The infamous Grismaldy Laboy-Wilson was arrested last month. Grismaldy was the nemesis principal of Gautier School for Public Policy, a high school in the Bronx where I taught special education math from 2009-2012. She has been a charter member of the New York City chapter of Abusive Principals 'R Us--USA for at least a decade.
Grismaldy was arrested in Westchester County on April 21 and charged with a felony of some sort. There were rumors that she'd been removed from GILPP in early May and they now appear to be true.
Grismaldy failed to appear for her first hearing in Westchester County Criminal Court on May 31 and was charged with criminal contempt of court, an E Class felony. Her next scheduled court date is June 26, 2017.

If only we could prove unity is legally corrupt and have them arrested.
April 28th indicent (May 22nd Arrest):,+Grismaldy&county=WESTCHESTER&court=Westchester+County+Court+-+Criminal+Term&recordType=C&recordNum=HW8duJWnfjSJw3g9E0Tgog==
May 10th Arrest:,+Grismaldy&county=WESTCHESTER&court=Westchester+County+Court+-+Criminal+Term&recordType=C&recordNum=HW8duJWnfjSJw3g9E0Tgog==
What about the abusive field supervisors observing ATRs?
One down, many more corrupt abusive administrators to go.
Oh I know, just because they were arrested doesn't mean they were abusive. But I wouldn't be surprised if abusive admin are doing something illegal.
Namita Dwarka of Bryant HS and her AP's will fall...........
(hey Moises Morales, Science AP and ass kisser, you listening?)
A trusted insider
That would involve challenging, filing complaints and not just talking.
File Moral Character complaint with state and submit evidence.
Some info here
Totally wrong. 1st let me just say that she was not asked to leave in May, but rather left due to a situation she was a victim of. 2nd, she was not arrested and charged with a felony. She is walking the streets of our neighborhoods freely. The event that lead up to such chaos was solely a domestic dispute, which again she was a victim of, had she not been, she would be jail, but she's Not! 3rd, if in fact all listed in previous post was true, she wouldn't be on DOE' s payroll, yet she is. Lastly, a court date was never met by either party due to an unforseen medical emergency. I can not understand why people put out others "business" yet dont bother to look closely and see what really occurred. As mentioned above, there was a felony "of some sort". Look into it, be specific. You seemed to be able to dig up this far, why not fact check. If you want to be a Betty, ok, however check your facts & furthermore, when will you let this go? It's been years and you took it to the DOE and what was thier determination?? Write about that I'm in your next rant!!
Wish I was a fly on the wall. :-)
Grismaldy Pled "Guilty" and Released on Recognizance on August 23, 2018
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