by administration.

waitingforsupport said...

Dang. Finally people with a backbone are commenting on ways to pushback from bullying, harassment and child neglect. Tape administrators. Bring someone into the room with you when meeting with admin--if possible. Talk with your colleagues and stand together. If one is bullied, all should stick together and fail students who have not passed. There are more teachers than admin. Make an anonymous call to the PTA, to NAN, etc. Send all of your anecdotes to news 1, to celebrities. It's your career. I wish you peace and wellness. At least you folks are trying.

Anonymous said...

Do no say everyone. You can say this 0rincipal has been doing it for more than 10 years, and somehow SCI has been useless because she is still doing it. This is harming our students but the DOE investigators seem to turn a blind eye when this Principal does it over and over again. Parents should be informed by the school that we pass your daughter or son but unfortunately we did not have the pleasure to meet her or him. We hope for the good of the community of Woodside and Astoria this Principal gets removed. NYC students do not need to be betrayed by anadministrators that do not give a damn if the student is in the classroom learning or not. We hope Chancellor Banks removes this Principal we do not need another Carranza o Fariña who did not do anything about it but praised her as tge best Principal of the city.

Anonymous said...

Exactly it is a toxic, and a hostile environment where the observation process it is used very often to rretaliate against teachers who do not participate in the corrupt ring.

Anonymous said...

Parents of students of that school should be informed we pass your son or daughter without meeting them that way they know that school under that Principal is a charade.

Anonymous said...

We do not need discussions we need to remove those who commit fraud, and do illegal stuff deceiving the public.

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to know about the principal there read this and then:

Anonymous said...

Parents “should be informed.” A good parent would already know. Parents are the problem. If enough gave a shit, lots of things would be better. Show me a community of involved parents who value thinking and I’ll show you students who are succeeding. Of course there are good parents outnumbered in their communities. These are the people I feel for. The rest can go to hell.

waitingforsupport said...

Rise up. Act as if it's your child or relative being harmed. What would you do? Stage a protest each morning. Tell the parent (anonymously if you must) with the biggest mouth about the deception. It's challenging and difficult to stand up alone to the tyrant when everyone around you is ducking for cover. If it's against your integrity, do something. Too many on thjs blog would prefer to go with the flow or toss the blame onto parents, Mulgrew, the students, etc. They will say it's a dem problem but yet they collect taxpayers $$$.

waitingforsupport said...

@1048 pm...precisely. Discussion time is OVER. If this principal is bullying educators and neglecting children she should be on everyone's radar until she is held accountable.

Anonymous said...

The DOE is obliged to give credit to those who obtain mastery in the subject,.and if there is a Principal giving credits like a candy store such Principal should be removed especially if the teacher never met the student it is fraud and it is illegal and morally wrong. You cannot run a school like a dictatorship, and a banana republic.

waitingforsupport said...

@ 2:18 pm says "A good parent". No need for me to take anything they say into account further. Bye

waitingforsupport said...

Keep reading the comments because some folks will actually help prove the fact that there is a system in place and they are willing to maintain this system. Just keep reading because the truth will be spilled. They are the gaslighters who are bad at it. Grab your popcorn because they will be here any minute. One just posted at 2:18 pm.

Anonymous said...

Post it.

Anonymous said...

Very hostile environment she seems to like to retaliate. A good Principal shows the way, and lead. A bad one retaliates, and creates a toxic environment.

Anonymous said...

Chancellor Banks remove asap this Principal who is neglecting our students of a proper education, and Superintendent Lindsey for protecting her both part of the same sham. We do not need people that are deceiving the public, and committing fraud.leading our schools

Anonymous said...

There is a system in place that parents have no problem with. If they did care, we’d hear them. They are silent. My home school district is just fine because the parents and other tax payers demand it. Let me know when nyc residents are ready to riot over kids getting a shit education like they did for dead drug addict criminal George Floyd. Some people live in fantasy land and want you to sacrifice your career and financial future while they continue to cash their pension checks. I prefer to work this corrupt system for my personal benefit. It’s a job, not a calling for me. If it’s something else for you, that’s your business. Fight until you’re fired or you win. I have no stake in which path you choose and you have no control over the paths I choose. I don’t dread going to work each day. I have no work related stress. I accomplish this by convincing my AP I am woke and designing every lesson using SEL as my bible. Academic rigor is subjective under SEL. I am doing the job I was hired to do. Just ask the chancellor and his superintendents who green light curriculum and grading policies. When those change I will adjust accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Bryant high school teachers receive the lowest Danielson ratings in every single component, every single year! Out of ALL NYC HIGH SCHOOLS!!!
This is mathematically impossible unless done INTENTIONALLY. How is Dwarka not held accountable for this? This is absolute criminally professional neglect!

waitingforsupport said...

@12:40pm is telling their truth. They are precisely who i am talking about. They are what's called a "company" person. Their parents taught and modeled this behavior. I'm sure their children are the same. Thanks for being your authentic self 12:40pm. We know you're one of many. When you hear "stay woke" we are talking about you. Don't get mad about what you call "the woke agenda"--its just us recognizing the bulls^it you think we don't see. You keep on telling us how you do what you do. I love it.

Anonymous said...

One of the most corrupt administration's in the city. She gets away with everything.

Anonymous said...

6:53: She is technically digging her own grave if she has the most ineffective and developing teachers in the doe. Obviously, your teachers suck then, so you must suck. That is the rhetoric they tell us when we have a lot of students failing.

Anonymous said...

The problem of that school is that Principal she has not changed a bit, Her removal is way overdue.

Anonymous said...

She has been doing it for 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Let Commissioner of Education Betty A. Rosa and Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs Daniel Morton-Bentley know about this:

Anonymous said...

She has been digging her own grave for a long time abusing a disable teacher, retaliating, harassing veteran teachers into retirement, changing grades, threatening students who speak up, etc.

Anonymous said...

Please keep reminding everyone how on board with being woke the democrats are. Please keep reminding everyone that you will not rest until the world is woke. And pretty please make sure you are very vocal about it in November. My parents didn’t work for any company. Small business owners. They were the company and they voted for democrats because they were still the little guy. Remember when the democrats were all about the working class? Now their obsession with Marxist ideology makes them try to convince us it’s normal to encourage children to stick dollar bills in adults’ panties. Good luck with your lefty unAmerican pedophile causes. You’ll need it when democrats lose their power in November.

Anonymous said...

1020 marxists? dawg, they are liberals. please get it together.

Anonymous said...

One in the same these days @12:23

Anonymous said...

2:08 no. day is not night. hot is not cold. opposites are not the same. hate democrats all you want, i hate them plenty, but at least develop some basic understanding of what they are. it is reasons like this, a devotion to ignorance, that nothing ever changes and the same problems and situations repeat themselves over and over.

Anonymous said...

Wow I think you need a v8 or a snickers
I guess you didn’t read these days
Now if you want to have an in-depth intellectual conversation let me know
Didn’t realize I was being graded by the political science police

Anonymous said...

What we need to do is to remove incompetent people causing damage to the students, and creating a toxic environment let us hope that they all start telling the truth in that school so they can put a real leader in charge.

Anonymous said...

Once again lets hope that the DOE does not faiil this time to discipline and remove the infamous "Leadership Academy Principal". Let us hope that the new Chancellor keeps his word of not betraying students, and parents with fraud.

Anonymous said...

656. it applies to "these days." show us all these imaginary Democrats along with all the times they've called for the removal of capitalists from power, and for placing the means of production under the full control of the working class. if they exist, I'd join the party, cause that would be pretty damn based.
anything less than that is just liberal, or keynesian economics. learn the real enemy, and not some imaginary one.

Anonymous said...

I have enemies and they’re real. Democrats and Rhinos who aren’t America First. Joe Biden, Susan Rice and Pelosi may not be marxists but they enable the shit out of them. Neoliberals are the enemy. Mainstream media is an enemy. UFT members who praise China and communism are additional enemies. Shove it, commies. I’ll never take your side. My Eastern European ancestors taught me well about you tyrants. As did a few of the Chinese immigrant families who sent their children into my school.

Anonymous said...

Let’s get back to the topic of Dwarka:
I have a question for all the earlier commenters: “Why would you fire a principal that producing high graduation rate while maintaining a low budget - by reducing staff with +12 years of experience?”

Anonymous said...

Fraud, harassment, and discrimination is illegal in the US. She is a public servant deceiving the public, and shows she does not care if a student is present or not in class plus she is deceiving parents,. and betraying students also she has been doing all types of schemes for 11 years so she can falsify how the school is perceived. This is not the first time she has been caught either it is just one more time she is committing fraud.
She has abused a disabled tracher who reported to the press grade changing.

She was not hired to harass teachers to pass students the teachers never met.

Anonymous said...

She has been caught in several cheating scandals fraud is a crime.

Anonymous said...

SCI under the carpet has swept too much dirt there, and please do not go after teachers, or students for speaking up afainst corruption. Is Superimtendent Elaine Lindsey going to stay silent after 1 more scandal that we know?

Anonymous said...

9:39 - don't drink and post.

Anonymous said...

"dead drug addict criminal George Floyd" @ 12:40. JAMES - why do you allow such filth on your board? It's exactly why I stopped visiting and first day back, thar it is.

Hey DUMMY @12:40 - the criminal is the convicted MURDERER Chauvin. You have such a problem with a "drug addict", petty thief, while turning a blind eye to MURDERERS. Says a lot about you. Specifically how depraved you are. But we already knew that as you've been bragging for months how you keep your head far up Adminstration's ass so that they can toss you a good observation. Such racist, hateful, filth should not be anywhere near NYC school children.

Anonymous said...

"I was asked to provide passing grades for a marking period I had not taught, for many students who I had never even seen.”

“Last spring, I was reprimanded for not giving a passing grade to a student who had missed almost 100 days of class and had done no work,” the educator said."

This is a UNION issue so why isn't the District Rep and high up involved? A Teacher should not be forced to take on the entire Administration forcing then to commit grade fraud. I am sure that none of those requests or reprimands were done in writing, but that doesn't mean that a teacher response to the grade fraud request can not be in writing. I don't understand, if this Principal is so bad, and I believe she is, WHY are people staying there? Do everything possible to get out of transfer out and then put her on blast. Why hasn't anyone recorded any of these fraud demands, and put them up on social media?

Anonymous said...

Wah wah wah. Chauvin can be a murderer AND floyd can be a criminal. Poor triggered snowflake can't take mean words about a man who put a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman while he robbed her... not exactly a petty crime. Glad he's dead.

Anonymous said...

Carranza and Fariña praised her as one of the best principals in the city. SCI sweeps everything under the rug for her, and Mulgrew has not said a word in eleven years no even one scandal after another one. SCI sweeps corruption internally that way the corruption keeps happening.

Anonymous said...

11:02 - hopefully you and yours are next. Apparently YOU are still triggered and waah, waah, waahing over people protesting over the George Floyd murder. As if you give a fuck about a gun to a pregnant woman. You don't even give a fuck about NYC school children. You just want every opportunity to spew your racist, rancid filth, you sorry excuse for a human being.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind Carranza and Farina or the SCI even. The power today is in social media. If she is as bad as everyone says she is, eventually it will catch up to her, with the right social media post laying out the details.

Anonymous said...

She goes after people lying in the observations if you challenge her on any wrongdoing the whole city knows she gets away with everything even ruining reputations of those that are not obedient to her.

Anonymous said...

4:05 - how about ruining her reputation by simply sharing the truth? If you all think Mulgrew is not interested, then take it to the public. She may not be as powerful as you think she is.

Anonymous said...

Delusion and mind reading @230. 230 just knows I don’t care about pregnant women. I’m glad a criminal who pointed a gun at a pregnant woman is dead so therefore I’m racist. Uh huh. Well I say 230is a pedophile terrorist who also beats his husband. Anyone else want to play the accuse with zero evidence game? Fact: nyc residents protested and rioted in the name of George Floyd. Fact: No one protested and rioted over education or grade fraud. Fact: George Floyd was a criminal who put a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman. Fact: Using a gun to rob someone is not a petty crime. Opinion: 230 puts feelings over facts. He must be depraved.

waitingforsupport said...

@230. The US has done a disservice to its citizens. It has created fragile, fearful and delusional citizens who are like horses wearing blinders. You know what's up. The ranter's parents immigrated to the USA and now the ranter is raging. Mental illness is real. It's pointless talking to the walking dead. Stay safe @230.

Anonymous said...

FACT - you're a deranged psychopath who keeps your head far up Admins ass so that you can get a pat on the head.
FACT: Your delicate little feelings are triggered over Floyd protests even though you never stood for anything in your life.
FACT: YOU admitted you're a pedophile terrorist who beats your husband.
FACT: You're depraved and despise the students youre paid to teach.
FACT: You commit worse fraud everyday by taking a paycheck while admitting you do nothing all day.
FACT: You have no facts nor feelings, just an empty shell with no spirit or soul. A demon seed.

Anonymous said...

@waitingforsupport: FACTS. Unfortunately it's vileness is vomited all over the students of color every day.

Anonymous said...

9:35 all you did was prove 2:30 was correct in how he or she read you. It's very sad that you're teaching NYC children.

waitingforsupport said...

@415... yep. That sicko is a monster. A cowardly monster. I would tell parents about them if i worked with them. They'd be run out of the school. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

2:13 take your meds. Seriously. You need help. Is your neighbor’s dog talking to you yet? In any event Nyc residents protested for criminal Floyd but have yet to protest over education. Those are still the facts.

Waiting for support. Can’t take you seriously because you’re an anti semite who threatened to go all in on the Holocaust but your cowardice prevented you from actually doing it. Also the mostly Hispanic immigrant neighborhood in which I teach would run YOU out of their neighborhood the minute you opened your mouth and said latinx and told them their children can pick their gender. Immigrant children crave the education that American born take for granted. I don’t waste my time on lazy families and the hardworking families benefit from it. Bye for now, lefties. Love, your favorite depraved, cowardly monster loser. Ha. Just realized how much you sound like Trump. “Luuuuzzah”

Anonymous said...

7:25 - you stupid little demon seed. The help you need is an exorcism. You think anyone believes that if someone were to protest over education that would shut you up over your racist, derogatory rants against families of color? "Waaah, waah protests". Click your heels and say it three times and you'll end up in the trailer trash park where you belong.

The topic wasn't about protests, you imbecile. it was about a corrupt administration that you clearly support. The discussion was about being forced to pass kids who don't show up or face repercussions, and you knee-jerk to your usual vile, pungent, racist tripe and try to hide behind some fake concern about lack of protests to try and justify YOUR OWN FRAUD of collecting a paycheck while do no work. You said this " I accomplish this by convincing my AP I am woke". You sound as corrupt as the Principal this discussion was about.

But at least you recognize that you are a depraved, cowardly monster, loser. Only a sicko wacko would embrace those terms about themselves. You say that "immigrant children crave the education that American born take for granted", yet you also said that you don't teach them anything and fake it all day long, making you depraved. But the Hispanics are on to you, have no respect for you in the classroom, and call you a puta idiota tonta. ROFLMAO.

waitingforsupport said...

@213. You know what's up. These terrorists rioted on jan 6. Attacking police officers in order stop the vp from certifying our votes. Those yokels heard their owner whistle and they csme running. 7:25 am is a soft lady with strong fingers. She is suffering from KissingAss-itis. I tug on her emotions every now and again but ignore her for the most part. When she learns the REAL US History and not the version her old ancestors are comfortable
telling, i might have a real convo with her but until then it's: Right girrrl. PS That soothes her and lets her think she's winning. What a tool. Lmao.

waitingforsupport said...

Oooh. Ouch. Periodt. Now for the uninitiated @3:21pm has "read" 7:25 (or shall i say demon seed) for filth.

Anonymous said...

"W.E.B. Du Bois warned us in 1935 that turning Black children over to white America for their daily education risked making them “doormats to be spit and trampled upon and lied to by ignorant social climbers whose sole claim to superiority is the ability to kick ‘n******’ when they are down.”

We didn’t listen. More than a century later, the majority of Black children sit in classrooms with mostly white teachers who think very little of their potential and humanity."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself warned us against blind trust in public schools and their teachers. Two of his parishioners, both Black high school educators, said he told them “white people view black people as inferior. A large percentage of them have a very low opinion of our race. People with such a low view of the black race cannot be given free rein and put in charge of the intellectual care and development of our boys and girls.”

"Black youth are the most studied, and the least taught. They are the perfect captives because you can raise funds for their bodies without ever being accountable for improving their minds."

"They white-splain issues of racially disparate outcomes in student discipline that punishes Black children more harshly than white children, bias in school funding that shortchanges Black communities, and rampant Eurocentrism in the curriculum that diminishes and bleaches Black history."

Anonymous said...

3:21 is a racist who drowns kittens and pinches disabled children for fun. Do I win the game of accusations without evidence yet? Reeeeee racist. Played out, my friends. So played out that the kkk could take over nyc and no one would believe you wolf criers. Let me know when the people hitting the nyc streets over Roe are protesting grade fraud. I’ll be waiting at the criminal Floyd statue for all those angry parents demanding we fail their kids. Your systemically corrupt system is run by democrats and 2 black men. All reeeeee racists, right?

waitingforsupport said...

5:57pm. Perfectly said. Might i add. I think fear and ignorance are also at play. The irrational Fear of being replaced can cause people to Fight for their existence. That fear can cause folks to do whatever they deem is right to protect their existence. These so called educators on this blog who blame everyone but themselves for the grade fraud really don't care because the children don't look like them or live in their community. They know some of these black and brown children will not be able to compete with their own children for these crumbs. Their behavior weakens America because we don't have the BEST workers in play. We are now seeing how the BEST really ain't the best. These educators are ignorant. They are products of the US educational system that doesn't even teach US history. These educators believe the stories written in the books called US history. Instead of being true educators,they are just tools for the system. It doesn't take a genius to look around and see that no group is smarter or better than the next. When i see or hear about educators not doing what taxpayers are paying them to do--I point them out. Call it whatever you want to call it. My loyalty will always be to the children. Finally to those who care , Woke isn't an agenda just because Trump Tucker and Hannity call it an agenda. Wonderful comment @5:57pm.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayers put Adams in charge. Adams put Banks in charge. Banks puts superintendents in charge. They decided that standards for black kids should not be the same as standards for white kids. All doe SEL training states this. If you want real standards stop electing mayors who hire people that push lower standards for black kids. According to doe SEL training you are a racist if your standards for white and black students is the same. Pushing this bullshit is exactly what nyc teachers were hired to do. They’re doing their job. You just don’t like that the job has changed since you first taught.

Anonymous said...

@17:00 although I'd like to take credit for it, I thought I posted the link to the entire article. But I totally agree that they are afraid of being replaced. Although I disagree it is irrational - I agree that their inability to adapt will absolutely cause them to be replaced and they have no one to blame but themselves.

And for the deliberately dense, adapting doesn't mean taking up space in your Admin's backside to curry favor with them.

Anonymous said...

@12:44 - it's not standards for whites vs. blacks. It's about understanding their are differences in demographics, for example, someone with access to wi-fi and someone who does not. Someone eating 3 square meals a day, and someone making do in a shelter with only the clothes on their back. Apparently you missed the training, and lack common sense to boot.

Anonymous said...

there are*

waitingforsupport said...

Watch ch 46

Anonymous said...

Better vote those democratic racists out of power asap. You guys crack me up. Keep them coming, very entertaining liberal nonsense where most things in their mind always comes down to ethnicity. I have a dream is long forgotten

Anonymous said...

9:59 - you sound demented. Take your pills and go see your psychiatrist. You blame the black mayor for all the problems of NYC schools when he just got into office, you dumb racist fuck. But if it's so systematically corrupt grow a backbone, and some morals, and find another job more suited to your skills. Like hauling manure. ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

9:48 you have reading comprehension issues. Your right wing pals are the ones who keep bringing up color and ethnicity. Don't like it when people respond, eh? Because you racist imbeciles should always have the last word? The moron at 12:44 is squawking about protesting for grade fraud while also admitting time and again that she engages in grade fraud. She refers to a systemically corrupt system, while bragging that she engages in corrupt behavior by accepting a paycheck that she doesn't work for. You must be talking about her and have her confused for a Dem. She changes colors depending on who's throwing her a bone.

Anonymous said...

9:59 ha! yes you won, but then you have always been the reigning champ of accusations without evidence. Nothing new about that!

Anonymous said...

11:41 No, no. YOU sound demented. Lowering your standards for the black mayor and proving my point. “He just got into office”. Classic American Marxist. So which is it? Is Adams an Uncle Tom or does he just need a few more days on the job? Make up your mind.
Also my SEL training stated punctuality and completion of assignments by a deadline are white people standards. Sounds like racist low expectations to me but I’m not Chancellor Banks so what do I know.
Waiting 4s loves personal insults. She is an administrator wannabe. She retired and became a “consultant” and thinks we don’t know that that means she must have ingratiated herself to administrators. Maybe she conned them like I do. Maybe she believed the bullshit she was selling. Maybe she cowered in a corner because of her lack of power. Who knows. But we all know this kind of person. She can’t let go of never being the head bitch in charge of a school or a district so she licked her wounds and kissed ass or conned idiots and became a “consultant.” That AP everyone hates? Yup. That’s her. But without any power so she’s also cantankerous. Am I riiiiight, girrll? Of course I am.

waitingforsupport said...

1141am. Please note that 959 probably has higher expectations for their politicians. Im sure they think old fragile trump with his failed coup attempt and little guiliani 2.0 are better suited for office. Remember they are the creme de la creme for the likes of 959. Gosh darn who will speak up for 959 if Trump is not around.

waitingforsupport said...

Racists ALWAYS say "racist card". It's a little trick they picked up on momma and pappa's lap. It's just their little way of trying to mute folks. They're so cute.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much the DOE spent on settlements on Dwarka already? Why Is she not held accountable to her peers as a Principal?
Worst teacher evaluations in NYC high schools, and clearly on heavy medication, yet no accountability?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dummy @ 4:48 - I have never referred to Adams as a Marxist nor an Uncle Tom. Maybe it's the voices in your head where you think all posters are one and the same. Why are you bringing waitingforsupport into your psychotic rant here. Sounds like you're jealous that she's a consultant, while you just get played by Admin as they have you doing their dirty work. You seem to be the one posting that you cower in a corner faking smiles, and pretending to be someone you're not, and pretending to care about things that you don't. Seems to me that it is YOU who lacks power, and morals.

Anonymous said...

waitingforsupport - that is a really good point. They loved hee hawing at his rallies and at his tweets because they are too damn cowardly to do it themselves. He gave them a voice - so there they were crying and whining about masks and vaccines, tearing down state houses because boo hoo, they don't want to wear a mask. WTF

Anonymous said...

No 4:48, you're not Chancellor Banks, so stay in your place. You're more suited to clean his toilets .

Anonymous said...

9:58 "Lowering your standards for the black mayor and proving my point. “He just got into office”. You think a system of this size can be overhauled in a couple of months? Just how stupid are you? My God, every time you speak you say something more stupid than before.

Anonymous said...

4:48: what SEL training did you attend that said " punctuality and completion of assignments by a deadline are white people standards"?

Also "licked her wounds and kissed ass or conned idiots". Isn't this exactly what you've said that you do every single day? You don't sound well in the head. Really. Your obsession with wfs is really personal and toxic. She must have really made you look ridiculous and you're hanging onto it like a dog to a bone.

Anonymous said...

4:59 you said "Do I win the game of accusations without evidence yet?" That's what they call defamation. Seems like the accusations against you are things you've said about yourself. Defamation it is.

Anonymous said...

@10:20 the wacko is on another thread fantasizing about children and rape. Unfit to work anywhere near the DOE.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the simple minded liberal get angry. Best entertainment around especially wfs. She’s a legend in her own mind. Thanks guys the next round of drinks at happy hour are on me
Enjoy your summer and happy Independence Day to all

Anonymous said...

5:55 very bizarre for someone to say that they love seeing people get angry or that it's a form of entertainment. That sounds like the mark of the devil always seeking to create chaos and division.

But far from being angry wfs is poised, even-keeled, and speaks intelligently whether one agrees with her or not. Unlike you who is obsessed with wfs and can't seem to stop thinking or speaking of her. You spout lies, project your feelings on others and spew all manner of filth. Now *that* is simple-minded because you can't argue in an intelligent manner, even a little bit.

Anonymous said...

@5:55 Cool! Where do we meet up for the next round of drinks at happy hour?

Anonymous said...

Flynn’s on fire island . I’ll be the guy wearing the trump 2024 shirt.

Anonymous said...

Great @1:30, you sound like the type that gets drunk and beat up in bars, so if I can't find you I'll look for your friend who will have on a shirt that says "I'm with Stupid".

Anonymous said...

They do not care they are very happy that she harasses older teachers into retirement, she passes students the teacher never met, there are also happy that this Principal is constantly on the media because of the corruption that goes on there, also because of chaos, and unreported incidents.

Superintendent Elaine Lindsey also supports this Principal, and the corruption that keeps coming out of that school.

Anonymous said...

This is not about racism is about a corrupt and careless administration deceiving the public, and betraying students.

Anonymous said...

I've met a lot of people who supported Clinton, Obama, Biden, and even Reagan and Bush. The only people I've ever seen wear a shirt of a cap (outside of election season) are Trump supporters. Some still have their cars plastered with decals and all the rest.

It's cult adoration, for a man who would disown them the minute they disagree on anything. They'd be called a loser, a nobody, and be publicly humiliated. Until it's their turn to get kicked aside they will just go along with their red caps and t-shirts declaring to the world their love for a man who has turned on people who were far more important to his life than they will ever dream to be. There are people facing serious charges because they heeded his call to go to the Capitol to pardon some of them. He left them hanging but now he promises if he gets in again he will take care of them. It's astounding how gullible and brainwashed people can be. But they'll go down in flames, and look absolutely foolish because they think it makes them "own the liberals".

I for one love to see the red hats and shirts because I like to identify the crazies around me at first glance.

Anonymous said...

You know me all so well. My father always said if your going to be stupid find a friend who will wear a shirt that says I’m with stupid. Nothing better than letting everyone know how stupid I really am by wearing my Trump 2024 shirt. Maybe I’ll change it up and wear my I’m with Hillary again 2024 shirt. Should be an interesting conversation starter. Happy Independence Day

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. it’s crazy to support cheap gas prices, a less porous border, white supremacy, racism, a Supreme Court that has ruled states should pass laws not the courts, anti crt education, etc…
I’m with Hilary once again because that mean racists orange man is horrible for our great nation and can’t be trusted. Go Hilary!!!
Thanks for laugh, you liberals never disappoint

Anonymous said...

12:32 dumb comment.

Anonymous said...

Only a nut would vote for a racist orange man who can't be trusted and is horrible for our great nation.

Anonymous said...

We have a winner my radical liberal friends. Only took a few days to be called a racists. You guys are losing your touch. I expected it to come sooner. Gotta love the liberal mind, when all else fails call the person a racists. Late but predictable. Don’t worry joe Biden is on the job and fully able to solve the challenges us racists are causing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you it comes so easily for me

Anonymous said...

My doctor said the same thing to me a few weeks ago. I told him or was it her, I’m not sure what I’m allowed to call someone these days with all the liberal pronouns. Wait I think it was a woman but I’m not really sure what the true definition of a woman is . Was hoping the new Supreme Court judge would answer that very simple question and clarify for me the correct meaning but I guess an educated person like her, or is it him couldn’t answer it. You liberals are batting a thousand these days making me laugh. Who writes your material and comes up with this hilarious nonsense? Thanks again

Anonymous said...

@8:03 lol. You can't read.. The poster was quoting the person the responded to, it was literally their own words. You thought it was gotcha moment and you look foolish. Heehee

Anonymous said...

8:18 you poor thing walking around so confused and needing the Supreme Court to give you the definition of a man or a woman. The Jackson decided not to play stupid games with stupid people. Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers. Regardless of how she answered it would've been ripped apart. Unlike the Conservative Justices who answer on specific topics and give lies. Idiots who voted for them are now left saying "but s/he said, and I believed them". lol.

Anonymous said...

btw 8:18 was the doctor of the psychiatrist kind? You don't know what to call the Doctor? Just call him/her Doctor, idiot! lol.

Anonymous said...

8:03 "waah, waah" Nobody was calling you a racist dummy. The comment was about Trump, your comment about Trump to be exact. You can't even remember what you write from one crazy comment to the next.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm my liberal friend, get with the program. Please enjoy your Independence Day and reflect on the great accomplishments of our wonderful country.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn’t know I had to be specific. It might have been a veterinarian. I did see a lot of animals and had a funny smell. You liberals are the best please keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been walking around confused for years. You seem to be much less confused than I am Could you please help me out. What is the definition of a woman? Thanks for your help I greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm my liberal friend
Thanks for calling me a dummy truly appreciate it
Happy Independence Day

Anonymous said...

7:34 ask your doctor, you're beyond help as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

7:27 sarcasm? What difference does it make? The post was using your exact words using sarcasm also, they weren't calling you a racist. Are you really that dense that you don't understand or do you just enjoy playing victim "waah, waah, they called me racist".

Anonymous said...

7:27 You keep saying "enjoy independence day". "Reflect on great accomplishments". Is that sarcasm also? Because all you've done is complain and you sound miserable and confused.

Anonymous said...

7:34 Just stay confused. You're one of those who is stuck on stupid.

Anonymous said...

Yes I’ve been dense for awhile, sorry it’s a medical condition. I’ll make an appointment with my doctor. Maybe my doc can put me on medication. Happy Independence Day

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have memory issues. Please be understanding of my memory limitations. What did I just say? You liberals are so easily triggered thanks for entertainment. Gotta go put my trump shirt and hat on to begin celebrating our great nations birthday. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. I voted for the mean orange guy. Can’t get more confused than that
Enjoy your Independence Day

Anonymous said...

Can’t you do both? Complain about the challenges our nation faces but also reflect on the numerous fantastic accomplishments?
What are some our biggest challenges?
What are some of our great nations greatest accomplishments?

Anonymous said...

What type of doctor? You liberals always make me laugh

Anonymous said...

8:24 s/he/it has a very sour disposition. I have never seen a positive post from them. All they do is gripe and complain. They keep harping on "happy independence day" because they think it's a dig. They're twisted like that.

Anonymous said...

8:25 didn't you answer that already? Looks like your multiple personalities are having a bad day. What happened to enjoying the day in your Trump shirt and hat. ROFL.

Anonymous said...

Looks like 8:24 IS the one with the sour disposition. Hahaha. Hasn't had a good day in it's life. Always triggered by something or someone. Like a yappy chihuahua. ROFL.

Anonymous said...

This is very enjoyable thanks and God bless

Anonymous said...

8:25 You sure do spend a lot of time and energy trying to get the attention of the Liberals.
"Trump shirt, hat, vote, blah, liberal pronouns". But they're the ones triggered? lol. You can't even go about your day without obsessing over liberals and what they do, say, don't say, don't do. ROFLMAO. Hahahahahah. Your meltdowns are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

8:25 Not all Democrats are Liberals, just like not all Republicans are Conservatives, or ultra right-wing kooks. You don't need a hat or shit, just start a conversation, your ignorance and narrow-minded, limited thinking just oozes out.

Anonymous said...

Yeah my male doctor, I think he’s a male but can’t tell anymore told me I have an attention issue. I’ll ask what my doctor identifies as these days.Thanks for noticing I’m hilarious I’m thinking about taking my act on the road. I’m not sure if
I should identify as an idiot, kook, dummy, racists, white supremacist or a moron. Which one do you guys think? I got it I’ll identify as all of them.
Enjoy your Independence Day celebration and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Where else can I go and be called of these names by the people who are suppose to be very accepting of our differences. I’m love it keep it up.

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