This is from MORE's Gloria Brandman's Facebook page.
Marilyn Martinez, the chapter leader of Central Park East 1, where the staff and parents have been fighting the appointment of principal Monika Garg for the past year, was suddenly removed from her classroom on orders of the Department of Education just before the midwinter break. Her 3020a hearing started today. Over 50 parents are here to support her along with members of MORE- Norm Scott, Lisa North and myself

This is solidarity at its finest.
It would be inconceivable just a few short years back to think a teacher could be brought up on 3020a (termination) charges if that teacher had the support of the school community.
However, in the Bloomberg-de Blasio era, it is open season on teachers and union activists.
If DOE is bringing 3020a charges against a popular teacher who has an army of her school's parents backing her up at her hearing, then truly none of us have any job security.
MORE was there. Where in the hell was the official UFT? Where was the District Rep?
Additional coverage of this extraordinary outpouring of support from parents for a teacher is over at Ed Notes.
No one from the UFT was there. Ho-hum. They are working hard behind the scenes you know -- even when principal Monika Garg had 10 teachers put under investigation within months of her arrival at the school, put in as a hit woman. Ho - hum -- we endorsed de Blasio without asking for these outrages to stop -- but you know the UFT has to weigh stuff - and make sure they don't lose their little stool at the table.
Parents were not saying very good things about the UFT.
As i always say, as if it matters... We are done, its much too late. We had several chances to take a stand. This is a 5 year and quit job. Stuff like this and worse will continue.
So we are supposed to support the UFT after this???Unfortunately I have seen this happen to another CL. The staff,newbies and a few terrified older teachers, turned their backs and cowered in a corner instead of supporting this excellent teacher. Im so happy Ms. Martinez has support.
Hello right to work, goodbye UFT. This is most blatant example that show the complete worthlessness of the UFT. If this can happen to this wonderful teacher, it can happen to any of us. The UFT did not have her back and it will not have your back. I am sickened that the UFT did not send a single person to this hearing. Oh yeah, not to stray off topic, but has anybody noticed that the Unity folks have not made the rounds at schools since selling us out with the 4 observations? This happened right before Christmas break and now they won't show themselves because they know they are gonna catch hell the next time they stroll up to make a school visit.
Q: If you can't have UFT support at a critical time like this, when can you?
As union leaderships go - they are pathetic. They don't even provide lip service anymore, just craven silence.
We are being bullied but there is no recourse despite our paying an "alleged protector" to protect us. I'm in an alternate universe.
That's awesome. Did the DOE attorneys scatter to try and push a settlement? What happened at hearing and how did they accommodate everyone?
I thought she was just brought up on charges recently.
All the leadership of the UFT should resign. They are not doing anything for the experienced teachers anymore. Mulgrew is a disgrace.
I'm sure the UFT will claim it was there via the representation of UFT members - anyone who is a UFT member and the lawyer. Look for a story in the monthly UFT paper on how the school community got together to help this teacher and the UFT was working behind the scenes.
Enforce the discipline code so we can get rid of this trash.
— Police are trying to identify two men who they say robbed a Brooklyn deli at gunpoint.
It happened just before 5 p.m. Wednesday at the family-owned Sutter Express Deli on Sutter Avenue in Brownsville.
Surveillance video shows the men, one wearing a mask, walk into the deli armed with guns, police said. One of the men is seen pushing deli employee Majed Alzwqari’s 63 year-old uncle up against an ATM.
That’s when police said the other suspect walked up to the counter and demanded money.
“I see the other one come to me with a gun,” Alzwqari told CBS2’s Erin Logan. “He asked me for money and I give it to him and he started talking. He wanted all the money and I gave all the money he wanted.”
He handed $550 in cash over to the suspect.
“And he played with the gun, you know, after that,” said Alzwqari.
He says the men were in the store for about two minutes before they ran off with the money. The two then fled south on Van Dyke Street, according to police.
“I can’t think about it,” Alzwqari said.
Alzwqari said school aged children witnessed everything.
“Yeah, crying. There was three of them,” he said.
Regular customers were upset to hear about what happened.
“They give you things for free when you don’t have enough money, not like other stores,” said customer Bite Noreen Foy. “They the nicest around here, so I don’t understand it.”
Alzwqari says he’s thankful his uncle, who has a heart condition, is OK. He believes it’s only a matter of time before police catch these men, especially the one who pointed a gun at him whose face was seen clearly.
“Next time I don’t know what they’re gonna do,” he said. “Maybe kill somebody.”
The family says they’ve never seen these men before in the two years they’ve been in business. The suspects were also seen on other surveillance video in the neighborhood.
Good job UFT and Chancellor, protect illegal immigrants and gangs so this can happen...Maybe we should stop those gang sign from being flashed all day, every day, inside schools.
BRENTWOOD, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — Members of the MS-13 gang have been arrested in connection to the murder of two teenage girls and a third teenager in Brentwood.
Four MS-13 members, including four members identified by authorities as A. Saenz, J. Saenz, Selvin Chavez and Enrique Portillo were charged Thursday in connection with the murders of 15-year-old Nisa Mickens and 16-year-old Kayla Cuevas, who were found dead in Brentwood in Sept. 2016.
Elmer Alexander Lopez, German Cruz, and two other suspects who authorities say are still at large, were also charged in connection with the murder of Jose Pena-Hernandez, a known MS-13 gang member whose remains were found in a wooded area near the Pilgrim Psychiatric Center in October 2016.
A broader 41-count indictment against 13 members of MS-13 includes charges connected to seven murders, attempted murders, assaults, racketeering, obstruction of justice, arson, conspiracy to distribute marijuana, and related firearms and conspiracy charges, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
“Ten of those defendants are illegal aliens, two are U.S. citizens and one is a green card holder,” U.S. District Attorney Robert L. Capers said.
If convicted on federal murder charges, the defendants face life in prison without the possibility of parole, or the death penalty, Capers said.
“I want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This day is a celebration, but also today is, it’s a sad day because Kayla is not here,” her mother Evelyn Rodriguez said.
On Sept. 13, the day before her 16th birthday, Nisa Mickens’ brutally beaten body was found on a tree-lined street. The next day, the beaten body of her lifelong friend, 16-year-old Kayla Cuevas, was discovered in the wooded backyard of a nearby home.
As CBS2’s Carolyn Gusoff reported, authorities say Cuevas was “marked for death” after she had feuded with MS-13 members at Brentwood High School and on social media. Mickens, who was with Cuevas on the night of her death, was just at the “wrong place at the wrong time,” Capers said.
“She was simply hanging out with her childhood friend,” Capers said.
According to the indictment, Chavez, A. Saenz, J. Saenz, Portillo and other members of the Sailors Locos Salvatruchas Westside MS-13 clique were out looking for rival gang members to kill when they recognized Cuevas walking along Stahley Street. According to authorities, A. Saenz and J. Saenz, the leaders of the clique, authorized killing Cuevas and Mickens before Portillo and several other gang members attacked the teens with machetes and baseball bats.
Pena-Hernandez was targeted because fellow MS-13 members suspected he may have been cooperating with police, and had possibly violated other rules within the MS-13 code, authorities said.
Maybe he needs a restorative circle, he is really a good kid. Point is, uft and doe have been scamming us for years...
Police have released video and a sketch of a robbery suspect who they say is wanted in at least three attacks on women in Queens.
The most recent incident happened around 5:45 p.m. Tuesday on Harrow Street near 71st Avenue.
The victim, who declined to give her name, said the suspect was waiting in a parked car and once he saw her walking alone, she said he struck without saying a word.
“He had this rage in his eyes. This rage like he hit with all he got,” she said. “He just ran straight up to me and started screaming and waving his weapon in his left hand.”
She now has six stitches in right side of her head where she was hit three times with what she describes as a long metal object. She came to on the sidewalk, terrified he would be standing over her.
“It took me a few minutes to regain consciousness and I didn’t get up,” she said. “I wasn’t sure he was still there.”
The suspect was gone along with her purse, credit and debit cards and about $51 in cash, police said.
“I don’t feel safe anymore in that area,” the woman said. “Not in that location.”
Police say this is isn’t the first time he’s struck in the Forest Hills neighborhood. Detectives say he was caught on surveillance video running from the scene of another attack back in January.
In that case, police said he walked up to a 63-year-old woman on the corner of 65th Avenue and 99th Street, pulled out a knife and then punched the woman in the face.
He then grabbed the woman’s purse and fled on foot towards 102nd Street.
Does everyone have access to a TV, smartphone, newspaper or is anonymous the sole source of news?
Another 50 showed up today. Next hearing date is next Friday -- anyone who is not working should come down and join us. If Mulgrew had a brain he would be there. Marilyn is using a NYSUT attorney - UFT has no official role. One parent told us they talked to someone with the UFT who said they had no role. The parent pointed out we were there from MORE to show support- that seemed to get the UFT person nervous. I would bet that next week they may feel it necessary to send someone so they don't look so bad. Imagine if Mulgrew showed up to send Farina a message.
I almost wish that Marilyn did NOT use a NYSUT lawyer. That would send a very harsh message to the UFT that we have no faith in them. (Yes, I know that our UFT dues pay for NYSUT lawyers) This is the only reason why most teachers will keep paying dues after NY becomes a right to work state. However, think of it this way, if she took on a private lawyer and won her case, it would show that we could take our dues money and just hire a private lawyer to defend us instead of paying the UFT to dine on steak while selling us out on evaluations, crappy contracts, etc.
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