Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Michael Mulgrew's Unity Caucus members continue to attack the opposition for being disruptive at UFT Delegate Assembly meetings. There was something yesterday on a Facebook group.

Is it being disruptive to demand that federally guaranteed free speech rights at union meetings are enforced by President Mulgrew? Unity has sent their attack dogs out to say the opposition is disrupting the business of the UFT. This is ridiculous. The United for Change opposition is demanding President Mulgrew follow the law. 

This is taken directly from the  Landrum Griffin Act, which in part gives union members a Bill of Rights. One of those rights:

(2) FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ASSEMBLY.-- Every member of any labor organization shall have the right to meet and assemble freely with other members; and to express any views, arguments, or opinions; and to express at meetings of the labor organization his views, upon candidates in an election of the labor organization or upon any business properly before the meeting, subject to the organization's established and reasonable rules pertaining to the conduct of meetings:

Presidential candidate Camille Eterno responded to the latest charge that UfC disrupts union meetings:

Hello All, 

To address something that has come to my attention. 

I ask you to consider--How can members of the UFC Caucus be considered Disruptive if our Landrum-Griffin (Federal Labor Law) rights to free speech at union meetings are being denied? 

Unity's Delegate Assembly chair is President Michael Mulgrew. He has not allowed any opposition resolutions to be presented at the DA after his Unity Caucus lost two votes at the November Delegate Assembly. That is five straight months of not being able to present any resolutions. When opposition members cite Robert's Rules to show how the opposition's rights are being violated, Mulgrew tells us we are out of order and his Unity followers criticize the opposition for disrupting. When two of us appealed in February, we were entitled to an actual debate on the appeal. 

In the debate, Mulgrew called on the UFT Secretary who is the head of Unity Caucus, then he called on the Assistant UFT Secretary from Unity Caucus, then he recognized another Unity Executive Board member, and finally, another Unity Executive Board member was called on in order to call for the debate to end. Note how all of the speakers were from the Unity Caucus. That is not a debate; that is an autocratic system. The opposition never had a chance to defend our right to speak. 

When the minutes from February, didn't accurately reflect what the point of order was, the opposition was then denied the opportunity to even correct the February DA  minutes in March. 

Michael Mulgrew is not an impartial chair. I know what it means to be fair to everyone, not just my own political party. We have a right to be heard. We are happy to have fair debates. I will let all sides speak or introduce their resolutions at the DA if I am elected president. At the DA, nobody will be silenced.

Collectively with UFC, we will work together to have a strong voice that listens to and represents everyone.

Mulgrew doesn't call on the opposition to present any of their resolutions in the five months leading up to and during the UFT election period, and then his surrogates campaign for Mulgrew-Unity's reelection saying the opposition is disruptive because they have the nerve to actually want time to speak. I see Unity's tactic as dirty politics and it violates labor law as well. 

Whether United for Change wins or loses the election, how the Delegate Assembly is run must be changed. The simplest and best way to accomplish this is to elect United for Change to run the DA. Short of that, there are other options available.


Anon2323 said...

Find it interesting on walgreens APP they have covid19 index 4/12-4/19 positive rates by vaccination status, 37% 3 doses, 32% 2 doses, 15% 1 dose, 9% NOT VACCINATED.

UFC still thinks the pandemic is here? Decision to wear a mask is optional everywhere now, why not these watered down drugs they like to call vaccines.

Yet, Camille and UFC has the politics of a 6 year old brain, as usual.

James Eterno said...

This comment has nothing to do with the post however I put it up.

Here is the CDC position.

"COVID-19 vaccines are effective
COVID 19-vaccines are effective and can lower your risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines also help prevent serious illness and death in children and adults even if they do get COVID-19."

Anonymous said...

The cdc????? No credibility left. The data doesn’t back up the cdc claims.

Anonymous said...

What’s the CCP’s position? Since you’ve been carrying water for them for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Anon2323, The issues at stake in this election go far deeper than bringing up an issue that was correctly or incorrectly decided by a national governmental entity. The issues at stake are the autocratic governing of OUR union. The money that runs it is our money and the decisions that we are forced to swallow because of competing interests has imposed detrimental policies on every single UFTer. This includes all members and retirees. Open your lens to the big picture. We are all carrying the weight of self centered leadership.

James Eterno said...

EMA work for you?

James Eterno said...

Carrying water for the CCP? No. Are our positions on Taiwan or Hong Kong part of this election? If so, I am for democracy in Hing Kong, Taiwan, etc. I also advocate democratic labor unions, including at UFT Delegate Assemblies.

Anon2323 said...

James your CCP woke blog has turned to shit. Chaz were here, your page would be less irrelevant. Last 2 years you have pushed your mandate agenda. Now because there is an election and this narrative you kept pushing has evaporated, it is relevant.

Rely on CNN, flip flop Fauci CDC, and the WHO whom are ALL CORRUPT.

@6:04 why I didn't vote for mulgrew. Correctly or incorrectly? Explain that to thousands of teachers and 600-800 school safety agents who did not take this drug that was political science, not based on science!

James doesn't even mention how horrific this resident is, shhhhhhhh only Trump talk. 10% INFLATION PLUS, think 3% RAISE GOING TO HELP US NOW??

Anonymous said...

Democracy in Hong Kong until its teachers are fired for refusing a vaccine that doesn’t do what the cdc said it would do. Is that the democracy you want in Hong Kong. No to any caucus that sided with management in firing teachers.

Shelley said...

Does Unity fear a shocking election result?
Or are their hysterical fear-mongering strategies a sign that they fear losing even part of their monopoly on power? Right now Unity is spreading the fear that even a partial victory for UFC will be a disaster for members. They want to hold on to every single job. Take a look at one important job (it's actually several positions): UFT Treasurer.

Debra Penny has tons of experience.

from the UFT gush:
On the national front, Penny serves as the co-chair of the American Federation of Teachers Trustee Council, the National Council on Teacher Retirement, and serves as a member of the National Council of Public Employee Pension. In recognition of her fiduciary achievements, Penny has been named to the National Association of Securities Professionals’ Wall Street Hall of Fame. In addition, she sits on the board of the New York State United Teachers.

But is all that experience, all those connections to the people and to the firms that manage billions and billions of public money, to investment banks, and to hedge funds and to wall street, is all that experience an asset? Well, you can't very well manage $105 Billion dollars without the professional expertise of wall street, can you?

If you can why would you pay them all those fees?

In the longest bull market in bond market history that began back when we had our last battle with stagflation, circa 1980, if you simply purchased long bonds and matched them with your liabilities (pensions, TDAs, etc.) you would have more money than we have now. And you would have paid zero in fees. And, if in the great bull market in equities that traced the same years, we had all our monies in two or three indexes, with minimal fees, because there is nothing to manage, again, we would be in better shape.

So why are we paying all these fees to get less?

Today I read that TRS will divest Russian holdings.
Great. But why does TRS have Russian holdings? Becasue the brilliant advisors (read sales people) sold us on the idea that Russia was a great place to put pension monies.

Maybe we don't need all that experience with the wall street crew.

Vote for Change. Vote UFC.

Anonymous said...

If Mulgrew only gets 60% of the vote—that will be shocking—but unfortunately not enough.

James Eterno said...

Vote and get out the vote for United for Change. Maybe we can do better.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand Shelly's point. So, Debra Penny is one of the most qualified people in the country to oversee out pension plan, but somehow that is a bad thing? Maybe I missed something, but I am very happy Debra Penny is our treasurer and I'll be voting for her and the rest of the Unity team.

Anonymous said...

7:41 - you sound incoherent.

Shelley said...

My Point is clear enough:

There are lots of people with UFC who are more than qualified to do the job that Debra Penny does.

Lots more qualified to fill the jobs that other Unity loyalists do.

But Unity's fear mongering strategy would have members believe that if UFC gets elected, and upsets the job patronage system Unity thrives on, members will lose benefits, because only Unity, with its experience, with its people, people loyal to Mulgrew and to Unity, can protect member benefits.

This kind of fear mongering may be a sign that members are waking up to how Unity actually operates and how an election may change things for the better.

Consider the TDA:

Most members don't remember when and have no idea how we got a 8.25% TDA. Or why the rate was set at 8.25% Or why it was reduced for teachers, for members represented by UFT, to 7% even as our bosses got to keep their 8.25% rate.

Mulgrew made that bad deal. Why did he make it?

Well, our is a guaranteed rate. We get our 7% not matter how poor our investment returns.

But the City is on the hook for the shortfall. And so, when the city needs to reduce its exposure, Mulgrew is always ready to help them do it.

We could cut expenses, like wall street fees, and we could close the shortfall with prudent investments, but we we rely on experts like Penny who relies on her expert friends who charge big fees and steer our monies to places with greater risk, like Russia. Now, Penny says we will divest from Russia. That will cost us a pretty Penny.

So Unity is business as usual.

We need to do our business better.

Like, not Sheldon Silver business as usual. Like, not the same old club that concession bargains away our wages and does nothing to improve our work conditions.

We need a change. Don't be afraid. Don't fear the business as usual. Vote Unity out. Vote UFC.

Anonymous said...

I am more convinced than ever... Unity 79%, UFC 20%

James Eterno said...

Based on what?

James Eterno said...

I have been with opposition groups for 27 years and have never seen a get out the vote from opposition groups like we are currently seeing from United for Change. If you are right, 10:47, I will concede it but what are you basing it on?

Anonymous said...

This is all great but people are not going to come out in droves because Camille will listen to all sides "at the DA". It's not enough to give people the link to where it's shown on UFC website. Just as you blare this on your blog, she should be talking about the money, the money, the money.

I remember a co-teacher running for CL at our building. I knew her personally and knew that she would kick ass and would fight like hell for members. When she invited us to a meeting she talked about coordinating our efforts with other schools in the building to bring in speakers, and other stuff I can't remember because it was boring and a real snooze-fest. Why not focus on excessive paperwork, abusive practices, workload.

I feel like this challenge to Mulgrew is similar. It's not enough to keep saying she'll fight for us because nobody cares about her calling on people at the DA. And I still don't like the picture she uses. It doesn't show her as a tough, kick-ass fighting who can take on City Hall, whether she actually can, or not.

Anonymous said...

1047 here. I just don't believe people hate Mulgrew. I don't believe retirees are going to jump ship. I believe you live in an echo chamber. Unity has also gotten out the vote. While Camille is a very fine person, I don't think she will draw a big wave. Honestly, I think ufc might do better than 20% but I've been shooting off my mouth with this prediction and now I have to stick with it.

James Eterno said...

I understand, 1047-10:14. There is no scientific polling so your guess is basically as good as mine. I agree Unity is getting out the vote but I don't agree that Mulgrew is popular. Look how he has been buried or nonexistent in Unity campaign ads.

We have been talking to traditional Unity supporters who are switching to United for Change.The Mulgrewcare (Medicare Advantage Plus) fiasco helps us a great deal with Unity's base of retirees. Mgrewcare will be on again if Mulgrew is safely reelected in my view. Then there are the 77 deaths of active UFTers from Covid in part due to Mulgrew inaction and then the Covid agreements that include givebacks like lunch and learn. There has to be an impact from that. Working conditions have not improved and Mulgrew won't stand up to Mayor Adams.

I am very upbeat that UFC will do quite well, particularly in the high schools where we are making a push beyond Queens, Brooklyn and SI. I have not seen us push like we are in places like the Bronx in a long time. We are hitting so many more middle schools too. The response to UfC in the schools is mainly positive.

In the end, if you are correct and UfC gets 20% or thereabouts, I will have to reevaluate my role as it will mean change is basically impossible to achieve through elections as the UFT is currently structured. It will probably be time to leave it for the next generation.

Anonymous said...

1047 here again. I disagree with you on your last point, namely that a 20% showing by UFC will show that change is not possible. Actually a 40% showing by UFC will show that. A 20% showing will simply prove that the vast majority of UFT members either approve of UNITY, or don't care enough to express an opinion, hence they are satisfied. A 40% showing would prove that there is a groundswell for change and the stacking of the deck in favor of UNITY gave them a victory that really should have gone to UFC. You gotta win it, and I don't think that's possible, though you will take HS exec seats and maybe middle school too. So, you'll have a voice and some fun, but not power.

I flirted with the opposition years ago when I saw how ridiculously undemocratic the union was. I remember heckling Randi at DA in the 90's. But, when I got in trouble, the reps were there for me, and I joined UNITY. I have often thought of how I would act if I were part of the opposition, and I have to tell you, your performance at DA is pitiful. There should be a banner hanging at every DA telling Mulgrew to shut up after 45 minutes. A resolution should have been put forward limiting the Prez' comments to 45 minutes unless two-thirds agree to an extension. Point of information, Mr. Chairman, "did you lecture to your students every day for an hour?" Stuff like that. But instead of working steadily and tenaciously over three years to get him to shut up, you pull some weak Roberts' rules stuff a month or two before the election. And let's face it, Camille hasn't been at DA until a few months ago.

And the reason you haven't done these and other kinds of strategies is because you're really not united. MORE is a cancer and as soon as Camille wins, (which I don't want to happen, but would be as interesting as hell) the attacks on her from the far left will begin.

PS. Do you remember years ago Randi used to let Mike Shulmann speak for 5 minutes at every DA as a voice of the opposition?

James Eterno said...

I don't recall Mike Schulman speaking for 5 minutes at every DA but I do recall Randi giving him speaking time at UFT rallies.

UfC has agreed on priorities if elected. Check out the platform. If we won, that would go forward. MORE would not go into attack mode as I see it. Many of us find the younger folks in MORE to be fine to work with and we have bonded again with most of the vets.

Mulgrew will not call on opposition people at the DA after he lost 2 votes in November. The only way for opposition to be heard at all at the DA is to make procedural motions. If we made the point of information asking if he lectured in class, he would just answer that he has crucial information that he must share and the Unity congregation would cheer. It is mostly Unity people live at DA. Most independents and opposition are on the phone.The Unity folks in the hall wouldn't be moved by a banner either. The point of order and appeal were the way to go. That is obvious as Mulgrew had to cheat by calling only on Unity people like Barr and Sill in the "debate" on the appeal that Mulgrew is not an impartial chair. He proved our point that day.

Camille could not attend live DAs before February because it took 5 months for Unity to certify her election. She wasn't going to go from Flushing to 52 Broadway for no reason.

If we get 40% in the election, we will have cards to play at that point based on your stacked deck observation. If we get 20%, I agree that the members are either happy with Mulgrew or too apathetic to even vote. Hence,it would prove I am pretty much wasting my time dedicating so much energy to blogging and engaging in opposition politics.

You are right that winning high schools and even middle schools does not give opposition power. However, it would give the opposition a voice which is much more than we have now. Mulgrew couldn't hide from us at Executive Board like he does at DA.

Anonymous said...

Regarding James’ 1:57 comment. You’re discounting the votes you would have gained if your side didn’t sound like msnbc. You downplay the effect that had on voters like me. We were interested until the Rachel Maddows began to spew their garbage. I notice they’ve been silent lately. Not fooled. They’ll start trying to take over ufc as soon as UFC wins. Mulgrew’s a pos but so are the Rachel Maddows so we lost interest in you.

Anonymous said...

@10:47 - What is the point of making a prediction? What will YOU gain by being right? Bragging rights? Will your bragging rights get me a raise, better working conditions and better treatment from abusive administrators? Why do YOU feel the need to taunt James and Camille? What are YOU doing to make our union better or stronger? Where is the UNITY blog that I can comment on and openly share my feelings about my union? Please share that link so that I can comment there. Are your predictions meant to shut down UNITY opposition or make yourself feel better about YOU because YOU get no respect in your profession? How is Mulgrew and Unity fighting for YOU?
I am voting for UNITED FOR CHANGE (UFC) because they are fighting for US. Believe it or not, that includes YOU, even if YOU could care less.

waitingforsupport said...

@322pm. Absolutely and Precisely. Some of these folks are in a deep deep sleep. Comatose

waitingforsupport said...

@629 am you sound weak. I am concerned about your students. I guess only people who "think" like you are ok. Your cave is crumbling.

Anonymous said...

451. Concerned for students whose teacher doesn’t try to indoctrinate her students to agree with her political opinions. Yeah. Typical Marxist you are. I feel sorry for anyone who has to engage with you at all. Aren’t you the anti-Semite who threatened to “go all in on the Holocaust?” Yup. That’s you, bigot.

Anonymous said...

755 you do realize things like the Pledge of Allegiance are a form of indoctrination, right? or is that too deep?

Anonymous said...

7:55 - the bigot Troll, calling someone a bigot. Better a marxist than a fascist!

waitingforsupport said...

@755 you're a tool. An antiquated used up old tool. Go back to your dungeon.