Sunday, January 24, 2021


The piece below is from the weekly UFT Chapter Leader update that covers this Wednesday's live proctoring for middle school teachers. The UFT does not mention COVID-19 or safety in their guidance to the chapter leaders for the Specialized High School Admissions Test nor the upcoming SAT. 

UFT urges fairness in upcoming test proctoring assignments

The Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) will be administered to all 8th-graders at their own middle schools in Districts 1-32, 75 and 79 on Wednesday, Jan. 27. In discussions with the DOE, the UFT emphasized the need to provide reasonable notice when assigning teachers to report to schools based on the number of students taking the exam. Teachers and other staff who have no responsibilities in relation to this admissions test should not have to report to the school building that day. Proctors will have per-session opportunities including a 90-minute training session and any proctoring time that extends beyond normal school hours. Private school, charter school and home-schooled students will take the SHSAT at central DOE sites on weekends along with any interested 9th-graders in public schools. The union’s Specialized High School Task Force in 2014 recommended universal administration for the SHSAT to expand opportunity and equity for students who have been historically underrepresented in these elite schools. 

One UFT Executive Board member has some very important questions for the UFT President concerning live proctoring:

With regards to upcoming testing in middle and high schools, SHSAT and SAT, can you or (Mike) Sill clarify, members not on accommodation can be called in?

How much advance notice needs to be provided?

What are the COVID precautions in place for testing (masks, capacity per room, windows and COVID sample testing)?

how can we ensure DOE and administrators follow these guidelines?

What should members do if they report to proctor and there seems to be too many students per room and/or other COVID precautions are not being followed?

Are we, UFT, concerned that opening up for SHSAT and SAT puts our students and members at risk?

 Administrators are concerned too. This is from Chalkbeat:

"During such a time, it is hypocritical to put student and staff health at risk and funnel school resources towards a test that is antithetical to the stated mission of creating more equitable schools,” more than a dozen principals wrote in an open letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio and schools Chancellor Richard Carranza. “We implore you to reconsider this decision that places an undue burden on already stressed and overwhelmed schools.”

Later, we hear from the CSA Vice President:

The Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, the union that represents principals and other school leaders, is worried about the short runway schools have been given to make sense of all the requirements detailed in multiple memos and a 73-slide, two-hour training.

“Under normal conditions, this would be a challenging task for school leaders and their staff,” said union Vice President Henry Rubio. “Given the pandemic, we have serious concerns about the city’s timetable, about the necessary staffing it requires, and the [education department’s] ability to conduct a safe and orderly administration of this exam.”

My advice has not changed all year. Follow DOE protocol outlined in DOE documents.  Fail the COVID-19 health screening test if you are called into the school when you have any possible COVID-19 symptoms including a runny nose. You may not even have to lose CAR days


Anonymous said...

I would lol if I wasn't crying about this pathetic union.

Anonymous said...

So, some middle school teachers gotta come into the building for a day? Welcome to the party pal. -AN IN PERSON ELEMENTARY TEACHER

TeachNY said...

I was called in to proctor. We also have to attend a training (virtually) on Monday 7th period.

Anonymous said...

Teach NY you richly deserve it. The arabs have a saying ‘ if you open your mouth to the devil he will come in”. I hope you think about all the garbage you have written when you go into a COVID spreading event.

Anonymous said...

NEW: Chicago Teachers Union just voted to refuse to show up to work tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

NYC does too little COVID-19 testing to open all schools: teachers’ union
By Susan Edelman

Anonymous said...

Unions that endorsed Biden are now criticizing him for canceling Keystone pipeline that will 'kill thousands of good-paying union jobs!'

Anonymous said...

Respect! Imagine a union that allows members to vote on things...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

4:19 Is that why the price of gas at my local gas station rocketed up 40 cents in less than a week?

TeachNY said...


TeachNY said...

You’re a pretty awful person if you’re wishing bad things on people. I’m looking fwd to going in, seeing colleagues (who are also very much looking fwd to going in) and my students. It has been way too long. Our boss, she’s also letting us bring our children if there are childcare issues.

Anonymous said...

Teach New York what not to do or be,
It’s you that’s awful. I’m surprised that you got to reproduce. I hope that your offspring have a moral compass. It’s very appropriate that you can bring your children to mingle with others and spread the virus. Your boss is a treacherous cretin just like you and those who can’t wait to spread the virus. You are selfish and the act of breeding is at the same level as bestiality. Arf.Arf.

Just an Endangered CL said...

High Schools will be giving SATs and teachers w/o accommodations will be required to proctor. Due to social distancing and other logistical issues, the SAT may be given over more than one day.

Anonymous said...

As soon as schools open, I will be resigning. With that said, crazy that all it took for the Coronavirus restrictions to no longer be crucial was for Trump to leave office. It's almost as if...

JUST IN: Multiple sources tell me Governor Newsom will lift the stay at home order on all regions in California tomorrow.

All counties will go back to the tier system, sources say. Most will return to the purple tier— allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons.

Chicago, Michigan, NY, CA...

Anonymous said...

167,000 new COVID cases today.

Washington DC reopened January 22.
Chicago reopened on January 23.
California reopening January 25.
Michigan reopening February 1.

Anonymous said...

TeachNY is a provocateur internet troll. His comments are sociopathic