NYSUT achieves waiver of registration late fees
SED this week issued a memo to superintendents on the new registration process, including an FAQ section that says late fees will not be charged during the first five-year registration period. Originally, educators were subject to a $10/month fee until you registered or notified SED you do not wish to register.
NYSUT continues to press SED to recognize previously completed professional development hours for new continuing education requirements. NYSUT has posted a printable "10 things you need to know" flier as well as a question form and more information on the new regulation at www.nysut.org/certification.
What is permanent vs professional? If I started teaching in NYC fulltime in 2002, do I need to take the hours?
No. I have permanent certification as well. Those who have permanent certification do NOT have to do the hours. We have to register though. (NYS stopped using permanent certification in 2004.)
What do you have to do to register?
I was aware that you had to input a current address, ie if you move you need to change your address. I did this two years ago and SED has still not updated the information to the teacher certification page.
Thank you for posting this information!
So, umm, when are they going to notify teachers about this? Will we get a letter or something more than reading about it on blogs? What exactly do we have to do?
Also, did they decide what counts towards the hours? I heard PD doesn't count and that we actually have to pay for outside things.
Does the old 175 hours get thrown out? Mine is due in 2018 I think, so do I just forget about that and start fresh with the 100 hours in 5 years?
Some info here:
Looks like the application to become a provider of CTLE hours hasn't even been created yet. It also says that a school district can become a provider. Obviously every school district should become one, especially NYC DOE in order to relieve some undue stress on their teachers. Somebody should probably put pressure on them. Even at 20 hours a year plus whatever costs are associated, that's not an easy task for many with families and responsibilities.
I am a Chapter Leader for UFT. We have been told zero about this. Not even a mention or hint ever. Not in Chapter Leader e-mail Weekly Updates, nor Gene Manns Organizer. ZERO! Which I'm not surprised about. Now that the election is over and it's getting some traction in blogs, maybe we'll hear something. Don't really think so though. I remember reading about this in the blogs in relation to the new contract back in 2014, but not a peep ever from UFT.
Here's an interesting component of the CTLE system. All teachers and Level 3 paras (not including bilingual teachers, who need 50%+ of their hours dedicated to ELL training) need to take 15% of their CTLE related to ELLs:
"All other Professional certificate holders [i.e. not Bilingual teachers] must complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE clock hours in language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for English language learners.
Level III Teaching Assistant certificate holders must complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE clock hours dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners and integrating language and content instruction for English language learners."
Oh, unless you are granted an exemption from the ELL requirements (there's no information about how to get an exemption).
Register? What the heck for? Did they lose their copy of the license that they granted me? Or, are they hoping teachers won't hear, fall through the cracks, and *GOTCHA*, yer fired! This is idiocy.
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